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"title": "1 Watchman Blow The Gospel Trumpet.",
"number": 1,
"content": "<h1><b>1 Watchman Blow The Gospel Trumpet.</b></h1> <p>Watchman, blow the gospel trumpet,<br/> Evry soul a warning give;<br/> Whosoever hears the message <br/> May repent, and turn, and live. </p> <p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>Blow the trumpet, trusty watchman,<br/>Blow it loud o’er land and sea…….<br/>(loud o’er land and sea)<br/>God commissions, sound the message!<br/>Ev’ry captive may be free. </i></p> <p>Sound it loud o’er ev’ry hilltop,<br/>Gloomy shade, and sunny plain;<br/>Ocean depths repeat the message,<br/>full salvation’s glad refrain. </p> <p>Sound it in the hedge and highway,<br/> Earth’s dark sports where exiles roam;<br/> Let it tell all things are ready, <br/> Father waits to welcome home. </p> <p>Sound it for the heavy laden,<br/>Weary, longing to be free.<br/>Sound a Saviour’s invitation,<br/>Sweetly saying, “Come to me”. </p>"
"title": "2 The Coming King.",
"number": 2,
"content": "<h1><b>2 The Coming King.</b></h1> <p>The coming King is at the door,<br/> Who once the cross for sinners bore<br/> But now the righteous ones alone<br/> He comes to gather home. </p> <p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>At the door…. At the door…<br/> At the door, yes, even at the door.<br/> He is coming, He is coming <br/> He is even at the door. </i></p> <p>The signs that show his coming near,<br/> Are fast fulfilling year by year,<br/> And soon we’ll hail the glorious dawn<br/> Of heaven’s eternal morn. </p> <p>Look not on earth for strife to cease,<br/>Look not below for joy and peace,<br/>Until the Saviour comes again,<br/> To banish death and sin. </p> <p>Then in that glorious earth made new,<br/>We’ll dwell the countless ages thro’;<br/> This mortal shall immortal be,<br/> And time eternity. </p>"
"title": "3 Face To Face",
"number": 3,
"content": "<h1><b>3 Face To Face</b></h1> <p>Face to face with Christ my Saviour,<br/> Face to face what will it be?<br/> When with rapture I behold Him,<br/> Jesus Christ who died for me. </p> <p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>Face to face shall I behold Him,<br/> Far beyond the starry sky;<br/> Face to face in all His glory.<br/> I shall see Him by and by! </i></p> <p>Only faintly now, I see Him,<br/> With the dark’ning veil between,<br/> But the blessed day is coming; <br/> When His glory shall be seen. </p> <p>What rejoicing in His in His presence, <br/> When Are banished grief and pain,<br/> When the crooked ways are straightened,<br/> And the dark things shall be plain. </p> <p>Face to face! O! blissful moment!<br/> Face to face to see and know;<br/> Face to face with my redeemer,<br/> Jesus Christ who loves so. </p>"
"title": "4 He Is Coming",
"number": 4,
"content": "<h1><b>4 He Is Coming</b></h1><p> How sweet are the tidings that greet the pilgrim’s ear,<br/> as he wander in ex-ile from home!<br/> Soon, soon will the Saviour in glory appear,<br/> And soon will the kingdom come.</p><p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> He’s coming, coming, coming soon, I know,<br/> coming back to this earth again;<br/> And the weary pilgrims will to glory go,<br/> When the Saviour comes to reign.</i></p><p> The mossy old graves where the pil-grims sleep<br/> shall be o-pen’d as wide as before,<br/> and the millions that sleep in the mighty deep<br/> shall live on this earth once more.</p><p> There we’ll meet ne’er to part in our happy Eden home,<br/> Sweet songs or redemption we’ll sing;<br/> From the north, from the South, all the ransom’d shall come,<br/> And worship our heavenly King.</p><p> Hal-lelu-jah, A-men! Ha-le-lu-jah a-gain!<br/> Soon, if faithful, we all shall be there; <br/>O, be watchful, be hopeful- be joyful till then,<br/> And a crown of bright glory we’ll wear.</p>"
"title": "5 How Far From Home",
"number": 5,
"content": "<h1><b>5 How Far From Home</b></h1> <p>How far from home? I asked as on<br/>I bent my steps the watchman spake:-<br/>“The long, dark night is al-most over,<br/>The morning soon will break.<br/>Then weep no more, but speed thy flight,<br/>With hope’s bright star thy guiding ray,<br/>Till thou shall reach the realms of light,<br/> In ev-erlast-ing day.” </p> <p>I asked the war-rior on the field:<br/> This was his soul-inspring song:<br/> With courage, bold, the sword I’ll wield,<br/> The bat-tle is not long.<br/> Then weep no more, but well en-dure <br/> The con-flict, till thy work is done;<br/> For this we know, the prize is sure,<br/> When vic-to-ry is won. </p> <p>I asked a-gain; earth, sea and sun<br/> Seemed, with one voice, to make reply:<br/>“Time’s wasting sands are near-ly run,<br/> E-ter-ni-ty is nigh.<br/> Then weep no more-with warning tones<br/> Portentious signs are thick’ning round,<br/> The whole cre-a-tion, wait-ing, groans, <br/> To hear the trumpet sound.” </p> <p>Not far from home! O blessed thought!<br/> The trav’ler’s lonely heart to cheer;<br/> With oft a heal-ing balm has brought,<br/> And dried the mourner’s tear.<br/> Then weep no more, since we shall meet <br/> Where weary footsteps never roam-<br/> Our tri-als past our joys complete,<br/> Safe in our Father’s home. </p>"
"title": "6 Watch Ye Saints",
"number": 6,
"content": "<h1><b>6 Watch Ye Saints</b></h1> <p> Watch, ye saints, with eyelids waking;<br/> Lo! The powers of heeav’n are shaking;<br/> Keep your lamps all trimm’d and burning,<br/> Ready for your Lord’s returning. </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Lo! He comes, lo! Jesus comes;<br/> Lo! He comes, He comes all glorious!<br/> Jesus comes to reign victorious,<br/> Lo! He comes, yes, Jesus comes! </i></p> <p> Kingdoms at their base are crumbling,<br/> Hark! His chariot wheels are rumbling;<br/> Tell, O tell of grace abounding,<br/> Whilst the seventh trump is sounding. </p> <p> Nations wane, tho’ proud and stately;<br/> Christ his kingdom hasteneth greatly,<br/> Earth her latest pangs is summing; <br/> Shout, ye saints, your Lord is coming. </p> <p> Sinners, come, while Christ is pleading;<br/> Now for you he’s interceding;<br/> Haste,ere grace and time diminished,<br/> Shall proclaim the mystery finished. </p>"
"title": "7 When He Cometh",
"number": 7,
"content": "<h1><b>7 When He Cometh</b></h1> <p> When he cometh, when he cometh,<br/> To make up his jewels,<br/> All his jewels, precious jewels,<br/> His loved and his own. </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Like the stars of the morning,<br/> His bright crown adorning, <br/> They shall shine in their beauty,<br/> Bright gems for his own. </i></p> <p> He will gather, he will gather,<br/> The gems for his kingdom,<br/> All the pure ones, all the bright ones,<br/> His loved and his own. </p> <p> Little children, little children,<br/> Who love their redeemer,<br/> Are the jewels, precious jewels,<br/> His loved and his own. </p>"
"title": "8 When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder",
"number": 8,
"content": "<h1><b>8 When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder</b></h1><p> When the trumpent of the Lord shall sound,<br/> and time shall be nomore,<br/> And the morning breaks, eternal, bright and fair;<br/> When the saved of the earth shall gather,<br/> over on the other show,<br/> When the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there.</p><p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> When the roll is called up yonder,<br/> When the roll is called up yonder,<br/> When the roll is called up yonder,<br/> When the roll is called up yonder <br/> I’ll be there.</i></p><p> On that bright and cloudless morning,<br/> when the dead in Christ shall rise,<br/> And the glory of His resurrection share;<br/> When His chosen ones shall gather,<br/> to their home beyond the skies,<br/> When the roll is called up yonder I’ll be there.</p><p> Let us labour for the Master,<br/> from the down till setting sun,<br/> Let us talk of all His wondrous love and care,<br/> Then, when all of life is over,<br/> and our work on earth is done,<br/> When the roll is called up yonder I’ll be there.</p>"
"title": "9 Jesus Is Coming Again",
"number": 9,
"content": "<h1><b>9 Jesus Is Coming Again</b></h1><p> Lift up the trumpet, and loud let it ring;<br/> Jesus is coming again!<br/> Cheer up ye pilgrims, be joyful and sing;<br/> Jesus is coming again!</p><p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Coming again, coming again, <br/> Jesus is coming again!</i></p><p> Echo it, hilltops, proclaim it, ye plains; <br/> Jesus is coming again!<br/> Coming in glory, the Lamb that was slain;<br/> Jesus is coming again!</p><p> Sound it, old ocean, in each mighty wave;<br/> Jesus is coming again!<br/> Break on the sands of the shores that ye lave;<br/> Jesus is coming again!</p><p> Hearings of earth, tell the vast, wond’ring throng; <br/> Jesus is coming again!<br/> Tempests and whirlwinds, the anthem prolong;<br/> Jesus is coming again!</p><p> Nations are angry, by this we do know;<br/> Jesus is coming again!<br/> Knowledge increases, men run to and fro; <br/> Jesus is coming again!</p>"
"title": "10 Shall We Gather At The River",
"number": 10,
"content": "<h1><b>10 Shall We Gather At The River</b></h1> <p> Shall we gather at the river,<br/> Where bright angel feet have trod;<br/> With its crystal tide forever,<br/> Flowing by the throne of God? </p> <p> <i><b>CHORUS</b><br/> Yes, we’ll gather at the river,<br/> The beautiful, The beautiful river; <br/> Gather with the saints at the river;<br/> That flows by the throne of God. </i> </p> <p> On the margin of the river, <br/>Washing up its silver spray;<br/> We will walk and worship ever,<br/>All the happy golden day. </p> <p> Ere we reach the shining river;<br/> Lay we ev’ry burden down;<br/> Grace our spirits will deliver,<br/> And provide a robe and crown. </p> <p> Soon we’ll reach the shining river,<br/>Soon our pilgrimage will cease;<br/> Soon our happy hearts will quiver,<br/> With the melody of peace. </p>"
"title": "11 I Will Follow Thee",
"number": 11,
"content": "<h1><b>11 I Will Follow Thee</b></h1> <p> I will follow thee, my Saviour,<br/>Wheresoe’er my lot may be;<br/> Where thou goest I will fallow;<br/> Yes, my Lord, I’ll follow thee. </p> <p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>I will follow thee, my Saviour,<br/>Thou didst shed thy blood for me;<br/>And tho’ all men should forsake thee,<br/> By thy grace I’ll follow thee; </i></p> <p>Tho’ the road be rough and thorny,<br/>Trackless as the foaming sea;<br/>Thou hast trod this way before me,<br/>And I’ll gladly follow thee. </p> <p>Tho’ I meet with tribulations,<br/> Sorely tempted tho’ I be;<br/>I remember thou wast tempted,<br/> And rejoice to follow thee. </p> <p>Though thou lead’st me thro’ affliction,<br/> Poor, forsaken, though I be;<br/>Thou wast destitute afflicted,<br/>And I only follow thee. </p> <p> Though to Jordan’s rolling billows;<br/> Cold and deep, thou leadest me;<br/>Thou hast crossed the waves before me,<br/> And I still will follow thee. </p>"
"title": "12 There Is A Fountain.",
"number": 12,
"content": "<h1><b>12 There Is A Fountain.</b></h1><p>There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Immanuel’s veins<br/>And sinners plunged beneath that flood; lose all their guilty stains<br/>Lose all their guilty stains; lose all their guilty stains<br/>And sinners plunged beneath that flood; lose all their guilty stains.</p><p>The dying thief rejoiced to see, that fountain in his day;<br/>And their may I, though vile as he, wash all my sins away,<br/>Wash all my sins away; wash all my sins away;<br/>And there may I, though vile as he, wash all my sins away.</p><p>Thou dying Lamb! Thy precious blood, Shall never lose its power<br/>Till all the ransomed church of God, Are saved to sin no more <br/>Are saved to sin no more, Are saved to sin no more <br/>Till all the ransomed church of God, Are saved to sin no more.</p><p>E`er since by faith I saw the stream, Thy flowing wounds supply,<br/>Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be till I die;<br/>And shall be till I die, And shall be till I die;<br/>Redeeming love shall be my theme, And shall be till I die.</p><p> Lord, I believe Thou hast prepared, Unworthy though I be,<br/> For me a blood-bought, free reward, A golden harp for me!<br/> A golden harp for me! A golden harp for me!<br/> For me a blood-bought, free reward, A golden harp for me!<br/><br/> There in a nobler, sweeter song, I’ll sing Thy power to save,<br/> When this poor lisping, stammering tongue, Is ransomed from the grave,<br/> Is ransomed from the grave, Is ransomed from the grave;<br/> When this poor lisping, stammering tongue, Is ransomed from the grave.</p"
"title": "13 Whiter Than Snow.",
"number": 13,
