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Go package to easily convert a URL's query parameters/values into usable struct values of the correct types.


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Query Param

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Stop accessing query strings and repeatedly parsing them into your preferred values - queryparam can do that for you!


go get -u


Please use the latest major version. This requires the /v4 at the end of the import as per the go mod documentation.



For examples see godoc examples.


Transform your http handlers from this...

func searchUsersHandler(r *http.Request, rw http.ResponseWriter) {
	values := r.URL.Query()

	userIDs := make([]string, 0)
	if userIDsStr := values.Get("id"); userIDsStr != "" {
		userIDs = strings.Split(userIDsStr, ",")
	teamIDs := make([]string, 0)
	if teamIDsStr := values.Get("team-id"); teamIDsStr != "" {
		teamIDs = strings.Split(teamIDsStr, ",")
	mustBeActive := false
	switch strings.ToLower(values.Get("must-be-active")) {
	case "true", "yes", "y":
		mustBeActive = true
	case "":
		// unhandled bool value... handle as 400 or ignore to default as false
	createdAfter := time.Time{}
	if createdAfterStr := values.Get("must-be-active"); createdAfterStr != "" {
		var err error
		createdAfter, err = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, createdAfterStr)
		if err != nil {
			// bad time value

	users, err := searchUsers(userIDs, teamIDs, mustBeActive, createdAfter)

	// handle users and err...

To this...

func searchUsersHandler(r *http.Request, rw http.ResponseWriter) {
	req := struct {
		UserIDs      []string  `queryparam:"id"`
		TeamIDs      []string  `queryparam:"team-id"`
		MustBeActive bool      `queryparam:"must-be-active"`
		CreatedAfter time.Time `queryparam:"created-after"`

	err := queryparam.Parse(r.URL.Query(), &req)
	switch err {
	case nil:
	case queryparam.ErrInvalidBoolValue: // only necessary if the request contains a bool value
		// they have entered a non-bool value.
		// this can be handled this as a 400 or ignored to default to false.
		// something went wrong when parsing a value.
		// send a 500.

	users, err := searchUsers(req.UserIDs, req.TeamIDs, req.MustBeActive, req.CreatedAfter)

	// handle users and err...


By default queryparam can parse the following types.

  • string
  • []string
  • int
  • int32
  • int64
  • float32
  • float64
  • bool
  • time.Time
  • queryparam.Present

Custom Types

You can add custom type parsers and setters with the following:

// your custom type.
type MyCustomStringType string

// add a value parser for the custom type.
queryparam.DefaultParser.ValueParsers[reflect.TypeOf(MyCustomStringType(""))] = func(value string, _ string) (reflect.Value, error) {
    return reflect.ValueOf(MyCustomStringType(value)), nil

You can override the default value parsers in a similar manner...

queryparam.DefaultParser.ValueParsers[reflect.TypeOf("")] = func(value string, _ string) (reflect.Value, error) {
    // my custom string parser
    return reflect.ValueOf(value), nil