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842 lines (607 loc) · 29.4 KB

File metadata and controls

842 lines (607 loc) · 29.4 KB

io.github.threatgrid/ring-swagger 0.26.3 (15.8.2023)

  • Fix memory leaks via multimethods caching default dispatch values

0.26.2 (1.4.2019)

[cheshire "5.8.1"] is available but we use "5.8.0"
[metosin/ring-http-response "0.9.1"] is available but we use "0.9.0"
[ring/ring-core "1.7.1"] is available but we use "1.6.3"
[metosin/schema-tools "0.11.0"] is available but we use "0.10.3"
[prismatic/schema "1.1.10"] is available but we use "1.1.9"
[metosin/scjsv "0.5.0"] is available but we use "0.4.1"
[clj-time "0.15.1"] is available but we use "0.14.4"

0.26.1 (15.6.2018)

Updated dependencies:

[metosin/schema-tools "0.10.3"] is available but we use "0.9.1"
[prismatic/schema "1.1.9"] is available but we use "1.1.7"
[clj-time "0.14.4"] is available but we use "0.14.2"
[potemkin "0.4.5"] is available but we use "0.4.4"
[frankiesardo/linked "1.3.0"] is available but we use "1.2.9"

0.26.0 (16.2.2018)

  • BREAKING: drop automatic (potemkin) imports of ring.middleware.multipart-params from ring.swagger.upload to support non-servlet servers. You can require those manually.

  • Updated deps

[metosin/scjsv "0.4.1"] is available but we use "0.4.0"

0.25.0 (9.1.2018)

  • BREAKING: requires Java 1.8+
  • Cleanup transitive dependency conflicts
  • Support both swagger-ui major versions (2.* and 3.*)

0.24.4 (11.12.2017)

  • Updated deps
[prismatic/plumbing "0.5.5"] is available but we use "0.5.4"
[ring/ring-core "1.6.3"] is available but we use "1.6.2"
[clj-time "0.14.2"] is available but we use "0.14.0"

0.24.3 (24.10.2017)

  • Emit :x-oneOf and :x-oneOf instead of :oneOf & :anyOf for Swagger2, thanks to Nicolas Ha
[metosin/schema-tools "0.9.1"] is available but we use "0.9.0"
[prismatic/schema "1.1.7"] is available but we use "1.1.6"

0.24.2 (24.8.2017)

{:get {:parameters {:query {:kikka/kukka String}}
       :responses {200 (rsjs/describe
                         {:body {:kikka/kukka String}}
                         "A meta description")}}}
  • Easy to define custom coercions via multimethod, thanks to Nick Bailey
(require '[ring.swagger.coerce :as coerce])

(defmethod coerce/custom-matcher  [_]  #( %))
  • updated deps:
[cheshire "5.8.0"] is available but we use "5.7.1"
[potemkin "0.4.4"] is available but we use "0.4.3"

0.24.1 (25.7.2017)

[ring/ring-core "1.6.2"] is available but we use "1.6.0"
[prismatic/schema "1.1.6"] is available but we use "1.1.5"
[clj-time "0.14.0"] is available but we use "0.13.0"

0.24.0 (11.5.2017)

  • Drop [slingshot "0.12.2"] dependency, use ex-info instead.

  • Support qualified keywords in swagger parameters, fixes #93

  • Depend directly on [ring/ring-core "1.6.0"]

  • updated dependencies:

[ring/ring-core "1.6.0"] is available but we use "1.6.0-beta7"
[cheshire "5.7.1"] is available but we use "5.7.0"
[prismatic/plumbing "0.5.4"] is available but we use "0.5.3"
[prismatic/schema "1.1.5"] is available but we use "1.1.3"
[metosin/ring-http-response "0.9.0"] is available but we use "0.8.2"
[metosin/ring-swagger-ui "2.2.10"] is available but we use "2.2.8"

0.23.0 (10.2.2017)

