To use the API, you need to authenticate yourself. This can be done via HTTP POST or HTTP Basic Auth. After successful authentication a session is created using a cookie.
In the current API implementation and for this documentation, the "username" is simply the user's email.
For HTTP Basic Auth you have to add the Authorization header with the request. The Authorization header is constructed as follows:
- Username and password are combined into a string
or if you use the api token it should be combinedxxxx:api_token
(xxx indicating user's personal token) - The resulting string literal is then encoded using Base64
- The authorization method and a space i.e. "Basic " is then put before the encoded string.
- For example, if the user agent uses 'Aladdin' as the username and 'open sesame' as the password then the header is formed as follows:
Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
If authentication fails, HTTP status code 403 is returned.
Example request (See also chapter about getting detailed user data)
curl -v -u [email protected]:secret -X GET
"data": {
"email":"[email protected]",
"fullname":"John Doe",
"jquery_timeofday_format":"h:i A",
"timeofday_format":"h:mm A",
"duration_format": "improved",
"at": "2015-02-17T16:58:53+00:00",
"created_at": "2014-07-31T07:51:17+00:00",
"timezone": "Europe/London",
"retention": 9,
"projects": [
"name":"Our best project",
"tags": [
"tasks": [],
"workspaces": [
"name":"John's WS",
"default_hourly_rate": 0,
"default_currency": "USD",
"projects_billable_by_default": true,
"rounding": 1,
"rounding_minutes": 0,
"api_token": "ea897..."
"clients": []
When using Basic Auth and API token, use the API token as username and string "api_token" as password.
Example request
curl -v -u 1971800d4d82861d8f2c1651fea4d212:api_token -X GET
"data": {
"email":"[email protected]",
"fullname":"John Doe",
"jquery_timeofday_format":"h:i A",
"timeofday_format":"h:mm A",
"projects": [],
"tags": [],
"tasks": [],
"workspaces": [
"id":777,"name":"John's WS","at":"2012-11-28T11:56:49+00:00"
"clients": []
It's possible to create a session. The session creation request sets a cookie in the response header __Host-timer-session
, which you can use for authentication in all the API requests.
Example request
curl --data="" -v -u 1971800d4d82861d8f2c1651fea4d212:api_token -X POST
Successful response header includes the cookie
< Set-Cookie: __Host-timer-session=MTM2MzA4MJa8jA3OHxEdi1CQkFFQ180SUFBUkFCRUFBQVlQLUNBQUVHYzNSeWFXNW5EQXdBQ25ObGMzTnBiMjVmYVdRR2MzUnlhVzVuREQ0QVBIUnZaMmRzTFdGd2FTMXpaWE56YVc5dUxUSXRaalU1WmpaalpEUTVOV1ZsTVRoaE1UaGhaalpqWkRkbU5XWTJNV0psWVRnd09EWmlPVEV3WkE9PXweAkG7kI6NBG-iqvhNn1MSDhkz2Pz_UYTzdBvZjCaA==; Path=/; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=Lax
And body contains user's data
"data": {
"email":"[email protected]",
"fullname":"John Swift",
"jquery_timeofday_format":"h:i A",
"timeofday_format":"h:mm A",
Destroy the session manually by sending an according request to the API.
Example request
curl -v --cookie __Host-timer-session=MTM2MzA4MJa8jA3OHxEdi1CQkFFQ180SUFBUkFCRUFBQVlQLUNBQUVHYzNSeWFXNW5EQXdBQ25ObGMzTnBiMjVmYVdRR2MzUnlhVzVuREQ0QVBIUnZaMmRzTFdGd2FTMXpaWE56YVc5dUxUSXRaalU1WmpaalpEUTVOV1ZsTVRoaE1UaGhaalpqWkRkbU5XWTJNV0psWVRnd09EWmlPVEV3WkE9PXweAkG7kI6NBG-iqvhNn1MSDhkz2Pz_UYTzdBvZjCaA== -X DELETE
Successful request will return 200 OK