"content": "<h1><b>13 Whiter Than Snow.</b></h1><p>Lord Jesus I long to to be perfectly whole;<br/> I want Thee forever to live in my soul;<br/> Break down every idol,cast out every foe;<br/> Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow.</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>Whiter than snow,yes,whiter than snow<br/>Now wash me,and I shall be whiter than snow</i></p><p> Lord Jesus, look down from Thy throne in the skies,<br/>And help me to make a complete sacrifice;<br/>I give up myself, and whatever I know;<br/>Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow</p><p>Lord Jesus for this I most humbly entreat;<br/> I wait,blessed Lord,at Thy crucified feet<br/> By faith,for my cleansing;<br/> I see Thy blood flow;<br/> Now wash me and I shall be whiter than snow</p><p>Lord Jesus, Thou seest I patiently wait;<br/>Come now, and within me a new heart create;<br/>To those who have sought Thee, Thou never said`st No;<br/>Now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow</p>"
"title": "14 Hear The Pennies Dropping",
"number": 14,
"content": "<h1><b>14 Hear The Pennies Dropping</b></h1><p> Hear the pennies dropping! Listen while they fall.<br/>Every one to Jesus, -He will get them all.</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>Dropping, dropping dropping, dropping; Hear the pennies fall!<br/> Every on for Jesus,-He will get them all</i></p><p>Dropping, dropping ever, From each little hand;<br/>`Tis our gift to Jesus, From his little band.</p><p>Now, while we are little, Pennies are our store;<br/>But, when we are older, Lord, we’ll give thee more.</p><p>Tho` we’ve little money, We can give him love;<br/>He will own our off`ring, Smilling from above.</p>"
"title": "15 Jesus Loves Me",
"number": 15,
"content": "<h1><b>15 Jesus Loves Me</b></h1><p>Jesus loves me! This I know, For the Bible tells me so;<br/>Little one to Him belong, They are weak but He is strong</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>Yes Jesus loves me, Yes Jesus loves me<br/> Yes Jesus loves me; …The Bible tells me so.</i></p><p>Jesus loves me! He who died, Haven’s gates will open wide;<br/>He will wash away my sins. Let His little child come in.</p><p>Jesus loves me! Loves me still, when I’m sad or weak and ill;<br/>From His shinning Throne on high,<br/> Comes to watch me where I lie.</p><p>Jesus loves me! He will stay, Close beside me all the way,<br/>If I love Him, by and by He will take me home on high.</p>"
"title": "16 I Washed My Hands",
"number": 16,
"content": "<h1><b>16 I Washed My Hands</b></h1><p>I washed my hands this morning, O very clean and white,<br/>And lent them both to Jesus, To work for him till night.</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>Little feet be careful, Where you take me to,<br/> Anything for Jesus Only let me do.</i></p><p>I told my ears to listen Quite closely all day thro`,<br/>For any act of kindness, Such little hands can do.</p><p>My eyes are set to watch them,About their work or play,<br/>To keep them out of mischief, For Jesus` sake all day.</p>"
"title": "17 Tis Love That Makes Us Happy",
"number": 17,
"content": "<h1><b>17 Tis Love That Makes Us Happy</b></h1><p>`Tis love that makes us happy, `Tis love that smoothes the way;<br/> It helps us “mind “,it makes us kind to others everyday</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>God is love; we’re his little children.<br/> God is love, we would be like him.<br/> `Tis love that makes us happy,<br/> `Tis love that smoothes our way<br/>It helps “mind “it makes us kind<br/>To others everyday.</i></p><p>This world is full of sorrow, Of sickness, death and sin;<br/> With loving hearts we’ll do our part, And try some soul to win.</p><p>And when this life is over, And we are called above,<br/>Our song shall be eternally, Of Jesus and his love.</p>"
"title": "18 Onward Christian Soldiers",
"number": 18,
"content": "<h1><b>18 Onward Christian Soldiers</b></h1><p>Onward, Christian soldiers! Marching as to war <br/>With the cross Jesus Going on before.<br/>Christ the royal master Leads against the foe <br/>Forward into battle See his banners go!</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>Onward Christian soldiers! <br/> Marching as to war <br/> With the cross of Jesus<br/> Going on before.</i></p><p>At the sign of triumph Satan’s host doth flee,<br/>On then Christian soldiers, On to victory!<br/>Hell’s foundations quiver, At the shout of praise,<br/>Brothers lift your voices, Loud your anthems raise</p><p>Like a mighty army, Moves the church of God;<br/>Brothers we are trading where the have trod;<br/>We are not divided, all one body we,<br/>One in hope and doctrine, One in charity.</p><p>Crowns and thorns have perished, Kingdoms ruled and waned,<br/>But the church of Jesus constant has remained<br/>Gates of hell can never `Gainst this church prevail;<br/>We have Christ’s own promise that can never fail.</p><p>Onward then, ye people! Join our happy throng <br/>Blend with our voices In the triumph song;<br/>Glory, praise and honor Unto Christ the King;<br/>This thro` countless ages, Men and angels sings.</p>"
"title": "19 My Soul Be On Thy Guard",
"number": 19,
"content": "<h1><b>19 My Soul Be On Thy Guard</b></h1><p>My soul, be on thy guard! Ten thousand foes arise;<br/>The hosts of sin are pressing hard, To draw thee from the skies.</p><p>O, watch and fight and pray! The battle ne`er give o`er;<br/>Renew it boldly ev`ry day, And help divine implore.</p><p> Ne`er think the victory won, Nor lay thine armor down;<br/>Thy arduous task will not be done Till thou obtain the crown</p>"
"title": "20 Awake, My Soul",
"number": 20,
"content": "<h1><b>20 Awake, My Soul</b></h1><p>Awake my soul! Stretch every nerve, and press with vigor on;<br/>A heavenly race demands thy zeal, and an immortal crown.</p><p>Tis God’s all animating voice, That calls thee from on high;<br/>`Tis he whose hand presents the prize, to thine aspiring eye.</p><p>A cloud of witnesses around, hold thee in full survey;<br/>Forget the steps already trod, and onward urge thy way.</p><p>Blest saviour, introduced by the, our race have we begun;<br/>And, crown with victory, at thy feet, we’ll lay our trophies down</p>"
"title": "21 I am coming to the cross",
"number": 21,
"content": "<h1><b>21 I am coming to the cross</b></h1><p> I am coming to the cross, I am poor, and weak, and blind;<br/> I am counting all but dross, I shall full salvation find.</p><p> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> <i>I am trusting, Lord, in thee <br/> Blessed Lamb of Calvary!<br/> Humbly at thy cross I bow<br/> Save me Jesus, save me now.</i></p><p> Long my heart has sighed for thee, long has evil reigned within?<br/> Jesus sweetly speak to me, “I will cleanse you from all sin”</p><p> Here I give all to thee, friends and time and earthly store;<br/> Soul and body thine to be, wholly thine for ever more.</p><p> In thy promises I trust, Now I feel the blood applied;<br/> I am ev`ry whit made whole; Glory, glory to the Lamb</p>"
"title": "22 Lord I Hear",
"number": 22,
"content": "<h1><b>22 Lord I Hear</b></h1><p> Lord, I hear of show`rs of blessing,<br/> thou art scattering full and free;<br/> Show`rs the thirsty soul refreshing;<br/> Let some drop now fall on me;</p><p> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> <i>Even me, even me, let some drops fall on me.</i></p><p> Pass me not, O gracious Father!<br/> Sinful though my heart may be;<br/> Though mightest leave me,<br/> but the rather let thy mercy rest on me.</p><p> Have I long in sin been sleeping? <br/> Long been sighting, grieving thee? <br/> Has the world my heart been keeping? <br/> O forgive and rescue me!.</p><p> Pass me not, O Holy Spirit!<br/> Thou canst make the blind to see;<br/> Testify of Jesus` merit;<br/> speak the word of peace to me.</p>"
"title": "23 Hover O`er Me, Holy Spirit",
"number": 23,
"content": "<h1><b>23 Hover O`er Me, Holy Spirit</b></h1><p> Hover o`er me, Holy spirit,<br/> Bathe my trembling heart and brow;<br/> Fill me with thy hallow`d presence,<br/> Come, O come and fill me now.</p><p> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> <i>Fill me now, fill me now, Jesus come and fill me now.<br/> Fill me with thy hallow`d presence, Come, O come and fill me now.</i></p><p> Thou canst fill me gracious Spirit,<br/> Tho` I can not tell thee how;<br/> But I need thee, greatly need thee,<br/> Come, O come and fill me now.</p><p> I am weaknes, full of weakness;<br/> At thy sacred feet I bow;<br/> Blest, divine, eternal Spirit,<br/> Fill with love and fill me now.</p><p> Cleanse and comfort, bless and save;<br/> Bathe, O, bathe my heart and brow;<br/> Thou art comforting and saving,<br/> Thou art sweetly filling now.</p>"
"title": "24 I Need Thee Every Hour",
"number": 24,
"content": "<h1><b>24 I Need Thee Every Hour</b></h1><p> I need thee every hour, Most gracious Lord;<br/> No tender voice like Thine can peace afford?</p><p> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> <i>I need Thee, O I need Thee!<br/> Every hour I need Thee;<br/> O bless me now, my Saviour!<br/> I come to Thee.</i></p><p> I need Thee every hour; Stay Thou near by;<br/> Temptations lose their pow`r, when Thou art nigh.</p><p> I need Thee every hour, in joy or pain;<br/> Come quickly and abide, Or life is vain.</p><p> I need Thee every hour, Most Holy One;<br/> O make me Thine indeed, Thou blessed Son</p>"
"title": "25 All To Jesus I Surrender",
"number": 25,
"content": "<h1><b>25 All To Jesus I Surrender</b></h1><p> All to Jesus I surrender, All to him I freely give;<br/> I will ever love and trust Him, in his presence daily live;</p><p> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> <i>I surrender all; I surrender all;<br/> All to Thee my blessed Saviour,<br/> I surrender all.</i></p><p> All to Jesus I surrender, humbly at his feet I bow;<br/> Worldly pleasures all forsaken take me Jesus, take me now;</p><p> All to Jesus I surrender, make me Saviour, wholly Thine;<br/> Let me feel the Holy Spirit, truly know that Thou art mine;</p><p> All to Jesus I surrender, now I feel the sacred flame.<br/> O the joy of full salvation! Glory, glory to his name!</p>"
"title": "26 Just As I Am",
"number": 26,
"content": "<h1><b>26 Just As I Am</b></h1> <p> Just as I am, without one plea,<br/> but that thy blood was shed for me, <br/> And that thou bid`st me come to Thee,<br/> O Lamb of God, I come, I come </p> <p> Just as I am, and waiting not,<br/> to rid my soul of one dark blot,<br/> To thee whose blood can cleanse each spot,<br/> O Lamb of God, I come, I come </p> <p> Just as I am, though tossed about,<br/> with many` a conflict, many` a doubt- <br/> “Fightings within, and fears without, <br/> O Lamb of God, I come, I come. </p> <p> Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind- <br/> sight, riches, healing of the mind,<br/> Yes, all I need, in thee to find,<br/> O Lamb of God, I come, I come. </p> <p> Just as I am, thou wilt receive,<br/> wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve;<br/> Because thy promise I believe, <br/> O lamb of God, I come, I come. </p> <p> Just as I am, thy love I own, <br/> has broken ev`ry barrier down; <br/> Now to be thine, and thine alone,<br/> O Lamb of God, I come, I come. </p>"
"title": "27 We Praise Thee, O God",
"number": 27,
"content": "<h1><b>27 We Praise Thee, O God</b></h1> <p> We praise thee, O God, for the Son of thy love,-<br/> For Jesus who and is now gone above. </p> <p> <i><b>CHORUS</b><br/> Hallelujah! Thine the glory, <br/> Hallelujah! Amen;<br/> Hallelujah! Thine the glory, <br/> Revive us again.</i> </p> <p> We praise thee, O God, for thy Spirit of light,<br/> Who has shown us our Saviour, and scatter`d our night. </p> <p> All glory to the Lamb that was slain, <br/> Who has borne all our sins, and has cleansed ev`ey stain. </p> <p> All glory and praise to then God of all grace, <br/> Who has brought us and sought us, and guided our ways. </p> <p> Revive us again; fill each heart with thy love;<br/> May each soul be re kindled with fire from above? </p>"
"title": "28 Take Time To Be Holy",
"number": 28,
"content": "<h1><b>28 Take Time To Be Holy</b></h1><p> Take time to be holy, speak soft with the Lord;<br/> Abide in him always, and feed on his word;<br/> Make friends of God’s children; help those who are weak, <br/> Forgetting in nothing, his blessing to seek.</p> <p> Take time to be holy, the world rushes on; <br/> Spend much time in secret with Jesus alone;<br/> By looking to Jesus, like Him thou shalt be; <br/> Thy friends in thy conduct, His likeness shall see. </p> <p> Take time to be holy, let Him be thy guide,<br/> And run not before him, whatever betide; <br/> In joy or in sorrow, still follow thy Lord,<br/> And looking to Jesus, still trust in his word. </p> <p> Take time to be holy, be calm in thy soul,<br/> Each tho`t and each motive beneath his control; <br/> Thus led by the Spirit to fountains of love,<br/> Thou soon shall be fitted for service above. </p>"
"title": "29 Abide With Me",
"number": 29,
"content": "<h1><b>29 Abide With Me</b></h1><p>Abide with me! Fast falls the even-tide;<br/> The darkness deepens; Lord with me abide!<br/> When other helpers fail and comforts flee,<br/> Help of the helpless, O, abide with me.</p><p>Swift to its close ebbs out life’s little day;<br/> Earth’s joys grow dim; its glories pass away;<br/> Change and decay in all around I see;<br/> O thou who changest not, abide with me</p><p>Not a brief glance I ask nor passing word,<br/>But as thou dwell`st with thy disciples, Lord,<br/>Familiar, condensing, patient, at no cost,<br/>Come, not to so-journ, but abide with me.</p><p>I need thy presence ev`ry passing hour;<br/> What but thy grace can foil the tempter’s pow`r:<br/> Who, like thyself, my guide and stay can be?<br/> Thro` cloud and sunshine, Lord, abide with me.</p>"
