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Tomb of Annihilation travel montage generator

Storybook hosted on Github Pages



Describes things like: directions, speeds, paceModifiers, weather, terrain (not yet implemented)


At its core uses getRandomInt to generate a number between min and max with an optional (but recommended) name prop

The roll function takes a die function parameter that is expected to generate a random number within some min/max range, and an options parameter

  • name Names the roll, useful when debugging or outputting directly to the user. Is included in the output JSON
  • advantage Boolean, if true rolls twice and takes the higher
  • disadvantage Boolean, if true, rolls twice and takes the lower
  • modifier Integer, if provided modifier will be added to the result of the roll
  • versus Integer, if provided an additional success parameter will be added to the returned object with the result of roll + modifier >= versus

A dice generator d takes sides as its parameter and returns a function that when called will return a value between 1 and sides inclusive.

For future possible usage is _d is provided which will allow the usage of an alternate random number generator for those who want real randomness

For testing and causing predictable output _dArray is provided which will take an array of numbers and will return those numbers in order on loop forever. (Caution when using advantage or disadvantage to include that additional dice roll in your considerations of the test data)

Functions d2, d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20, d100 are provided to roll the appropriate dice, and a single dice object which contains all of the afforementioned functions exported as default.


Exports a function that takes dice, an object that will be merged with the default dice, used for debugging and overriding specific dice, as well as the consts for dice, paces, speeds, directions, weather

The resolver function once called will provide 3 functions that are used in a single day of travel in toa. (1x Navigation Check, 3x EncounterCheck, 3x WeatherCheck)


Takes a navigator object (which is actually an options parameter for the roll function), a DC which the navigator must roll equal to or higher to navigate safely, pace (which must match something from consts) modifies the navigation DC (faster is harder, slower is easier) as well as determines how many hexes should be traversed in a day, speed is the normal travelling pace (again, must match something in consts) and determines how many hexes would be travelled on a normal day at this speed (walk = 1, boat = 2), and lost which determines whether or not the navigator was lost at the start of the day. This is used to determine when the navigator realises they were lost (i.e. became found)

The navigationCheck will figure out the DC taking the navigation DC and pace into account and roll a d20 with (adv|disadv|modifier) from the navigator.

The following result props are then created

  • rolls contains all of the rolls that were made by the navigator, including d4 to determine pace (where applicable) and d6 to determine direction (when lost)
  • success did the navigator succeed on their nav check
  • lost did the navigator fail on their nav check
    • direction if failed, what direction did they go
  • distance how many hexes were travelled assuming no interruptions/triggers, includes slow/fast pace and walk/boat speed
  • becameLost did the navigator fail this navigation check from a known position
  • stillLost did the navigator fail this navigation check from a previously unknown position
  • becameFound did the navigator succeed on this navigation check from a previously unknown position

Takes a DC prop that will determine whether or not any given roll triggers an encounter. Higher numbers make it less likely, with anything over 20 being impossible.

Returns an object with an encounter prop and the encounter roll result if an encounter was triggered, as well as all of the rolls that were made


Takes no parameters, rolls a d20, find the corresponding range from the weather consts and return the roll, the name and the effect if any from the consts.


Takes a preconfigured resolver prop, navigator which contains options for the navigation check roll, pace, speed and navigationDC which affect the rolls for the days travel, and encounterDC which determines how likely an encounter is.

This returns two functions


Takes a lost parameter which determines whether the navigator starts the day lost, enabling the becameFound prop from the navigationCheck

Returns an object that contains all the rolls for the day

  • navigation How well did the navigator do their thing, how far did they get in hexes depending on pace & speed, how lost did they get depending on navigation and in what direction
  • encounters The 3 encounter rolls for the day, as well as any rolls on the d100 encounter table if an encounter triggers based on encounterDC
  • weather The 3 rolls on the weather table with name and effect

Takes 1 required prop numDays which is how many days are to be travelled for assuming no triggers that would require player input. Takes an optional prop with lost allowing the operator of the tool to start a travel montage continuing from a previously lost state, as well as daysOffset which is used only to track the current day number (if you're that sort of DM, and I am) to help manage calendar triggered events

Returns an object that contains every set of day rolls, as well as detecting stopping conditions where player input will be required

  • days contains as many day results as were made before a trigger was encountered
  • completed players travelled for numDays without trigger
  • reasonsForStopping players were stopped for some reason(s), what were they
  • distance how many hexes were travelled before the trigger
  • lost when the next montage is being run, should the players start lost?

The reasonsForStopping are times when input is required from the players, and the montage must be stopped. Since the entire day is rolled at once, this may result in needing to reroll some stuff for the day depending on player choices

  • Became Found players were lost, but are now found and may need to choose a new direction. Rolls including pace, speed are already made for the day, so rerolling from this day may be necessary (YMMV)
  • Encounter players have an encounter from the encounter table
  • Weather torrential weather is hazardous to travel in


Provides an easier way to create a montage without having to specify all the props from above. Assumes you want no debug dice and the default consts and exports a montage function thats fully populated with dice and resolver.

generateReadout takes the result of a previous montage call and attempts to streamline the multitude of rolls into a more digestable JSON object.

narrate takes a few options, as well as the result from generateReadout and creates a string that describes the montage in the shortest form possible.


Used for creating a montage from a node CLI command. Uses the functions from wrapper to configure the montage runner, and options from the CLI to configure the montage parameters. See the options definitions in the cli file for more information