DevBook is a web application inspired by Facebook built using Ruby on Rails and React/Redux. By the end of Week 9, this app will, at a minimum, satisfy the following criteria with smooth, bug-free navigation, adequate seed data and sufficient CSS styling:
- Hosting on Heroku
- New account creation, login, and guest/demo login
- Profiles
- Friending
- Comments/posting on each others' walls
- Infinite Scroll
- Production README
Objective: Functioning rails project with front-end Authentication
Objective: Profile information (including avatars) can be added to users accounts, edited, and displayed nicely.
Objective: Users can search for and request friends, accept or deny friend requests, and block other users.
objective: Statuses can be posted (including images), users see activity (statuses posted) from themselves and their friends.
Objective: Statuses can be commented on.
objective: Add infinite scroll to feed
- Photos/Albums
- Notifications
- Likes
- Search
- Messaging
- URL previews