"title": "30 Day Is Dying In The West",
"number": 30,
"content": "<h1><b>30 Day Is Dying In The West</b></h1><p>Day is dying in the west;<br/> Heav`n is touching earth with rest:<br/> Wait and worship while the night<br/> Sets her evening lamps alight<br/> Thro` all the sky</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>Holy, holy, holy, Lord of Hosts!<br/> Heaven and earth are full of Thee!<br/> Heaven and earth are passing<br/> Thee, O, Lord most high.</i></p><p>Lord of life, beneath the dome<br/> Of the universe, thy home,<br/> Gather us, who seek Thy face,<br/> To the fold of Thy embrace,<br/> For Thou art nigh</p><p>While the deep`ning shadows fall,<br/> Heart of love, enfold us all;<br/> Thro` the glory and the grace<br/> Of the stars that veil thy face,<br/> Our hearts ascend.</p><p>When forever from our sight,<br/> Pass the stars, the day, the night,<br/> Lord of angles our eyes<br/> Let eternal morning rise,<br/> And shadows end.</p>"
"title": "31 Sun Of My Soul",
"number": 31,
"content": "<h1><b>31 Sun Of My Soul</b></h1><p>Sun of my soul, O Saviour dear!<br/> It is not night if thou be near:<br/> O may no earth-born arise <br/> To hide thee from thy servants eyes</p><p>When soft the dews of kindly sleep<br/> My weary eyelids gently steep,<br/> Be my last thought-how sweet to rest<br/> Forever on my Savior’s breast!</p><p>Abide with me from morn till eve,<br/> For without thee I cannot live;<br/> Abide with me when night is nigh,<br/> For without thee I dare not die.</p><p>Be near and bless me when I wake,<br/> Ere thro` the world my way I take;<br/> Till in the ocean of thy love<br/> I lose myself in heaven above.</p>"
"title": "32 The Lord`s Our Rock",
"number": 32,
"content": "<h1><b>32 The Lord`s Our Rock</b></h1><p>The Lord’s our rock, in him we hide,<br/> A shelter in the time of storm<br/> Secure whatever may betide,<br/> A shelter in the time of storm</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>Mighty rock in a weary land,<br/> Cooling Shade on then burning sand,<br/>Faithful guide for the pilgrim band,<br/> A shelter in the time of storm.</i></p><p>A shade by day defence by night,<br/> A shelter in the time of storm;<br/> No fears alarm, no foes affright,<br/> A shelter in the time of storm.</p><p>The raging floods may round us beat,<br/>A shelter in the time of storm;<br/>We find in God a safe retreat,<br/>A shelter in the time of storm.</p><p>O Rock divine, O refuges dear,<br/> A shelter in the time of storm;<br/> Be thou our helper, ever near,<br/> A shelter in the time of storm.</p>"
"title": "33 He Leadeth Me",
"number": 33,
"content": "<h1><b>33 He Leadeth Me</b></h1><p>He leadeth me !O blessed tho`t!<br/>O words with heav`nly comfort fraught!<br/> Whate`er I do, wherever I be,<br/>still `tis God’s hand that leadeth me</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>He leadeth me, he leadeth me,<br/>By his own hand he leadeth me:<br/>His faithful fol`wer i would be,<br/>For by his hand he leadeth me.</i></p><p>Sometimes `mid scenes of deepest gloom,<br/> sometimes where Eden`s bowers bloom<br/>By waters still, o`er troubled sea,-<br/>still `tis his hand that leadeth me</p><p>Lord I would clasp thy hand in mine,<br/> nor ever murmur or repine,<br/> Content whatever lot I see,<br/> since `tis my God that leadeth me.</p><p>And when my task on earth is done,<br/>when by thy grace the victory`s won,<br/> E`en death`s cold wave I will not flee,<br/>since God thro` Jordan leadeth me.</p>"
"title": "34 When Peace Like A River",
"number": 34,
"content": "<h1><b>34 When Peace Like A River</b></h1><p>When peace like a river attendeth my way,<br/> When sorrows like sea billows roll;<br/> Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,<br/> “It is well, it is well with my soul.”</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>It is well... with my soul<br/>It is well; it is well <br/> with my soul.</i></p><p>Tho` Satan should buffet, tho` trials should come,<br/> Let this blest assurance control,<br/> That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate,<br/> And hath shed his own blood for my soul.</p><p>My sin- O the bliss of the glorious tho`t! -<br/> My sin, not in part, but the whole,<br/> Is nailed to his cross and I bear it no more;<br/> Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!</p><p>And, Lord, haste the day when the faith shall be sight<br/> The clouds be rolled back as a scroll,<br/> The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend;<br/> “Even so”- it is well with my soul</p>"
"title": "35 What A Fellowship",
"number": 35,
"content": "<h1><b>35 What A Fellowship</b></h1><p>What a fellowship, what a joy divine,<br/> Leaning on the everlasting arms;<br/> What a blessedness, what a peace is mine,<br/> Leaning on the everlasting arms.</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>Lea----------ning, Lea-----------ning,<br/>(Leaning on Jesus Leaning on Jesus)<br/>Safe and secure from all alarms;<br/>Lea----------ning, Lea-----------ning,<br/> (Leaning on Jesus, Leaning on Jesus) <br/> Leaning on the everlasting arms.</i></p><p>O how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way,<br/> Leaning on the everlasting arms;<br/> O how bright the path grows from day to day,<br/> leaning on the everlasting arms.</p><p>What have I to dread, what have I to dread,<br/> Leaning on the everlasting arms;<br/> I have blessedness with my Lord so near,<br/> Leaning on the everlasting arms.</p>"
"title": "36 My Faith Looks Up To Thee",
"number": 36,
"content": "<h1><b>36 My Faith Looks Up To Thee</b></h1><p>My faith looks up to thee,<br/> Thou Lamb of Calvary, Saviour divine!<br/> Now hear me while I pray,<br/> Take all my guilt away,<br/> O let me from this day Be wholly thine.</p><p>May thy rich grace impart,<br/> Strength to my fainting heart,<br/> My zeal inspire;<br/>As thou hast died for me, O, may my love<br/>To thee, Pure, warm, and changeless be,<br/> A living fire.</p><p>While life’s dark maze I tread,<br/> And griefs around me spread.<br/> Be thou my guide; Bid darkness turn to day<br/>Wipe sorrow’s Tears away,<br/>Nor let me ever stray <br/>From thee aside.</p>"
"title": "37 Nearer, My God To Thee",
"number": 37,
"content": "<h1><b>37 Nearer, My God To Thee</b></h1><p>Nearer,my God,to Thee,<br/> Nearer to thee!<br/> E’en tho’ it be a cross<br/> That raiseth me! <br/> Still all my song shall be,<br/> Nearer my God to Thee,<br/> Nearer my God to Thee,<br/> Nearer to Thee.</p><p>Tho’ like a wonderer, Day-light all gone,<br/> Darkness be over me,<br/> My rest a stone; <br/> Yet in my dreams I’d be <br/> Nearer my God to Thee,<br/> Nearer, my God to Thee,<br/> Nearer to Thee.</p><p>There let the way appear, Steps up to heav’n,<br/> All that thou sendest me<br/> In mercy giv’n; Angels to beckon me,<br/> Nearer my God to Thee,<br/> Nearer my God to Thee,<br/> Nearer to Thee.</p><p>Then, with my watching tho’ts Bright with thy praise,<br/>Out of my stormy griefs, Bethel I’ll raise;<br/> So by my woes to be,<br/>Nearer, my God to Thee,<br/>Nearer, my God to Thee,<br/>Nearer to Thee.</p><p>Or, if on joyful wing Cleaving the sky,<br/>Sun, moon, and stars forgot<br/> Upward I fly, Still all my song shall be,<br/>Nearer, my God, to Thee,<br/>Nearer, my God, to Thee,<br/>Nearer to Thee.</p>"
"title": "38 Stand On The Rock",
"number": 38,
"content": "<h1><b>38 Stand On The Rock</b></h1><p>Firmly stand for God, in the world’s mad strife<br/>Tho’ the bleak winds roar, and the waves beat high;<br/>‘Tis the Rock alone giveth strength and life,<br/> When the hosts of sin are high.</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>Let us stand on the Rock,<br/> Firmly stand on the Rock,<br/> On the Rock of Christ alone;<br/> If the strife we endure,<br/> We shall stand secure,<br/> ‘Mid the throng who surrounds the Throne.</i></p><p>Firmly stand for Right, with a motive pure,<br/> With a true heart bold, and a faith e’er strong;<br/> ‘Tis the Rock alone giveth triumph sure,<br/> O’er the world’s array of wrong.</p><p>Firmly stand for Truth, it will serve you best,<br/> Tho’ it waiteth long, it is sure at last;<br/> ‘Tis the Rock alone giveth peace and rest,<br/> When the storms of life are past.</p>"
"title": "39 My Hope Is Built",
"number": 39,
"content": "<h1><b>39 My Hope Is Built</b></h1><p>My hope is built on nothing less,<br/> Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness<br/> I dare not trust the sweetest frame,<br/> But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;<br/>All other ground is sinking sand,<br/>All other ground is sinking sand.</i></p><p>When darkness seems to veil his face,<br/> I rest on his unchanging grace;<br/> In ev’ry high and stormy gale,<br/> My anchor holds within the vail.</p><p>His oath, his covenant, and blood,<br/> Support me in the whelming flood;<br/> When all around my soul gives way,<br/> He then is all my hope and stay.</p><p>When he shall come with trumpet sound,<br/> O may I then in him be found<br/> Clad in his righteousness alone,<br/> Faultless to stand before the throne.<br/></p>"
"title": "40 Trust And Obey",
"number": 40,
"content": "<h1><b>40 Trust And Obey</b></h1><p>When we walk with the Lord,<br/> In the light of his word,<br/> What a glory he sheds on our way!<br/> While we do his good will,<br/> He abides with us still,<br/> And with all who will trust and obey.</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>Trust and obey,<br/> for there’s no other way,<br/> To be happy in Jesus,<br/> but to trust and obey.</i></p><p>Not a shadow can rise, <br/> Not a cloud in the skies,<br/> But his smile quickly drives it away;<br/> Not a doubt nor a fear,<br/> Not a sigh or a tear,<br/> Can abide while we trust and obey.</p><p> Not a burden we bear,<br/> Not a sorrow we share,<br/> But our toil he doth richly repay;<br/> Not a grief nor a loss,<br/> Not a frown nor cross,<br/> But is blest if we trust and obey.</p><p>But we never can prove, <br/> The delights of his love,<br/> Until all on the alter we lay;<br/> For the favor he shows,<br/> And the joy he bestows,<br/> Are for them who will trust and obey.</p><p>Then in fellowship sweet, <br/> We will sit at his feet,<br/> Or we’ll walk by his side in the way; <br/>What he says we will do,<br/> Where he sends we will go,<br/> Never fear, only trust and obey.</p>"
"title": "41 God Be With You",
"number": 41,
"content": "<h1><b>41 God Be With You</b></h1><p>God be with you till we meet again;<br/>By his counsels guide uphold you<br/> With his sheep securely fold you;<br/>God be with you till we meet again.</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>Till we meet------------------ Till we meet,<br/> (Till we meet, Till we meet again) <br/> Till we meet at Jesus’ feet. (till we meet)<br/> Till we meet------------------ Till we meet<br/> (Till we meet, Till we meet again) <br/> God be with you till we meet again.</i></p><p>God be with you till we meet again; <br/>‘Neath his wings protecting hide <br/> you, Daily manna still provide you,<br/> God be with you till we meet again</p><p>God be with you till we meet again;<br/> When life’s perils thick confound <br/> you, Put his arms unfailing round you;<br/>God be with you till we meet again.</p><p>God be with you till we meet again;<br/>Keep love’s banner floating o’er you,<br/>Smite death’s threat’ning wave before you;<br/> God be with you till we meet again</p>"
"title": "42 We’ll Never Say Good-By",
"number": 42,
"content": "<h1><b>42 We’ll Never Say Good-By</b></h1><p>With friends on earth we meet in gladness,<br/>While swift the moments fly<br/> Yet ever comes the thot’ of sadness,<br/> That we must say “Good-by”</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>We’ll never say good-by in heav’n,<br/> We’ll never say good-by, <br/>In that fair land of joy and song,<br/> We’ll never say good-by.</i></p><p>How joyful is the hope that lingers,<br/> When loved ones say “Farewell”<br/> That we, when all earth’s toils are ended,<br/> With them shall ever dwell.</p><p>No parting words shall e’er be spoken,<br/> In yonder home so fair,<br/> But songs of joy, and peace, and gladness,<br/>We’ll sing forever there.</p>"
"title": "43 Asleep In Jesus",
"number": 43,
"content": "<h1><b>43 Asleep In Jesus</b></h1><p>Asleep in Jesus! Blessed sleep,<br/> From which none ever wake to weep;<br/> A calm and undisturbed repose,<br/> Unbroken by the last of foes.</p><p>Asleep in Jesus! O how sweet,<br/> To be for such a slumber meet;<br/> With holy confidence to rest,<br/>In hope of being ever blest.</p><p>Asleep in Jesus! Peaceful rest,<br/> Whose waking is supremely blest;<br/> No fear, no woe, shall dim that hour <br/>That manifests the Saviour’s pow’r</p><p>Asleep in Jesus! Soon to rise,<br/> When the last trump shall rend the skies<br/> Then burst the fetters of the tomb,<br/> And wake in full, immortal bloom</p>"
"title": "44 When My Life-Work Is Ended",
"number": 44,