  • BREAKING: Requires Java 1.7
  • BREAKING: ring.swagger.ui is now ring.swagger.swagger-ui with new map-based options:
    • swagger-ui takes just a single options map instead of varargs with new key path for the path to be mounted
    • wrap-swagger-ui takes just a single options map (with path) instead of varargs
    • both support the new async-ring
    • Fixes #99
(require '[ring.swagger.swagger-ui :as ui])

(ui/swagger-ui {:path "/api-docs"})

(-> app (ui/wrap-swagger-ui {:path "/api-docs"}))
  • Support async-ring in ring.swagger.middleware

  • Support for return type, mapping to "file"

  • Use ex-info & ex-data instead of Slingshot in exceptions

  • updated dependencies:

[cheshire "5.7.0"] is available but we use "5.6.3"
[metosin/ring-http-response "0.8.2"] is available but we use "0.8.1"
  • droped dependencies:
[slingshot "0.12.2"]

0.22.14 (11.1.2017)

  • updated dependencies:
[metosin/ring-http-response "0.8.1"] is available but we use "0.8.0"

0.22.13 (7.1.2017)

  • produce json schema properties also from non-keyword keys
  • updated dependencies:
[clj-time "0.13.0"] is available but we use "0.12.1"

0.22.12 (31.10.2016)

  • Support for Java 1.8 Dates, fixes #107. Thanks to Matt K for contributing!
  • updated dependencies:
[metosin/scjsv "0.4.0"] is available but we use "0.3.0"
[clj-time "0.12.1"] is available but we use "0.12.0"
[frankiesardo/linked "1.2.9"] is available but we use "1.2.8"

0.22.11 (27.9.2016)

  • Validating a schema does not load anything from the Internet anymore, fixes #113.
  • updated dependencies:
[frankiesardo/linked "1.2.8"] is available but we use "1.2.7"

0.22.10 (29.8.2016)

  • Support for schema.core/defrecords, fixes #103.
  • Support for primitives & arrays of primitives both in :body & :response.
  • Support for top-level Schema-records for non-body-parameters, fixes #104.
  • Fixed to work Clojure 1.9 alpha11, thanks to Brent Hagany
  • Support for org.joda.time.LocalTime, thanks to Francesco Bellomi!
  • Fixes all reflection warnings
  • s/Any as a value generates empty object {} to JSON Schema, Fixes #91, thanks to Mika Haapakorpi for the tip.
[cheshire "5.6.3"] is available but we use "5.6.1"
[metosin/ring-http-response "0.8.0"] is available but we use "0.7.0"
[metosin/scjsv "0.3.0"] is available but we use "0.2.0"
[prismatic/schema "1.1.3"] is available but we use "1.1.2"
[frankiesardo/linked "1.2.7"] is available but we use "1.2.6"

0.22.9 (14.6.2016)

  • Map-schema swagger-metadata is set to target schema-object, not for the $ref of it, fixes #96.
  • Better support for additional json-schema meta-data via ring.swagger.json-schema/field:
(s/defschema Required
    {:name s/Str
     :title s/Str
     :address (rsjs/field
                (rsjs/field s/Str {:description "description here"})
                {:description "Streename"
                 :example "Ankkalinna 1"})}
    {:minProperties 1
     :description "I'm required"
     :example {:name "Iines"
               :title "Ankka"}}))
  • Better support for nillable fields via x-nullable standard hack, fixes fixes #97

  • updated dependencies:

[metosin/ring-http-response "0.7.0"] is available but we use "0.6.5"
[prismatic/schema "1.1.2"] is available but we use "1.1.1"
[clj-time "0.12.0"] is available but we use "0.11.0"

0.22.8 (21.5.2016)

[prismatic/schema "1.1.1"] is available but we use "1.1.0"

0.22.7 (24.4.2016)

  • update dependencies:
[prismatic/schema "1.1.0"] is available but we use "1.0.5"
[cheshire "5.6.1"] is available but we use "5.5.0"
[prismatic/plumbing "0.5.3"] is available but we use "0.5.2"

0.22.6 (20.3.2016)


