title: Intellij Master author: name: "Thomas Queste" url: "tomsquest.com" email: "[email protected]" twitter: "@ThomasQueste" output: index.html style: index.css controls: false
- Master the Keyboard
- Master the Editor
- Master the Settings
- Master the Plugins --
- 1 correct answer = 1 point
- Top 3 players win a yoyo
- 1 random player wins a yoyo
- Stickers for the others --
- Commit subjet: 50 chars
- Commit body: wrap at 72 chars
- Empty line between subject and body --
- Key Promoter: for learning
- Shifter: change visibility, inc/decr numbers, dates...
- Log support 2: brings logger inspection, eg. forgotten param in
log.info("foo: {}")
- Acejump: Jump Around!
- Sonar Lint: becoz errors --
- Qwerty > Azerty
- Touch type --