"content": "<h1><b>44 When My Life-Work Is Ended</b></h1><p>When my life-work is ended, and I cross the swelling tide,<br/> When “this mortal puts on immortality;” <br/> I shall know my Redeemer When I reach the other side,<br/> And his smile will be the first to welcome me.</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/> I shall know ……. Him, I shall know him,<br/> As redeemed by his side I shall stand,<br/> I shall know …….. Him, I shall know him<br/> By the print of the nails in his hands.</i></p><p>O, the soul-thrilling rapture when I view his blessed face,<br/> And the luster of his kindly beaming eye;<br/> How my full heart will praise him for the mercy, love, and grace<br/> That prepares for me a mansion in the sky.</p><p>O, the dear ones departed! How the tender mem’ries come,<br/> As the farewell at the river I recall;<br/> In the sweet vales of Eden we shall meet no more to roam;<br/> But I long to see my Saviour first of all.</p><p>Thro’ the gates to the city, in a robe of spotless white,<br/> He will lead me where no tears shall never fall; <br/> In the glad song of ages I shall mingle with delight;<br/> But I long to meet my Saviour first of all.</p>"
"title": "45 Give Me The Bible.",
"number": 45,
"content": "<h1><b>45 Give Me The Bible.</b></h1><p>Give me the Bible, star of gladness gleaming,<br/> To cheer the wand’rer lone and tempest tossed;<br/> No storm can hide that peaceful radiance beaming,<br/> Since Jesus came to seek and save the lost.</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>Give me the Bible, Holy message shining,<br/> Thy light shall guide me in the narrow way.<br/>Precept and promise, law and love combining,<br/> Till night shall vanish in eternal day.</i></p><p>Give me the Bible when my heart is broken,<br/> When sin and grief have filled my soul with fear;<br/> Give me the precious words by Jesus spoken,<br/> Hold up faith’s lamp to show my Saviour near.</p><p>Give me the Bible, all my steps enlighten,<br/> Teach me the danger of these realms below;<br/> That lamp of safety, o’er the gloom shall brighten,<br/> That light alone the path of peace can show.</p><p>Give me the Bible, lamp of life immortal,<br/> Hold up that splendor by the open grave;<br/> Show me the light from heaven’s shining portal,<br/> Show me the glory gilding Jordan’s wave.</p>"
"title": "46 Sing Them Over Again To Me.",
"number": 46,
"content": "<h1><b>46 Sing Them Over Again To Me.</b></h1><p>Sing then over again to me, Wonderful words of life;<br/> Let me more of their beauty see, Wonderful words of life;<br/> Words of life and beauty, Teach me faith and duty.</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>Beautiful words, wonderful words,<br/> Wonderful words of life;<br/> Beautiful words, wonderful words,<br/> Wonderful words of life.</i></p><p>Christ the blessed One, gives to all, Wonderful words of life;<br/> Sinner, list to the loving call, Wonderful words of life;<br/> All so freely give, Wooing us to heaven,</p><p>Sweetly echo the gospel call, Wonderful of words life;<br/> Offer pardon and peace to all, Wonderful words of life;<br/> Jesus, only Saviour, Sanctify forever,</p>"
"title": "47 On Jordan’s Stormy Banks.",
"number": 47,
"content": "<h1><b>47 On Jordan’s Stormy Banks.</b></h1><p>On Jordan’s stormy banks I stand,<br/>And cast a wish-ful eye.<br/> To Canaan’s fair and happy land,<br/>Where my possessions lie</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>We will rest in that fair and happy land …(by and by).<br/> Just across on the evergreen shore….(ever green shore).<br/> Sing the song of Moses and the Lamb by and by,<br/> And dwell with Jesus evermore.</i></p><p>O’er all those wide extended plains<br/> Shines one eternal day,<br/> There Christ, the Sun, forever reigns, <br/>And scatters night away.</p><p>When shall I reach that happy place,<br/>And be forever blest?<br/> When shall I see my Father’s face,<br/>And in his kingdom rest?</p><p>Fill’d with delight, my ruptured soul<br/> Would here no longer stay.<br/> Tho’ Jordan’s waves around me roll,<br/> Fearless I’d launch away.</p>"
"title": "48 Joy By And By.",
"number": 48,
"content": "<h1><b>48 Joy By And By.</b></h1><p> O there’ll be joy when the work is done,<br/> Joy when the reapers gather home,<br/> Bringing the sheaves at set of sun<br/> To the New Jerusalem.</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>Joy ---------- joy, there’ll be joy by and by,<br/> (Joy joy joy)<br/> Joy------ joy, where the joys never die;<br/> (Joy, joy, joy)<br/> Joy------- joy; for the day draweth nigh<br/> (Joy, joy, joy)<br/> When the workers gather home.</i></p><p>Sweet are the songs that we hope to sing,<br/> Grateful the thanks our hearts shall bring,<br/> Praising the forever Christ our King,<br/> In the New Jerusalem.</p><p>Pure are the joys that await us there,<br/> Many the golden mansions fair,<br/> Jesus himself doth them prepare,<br/> In the New Jerusalem.</p>"
"title": "49 One Sweetly Solemn Thought",
"number": 49,
"content": "<h1><b>49 One Sweetly Solemn Thought</b></h1><p>One sweetly solemn tho’t, Comes to me o’er and o’er!<br/> I’m nearer to my home today, Than e’er I’ve been before.</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>Nearer my home, Nearer my home,<br/> Nearer my home today, today,<br/>Than e’er been before</i></p><p>Nearer my Father’s home, Where many mansions be!<br/> Nearer the throne where Jesus reigns,<br/> Nearer the crystal sea</p><p>Nearer my going home, Laying my burdens down,<br/> Leaving my cross of heavy grief,<br/> Wearing my starry crown.</p>"
"title": "50 Sweet By And By",
"number": 50,
"content": "<h1><b>50 Sweet By And By</b></h1><p>There’s a land that is fairer than day, <br/>And by faith we can see it afar;<br/> For our Father waits over the way<br/>To prepare us a dwelling place there</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>In the sweet --------by and by---<br/> We shall meet on that beautiful shore<br/> In the sweet ---by and by--- <br/>We shall meet on that beautiful shore.</i></p><p>We shall sing on that beautiful shore,<br/>The melodious songs of the blest<br/> And our spirits shall sorrow no more,<br/>Not a sigh for the blessing of rest</p><p>To our bountiful Father above,<br/> We will offer a tribute of praise,<br/> For the glorious gift of His love, <br/>And the blessings that hallow our days</p>"
"title": "51 Baptize Us Anew",
"number": 51,
"content": "<h1><b>51 Baptize Us Anew</b></h1><p>Baptize us anew, With power from on high,<br/>With love, oh refresh us! Dear Savior, draw nigh<br/>We humbly beseech thee, Lord Jesus we pray<br/>With love and the spirit baptize us today</p><p>Unworthy we cry, Unholy unclean,<br/>O wash us and cleanse us, from sin’s guilty stain<br/>We humbly beseech thee, Lord Jesus we pray<br/>With love and the spirit baptize us today</p><p>O heavenly dove, Descend from on high<br/>We plead thy rich blessings, In mercy draw nigh<br/>We humbly beseech thee, Lord Jesus we pray<br/>With love and the spirit baptize us today</p><p>O list the glad voice, From heaven it came<br/>Thou art my beloved, Well pleased I am<br/>We praise thee; we bless thee, dear Lamb that was slain<br/>We laud and adore thee, Amen and Amen</p>"
"title": "52 Come, Thou Fount Of Every Blessing.",
"number": 52,
"content": "<h1><b>52 Come, Thou Fount Of Every Blessing.</b></h1> <p> Come, thou fount of every blessing,Tune my heart to sing thy grace;<br/>Streams of mercy, never ceasing, call for songs of loudest praise.<br/>Teach me ever to adore thee, may I still thy goodness prove,<br/> While the hope of endless glory, Fills my heart with joy and love. </p> Here I raise my Ebenezer, hither by thy help I’ve come;<br/> And I hope by thy good pleasure, Safely to arrive at home.<br/> Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wand’ring from the fold of God;<br/> He to rescue me from all danger, Interposed his precious blood <p> O, to grace how great a debtor, daily I’m constrained to be!<br/> Let thy goodness like a fetter; Bind me closer still to thee;<br/> Prone to wander, Lord I feel it, Prone to leave the God I love,<br/> Here’s my heart, O, take and seal it; Seal it for thy courts above. </p>"
"title": "53 Holy Spirit, Faithful Guide",
"number": 53,
"content": "<h1><b>53 Holy Spirit, Faithful Guide</b></h1> <p> Holy Spirit, faithful Guide, Ever near the Christian’s side,<br/> Gently lead us by the hand, Pilgrims in a desert land,<br/> Weary souls for e’er rejoice, When they hear that sweetest voice,<br/> Whisper softly, “Wand’rer, come! Follow me I’ll guide thee home</p> <p> Ever present, truest friend, Ever near thine aid to land,<br/> Leave us not to doubt and fear, Groping on in darkness drear,<br/> When the storms are raging sore, Hearts grow faint, and hopes give o’er,<br/> Whispering softly, “Wand’rer come! Follow me I’ll guide thee home.</p> <p> When our days of toil shall cease, Waiting still for sweet release,<br/> Nothing left but heaven and prayer, Wond’ring if our names are there<br/> Wading deep the dismal flood, Pleading naught but Jesus’ blood.<br/> Whisper softly, “Wand’rer come, follow me I’ll guide thee home” </p>"
"title": "54 One Thing I Know Of The Lord",
"number": 54,
"content": "<h1><b>54 One Thing I Know Of The Lord</b></h1> <p>One thing I of the Lord desire, For all my paths have miry been,<br/> Be it by water or by fire, O make me clean, O make me clean </p> <p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>So wash me Thou-------- without, within,<br/> (Wash me, Thou, without, within)<br/> Or purge with fire, --------- If that must be,<br/> (Or purge with fire, If that must be)<br/> No matter how, ---------- if only sin.<br/> (Any how if only sin)<br/> Die out in me, die out in me. (die out in me) </i></p><p> If clearer visions Thou impart, Grateful and glad my soul shall be,<br/> But yet to have a purer heart, Is more to me, Is more to me. </p> <p> Yes, only as this heart is clean, May larger vision yet be mine,<br/> For mirrored in Thy life are seen, The things divine, The things divine</p> <p> I watch to shun the miry way, And snatch the springs of guilty thot’, But watch and struggle as I may, Pure I am not, Pure I am not. </p>"
"title": "55 Are You Washed In The Blood?",
"number": 55,
"content": "<h1><b>55 Are You Washed In The Blood?</b></h1> <p> Have been to Jesus for the cleansing pow’r?<br/> Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?<br/> Are you fully trusting in His grace this hour?<br//> Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Are you wash’d ----------------- in the blood?<br/> (Are you wash’d) (in the blood)<br/> In the soul-cleansing blood of the Lamb?<br/> Are your garments spotless, are they white as snow!<br/> Are you wash’d in the blood of the Lamb? </i></p> <p> Are you walking daily by the Saviour’s side?<br/> Are you wash’d in the blood of the Lamb?<br/> Do you rest each moment in the Crucified?<br/> Are you wash’d in the blood of the Lamb? </p> <p> When the bridegroom cometh will your robes be white?<br/> Are you wash’d in the blood of the Lamb?<br/> Will your soul be ready for the mansions bright?<br/> Are you wash’d in the blood of the Lamb? </p> <p> Lay aside the garments that are stained with sin,<br/> Are you wash’d in the blood of the Lamb?<br/> There’s a fountain flowing for the soul unclean,<br/> O be wash’d in the blood of the Lamb! </p>"
"title": "56 Lord, I’m Coming Home.",
"number": 56,
"content": "<h1><b>56 Lord, I’m Coming Home.</b></h1> <p> I’ve wandered far away from God, now I’m coming home;<br/> The paths of sin too long I’ve trod, Lord, I’m coming home. </p> <p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>Coming home, coming home, Never more to roam;<br/> Open wide Thine arms of love; Lord I’m coming home. </i></p> <p> I’ve wasted many precious years, Now I’m coming home;<br/> I now repent with bitter tears; Lord, I’m coming home.</p> <p> I’m tired of sin and straying, Lord, Now I’m coming home;<br/> I’ll trust Thy love, believe Thy word; Lord, I’m coming home. </p> <p> My only hope, my only plea, Now I’m coming home;<br/> That Jesus died, and died for me; Lord, I’m coming home. </p>"
"title": "57 “Whosoever Heareth”",
"number": 57,
"content": "<h1><b>57 “Whosoever Heareth”</b></h1> <p> ”Whosoever heareth”, shout, shout the sound!<br/> Send the blessed tidings all the world around;<br/> Spread the joyful news wherever man is found;<br/> “Whosoever will may come.” </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> “Whosoever will, whosever will,”<br/> Send the proclamation over vale and hill;<br/> “Tis a loving Father calls the wand’rer home;”<br/> “Whosoever will may come.” </i></p> <p> “Whosoever cometh need not delay,<br/> Now the door is open, enter while you may;<br/> Jesus is the true, the only Living Way;<br/> “Whosoever will may come.” </p> <p>“Whosoever will,” the promise secure,<br/> “Whosoever will,” for ever must endure;<br/> “Whosoever will,” Tis life for ever more;<br/> “Whosoever will may come.” </p>"
"title": "58 All Hail The Power Of Jesus’ Name.",
"number": 58,
