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Releases: tokio-rs/tokio

Tokio 0.2.16

04 Apr 00:05
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This release fixes a regression in tokio::sync and a bug in tokio::fs::copy. It also
adds a new APIs to tokio::time and tokio::io.


  • sync: fix a regression where Mutex, Semaphore, and RwLock futures no
    longer implement Sync (#2375)
  • fs: fix fs::copy not copying file permissions (#2354)


  • time: added deadline method to delay_queue::Expired (#2300)
  • io: added StreamReader (#2052)

Tokio v0.2.15

02 Apr 16:44
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Fixes a queue regression and adds a new disarm fn to mpsc::Sender.


  • rt: fix queue regression (#2362).


  • sync: Add disarm to mpsc::Sender (#2358).

Tokio v0.2.14

01 Apr 21:03
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This release introduces automatic cooperative task yielding. This article describes the new functionality in more detail.


  • rt: concurrency bug in scheduler (#2273).
  • rt: concurrency bug with shell runtime (#2333).
  • test-util: correct pause/resume of time (#2253).
  • time: DelayQueue correct wakeup after insert (#2285).


  • io: impl RawFd, AsRawHandle for std io types (#2335).
  • rt: automatic cooperative task yielding (#2160, #2343, #2349).
  • sync: RwLock::into_inner (#2321).


  • sync: semaphore, mutex internals rewritten to avoid allocations (#2325).

Tokio v0.2.13

28 Feb 21:56
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Fixes a minor bug in the previous release that resulted in compilation errors using the new pin! form.


  • macros: unresolved import in pin! (#2281).

Tokio v0.2.12

27 Feb 18:37
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Polish, small additions, and fixes. The biggest additions in this release are StreamMap and Notify.


Similar to StreamExt::merge, StreamMap supports merging multiple source streams into a single stream, producing items as they become available in the source streams. However, StreamMap supports inserting and removing streams at run-time. This is useful for cases where a consumer wishes to subscribe to messages from multiple sources and dynamically manage those subscriptions.

As the name implies, StreamMap maps keys to streams. Streams are [inserted] or [removed] as needed and then the StreamMap is used as any other stream. Items are returned with their keys, enabling the caller to identify which source stream the item originated from.


use tokio::stream::{StreamExt, StreamMap};
use tokio::sync::mpsc;

async fn main() {
    let (mut tx1, rx1) = mpsc::channel(10);
    let (mut tx2, rx2) = mpsc::channel(10);
    // use `Sender` handles

    let mut map = StreamMap::new();

    // Insert both streams
    map.insert("one", rx1);
    map.insert("two", rx2);

    // Read twice
    for _ in 0..2 {
        let (key, val) =;

        println!("got {} from {}", val, key);

        // Remove the stream to prevent reading the next value


Notify is the next step in providing async / await based synchronization primitives. It is similar to how thread::park() / unpark() work, but for asynchronous tasks. Consumers await notifications and producers notify consumers. Notify is intended to be used as a building block for higher level synchronization primitives, such as channels.


Basic usage.

use tokio::sync::Notify;
use std::sync::Arc;

async fn main() {
    let notify = Arc::new(Notify::new());
    let notify2 = notify.clone();

    tokio::spawn(async move {
        println!("received notification");

    println!("sending notification");

Here is how Notify can be used as a building block for an unbounded channel.

use tokio::sync::Notify;

use std::collections::VecDeque;
use std::sync::Mutex;

struct Channel<T> {
    values: Mutex<VecDeque<T>>,
    notify: Notify,

impl<T> Channel<T> {
    pub fn send(&self, value: T) {

        // Notify the consumer a value is available

    pub async fn recv(&self) -> T {
        loop {
            // Drain values
            if let Some(value) = self.values.lock().unwrap().pop_front() {
                return value;

            // Wait for values to be available



  • net: UnixStream::poll_shutdown should call shutdown(Write) (#2245).
  • process: Wake up read and write on EPOLLERR (#2218).
  • rt: potential deadlock when using block_in_place and shutting down the
    runtime (#2119).
  • rt: only detect number of CPUs if core_threads not specified (#2238).
  • sync: reduce watch::Receiver struct size (#2191).
  • time: succeed when setting delay of $MAX-1 (#2184).
  • time: avoid having to poll DelayQueue after inserting new delay (#2217).


  • macros: pin! variant that assigns to identifier and pins (#2274).
  • net: impl Stream for Listener types (#2275).
  • rt: Runtime::shutdown_timeout waits for runtime to shutdown for specified
    duration (#2186).
  • stream: StreamMap merges streams and can insert / remove streams at
    runtime (#2185).
  • stream: StreamExt::skip() skips a fixed number of items (#2204).
  • stream: StreamExt::skip_while() skips items based on a predicate (#2205).
  • sync: Notify provides basic async / await task notification (#2210).
  • sync: Mutex::into_inner retrieves guarded data (#2250).
  • sync: mpsc::Sender::send_timeout sends, waiting for up to specified duration
    for channel capacity (#2227).
  • time: impl Ord and Hash for Instant (#2239).

