This repo contains the accompanying demo app to the Tinybird Quick Start video + guide.
You will accomplish the following:
- Sign up for Tinybird
- Ingest data
- Query data
- Publish as an API
- Call the API
- Update Tinybird workspace via CLI
- Node.js >= 18.18
- Python: 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, or 3.11
- A free Tinybird account
Open repo in VS Code or editor of choice.
Then install app dependencies from the root of the repo:
npm i
Create a free Tinybird account
Select region
Create workspace called customer_rewards
Upload orders.ndjson (found in quick-start-demo/data)
Append data source using Events API
From the terminal run one of the following:
Copy cURL command from Events API modal and change -d line to
-d $'{"cost":8.01,"date":"2024-08-09 10:32:20.164","first_name":"Cameron","online_order":1,"order":"pastry","store":"145 N Washington Boulevard","transaction_id":"7dc1f433-ccbd-4791-b8df-701643b0bbae","used_rewards":1}'
Update the following with your Tinybird API base url and admin token
curl \
-X POST '<TINYBIRD API BASE URL>/v0/events?name=orders' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <TINYBIRD ADMIN TOKEN>" \
-d $'{"cost":8.01,"date":"2024-08-09 10:32:20.164","first_name":"Cameron","online_order":1,"order":"pastry","store":"145 N Washington Boulevard","transaction_id":"7dc1f433-ccbd-4791-b8df-701643b0bbae","used_rewards":1}'
In Tinybird UI, select Create Pipe.
Rename Pipe to rewards and first node to spend_and_progress
Copy the following into spend_and_progress node
first_name AS name,
round(sum(cost), 2) AS total_spend,
round(total_spend - floor(total_spend, -2), 2) AS current_progress,
100 - current_progress AS remaining_spend
FROM orders
WHERE used_rewards = 0 AND name = {{ String(name, 'April') }}
Copy the following into the transformation node, run, and then rename to endpoint
SELECT name, 'current_progress' AS type, current_progress AS value
FROM spend_and_progress
SELECT name, 'remaining' AS type, remaining_spend AS value
FROM spend_and_progress
Select Create API Endpoint and select endpoint
(to test, copy HTTP request into new browser tab)
Select Create Chart
General tab:
- Name: Next Reward
- Type: Donut Chart
Data tab
- Index: type
- Category: value
- Legend: Show legend in chart checked
Style tab
- Chart colors: update 2nd color to #717380
- Height: 300px
- Border Radius: 6px
Save chart
Install Tinybird charts from the root of the repo by running
npm install @tinybirdco/charts
Copy Next Reward component into components/next-reward.tsx and save
Go to dashboard/page.tsx and Import NextReward component and add it into the Page() component then save
Run it locally:
npm run dev
Then open http://localhost:3000/dashboard with your browser.
Reference; CLI overview
From top-level, move to tinybird folder
cd tinybird
Create a virtual environment for Python 3
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
Authenticate with your admin token
tb auth -i
Push the Pipes
tb push
Return to repo's top-level with a new terminal or
cd ..
Create a new file .env.local
cp .env.example .env.local
You need to copy your Tinybird host and token to the .env.local
file in your directory:
Make sure to use the correct API base URL for your selected region
NEXT_PUBLIC_TINYBIRD_STATIC_READ_TOKEN="chart_read_token (available in UI from Tokens after pushing pipes)"
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see all of the charts!
(Note: you may need to restart your local server)
npm run dev
What will you build next?