"content": "<h1><b>58 All Hail The Power Of Jesus’ Name.</b></h1> <p> All hail the pow’r of Jesus’ name! Let angels prostrate fall;<br/> Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown Him Lord of all;<br/> Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown Him Lord of all. </p> <p> Ye chosen seed of Israel’s race, A remnant weak and small;<br/> Hail Him who saves you by His grace, And crown Him Lord of all.<br/> Hail Him who saves you by His grace, And crown Him Lord of all. </p> <p> Let ev’ry kindred, ev’ry tribe, On this terrestrial ball;<br/> To Him all majesty ascribe, And crown Him Lord of all;<br/> To Him all majesty ascribe, And crown Him Lord of all. </p> <p> O that with yonder sacred throng, We at His feet may fall;<br/> We’ll join the everlasting song, And crown Him Lord of all;<br/> We’ll join the everlasting song, And crown Him Lord of all. </p>"
"title": "59 Jesus, Lover Of My Soul",
"number": 59,
"content": "<h1><b>59 Jesus, Lover Of My Soul</b></h1><p> Jesus, lover of my soul, Let me to Thy bosom fly;<br/> While the billows near me roll, While the tempest still is high!<br/> Hide me, O my Saviour hide, Till the storm of life be past;<br/> Safe into the haven guide, Oh, receive my soul at last!</p><p> Other refuge have I none. Hangs my helpless soul on Thee;<br/> Leave, O leave me not alone, Still support and comfort me;<br/> All my trust on Thee is stayed, All my help from Thee I bring;<br/> Cover my defenceless head, With the shadow of Thy wing.</p><p> Thou, O Christ, art all I want, More than all in Thee I find;<br/> Raise the fallen, cheer the faint, Heal the sick and lead the blind;<br/> Just and holy is Thy name; I am all unrighteousness;<br/> Vile and full of sin I am,nThou art full of truth and grace.</p><p></p> Plenteous grace with Thee is found, Grace to cover all my sin; Let the healing streams abound, Make and keep me pure within; Thou of life the fountain art, Freely let me take of Thee; Spring Thou up within my heart, Rise to all eternity!<p>"
"title": "60 Jesus, Thou Joy Of Loving Hearts.",
"number": 60,
"content": "<h1><b>60 Jesus, Thou Joy Of Loving Hearts.</b></h1><p> Jesus, thou joy of loving hearts! Thou fount of life! Thou light of men<br/> From the best bliss that earth imparts, We turn unfill’d to thee again.</p><p> We taste thee, O thou Living Bread, And long to feast upon thee still;<br/> We drink of thee, the Fountain-head, And thirst our souls from thee to fill.</p><p> Our restless spirits yearn for thee, Where’er our changeful lot is cast,<br/> Glad, when thy gracious smile we see, Blest, when our faith can hold thee fast.</p><p> O Jesus, ever with us stay; Make all our moments calm and bright;<br/> Chase the dark night of sin away, Shed o’er the world thy holy light.</p>"
"title": "61 More About Jesus",
"number": 61,
"content": "<h1><b>61 More About Jesus</b></h1><p>More about Jesus I would know,<br/> More of His grace to others show;<br/> More of His saving fullness see, <br/> More of His love who died for me.</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>More, more about Jesus,<br/> More, more about Jesus;<br/>More of His saving fullness see,<br/> More of His love who died for me.</i></p><p>More about Jesus let me learn,<br/> More of His holy will discern;<br/>Spirit of God my teacher be,<br/> Showing the things of Christ to me.</p><p> More about Jesus; in His word,<br/> Holding communion with my Lord;<br/> Hearing His voice in ev’ry line,<br/> Making each faithful saying mine.</p><p>More about Jesus; on His throne,<br/>Riches in glory all His own;<br/> More of His kingdom’s sure increase,<br/>More of His coming, Prince of peace</p>"
"title": "62 My Jesus I Love Thee",
"number": 62,
"content": "<h1><b>62 My Jesus I Love Thee</b></h1><p>My Jesus, I love thee, I know thou art mine;<br/> For thee all the follies of sin I resign;<br/> My gracious Redeemer, my Saviour art thou,<br/> If ever I loved thee, my Jesus ‘tis now.</p><p>I love thee because thou hast first loved me;<br/> And purchased my pardon on Calvary’s tree;<br/>I Love thee for wearing the thorns on thy brow;<br/> If ever I loved thee, my Jesus, ‘tis now.</p><p>I’ll love thee in life, and I’ll love thee in death;<br/> I’ll praise thee as long as thou lendest me breath;<br/> And say when the death-dew lies cold on my bro<br/> If ever I loved thee, my Jesus ‘tis now.</p><p>In mansions of glory and endless delight;<br/> I’ll ever adore thee in heaven so bright;<br/> And sing with the glittering crown on my brow;<br/> If ever I loved thee, my Jesus ‘tis now.</p>"
"title": "63 What Can Wash Away My Sin?",
"number": 63,
"content": "<h1><b>63 What Can Wash Away My Sin?</b></h1><p>What can wash away my sin?<br/>Nothing but the blood of Jesus;<br/> What can make me pure within?<br/> Nothing but the blood of Jesus.</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>Oh, precious is the flow,<br/> That makes me white as snow;<br/> No other fount I know, <br/> Nothing but the blood of Jesus.</i></p><p>For my cleansing this I see;<br/>Nothing but the blood of Jesus;<br/> For my pardon this my plea;<br/>Nothing but the blood of Jesus.</p><p>Hot-ing can for sin atone; <br/> Nothing but the blood of Jesus;<br/>Naught of good that I have done;<br/> Nothing but the blood of Jesus.</p><p>This is all my hope and peace; <br/>Nothing but the blood of Jesus;<br/> This is all my righteousness; <br/>Nothing but the blood of Jesus.</p><p>Glory! Glory! thus I sing;<br/> Nothing but the blood of Jesus;<br/> All my praise for this I bring; <br/> Nothing but the blood of Jesus.</p>"
"title": "64 Tell It To Jesus.",
"number": 64,
"content": "<h1><b>64 Tell It To Jesus.</b></h1><p>Are you weary, are you heavy hearted?<br/> Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus;<br/> Are you grieving over joys departed?<br/> Tell it to Jesus alone.</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus,<br/> He is a friend that’s well known<br/> You’ve no other such a friend or brother,<br/>Tell it to Jesus alone.</i></p><p>Do the tears flow down your cheeks unbidden?<br/> (Tell it to Jesus) (Tell it to Jesus)<br/> Have you sins that to the world are hidden? <br/>Tell it Jesus alone.</p><p>Do you fear the gath’ring clouds of sorrow?<br/> (Tell it Jesus) (Tell it Jesus)<br/> Are you anxious what shall be tomorrow?<br/> Tell it to Jesus alone</p><p>Are you troubled at the tho’t of dying?<br/>Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus;<br/> For Christ’s coming kingdom are you sighing?<br/> Tell it to Jesus alone.</p>"
"title": "65 ‘Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus",
"number": 65,
"content": "<h1><b>65 ‘Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus</b></h1><p>‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,<br/> Just to take Him at His word;<br/> Just to rest upon His promise; <br/>Just to know, ”Thus saith the Lord.”</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him; <br/> How I’ve prov’d Him o’er and o’er! <br/>Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! O for grace to trust Him more!</i></p><p>O how sweet to trust in Jesus,<br/> Just to trust His cleansing blood;<br/> Just in simple faith to plunge me,<br/> ‘Neat the healing, cleansing flood.</p><p>Yes, ‘tis sweet to trust in Jesus,<br/> Just from sin and self to cease;<br/> Just from Jesus simply taking,<br/> Life, and rest, and joy, and peace.</p><p>I’m so glad I learned to trust Thee,<br/> Precious Jesus, Saviour, Friend;<br/>And I know that Thou art with me, <br/>Wilt be with me till the end.</p>"
"title": "66 Happy Day",
"number": 66,
"content": "<h1><b>66 Happy Day</b></h1><p>O, happy day! That fixed choice, <br/> On thee, my Saviour and my God;<br/> Well may this glowing heart rejoice,<br/>And tell its raptures all abroad</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>Happy day, happy day,<br/> When Jesus washed my sins away!<br/>He taught me how to and pray,<br/>And live Rejoicing ev’ry day,<br/>Happy day! Happy day!<br/> When Jesus washed my sins away!</i></p><p> ‘Tis done, the great transaction’s done;<br/> I am my Lord’s and he is mine<br/> He drew me and I followed on, <br/>Rejoiced to own the call divine.</p><p>Now rest, my long divided heart,<br/>Fixed on this blissful center rest;<br/> Nor ever from thy Lord depart, <br/>With him ev’ry good possessed</p>"
"title": "67 Come We That Love The Lord",
"number": 67,
"content": "<h1><b>67 Come We That Love The Lord</b></h1><p>Come, we that love the Lord,<br/> And let our joys be known,<br/> Join in a song with sweet accord,<br/> Join in a song with sweet accord;<br/> And thus surround the throne, <br/> And thus surround the throne.</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>We’re marching to Zion,<br/> Beautiful, beautiful Zion;<br/> We’re marching upward to Zion,<br/> (heavenly Zion)<br/> The beautiful city of God.</i></p><p>Let those refuse to sing, <br/> Who never knew our God,<br/> But children of the heav’nly King,<br/> But children of the Heav’nly King<br/> May speak their joys abroad,<br/> May speak their joys abroad.</p><p>The hill of Zion yields,<br/> A thousand sacred sweets,<br/> Before we reach the heav’nly fields,<br/> Before we reach the heav’nly fields.<br/> Or walk the golden streets,<br/> Or walk the golden streets.</p><p>Then let our songs abound, <br/>And ev’ry tear be dry;<br/> We’re marching thro’ Immanuel’s ground,<br/> We’re marching thro’ Immanuel’s ground,<br/> To fairer worlds on high,<br/> To fairer worlds on high.</p>"
"title": "68 Redeemed! How I Love To Proclaim It!",
"number": 68,
"content": "<h1><b>68 Redeemed! How I Love To Proclaim It!</b></h1><p>Redeemed! How I love to proclaim it!<br/> Redeemed by the blood of the lamb;<br/> Redeemed thro’ his infinite mercy<br/> His child and forever I am.</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>Redeemed!, redeemed,<br/> Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb;<br/>Redeemed, redeemed,<br/> His child and forever I am.</i></p><p>Redeemed! And so happy in Jesus!<br/> No language my rapture can tell;<br/> I know that the light of his presence,<br/>With me doth continually dwell.</p><p>I think of my blessed Redeemer, <br/> I think of him all the day long;<br/> I sing; for I cannot be silent;<br/> His love is the theme of my song.</p><p>I know I shall see in his beauty,<br/>The King in whose law I delight;<br/> Who lovingly guardeth my footsteps,<br/> And giveth songs in the night.</p><p>I know there’s a crown that is waiting,<br/> In yonder bright mansion for me;<br/> And soon, with the spirits made perfect,<br/> At home with the Lord I shall be.</p>"
"title": "69 We’ll Tarry By The Living Waters.",
"number": 69,
"content": "<h1><b>69 We’ll Tarry By The Living Waters.</b></h1><p>We’ll tarry by the living waters,<br/> The fountain pure and free;<br/>There Jesus waits to us welcome,<br/> A welcome sweet ‘twill be.</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>We’ll tarry by the living waters,<br/> Tarry by the living waters.<br/> Tarry by the living waters<br/> Tarry by the fount of life.</i></p><p>When weary with the toilsome journey,<br/> ‘Tis sweet to rest a while;<br/> Where crystal waters gently murmur,<br/> And sunny fountains smile.</p><p>Then come to Christ, the living water,<br/> Thy strength will he restore; <br/> Come, taste the joy of his salvation,<br/> And drink to thirst no more.</p>"
"title": "70 When Jesus Shall Gather",
"number": 70,
"content": "<h1><b>70 When Jesus Shall Gather</b></h1><p>When Jesus shall gather the nations,<br/> Before him at last to appear,<br/> Then how shall we stand in the Judgment,<br/> When summon’d our sentence to hear!</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>He will gather the wheat in his garner,<br/> But the chaff will he scatter away;<br/> Then how shall we stand in the Judgment,<br/> Of the great resurrection day!</i></p><p>Shall we hear, from the lips of the Saviour,<br/> The words faithful servant, well done; <br/> Or trembling with fear and with anguish,<br/>Be banished away from his throne!</p><p>He will smile when he looks on his children,<br/> And sees on the ransom’d his seal;<br/> He will clothe them in heavenly beauty,<br/>As low at his footstool they kneel.</p><p>Then let us be watching and waiting,<br/> With lamps burning steady and bright;<br/> When the Bridegroom shall call to the wedding, <br/>O may we be ready for flight!</p><p>Thus living with hearts fixed on heaven,<br/> In patience we wait for the time,<br/> When the days of our pilgrimage ended,<br/> We’ll bask in the presence divine.</p>"
"title": "71 Is My Name Written There?",
"number": 71,
"content": "<h1><b>71 Is My Name Written There?</b></h1><p>Lord, I care not for riches, Neither silver nor gold;<br/> I would make sure of heaven,<br/> I would enter the fold; In the book of thy kingdom,<br/> With its pages so fair,<br/> Tell me, Jesus, my Saviour,<br/> Is my name written there?</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>Is my name written there,<br/> On the pages white and fair?<br/> In the book of thy kingdom, <br/>Is my name written there?</i></p><p>Lord, my sins they are many,<br/> Like the sands of the sea;<br/> But thy blood, O my Saviour is sufficient for me;<br/> For thy promise is written , In bright<br/> letters that glow, “Though your sins be as scarlet,<br/> I will make them like snow.”</p><p>O that beautiful city, With its mansions of light,<br/> With its glorified beings In pure garments of white;<br/>Where no evil thing cometh, To despoil what is fair,<br/>Where the angels are watching,<br/> Is my name written there?</p>"