  • updated dependencies:
[metosin/schema-tools "0.9.0"] is available but we use "0.8.0"

0.22.5 (17.3.2016)


[prismatic/schema "1.0.5"] is available but we use "1.0.4"
[metosin/schema-tools "0.8.0"] is available but we use "0.7.0"

0.22.4 (11.2.2016)


  • Closed Map Schemas (e.g. s/find-extra-keys-schema returning nil) will have :additionalProperties set to false.
  • Path-parameters are always required (in align to the spec)
  • Body-parameters are not required if wrapped in schema.core.Maybe
  • ring.swagger.coerce/query-coercions now apply both :json and :query coercions for s/Int, Long and Double
  • Cleaned up internals
    • ring.swagger.swagger2/transform -> ring.swagger.json-schema/schema-object

0.22.3 (17.1.2016)


  • Fixed generating Swagger path templates in cases where path parameter is followed by an extension (#82)

  • Make the JSON Schema validator public: ring.swagger.validator/validate.

(require '[ring.swagger.validator :as v])

(v/validate (rs/swagger-json {:paths {"/api/ping" {:get nil}}}))
; nil

(v/validate (rs/swagger-json {:pathz {"/api/ping" {:get nil}}}))
; ({:level "error"
;   :schema {:loadingURI "#", :pointer ""}
;   :instance {:pointer ""}
;   :domain "validation"
;   :keyword "additionalProperties"
;   :message "object instance has properties which are not allowed by the schema: [\"pathz\"]", :unwanted ["pathz"]})

0.22.2 (13.1.2016)


  • Discard all extra map keys from properties (#77)
  • All Schema extra keys are now exposed as Swagger additional properties.
    • Previously only s/Keyword were supported.
  • Fix JSON Schema nil default value (#79)
  • Updated dependencies:
[prismatic/schema "1.0.4"] is available but we use "1.0.3"
[potemkin "0.4.3"] is available but we use "0.4.1"

0.22.1 (29.11.2015)


  • Generate (s/maybe s/Str)-parameters of s/Any for non-body-parameters. Fixes #74.
  • Mappings for s/Symbol & s/Inst
  • Use :default metadata of optional-keys set by Plumbing for Swagger property default field.
[prismatic/plumbing "0.5.2] is available but we use "0.5.1"

0.22.0 (8.11.2015)


  • BREAKING: Dropped support for Clojure 1.6
  • BREAKING: Supports and depends on Schema 1.0.
  • Uses now linked instead of ordered for maps where order matters
  • Fixed #64, use first found schema name to be consistent with Json Schema.
  • Fixed #67 swagger-ui now supports passing arbitrary options to SwaggerUI
  • updated dependencies:
[metosin/schema-tools "0.7.0"] is available but we use "0.5.2"
[prismatic/schema "1.0.3"] is available but we use "0.4.4"
[prismatic/plumbing "0.5.1"] is available but we use "0.4.4"

0.21.0 (1.9.2015)


Breaking changes

  • BREAKING: Swagger 1.2 is no more supported.

  • BREAKING: ring.swagger.json-schema/json-type multimethod is removed

    • will cause compile-time errors for those who have client-side custom extensions
    • new way of doing the Schema -> Swagger Schema mappings:
      • Classes via ring.swagger.json-schema/convert-class multimethod, taking both the class and swagger options
      • Objects (e.g. records) via ring.swagger.json-schema/JsonSchema protocol.
  • lot's of internal cleanup in ring.swagger.json-schema:

    • ->json is now ->swagger and takes options map instead of kwargs.
    • removed option :top (required only for Swagger 1.2)
    • new option :in denote the parameter type (:query, :header, :path, :formData or :body)
      • responses don't have :in.

New features

  • Support for collections in query and form parameters (even with single parameter):

    • Parameters {:query {:x [Long]}} with ring.middleware.params/wrap-params middleware and query-string of x=1&x=2&x?3 with ring.swagger.schema/coercer! should result in x being [1 2 3]
      • Same with Compojure-api: :query-params [x :- [Long]]
    • For now, only supports collectionFormat multi.
  • (From compojure-api) Support for file uploads.