Tokio v0.2.11

27 Jan 18:40
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Introduces select!, join!, and try_join! macros for waiting on multiple async operations concurrently from the same task. These macros are implemented primarily as declarative macros, which works around the recursion limit issue. The select! macro works with any type that implements Future and does not require special FusedFuture traits.


  • docs: misc fixes and tweaks (#2155, #2103, #2027, #2167, #2175).
  • macros: handle generics in #[tokio::main] method (#2177).
  • sync: broadcast potential lost notifications (#2135).
  • rt: improve "no runtime" panic messages (#2145).


  • optional support for using parking_lot internally (#2164).
  • fs: fs::copy, an async version of std::fs::copy (#2079).
  • macros: select! waits for the first branch to complete (#2152).
  • macros: join! waits for all branches to complete (#2158).
  • macros: try_join! waits for all branches to complete or the first error (#2169).
  • macros: pin! pins a value to the stack (#2163).
  • net: ReadHalf::poll() and ReadHalf::poll_peak (#2151)
  • stream: StreamExt::timeout() sets a per-item max duration (#2149).
  • stream: StreamExt::fold() applies a function, producing a single value. (#2122).
  • sync: impl Eq, PartialEq for oneshot::RecvError (#2168).
  • task: methods for inspecting the JoinError cause (#2051).

Tokio v0.2.10

21 Jan 21:44
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Introduces a task-local storage solution that works with Rust's "task" concept and supports multiplexing futures on the same runtime task (#2126). A number of other incremental improvements are included.

This release includes a few fixes, including fixing a scenario in which undefined behavior could be introduced when the user provided a buggy AsyncRead implementation.


  • #[tokio::main] when rt-core feature flag is not enabled (#2139).
  • remove AsyncBufRead from BufStream impl block (#2108).
  • potential undefined behavior when implementing AsyncRead incorrectly (#2030).


  • BufStream::with_capacity (#2125).
  • impl From and Default for RwLock (#2089).
  • io::ReadHalf::is_pair_of checks if provided WriteHalf is for the same
    underlying object (#1762, #2144).
  • runtime::Handle::try_current() returns a handle to the current runtime (#2118).
  • stream::empty() returns an immediately ready empty stream (#2092).
  • stream::once(val) returns a stream that yields a single value: val (#2094).
  • stream::pending() returns a stream that never becomes ready (#2092).
  • StreamExt::chain() sequences a second stream after the first completes (#2093).
  • StreamExt::collect() transform a stream into a collection (#2109).
  • StreamExt::fuse ends the stream after the first None (#2085).
  • StreamExt::merge combines two streams, yielding values as they become ready (#2091).
  • Task-local storage (#2126).

Tokio v0.2.9

09 Jan 22:24
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Includes only fixes.


  • AsyncSeek impl for File (#1986).
  • rt: shutdown deadlock in threaded_scheduler (#2074, #2082).
  • rt: memory ordering when dropping JoinHandle (#2044).
  • docs: misc API documentation fixes and improvements.

Tokio v0.2.8

07 Jan 22:39
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A breaking change was accidentally introduced in tokio-macros. The breaking change was reverted and Tokio v0.2.8 depends on the correct version of tokio-macros.


  • depend on new version of tokio-macros.

Tokio v0.2.7

07 Jan 19:45
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This release includes both bug fixes and incremental improvements across most of Tokio. The primary bug fixes are to Runtime configured with basic_scheduler and task::LocalSet.


  • potential deadlock when dropping basic_scheduler Runtime.
  • calling spawn_blocking from within a spawn_blocking (#2006).
  • storing a Runtime instance in a thread-local (#2011).
  • miscellaneous documentation fixes.
  • rt: fix Waker::will_wake to return true when tasks match (#2045).
  • test-util: time::advance runs pending tasks before changing the time (#2059).


  • net::lookup_host maps a T: ToSocketAddrs to a stream of SocketAddrs (#1870).
  • process::Child fields are made public to match std (#2014).
  • impl Stream for sync::broadcast::Receiver (#2012).
  • sync::RwLock provides an asynchonous read-write lock (#1699).
  • runtime::Handle::current returns the handle for the current runtime (#2040).
  • StreamExt::filter filters stream values according to a predicate (#2001).
  • StreamExt::filter_map simultaneously filter and map stream values (#2001).
  • StreamExt::try_next convenience for streams of Result<T, E> (#2005).
  • StreamExt::take limits a stream to a specified number of values (#2025).
  • StreamExt::take_while limits a stream based on a predicate (#2029).
  • StreamExt::all tests if every element of the stream matches a predicate (#2035).
  • StreamExt::any tests if any element of the stream matches a predicate (#2034).
  • task::LocalSet.await runs spawned tasks until the set is idle (#1971).
  • time::DelayQueue::len returns the number entries in the queue (#1755).
  • expose runtime options from the #[tokio::main] and #[tokio::test] (#2022).