"title": "72 The Judgement Has Set.",
"number": 72,
"content": "<h1><b>72 The Judgement Has Set.</b></h1><p>The judgment has set, the books have been opened;<br/> How shall we stand in that great day?<br/> When every thought, and word, and action,<br/> God, the righteous Judge, shall weigh?</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>How shall we stand in that great day?<br/> How shall we stand in that great day?<br/> Shall we found before Him wanting?<br/> Or with our sins all washed away?</i></p><p>The work is begun with those who are sleeping,<br/> Soon will the living here be tried,<br/> Out of the book of God’s remembrance,<br/> His decision to abide,</p><p>O, how shall we stand, that moment of searching,<br/> When all our sins those books reveal?<br/> When from that court, each case decided,<br/> Shall be granted no appeal?</p>"
"title": "73 Called To The Feast.",
"number": 73,
"content": "<h1><b>73 Called To The Feast.</b></h1><p>Called to the feast by the King are we,<br/> Sitting perhaps where his people be;<br/> How will it fare, friend, with thee and me,<br/> When the King comes in?</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>When the King comes in, brother,<br/> When the King comes in!<br/> How will it fare with thee and me,<br/> When the King comes in?</i></p><p>Crowns on the head where the thorns have been,<br/> Glorified he who once died for men;<br/> Splendid the vision before us then,<br/> When the King comes in.</p><p>Like lightning’s flash will that instant show,<br/> Things hidden long from both friend and foe;<br/>Just what we are will each neighbor know,<br/> When the King comes in.</p><p>Joyful his eye shall on each one rest,<br/> Who is in white wedding, garments dressed;<br/> Ah! Well for us if we stand the test,<br/> When the King comes in.</p><p>Endless the sad separation then,<br/>Bitter the cry of deluded men;<br/> Awful that moment of anguish, <br/> When Christ the King comes in.</p><p>Lord, grant us all, we implore thee, grace,<br/> So to await thee, each in his place;<br/> That we may fear not to see thy face,<br/> When the King comes in.</p>"
"title": "74 Sowing In The Morning",
"number": 74,
"content": "<h1><b>74 Sowing In The Morning</b></h1><p>Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness,<br/>Sowing in the noontide and the dewy eve;<br/>Waiting for the harvest, and the time of reaping,<br/>We shall come rejoicing bringing in the sheaves.</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>Bringing in the sheaves, Bringing in the sheaves,<br/> We shall come rejoicing bringing in the sheaves,<br/> Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves,<br/> We shall come rejoicing bringing in the sheaves.</i></p><p>Sowing in the sunshine, Sowing in the shadows,<br/> Fearing neither clouds nor winter’s chilling breeze;<br/> By and by the harvest, and the labor ended,<br/> We shall come rejoicing bringing in the sheaves.</p><p>Going forth with weeping, sowing for the Master,<br/> Though the loss sustained our spirit often grieves;<br/>When our weeping’s over, He will bid us welcome,<br/> We shall come rejoicing bringing in the sheaves.</p>"
"title": "75 Hark! ‘Tis The Shepherd\\’s Voice",
"number": 75,
"content": "<h1><b>75 Hark! ‘Tis The Shepherd\\’s Voice</b></h1><p>Hark! ‘tis the Shepherd’s voice I hear,<br/>Out in the desert dark and drear,<br/>Calling the sheep who’ve gone astray,<br/>Far from the Shepherd’s fold away.</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>Bring them in, Bring them in,<br/> Bring them in from the fields of sin,<br/>Bring them in; Bring them in, <br/>Bring the wanderers to Jesus.</i></p><p>Who’ll go and help the Shepherd kind, <br/>Help Him the wand’ring ones to find?<br/> Who’ll bring them back into the fold,<br/>Where they’ll be sheltered from the cold?</p><p>Out in the desert hear their cry,<br/> Out on the mountain wild and high,<br/> Hark! ‘tis the Master speaks to thee,<br/> “Go, find my sheep where’er they be.</p>"
"title": "76 Rescue The Perishing.",
"number": 76,
"content": "<h1><b>76 Rescue The Perishing.</b></h1><p>Rescue the perishing, Care for the dying<br/> Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave<br/> Weep o’er the erring one, Lift up the fallen,<br/>Tell them of Jesus, the mighty to save.</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>Rescue the perishing, Care for the dying;<br/> Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save.</i></p><p>Tho’ they are slighting him, Still he is waiting,<br/> Waiting the penitent child to receive<br/> Plead with them earnestly, Plead with them gently;<br/> He will forgive if they only Believe.</p><p>Down in the human heart, Crush’d by the tempter,<br/> Feelings lie buried that grace can restore;<br/> Touched by a loving heart, Wakened by kindness,<br/> Chords that were broken will Vibrate once more.</p><p>Rescue the perishing; Duty demands it,<br/>Strength for thy labor the Lord will provide;<br/> Back to the narrow way, Patiently win them;<br/>Tell the poor wand’rer a Saviour has Died</p>"
"title": "77 I Love To Tell The Story.",
"number": 77,
"content": "<h1><b>77 I Love To Tell The Story.</b></h1><p>I love to tell the story; Of unseen things above;<br/>Of Jesus and his glory, <br/> Of Jesus and his love; I love to tell the story, <br/>Because I know ‘tis true,<br/> It satisfies my longing, As nothing else can do.</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>I love to tell the story; <br/>‘Twill be my theme in glory,<br/> To tell the old, old story,<br/>Of Jesus and his love.</i></p><p>I love to tell the story; More wonderful it seems,<br/> Than all the golden fancies,<br/> Of all our golden dreams; I love to tell the story,<br/> It did so much for me,<br/> And that is just the reason, I tell it now to thee.</p><p>I love to tell the story; ‘Tis pleasant to repeat,<br/> What seems each time I tell it,<br/> More wonderfully sweet; I love to tell the story,<br/> For some have never heard,The message of salvation,<br/> From God’s own holy word.</p><p>I love to tell the story; For those who know it best,<br/> Seem hungering and thirsting,<br/> To hear it like the rest; And when in scenes of glory, <br/>I sing the new, new song,‘Twill be the old, old story,<br/> That I have loved so long.</p>"
"title": "78 Seeking The Lost.",
"number": 78,
"content": "<h1><b>78 Seeking The Lost.</b></h1><p>Seeking the lost yes, kindly entreating,<br/>Wonderers on the mountains astray;<br/> “Come unto me,” the message repeating, <br/>Words of the Master speaking today.</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>Going afar……upon the mountain……….<br/> (Going afar) (upon the mountain)<br/> Bringing the wan……d’rers back again…..<br/>(Bringing the wand’rers, the wand’rers back again.)<br/> Into the fold… of my Redeemer,…<br/>(Into the fold of my Redeemer)<br/> Jesus the Lamb……… For sinners slain.<br/> (Jesus the Lamb, the Lamb for sinners slain.)</i></p><p>Seeking the lost, and pointing to Jesus,<br/> Soul that are weak and hearts that are sore<br/> Leading them forth in ways of salvation,<br/> Showing the path to life evermore.</p><p>Thus would I go, for Jesus hath called me,<br/> Him would I follow day unto day;<br/> Care for the dying, raise up the fallen,<br/> Pointing the lost to Jesus the way.</p>"
"title": "79 Far And Near.",
"number": 79,
"content": "<h1><b>79 Far And Near.</b></h1><p>Far and near the fields are teeming,<br/> With the sheaves of ripened grain;<br/> Far and near their gold is gleaming,<br/> O’er the sunny slope and plain.</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>Lord of harvest, send forth reapers!<br/> Hear us, Lord, to thee we cry,<br/> Send them now the sheaves to gather,<br/> Ere the harvest time pass by.</i></p><p>Send them forth with morn’s first beaming,<br/>Send them in the moon tide’s glare;<br/> When the sun’s last rays are streaming,<br/> Bid them gather ev’ry where.</p><p>O thou whom thy Lord is sending, <br/>Gather now the sheaves of gold;<br/> Heav’nward then at evening wending,<br/> Thou shalt come with joy untold.</p>"
"title": "80 To The Work!",
"number": 80,
"content": "<h1><b>80 To The Work!</b></h1><p>To the work! To the work! We are servants of God,<br/>Let us follow the path that our Master has trod;<br/> With the word of his counsel our strength to renew,<br/>Let us do with our might what our hands find to do</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>Toiling on…… toiling on…….. toiling on<br/> (Toiling on) (Toiling on)(Toiling on)<br/> Toiling on……. Let us hope…….. Let us watch<br/> (Toiling on) (And trust) (And pray)<br/> And labor till the Master comes.</i></p><p>To the work! To the work! Let the hungry be fed,<br/> To the Fountain of Life let the weary be led;<br/> In the cross and its banner, our glory shall be,<br/> While we herald the tidings, ”Salvation is free.”</p><p>To the work! To the work! There is labor for all,<br/> For the kingdom of darkness and error shall fall;<br/> And the name of Jehovah exalted shall be,<br/>In the loud swelling chorus, “Salvation is free.”</p><p>To the work! To the work! Preaching on to the end,<br/> For the harvest will come, And the reapers descend;<br/> And the home of the ransomed dwelling will be,<br/> And our chorus forever, “Salvation is free.”</p>"
"title": "81 Work, For The Night Is Coming.",
"number": 81,
"content": "<h1><b>81 Work, For The Night Is Coming.</b></h1> <p> Work, for the night is coming,<br/>Work thro’ the morning hours;<br/> Work while the dew is sparkling,<br/>Work ‘mid springing flowers,<br/> Work while the day grows brighter, <br/>Under the glowing sun; <br/> Work for the night is coming,<br/>When man’s work is done. </p> <p> Work for the night is coming,<br/>Work through the sunny noon; <br/> Fill brightest hours with labor,<br/>Rest comes sure and soon;<br/> Give every flying minute, <br/> Something to keep in store;<br/> Work, for the night is coming,<br/>When man works no more. </p> <p> Work, for the night is coming, <br/> Under the sunset skies; <br/> While their bright tints are glowing,<br/>Work, for the daylight flies;<br/> Work till the last beam fadeth, <br/> Fadeth to shine no more; <br/> Work while the night is darkening, <br/>When man’s work is o’er. </p>"
"title": "82 Lord, In The Morning.",
"number": 82,
"content": "<h1><b>82 Lord, In The Morning.</b></h1> <p> Lord, in the morning Thou shalt hear<br/> my voice ascending high;<br/> To Thee will I direct my prayer,<br/>To Thee lift up mine eye? </p> <p> Up to hills where Christ is gone,<br/>To plead for all His saints;<br/> Presenting at His Father’s throne,<br/>Our songs and our complaints. </p> <p> O may Thy Spirit guide my feet, <br/> In ways of righteousness; <br/> Make every path of duty straight,<br/> And plain before my face. </p> <p> The man that love and fear Thy name, <br/> Shall see their hopes fulfilled; <br/> The mighty God will compass them,<br/> With favour as a shield. </p>"
"title": "83 O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing.",
"number": 83,
"content": "<h1><b>83 O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing.</b></h1> <p> O for a thousand tongues to sing;Blessed be the name of the Lord! The glories of my God and King,Blessed be the name of the Lord! </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Blessed be the name,- <br/> Blessed be the name, <br/> Blessed be the name of the Lord; <br/> Blessed be the name,<br/> Blessed be the name, <br/> Blessed be the name of the Lord. </i></p> <p> Jesus, the name that charms our fears; <br/> Blessed be the name of the Lord! <br/> ‘Tis music in the sinner’s ears, <br/>Blessed be the name of the Lord! </p> <p>He breaks the power of cancelled sin,<br/> Blessed be the name of the Lord!<br/> His blood can make the foulest clean, <br/>Blessed be the name of the Lord! </p>"
"title": "84 Praise God!",
"number": 84,
"content": "<h1><b>84 Praise God!</b></h1> <p> Praise God! From whom all blessings flow; <br/> Praise Him, all creatures here below;<br/> Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; <br/> Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost…… <br/> Amen. </p> <h1><b>84a Singing As We Journey.</b></h1> <p> We are children of a King,<br/>Heav’nly King, Heav’nly King; <br/> We are children of a King,<br/>Singing as we journey; <br/> Jesus Christ, our guard and guide, <br/> Bids us, nothing terrified,<br/> Follow closely at His side,<br/> Singing as we journey. </p> <p> We are traveling to our home,<br/> Blessed home, Blessed home; <br/> We are traveling to our home,<br/>Singing as we journey.<br/> Tow’d a city out of sight, <br/> Where will fall no shed of light, <br/> For our Saviour is its light,<br/>Singing as we journey. </p> <p>Full of joy we onward go,<br/> Heav’nward go, Heav’nward go,<br/> Full of joy we onward go, <br/> Singing as we journey; <br/>Singing all the journey through, <br/> Singing hearts are brave and true,<br/>Singing till our home we view, <br/>Singing as we journey. </p>"