    • ring.swagger.upload/TempFileUpload and ByteArrayUpload Schemas to be used with ring.middleware.multipart-params default stores.
  • support for schema.core.One by Steffen Dienst.

  • :version is not mandatory field in ring-swagger schema (defaults to 0.0.1)

  • new public api fns in ring.swagger.swagger2:

    • transform-operations for generic operation transformations on the client side
    • ensure-body-and-response-schema-names to fix the generated schema names on the client side (vs. the swagger-json generating new names for all the requests.
  • Fixes 54: :paths order is now preserved

    • use in the client side to keep the order.
  • updated dependencies:

[metosin/schema-tools "0.5.2"] is available but we use "0.4.1"
[metosin/ring-http-response "0.6.5"] is available but we use "0.6.2"
[metosin/ring-swagger-ui "2.1.2"] is available but we use "2.0.24"
[prismatic/schema "0.4.4"] is available but we use "0.4.3"
[cheshire "5.5.0"] is available but we use "5.4.0"
[org.flatland/ordered "1.5.3"] is available but we use "1.5.2"
[clj-time "0.11.0"] is available but we use "0.9.0"
[potemkin "0.4.1"] is available but we use "0.3.13"
  • dev-dependencies:
[lein-ring "0.9.6"] is available but we use "0.9.4"
[funcool/codeina "0.3.0"] is available but we use "0.1.0"
[midje "1.7.0"] is available but we use "1.7.0-SNAPSHOT"

0.20.4 (25.5.2015)

  • ring.swagger.swagger2/transform-paths for generic endpoint tranformations.
  • updated dependencies:
[metosin/schema-tools "0.4.1"] is available but we use "0.4.0"
[metosin/ring-http-response "0.6.2"] is available but we use "0.6.1"
[prismatic/schema "0.4.3"] is available but we use "0.4.2"
[prismatic/plumbing "0.4.4"] is available but we use "0.4.3"
  • removed dependency:
[instar "1.0.10" :exclusions [org.clojure/clojure com.keminglabs/cljx org.clojure/clojurescript]]]

0.20.3 (17.5.2015)

  • new option :handle-duplicate-schemas-fn to handle duplicates schemas.
    • breaking: default behaviour is "take the first definition" instead of IllegalArgumentException (the code was broken, did not work with anonymous predicate schemas & regexps.
  • updated deps:
[prismatic/plumbing "0.4.3"] is available but we use "0.4.2"
[lein-ring "0.9.4"] is available but we use "0.9.3"

0.20.2 (2.5.2015)

  • add :type "object" to Swagger 2.0 Definitions, requested by Ron.
  • Middlewares can define extra swagger data, set into a request, read out by swagger-docs
    • setting data via set-swagger-data, reading data via get-swagger-data.
    • wrap-swagger-data middleware for easy publishing of swagger-data.
  • updated dependencies:
[prismatic/schema "0.4.2"] is available but we use "0.4.1"

0.20.1 (26.4.2015)

  • swagger-json now handles nil options, thanks to Frankie Sardo.
  • updated dependencies:
[prismatic/schema "0.4.1"] is available but we use "0.4.0"

0.20.0 (21.4.2015)

  • welcome back the Info schema in ring.swagger.swagger2-schema!
  • ring-swagger defaults in swagger-json are deep-merged in instead of plain merge.
  • breaking: default spec-location has changed from /api/api-docs to /swagger.json in `ring.swagger.ui

0.19.6 (19.4.2015)

  • initial support for additionalProperties via s/Keyword -key in the schemas. Thanks for Juan Patten for the initial code.

