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WCF Audit Extension for Audit.NET library.

Generate Audit Logs for Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service calls.

Audit.Wcf provides the server-side infrastructure to log interactions with WCF services. It records detailed information of the service method calls.

If you are looking for client-side audit, please check the Audit.WCF.Client library.


NuGet Package

To install the package run the following command on the Package Manager Console:

PM> Install-Package Audit.Wcf

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Decorate your WCF service class or methods with the Audit.WCF.AuditBehavior attribute.

For example:

[AuditBehavior(EventType = "{contract}.{operation}")]
public class OrderService : IOrderService
  public async Task<GetOrderResponse> GetOrder(GetOrderRequest request)

You can also decorate the specific methods you want to audit, for example:

public class OrderService : IOrderService
  public async Task<GetOrderResponse> GetOrder(GetOrderRequest request)

If you can't (or do not want) to change the service code, you can also enable the audit mechanism by adding the AuditBehavior extension to your service host configuration file.

For example:

	      <add name="auditBehavior" type="Audit.WCF.AuditBehavior, Audit.WCF" />

	        <auditBehavior eventType="{contract}.{operation}" />


The AuditBehavior attribute or extension can be configured with the following properties:

  • EventTypeName: A string that identifies the event type. Can contain the following placeholders:
    • {contract}: Replaced with the contract name (service interface name)
    • {operation}: Replaces with the operation name (service method name)

To globally configure the output persistence mechanism, use the Audit.Core.Configuration class. For more details please see Event Output Configuration.

For example:

	.UseFileLogProvider(config => config.Directory(@"C:\Logs"));

This should be done prior to the AuditScope creation, i.e. during application startup.

If you want to configure an Audit Data Provider per service instance, you can add a public instance property named AuditDataProvider to your service class and make it return the provider you want, for example:

public class OrderService : IOrderService
    public AuditDataProvider AuditDataProvider
            return new Audit.Core.Providers.FileDataProvider()
                DirectoryPath = @"C:\Logs"

The library will automatically detect the property and use the given data provider for that service instance.


Audit.Wcf output includes:

  • Execution time and duration
  • Environment information such as user, machine, domain and locale.
  • Authenticated username (identity name)
  • Client IP address
  • Contract and Operation details
  • Method parameters (in and out)
  • Response object
  • Faults and Exceptions details
  • Comments and Custom Fields provided

With this information, you can not just know who did the operation, but also measure performance, observe exceptions thrown or get statistics about usage of your WCF service.

Output details

The following table describes the Audit.Wcf output fields:

Describes an audited WCF event

Field Name Type Description
ContractName string Name of the contract (service interface)
OperationName string Name of the operation (service method)
InstanceQualifiedName string Assembly qualified type name of the service instance
IsAsync boolean Indicates if the operation is asynchronous
MethodSignature string Signature of the audited method
Action string Action absolute address
ReplyAction string Reply action absolute address
IdentityName string Name of the current identity (username)
ClientAddress string Client address (IP)
HostAddress string Serice host address
Success boolean Indicates if the operation completed succesfully
Fault AuditWcfEventFault Fault details when the operation fails
Result Object The result object value
InputParameters Array of AuditWcfEventElement Input parameters object values
OutputParameters Array of AuditWcfEventElement Output parameters object values

Describes a WCF fault/exception

Field Name Type Description
FaultType string Fault type (Exception / Fault)
Exception string Exception details
FaultCode string The fault code
FaultAction string The fault action name
FaultReason string The fault reason
FaultDetails AuditWcfEventElement The detail object related to the fault

Describes an element/object related to the WCF audit event.

Field Name Type Description
Type string The object type name
Value Object The object value


You can access the AuditScope object for customization from the audited methods, by the static property Audit.WCF.AuditBehavior.CurrentAuditScope.

For example:

using Audit.WCF;

public class OrderService : IOrderService
    public GetOrderResponse GetOrder(GetOrderRequest request)
        AuditBehavior.CurrentAuditScope.Comment("some comment");
        AuditBehavior.CurrentAuditScope.SetCustomField("User", MySession.CurrentUser);

See Audit.NET documentation about Custom Field and Comments for more information.

Output Sample

	"EventType": "IOrderService.GetOrder",
	"Environment": {
		"UserName": "Federico",
		"MachineName": "HP",
		"DomainName": "HP",
		"CallingMethodName": "WCF_IIS.IOrderService.GetData()",
		"AssemblyName": "WCF_IIS, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",
		"Exception": null,
		"Culture": "en-GB"
	"StartDate": "2016-09-13T01:31:58.6843094-05:00",
	"EndDate": "2016-09-13T01:31:58.6858324-05:00",
	"Duration": 2,
	"WcfEvent": {
		"ContractName": "IOrderService",
		"OperationName": "GetOrder",
		"InstanceQualifiedName": "WCF_IIS.OrderService, WCF_IIS, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",
		"MethodSignature": "WCF_IIS.GetOrderResponse GetOrder(WCF_IIS.GetOrderRequest)",
		"Action": "",
		"ReplyAction": "",
		"ClientAddress": "::1",
		"HostAddress": "http://localhost:8733/Design_Time_Addresses/WCF_IIS/OrderService/",
		"InputParameters": [{
			"Type": "GetOrderRequest",
			"Value": {
				"OrderId": 123
		"Success": true,
		"Result": {
			"Type": "GetOrderResponse",
			"Value": {
				"Success": true,
				"Errors": null,
				"Order": {
					"OrderId": 123,
					"CustomerName": "customer",
					"Total": 10.0
		"OutputParameters": []