"title": "85 I Sing The Mighty Power.",
"number": 85,
"content": "<h1><b>85 I Sing The Mighty Power.</b></h1> <p> I sing the mighty power of God,<br/> That made the mountains rise, <br/> That spread the flowing seas abroad,<br/> And built the lofty skies;<br/> I sing the wisdom that ordained,<br/>The sun to rule the day; <br/> The moon shines full at his command,<br/> And all the stars obey. </p> <p> I sing the goodness of the Lord,<br/>That filled the earth with food;<br/> He formed the creatures with his word,<br/> And then pronounced them good.<br/> Lord how thy wonders are displayed, <br/>Where’er I turn my eye.<br/> If I survey the ground I tread, <br/>O gaze upon the sky. </p> <p> There’s not a plant or flow’rs below,<br/> But makes thy glories known;<br/> And clouds arise, and tempests blow,<br/> By order from thy throne.<br/> Creatures that borrow life from thee,<br/> Are subject to thy care,<br/> There’s not a place where we can flee,<br/> But God is present there. </p>"
"title": "86 O Worship The King!",
"number": 86,
"content": "<h1><b>86 O Worship The King!</b></h1> <p> O worship the King, all glorious above,<br/>And grate-fully sing his wonderful love;<br/> Our Shield and Defender the Ancient of Days,<br/> Pavillion’d in splendor, and girded with praise. </p> <p> O tell of his might and sing of his grace,<br/> Whose robe is the light, whose canopy space;<br/> His chariots of wrath the deep thunder clouds form,<br/> And dark is the path on the wings of the storm.<br/> </p> <p> Thy bountiful care, what tongue can recite,<br/> It breathes in the air, it shines in the light; <br/>It streams from the hills, it descends to the plain,<br/>And sweetly distills in the dew and the rain. </p> <p> Frail children of dust, and feeble as frail,<br/> In thee do we trust, nor find thee to fail;<br/> Thy mercies, how tender! How firm to the end! <br/> Our Master, Defender, Redeemer, and Friend. </p>"
"title": "87 Father, We Come To Thee.",
"number": 87,
"content": "<h1><b>87 Father, We Come To Thee.</b></h1> <p> Father, we come to thee,<br/>No other help have we, <br/> Thou wilt our refuge be, On thee we call;<br/> Earth is but dark and drear,<br/>Without thy presence near;<br/> Be thou our comfort here, Father of all. </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Father, we come to thee, <br/> Turn not away; <br/> Helpless we come to thee,<br/> Hear while we pray. </i></p> <p> Save from our many foes,<br/> Save from our earthly woes,<br/> Be thou our soul’s repose, In time of need; <br/>Fearful are we and weak,<br/>To us sweet courage speak; <br/> Thy mighty arm we seek, For strength indeed. </p> <p> Give us thy grace divine, Seal us forever thine, <br/> Our wayward feet incline, From sin to flee;<br/> O guide us we implore, ‘Till weary life is o’er,<br/> And on a brighter shore, We dwell with thee. </p>"
"title": "88 Pass Me Not, O Gentle Saviour.",
"number": 88,
"content": "<h1><b>88 Pass Me Not, O Gentle Saviour.</b></h1> <p> Pass me not, O gentle Saviour,<br/> Hear my humble cry;<br/> While on others Thou art calling,<br/> Do not pass me by. </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Saviour, Saviour, hear my humble cry, <br/>While on others Thou art calling, <br/> Do not pass me by. </i></p> <p> Let me at the throne of mercy, <br/>Find a sweet relief;<br/> Kneeling there in deep contrition,<br/> Help my unbelief. </p> <p> Trusting only in Thy merit,<br/>Would I seek Thy face; <br/> Heal my wounded, broken spirit,<br/>Save me by Thy grace. </p> <p> Thou the Spring of all my comfort,<br/>More than life to me;<br/> Whom have on earth beside thee! <br/> Whom in heaven but Thee? </p>"
"title": "89 Sweet Hour Of Prayer.",
"number": 89,
"content": "<h1><b>89 Sweet Hour Of Prayer.</b></h1> <p> Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer,<br/> That calls me from a world of care,<br/> And bids me at my Father’s throne,<br/> Make all my wants and wishes known!<br/> In seasons of distress and grief,<br/>My soul has often found relief,<br/> And oft escaped the tempter’s snare, <br/>By thy return, sweet hour of prayer. </p> <p> Sweet hour of prayer! Sweet hour of prayer! <br/> Thy wings shall my petition bear; <br/> To Him whose truth and faithfulness,<br/> Engage the waiting soul to bless,<br/> And since he bids me seek his face,<br/>Believe his word, and trust his grace,<br/> I’ll cast on him my ev’ry care, <br/>And wait for thee sweet hour of prayer. </p> <p> Sweet hour of prayer! Sweet hour of prayer!<br/> May I thy consolation share; <br/> Till from Mount Pisgah’s lofty height,<br/> I view my home, and take my flight, <br/> In my immortal flesh I’ll rise, <br/>To seize the everlasting prize,<br/> And shout while passing through the air, <br/> “Farewell, farewell, sweet hour of prayer </p>"
"title": "90 Another Six Days’ Work.",
"number": 90,
"content": "<h1><b>90 Another Six Days’ Work.</b></h1> <p> Another six days’ work is done,<br/> Another Sabbath is begun;<br/> Return, my soul, enjoy thy rest <br/> Improve the day that God has blessed </p> <p> Come, bless the Lord, whose love assigns,<br/> So sweet a rest to weary minds; <br/>A blessed antepast is giv’n, <br/> On this day more than all the sev’n. </p> <p> O that our thoughts and thanks may rise,<br/> As greatful incense to the skies,<br/> And draw from Christ that sweet repose, <br/> Which none but he who feels it knows. </p> <p> This heav,nly calm within the breast,<br/>Is the best pledge of glorious rest; <br/> Which for the church of God remain,<br/>The end of cares, the end of pains. </p>"
"title": "91 Watch, For The Time Is Short.",
"number": 91,
"content": "<h1><b>91 Watch, For The Time Is Short.</b></h1> <p> Watch, for the time is short;<br/> Watch while ‘tis called today;<br/> Watch lest the world prevail; <br/> Watch, Christian, watch and pray; <br/> Watch, for the flesh is weak; <br/> Watch, for the foe is strong;<br/> Watch lest the Bridegroom come; <br/> Watch, though he tarry long </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> O watch and pray, O watch and pray;<br/> O watch in the darkness,<br/> and watch is the day;<br/>Christian, watch and pray. </i></p> <p> Chase slumber from thine eyes,<br/> Chase doubting from thy breast;<br/> Thine is the promised prize,<br/>Of heaven’s eternal rest; <br/> Watch, Christian, watch and pray; <br/> Thy Saviour watched for thee,<br/>Till from his brow there poured,<br/> Great drops of agony. </p> <p>Take Jesus for thy trust;<br/> Watch while the foe is near;<br/> Gird well the armor on;<br/> Watch till thy Lord appear,<br/> Now when thy sun is up, <br/> Make thou no more delay,<br/> In this accepted time, Watch, <br/> Christian, watch and pray. </p>"
"title": "92 Don’t Forget The Sabbath.",
"number": 92,
"content": "<h1><b>92 Don’t Forget The Sabbath.</b></h1> <p> Don’t forget the Sabbath,<br/> The Lord our God hath blest; <br/> Of all the weak the brightest,<br/>Of all the week the best; <br/> It brings response from labor,<br/> It tells of joy divine,<br/> Its beams of light descending,<br/> With heav’nly beauty shine </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Welcome, welcome, ever welcome,<br/> Blessed Sabbath day, <br/> Welcome, welcome, ever welcome,<br/>Blessed Sabbath day. </i></p> <p>Keep the Sabbath holy,<br/> And worship him today; <br/> Who said to his disciples,<br/> “I am the Living Way.”<br/> And if we meekly follow, <br/> Our Saviour here below; <br/> He’ll give us of the Fountain,<br/> With streams eternal flow. </p> <p> Day of sacred pleasure!<br/> Its golden hours we’ll spend,<br/> In thankful hymns to Jesus,<br/> The children’s dearest friend;<br/> O gentle, loving Saviour, <br/> How good and kind thou art, <br/> How precious is thy promise, <br/>To dwell in every heart. </p>"
"title": "93 Day Of Rest And Gladness",
"number": 93,
"content": "<h1><b>93 Day Of Rest And Gladness</b></h1> <p> O day of rest and gladness,<br/> O day of joy and light;<br/>O balm of care and sadness,<br/> Most beautiful, most bright;<br/> On thee, the high and lowly,<br/> Who bend before the throne? <br/> Sing, Holy, holy, holy,<br/>To the Eternal One. </p> <p> Thou art a port protected,<br/> From storms that round us rise,<br/> A garden intersected, <br/> With streams of paradise; <br/>Thou art a cooling fountain,<br/> In life’s dry, dreary sand;<br/> From thee, like Pisgah’s mountain, <br/>We view our promised land. </p> <p> A day of sweet reflection,<br/> Thou art, a day of love,<br/> A day to raise affection, <br/>From earth to things above; <br/> New grace ever gaining, <br/>From this our day of rest, <br/> We seek the rest remaining, <br/>In mansions of the blest. </p>"
"title": "94 Sweet Sabbath School!",
"number": 94,
"content": "<h1><b>94 Sweet Sabbath School!</b></h1> <p> Sweet Sabbath School! More dear to me,<br/>Than fairest palace dome, <br/> My heart e’er turns with joy to thee,<br/> My own dear Sabbath home. </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Sabbath home (sweet home)!<br/> Blessed home, (sweet home)<br/> Sabbath home, (sweet home) <br/>Blessed home! <br/>My heart e’er turns with joy to thee, <br/> My own dear Sabbath Home. </i></p> <p> Here first my willful, wand’ring heart, <br/>The way of life was shown, <br/> Here first I sought the better part, <br/> And gained a Sabbath home. </p> <p> Here Jesus stood with loving voice,<br/>Entreating me to come, <br/>And make him my only choice,<br/> In this dear Sabbath home. </p>"
"title": "95 Safely Through Another Week.",
"number": 95,
"content": "<h1><b>95 Safely Through Another Week.</b></h1> <p> Safely through another week,<br/> God has brought us on our way;<br/> Let us now blessing seek,<br/> Waiting in his courts today,<br/>Day of all the week the best,<br/> Emblem of eternal rest; <br/> Day of all the week the best, <br/> Emblem of eternal rest. </p> <p> While we seek supplies of grace,<br/> Through the dear Redeemer’s name,<br/> Show thy reconciling face,<br/> Take away our sin and shame, <br/> From our worldly cares set free, <br/>May we rest this day in thee;<br/> From our worldly cares set free,<br/> May we rest this day in thee. </p> <p> Here we come thy name to praise,<br/> May we feel thy presence near,<br/> May thy glory meet our eyes,<br/> While we in thy courts appear. <br/> Here, afford us, Lord, a taste, <br/>Of our everlasting feast.<br/> Here, afford us, Lord, a taste,<br/>Of our everlasting feast. </p> <p> May the gospel’s joyful sound,<br/> Conquer sinners, comfort saints;<br/> Make the fruit of grace abound,<br/> Bring relief to all complaints; <br/> Thus may all our Sabbaths be,<br/> Till we rise to reign with thee, <br/> Thus may all our Sabbaths be,<br/> Till we rise to reign with thee. </p>"
"title": "96 Welcome, Welcome, Day Of Rest.",
"number": 96,
"content": "<h1><b>96 Welcome, Welcome, Day Of Rest.</b></h1> <p> Welcome, welcome, day of rest,<br/> To the world in kindness given;<br/> Welcome to this humble breast,<br/>As the beaming light from heaven. </p> <p> Day of calm and sweet repose,<br/> Gently now thy moments run;<br/> Balm to sooth our cares and woes,<br/>Till our labor here is done. </p> <p> Holy day that most we prize,<br/> Day of solemn praise and prayer;<br/> Day to make the simple wise,<br/> O, how great thy blessings are!</p>"
"title": "97 Jesus Saves!",
"number": 97,
"content": "<h1><b>97 Jesus Saves!</b></h1> <p> We have heard a joyful sound,<br/>Jesus saves, Jesus saves;<br/>Spread the gladness all around,<br/>Jesus saves, Jesus saves;<br/> Bear the news to ev’ry land,<br/>Climb the steeps and cross the waves,<br/> Onward ‘tis our Lord’s command, <br/> Jesus saves, Jesus saves. </p> <p> Waft it on the rolling tide,<br/> Jesus saves, Jesus saves;<br/> Tell to sinners, far and wide, <br/> Jesus saves, Jesus saves; <br/> Sing, ye islands of the sea, <br/> Echo back, ye ocean caves; <br/> Earth shall keep her jubilee, <br/>Jesus saves, Jesus saves. </p> <p> Sing above the battle’s strife,<br/> Jesus saves, Jesus saves;<br/> By his death and endless life,<br/>Jesus saves, Jesus saves;<br/> Sing it softly through the gloom,<br/> When the heart for mercy craves;<br/> Sing in triumph o’er the tomb,<br/> Jesus saves, Jesus saves. </p> <p> Give the winds a mighty voice, <br/> Jesus saves, Jesus saves; <br/> Let the nations now rejoice, <br/> Jesus saves, Jesus saves; <br/> Shout salvation full and free,<br/> Highest hills and deepest caves; <br/> This our song of victory, <br/> Jesus saves, Jesus saves. </p>"
"title": "98 I Must Have The Saviour With Me.",
"number": 98,
"content": "<h1><b>98 I Must Have The Saviour With Me.</b></h1> <p> I must have the Saviour with me,<br/>For I dare not walk alone.<br/>I must feel His presence near me,<br/> And His arm around me thrown </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/>Then my soul ………… shall fear no ill, <br/> (Then my soul shall fear no ill, fear no ill.)<br/> Let him lead ……..me where He will<br/>(Let Him lead me, where He will, where He will} <br/>I will gowithout a murmur, <br/>(I will go) <br/>And His footsteps follow still. <br/> </i></p> <p> I must have the Saviour with me,<br/> For my faith, at best, is weak; <br/> He can whisper words of comfort,<br/>That no other voice can speak. </p> <p> I must have the Saviour with me,<br/> In the onward march of life; <br/> Through the tempest and the sunshine,<br/> Through the battle and the strife </p> <p> I must have the Saviour with me,<br/>And His eye the way must guide; <br/> Till I reach the vale of Jordan,<br/>Till I gain the other side. </p>"