0.19.5 (13.4.2015)

  • throw IllegalArgumentException if multiple different schemas have a same name. Fixes #39
  • drop import of javax.servlet ServletContext, causing reflection on Servlet Apps.
  • updated dependencies:
[prismatic/plumbing "0.4.2"] is available but we use "0.4.1"
[metosin/schema-tools "0.4.0"] is available but we use "0.3.0"

0.19.4 (8.4.2015)

  • minify Ring-Swagger 2.0 Schema - just the essentials
  • Swagger2.0 JSON Schema is now in classpath ring/swagger/v2.0_schema.json
  • exclude ill transitive dependencies from Instar (cljx, cljs)
  • use ~1000x faster JSON Schema validator in tests:
[metosin/scjsv "0.2.0"] is available

0.19.3 (31.3.2015)

  • :resourcePath is now set correctly with Swagger 1.2 endpoints (fixes #36.

0.19.2 (31.3.2015)

  • avoid reflection with regexps, thanks to Michael Blume
  • default 2.0 responses don't have schemas
  • support for walking over Schema predicates support for 1.2 too

0.19.1 (25.3.2015)

  • with-named-sub-schemas takes an optional parameter - prefix for schema names
  • Schema-names are now generated as String instead of Keywords in the swagger-json 2.0
  • uses [metosin/schema-tools "0.3.0] to walk over Schema records both to fetch schema names and give names to subschemas (Swagger 2.0 only)
    • see tests - in the end of the file
[lein-ring "0.9.3"] is available but we use "0.9.2"

0.19.0 (20.3.2015)

  • with-named-sub-schemas has learned how to add names to schemas inside s/maybe and others
    • This means that you can now use inline schemas inside s/maybe
  • updated deps:
[prismatic/schema "0.4.0"] is available but we use "0.3.7"
[prismatic/plumbing "0.4.1"] is available but we use "0.3.7"
[potemkin "0.3.12"] is available but we use "0.3.11"
[metosin/ring-http-response "0.6.1"] is available but we use "0.6.0"
  • Fixed compatibility with Schema 0.4.0

0.18.1 (2.3.2015)

  • Fixed wrap-validation-errors defaults

0.18.0 (2.3.2015)

  • fixed Swagger 2.0 response bug #29
  • ring.swagger.swagger2/swagger-json now takes an optional extra argument, the Options-map with options :ignore-missing-mappings? & :default-response-description-fn
  • ensured that ignoring missing mappings works for both body- & non-body parameters
    • moved binding of s/either from ring.swagger.json-schema-dirty to ring.swagger.json-schema. Uses the first schema element as the source for the mappings
    • ring.swagger.middleware/wrap-validation-error takes now options as a single map
  • updated deps:
[metosin/ring-http-status "0.6.0"] is available but we use "0.5.2"
[prismatic/schema "0.3.7"] is available but we use "0.3.3"
[prismatic/plumbing "0.3.7"] is available but we use "0.3.5"
[lein-ring "0.9.2"] is available but we use "0.9.1"

0.17.0 (15.1.2015)

  • revert default spec location to /api/docs to be more backwards compatible. Swagger2-clients should use swagger.json.
  • ring.swagger.middleware/comp-mw to make middleware parametrization easier:
(def wrap-swagger2-ui
  (comp-mw wrap-swagger-ui :swagger-docs "swagger.json"))

0.16.0 (14.1.2015)

  • Swagger 2.0 support!!
    • new namespace ring.swagger.swagger2 with clean public API with Schemas
  • breaking change: default spec location changed from /api/docs to /swagger.json (2.0 standard)
  • breaking change: in ring.swagger.middleware the catch-validation-error is now wrap-validation-error
    • takes an extra option: :error-handler to allow error response customization & :catch-core-errors? for catching :schema.core/errors (defaults to false).
  • one can now plug own coercers for coerce and coerce!
  • use real swagger json schema validator for tests (ring.swagger.validator)
  • potential breaking changes for library developers due massive refactoring
  • support for Regexp schemas:
    • java.util.regex Pattern / s/Regex (as a class)
    • #"^[a-9]$" (as a instance)
  • support for 1.2 spec authorization parameters by Dmitry Groshev
  • oauth2-configs for swagger-ui by Dmitry Groshev
  • updated dependencies:
[cheshire "5.4.0"] is available but we use "5.3.1"
[clj-time "0.9.0"] is available but we use "0.8.0"
*[metosin/ring-swagger-ui "2.0.24"] is available but we use "2.0.17"
*[com.github.fge/json-schema-validator "2.2.6"] is available but we use "2.2.5"
*[lein-ring "0.9.1"] is available but we use "0.8.13"
[instar "1.0.10"]

