function updated = PTKUpdate(varargin) % PTKUpdate. A script to update the PTK codebase via git % % % % Licence % ------- % Part of the TD Pulmonary Toolkit. % Author: Tom Doel, 2015. % Distributed under the GNU GPL v3 licence. Please see website for details. % persistent PTK_LastUpdated force_update = nargin > 0 && strcmp(varargin{1}, 'force'); current_date = date(); updated = false; % We check for updates at most once per day, to avoid unnecessary % startup delays if force_update || isempty(PTK_LastUpdated) || ~strcmp(PTK_LastUpdated, current_date) PTK_LastUpdated = current_date; if checkDoNotUpdate() && ~force_update disp('Note: automatic update checks have been turned off.'); elseif ~isWebsiteFound() disp('Note: cannot check for updates as cannot connect to repository.'); elseif ~isMasterBranch() disp('Note: PTK only checks for updates when master branch is checked out.'); else clearDoNotUpdate(); full_path = mfilename('fullpath'); [rootSourceDir, ~, ~] = fileparts(full_path); [rootSourceDir, ~, ~] = fileparts(rootSourceDir); repoList = DepMatRepo('pulmonarytoolkit', 'master', '', 'pulmonarytoolkit'); depMat = DepMat(repoList, rootSourceDir); status = depMat.getAllStatus(); switch status case DepMatStatus.GitNotFound disp('! Cannot check for updates as git could not be found'); case DepMatStatus.DirectoryNotFound disp('! Cannot check for updates as the repository could not be found'); case DepMatStatus.NotUnderSourceControl disp('! Cannot check for updates as this repository does not appear to be under git source control'); case DepMatStatus.FetchFailure disp('! Cannot check for updates because a failure occurred previously during fetch. Please fix the repository and delete the depmat_fetch_failure file.'); case DepMatStatus.UpToDate case {DepMatStatus.UpdateAvailable, DepMatStatus.LocalChanges} answer = questdlg('A new version of PTK is available. Do you wish to update PTK?','Pulmonary Toolkit','Later','Do not ask me again', 'Update','Update'); if strcmp(answer, 'Do not ask me again') setDoNotUpdateFlag(); elseif strcmp(answer, 'Update') if depMat.updateAll() updated = true; end end case DepMatStatus.Conflict disp('! An update is available but this would cause a conflict. Please update and merge manually.'); case DepMatStatus.GitFailure disp('! Cannot check for updates because a git command failed to execute.'); end end end end function setDoNotUpdateFlag full_path = mfilename('fullpath'); [path_root, ~, ~] = fileparts(full_path); filename = fullfile(path_root, 'do-not-update-git'); fileHandle = fopen(filename, 'w'); fclose(fileHandle); end function doNotUpdate = checkDoNotUpdate full_path = mfilename('fullpath'); [path_root, ~, ~] = fileparts(full_path); filename = fullfile(path_root, 'do-not-update-git'); doNotUpdate = (2 == exist(filename, 'file')); end function found = isWebsiteFound() % Checks for basic website connectivity url = ''; % read the URL try options = weboptions('Timeout', 1); webread(url, options); found = true; catch found = false; end end function clearDoNotUpdate() full_path = mfilename('fullpath'); [path_root, ~, ~] = fileparts(full_path); filename = fullfile(path_root, 'do-not-update-git'); if (2 == exist(filename, 'file')) delete(filename); end end function repoExists = isMasterBranch() [success, branch] = DepMat.execute('git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name --abbrev-ref HEAD'); branch = strtrim(branch); repoExists = success && strcmp(branch, 'master'); end