This repository includes a GitHub Action that builds the colorschemes once a week. This keeps the colorschemes up-to-date automatically.
- Install tinted-builder-rust
tinted-builder-rust build path/to/tinted-vim
- Clone tinted-vim
- Install tinted-builder-rust
- Execute
tinted-builder-rust build path/to/tinted-vim
tinted-builder-rust build /path/to/tinted-vim \
--schemes-dir /path/to/tinted-schemes
If you have more questions about tinted-builder-rust, have a look at the information on the GitHub page.
Check out the help
:h tinted-vim
for an overview of all the highlights. -
Use those mappings:
command! -complete=highlight -nargs=1 HighlightHighlight execute 'highlight! link ' . <q-args> . ' Search' " See where a highlight is used. nn <leader>e :HighlightHighlight " Why does this element have this specific color? nn <silent><leader>i :Inspect<CR> " Reload colorscheme after changes to tinted-vim. nn <silent><leader>c :colorscheme base24-summerfruit-dark<cr>