0.15.0 (8.12.2014)

  • new feature: binding dynamic variable ring.swagger.json-schema/*ignore-missing-mappings* to true will cause unknown json-schema mappings to be ignored
  • fixed #42
  • updated dependencies:
[metosin/ring-http-response "0.5.2"] is available but we use "0.5.1"
[prismatic/schema "0.3.3"] is available but we use "0.3.2"
[ring/ring-core "1.3.2"] is available but we use "1.3.1"

0.14.1 (11.10.2014)

  • support for s/Named
  • use [org.tobereplaced/lettercase "1.0.0"] in favour of [camel-snake-kebab "0.2.5"]
  • update deps:
[prismatic/schema "0.3.2"] is available but we use "0.3.1"

0.14.0 (29.10.2014)

  • support for java.lang.Number, java.lang.Integer, s/Num
  • Updated deps:
[slingshot "0.12.1"] is available but we use "0.12.0"
[metosin/ring-http-response "0.5.1"] is available but we use "0.5.0"
[prismatic/plumbing "0.3.5"] is available but we use "0.3.4"
[camel-snake-kebab "0.2.5"] is available but we use "0.2.4"
[potemkin "0.3.11"] is available but we use "0.3.10"
[lein-ring "0.8.13"] is available but we use "0.8.11"
[prismatic/schema "0.3.1"] is available but we use "0.2.6"

0.13.0 (4.9.2014)

  • Updated dependencies
    • camel-snake-kebab 0.2.0 renamed the ns camel-snake-kebab to camel-snake-kebab.core
  • ring.swagger.json-schema-dirty namespace now provides experimental implementation for s/if, s/conditional and s/either Schema transformations.
  • Fixed a bug with s/recursive

0.12.0 (19.8.2014)

  • Should now keep order of properties in Schemas if using ordered-map

0.11.0 (10.8.2014)

  • Removed ring.swagger.schema/defmodel, please use schema.core/defschema.
  • Split JSON Schema generation to a json-schema module.
  • Refactored Json schema transformations
    • New describe helper:
      • Instead of (field Long {:description "The description"}) you can use
      • (describe Long "The description")

0.10.6 (9.7.2014)

  • ring.swagger.ui/swagger-ui always set content-type of application/javascript for conf.js
  • ring.swagger.ui/wrap-swagger-ui to package swagger-ui as middleware.
  • updated deps:
[prismatic/plumbing "0.3.3"] is available but we use "0.3.2"
[metosin/ring-swagger-ui "2.0.17"] is available but we use "2.0.16-3"
2 artifacts were upgraded.

0.10.5 (28.6.2014)

  • support for s/Uuid, thanks to @phadej!

0.10.3 (28.6.2014)

  • support for header-params.
  • change s/defn to `sm/defn, might fix #12 (plumatic/schema#21)

0.10.2 (22.6.2014)

  • allow primitives as return types (fixes #9)

0.10.1 (20.6.2014)

  • fix bug: with-named-sub-schemas does not fail with s/Keywords.
  • updated deps:
[prismatic/schema "0.2.4"] is available but we use "0.2.3"
[prismatic/plumbing "0.3.2"] is available but we use "0.3.1"
[lein-ring "0.8.11"] is available but we use "0.8.10"

0.10.0 (18.6.2014)

  • support for ResponseModels
  • support for s/Any (maps to void as a return type, fields of this type are ignored)
  • support for s/Keyword (or any other schema.core.Predicate) as a key -> fields are ignored

0.9.1 (17.6.2014)

  • 'cos the deployment of 0.9.0 failed to clojars

0.9.0 (17.6.2014)

  • defmodel with nested anonymous submodels works now with AOT
  • defmodel doesn't contain the model metadata -> removed all the model var-resolutions
  • support for vanilla schema.core/defschemas as the models
  • update to use `[ring "1.3.0"]

0.8.8 (1.6.2014)

  • defmodel now supports anonymous maps within valid containers (set,list,vector)
(require '[ring.swagger.schema :refer :all])
(require '[ring.swagger.core :refer [transform]])

(defmodel Items {:data [{:id Long
                         :name String}]})

;; {:data [{:name java.lang.String, :id java.lang.Long}]}

;; {:name java.lang.String, :id java.lang.Long}

(transform Items)
;; {:properties {:data {:items {:$ref "ItemsData"}, :type "array"}}, :required [:data]}

(transform ItemsData)
;; {:properties {:name {:type "string"}, :id {:type "integer", :format "int64"}}, :required [:name :id]}

0.8.7 (12.5.2014)

  • Added type hints where lein check suggested
  • Added swagger-ui tests for multiple envinronments
    • Fixed swagger-ui for servlet envinronment

0.8.6 (9.5.2014)

  • new ring.swagger.ui-ns provided swagger-ui function which can be used to create ring handler to serve Swagger-ui.
  • updated clojure dependency

0.8.5 (7.5.2014)

  • both consumes and produces can be set by the client side for the api declaration.

0.8.4 (9.4.2014)

  • updated docs
  • strict-schema and loose-schema
  • extract-basepath renamed to basepath, understands the :servlet-context and header x-forwarded-proto

0.8.3 (25.3.2014)

  • fix bug in string-path-parameters

0.8.2 (25.3.2014)

  • path parameters are not set implicitly, clients can use (string-path-parameters url) to create those automatically

0.8.1 (25.3.2014)

  • json schema transformations are now all multimethod-based.
  • support for s/eq
  • support for nil
  • type-of and return-type-of are removed in favour of ->json.
  • Route uri is passed as a String (/api/users/:id) instead of a Vector (["/api/users/" :id])
  • Parameters are passed in Schema-format, not as Json Schema

0.7.4 (10.3.2014)

  • resolve-model-vars uses Walking to preserve the original collection form (Sets)
  • return-type-of preserves Sets.

0.7.3 (6.3.2014)

  • support for Recursive Models (s/recursive), thanks to Arttu Kaipiainen!
  • coersion has now two modes: :json and :query, latter converts strings to Longs, Doubles and Booleans

0.7.2 (4.3.2014)

  • sub-models don't have _ to split up classes. Customer_Address -> CustomerAddress. Looks good.

0.7.1 (3.3.2014)

  • defmodel now supports nested maps (by generating sub-types)
(defmodel Customer {:id String
                    :address {:street String
                              :zip Long
                              :country {:code Long
                                        :name String}}})

;; Customer => {:id java.lang.String, :address {:street java.lang.String, :zip java.lang.Long, :country {:name java.lang.String, :code java.lang.Long}}}
;; Customer_Address => {:street java.lang.String, :zip java.lang.Long, :country {:name java.lang.String, :code java.lang.Long}}
;; Customer_Address_Country => {:name java.lang.String, :code java.lang.Long}

0.7.0 (26.2.2014)

  • support for s/maybe and s/both
  • consume Date & DateTime both with and without millis: "2014-02-18T18:25:37.456Z" & "2014-02-18T18:25:37Z"
  • updated docs
  • more tests

0.6.0 (19.2.2014)

  • Model, serialization and coercion support for org.joda.time.LocalDate
  • Supports now model sequences in (body) parameters

0.5.0 (18.2.2014)

  • Model, serialization and coercion support for java.util.Date and org.joda.time.DateTime

0.4.1 (16.2.2014)

  • Fixed JSON Array -> Clojure Set coercion with Strings

0.4.0 (13.2.2014)

  • Initial public version