"title": "99 When I Survey The Wondrous Cross.",
"number": 99,
"content": "<h1><b>99 When I Survey The Wondrous Cross.</b></h1><p> When I survey the wondrous cross,<br/>On which the prince of glory died,<br/> My richest gain I count but loss,<br/> And pour contempt on all my pride.</p><p> See, from his head, his hands, his feet,<br/> Sorrow and love flow mingled down,<br/> Did e’er such love and sorrow meet? <br/>Or thorns compose so rich a crown?</p><p> Since I, who was undone and lost,<br/> Have pardon through his name and word;<br/> Forbid it, then, that I should boast,<br/> Save in the cross of Christ, my Lord.</p><p> Were the whole realm of nature mine,<br/>That were a tribute far too small;<br/> Love so amazing, so divine,<br/>Demands my life, my soul, my all.</p>"
"title": "100 What A Friend We Have In Jesus.",
"number": 100,
"content": "<h1><b>100 What A Friend We Have In Jesus.</b></h1><p> What a friend we have in Jesus,<br/> All our sins and griefs to bear!<br/> What a privilege to carry to carry,<br/> Ev’rything to God in prayer.<br/> O what peace we often forfeit,<br/> O what needless pain we bear, <br/> All because we do not carry,<br/> Ev’rything to God in prayer.</p><p> Have we trials and temptations?<br/> Is there trouble anywhere?<br/> We should never be discouraged,<br/>Take it to the Lord in prayer.<br/> Can we find a friend so faithful,<br/> Who will all our sorrows share? <br/> Jesus knows our ev’ry weakness,<br/>Take it to the Lord in prayer.</p><p> Are we weak and heavy laden,<br/> Cumbered with a load of care?<br/> Precious Saviour, still our refuge,<br/>Take it to the Lord in prayer;<br/> Do thy friends despise, forsake thee? <br/>Take it to the Lord in prayer;<br/> In his arms he’ll take and shield thee, <br/> Thou wilt find a solace there</p>"
"title": "101 Jesus Is Calling.",
"number": 101,
"content": "<h1><b>101 Jesus Is Calling.</b></h1> <p> Jesus is tenderly calling thee home,<br/> Calling today, calling today;<br/> Why from the sunshine of love wilt thou roam,<br/>Farther and farther away? </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Call…ing today….call…ing today,<br/> (Calling today, calling today;<br/> Calling today, calling today,)<br/> Jes…….us is call…ing, is tenderly calling today.<br/> (Jesus is tenderly calling today) </i></p> <p> Jesus is calling the weary to rest,<br/> Calling today, calling today;<br/> Bring him thy burden, and thou shalt be blest;<br/> He will not turn thee away. </p> <p> Jesus is waiting, oh, come to Him now,<br/> Waiting today, waiting today;<br/> Come with thy sins, at His feet lowly bow; <br/>Come, and no longer delay. </p> <p> Jesus is pleading, oh, list to His voice,<br/> Hear Him today, Hear Him today; <br/> They who believe on His name shall rejoice;<br/> Quickly arise and away. </p>"
"title": "102 Let Him In.",
"number": 102,
"content": "<h1><b>102 Let Him In.</b></h1> <p> There’s a stranger at the door,<br/> Let………………………him in <br/> (Let the Saviour in, Let the Saviour in,) <br/> He has been there before, Let……………… <br/>(Let the Saviour in, Let the Saviour in;) <br/> Let him in, ere he is gone; <br/> Let him in, the Holy One; <br/> Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son, <br/>Let………………………..him in. <br/> (Let the Saviour in, Let the Saviour in.) </p> <p> Open now to him your heart,<br/> Let………………………….him in; <br/> (Let the Savior in, Let the Saviour in;) <br/> If you wait he will depart,<br/> Let………………………….him in;<br/> (Let the Saviour in, Let the Saviour in.) <br/> Let him in, he is your friend,<br/> And your soul he will defend; <br/> He will keep you to the end, <br/> Let……………………………him in. <br/> (Let the Saviour in, Let the Saviour in.) </p> <p> Hear you now his pleading voice, <br/> Let………………………..him in <br/> (Let the Saviour in, Let the Saviour in) <br/> Now, O now make him your choice,<br/> Let………………………him in. <br/> (Let the Saviour in , Let the Saviour in) <br/> He is standing at your door, Joy to you he will restore,<br/>And his name you will adore, <br/> Let…………………………….him in. <br/> (Let the Saviour in, Let the Saviour in.) </p> <p> Now admit the heavenly guest,<br/> Let…………………………….him in; <br/> (Let the Saviour in, Let the Saviour in) <br/> He will make for you a feast, <br/> Let……………………………..him in. <br/> (Let the Saviour in, Let the Saviour in.) <br/> He will speak your sins forgiv’n,<br/>And when earth-ties all are riv’n; <br/> He will take you home to heav’n,<br/> Let…………………………….him in. <br/> (Let the Saviour in, Let the Saviour in) </p>"
"title": "103 Ye Must Be Born Again.",
"number": 103,
"content": "<h1><b>103 Ye Must Be Born Again.</b></h1> <p> A ruler once came to Jesus by night,<br/> To ask Him the way of Salvation and light;<br/> The Master made answer in words true and plain,<br/>“Ye must be born again.” </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> “Ye must be born again,<br/> Ye must be born again,<br/> I verily, verily, say unto thee,<br/> Ye must be born again.” </i></p> <p> Ye children of men, attend to the world,<br/> So solemnly uttered by Jesus the Lord;<br/> And let not this message to you be in vain,<br/> “Ye must be born again.” </P> <p> O ye who would enter that glorious rest,<br/>And sing with the ransomed the song of <br/>The blest; The life everlasting if you would obtain, <br/> “Ye must be born again.” </p>"
"title": "104 Come, Great Deliverer, Come",
"number": 104,
"content": "<h1><b>104 Come, Great Deliverer, Come</b></h1> <p> O hear my cry, be gracious unto me,<br/>Come, Great Deliverer come;<br/> My soul bowed down is longing now for thee, <br/>Come, Great Deliverer, come. </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> I’ve wandered far away o’er mountains cold, <br/> I’ve wandered far away from home;<br/> O take me now, <br/> And bring me to Thy fold, Come, <br/>Great Deliverer, come. </i></p> <p> I have no place, no shelter from the night,<br/>Come, Great Deliverer, come; <br/> One look from Thee would give life and light,<br/> Come, Great Deliverer, come. </p> <p> My path is lone, and weary are my feet, <br/> Come Great Deliverer, come;<br/> Mine eyes look up Thy loving smile to meet, <br/> Come, Great Deliverer, come. </p> <p> Thou wilt not spurn contrition’s broken sigh,<br/> Come, Great Deliverer, come.<br/> Regard my prayer, and hear my humble cry,<br/> Come, Great Deliverer, come. </p>"
"title": "105 Able To Deliver.",
"number": 105,
"content": "<h1><b>105 Able To Deliver.</b></h1> <p> Able to deliver! Sound it far and near;<br/>Able to deliver whosoe’er will hear; <br/> From the fiery furnace, from the sinner’s doom,<br/> Jesus will deliver whosoe’er will Come. </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Able to deliver, Able to save,<br/> When you are, my brother <br/> Able to believe. </i></p> <p> Able to deliver! Can it really be?<br/> Is there any power can deliver me? <br/>Tell me, tell me truly, is the Christ once slain,<br/> Able to deliver me from Satan’s Chain? </p> <P> Able to deliver! Courage, trembling one!<br/> Are you serving Jesus? He will save his own;<br/>Fear not Satan’s power, cling to Jesus’ hand, <br/>Cease your fear and doubting,<br/> boldly for him stand. </p>"
"title": "106 Build On The Rock.",
"number": 106,
"content": "<h1><b>106 Build On The Rock.</b></h1> <p> We’ll build on the Rock, the ling Rock,<br/> On Jesus, the Rock of Ages;<br/> So shall we abide the fearful shock, <br/> When loud the tempest rages. </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> We’ll build……………… on the Rock,<br/>We’ll build………on the Rock;<br/> (We’ll build on the Rock, on the solid Rock) (We’ll build on the Rock, on the solid Rock )<br/> We’ll build on the Rock, on the solid Rock,<br/>On Christ, the mighty Rock. </i></p> <p> Some build on the sinking sands of life,<br/>On visions of earthly treasure;<br/> Some build on the waves of sin and strife,<br/>Of fame, and worldly pleasure. </P> <p> O build on the Rock, for ever sure,<br/> The firm and the true foundation;<br/> Its hope is the hope which shall endure,<br/> The hope of salvation. </p>"
"title": "107 Tell Me The Story Of Jesus.",
"number": 107,
"content": "<h1><b>107 Tell Me The Story Of Jesus.</b></h1> <p> Tell me the story of Jesus,<br/> Write on my heart every word, <br/> Tell me the story most precious,<br/> Sweetest that ever was heard; <br/> Tell how the angels, in chorus, <br/> Sang as they welcomed His birth,<br/> Glory to God in the highest, <br/> Peace and good tidings to earth. </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Tell me the story of Jesus,<br/>Write on my heart every word,<br/>Tell me the story most precious, <br/> Sweetest that ever was told. </i></p> <p> Fasting alone in the desert,<br/>Tell of the days that He passed,<br/> How for our sins He was tempted, <br/>Yet was triumphant at last; <br/> Tell of the years of his labor,<br/>Tell of the sorrow He bore,<br/> He was despised and afflicted,<br/> Homeless, rejected, rejected and poor. </p> <p> Tell of the cross where they nailed Him,<br/>Writhing in anguish and pain;<br/> Tell of the grave where they laid Him,<br/> Tell how He liveth again,<br/> Love in that story so tender,<br/>Clearer than ever I see;<br/> Stay, let me weep while you whisper, <br/>Love paid the ransom for me. </p>"
"title": "108 Lovingly, Tenderly Calling.",
"number": 108,
"content": "<h1><b>108 Lovingly, Tenderly Calling.</b></h1> <p> Jesus, the loving shepherd, Calleth thee now to come,<br/> Into the fold of safety, Where there is rest and room;<br/> Come in the strength of manhood,<br/> Come in the morn of youth, <br/> Enter the fold of safety, Enter the way of truth. </P> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Lovingly, tenderly calling is he!<br/>Wanderer, wanderer, come unto me.<br/> Patiently standing there, waiting I see<br/> Jesus my Shepherd divine. </i></p> <p> Jesus, the loving Shepherd,<br/>Gave His dear life for thee.<br/> Tenderly now He’s calling,<br/>Wanderer, come to me; <br/> Haste for without is danger,<br/> Come, cries the Shepherd blest,<br/> Enter the fold of safety, <br/> Enter the place of rest. </p> <p> Lingering is but folly,<br/> Wolves are abroad today,<br/> Seeking the sheep now straying,<br/>Seeking the lambs to slay; <br/> Jesus, the loving Shepherd,<br/> Calleth thee now to come,<br/> Into the fold of safety, <br/> Where there is rest and room. </p>"
"title": "109 Weighed And Wanting",
"number": 109,
"content": "<h1><b>109 Weighed And Wanting</b></h1> <p> When the Judge shall weigh our motives,<br/> For eternal gain or loss,<br/> Shall we stand as gold before him,<br/> Or as vile and worthless dross. </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Weighed in the balances of the Lord,<br/> Weighed, weighed and wanting;<br/>Weighed by the standard of his word<br/> Weighed, weighed and wanting. </i></p> <p> Shall we hear the glad words spoken,<br/> “Faithful servant,” and “Well done,”<br/> Or the dread and awful sentence,<br/> “Thou art wanting,” sinful one? </p> <p> Shall we heed the Spirit’s pleading,<br/>While for mercy we may call,<br/> Or delay till God’s handwriting, <br/>Seals the final doom of all. </p>"
"title": "110 Blessed Are They That Do.",
"number": 110,
"content": "<h1><b>110 Blessed Are They That Do.</b></h1> <p> Hear the words our Saviour hath spoken,<br/> Words of life, unfailing and true;<br/> Careless one, prayer-less one, hear and remember,<br/>Jesus says, “Blessed are they That do.” </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Blessed are they that do His commandments,<br/> Blessed are they, blessed are they;<br/> Blessed are they that do His commandments,<br/> Blessed, blessed, blessed are they. </i></p> <p> All in vain we hear his commandments,<br/> All in vain his promises too; <br/> Hearing them, fearing them, never can save us, Blessed,<br/> O blessed are they that Do </p> <p> They with joy may enter the city,<br/>Free from sin, from sorrow and strife,<br/> Sanctified, glorified, now and forever,<br/>They may have right to the tree of life. </p>"
"title": "111 No, Not One.",
"number": 111,
"content": "<h1><b>111 No, Not One.</b></h1> <p>There’s not a friend like the lowly Jesus,<br/>No, not one! No, not one!<br/> None else could heal all our soul’s diseases,<br/>No, not one! No, not one!</p> <p><i><b>CHORUS:</b><br/>Jesus knows all about our struggles,<br/> He will guide till the day is done,<br/>There’s not a friend like the lowly Jesus, <br/> No, not one! No not one!</i></p> <p>No friend like him is so high and holy,<br/> No, not one! No, not one! <br/> And yet no friend is so meek and lowly,<br/> No, not one! No, not one!</p> <p>There’s not an hour that he is not with us,<br/> No, not one! No, not one! <br/> No night so dark but his love can cheer us,<br/>No, not one! No, not one!</p> <p>Did ever saint find this friend forsake him?<br/> No, not one! No, not one!<br/> Or sinner find that he would not take him? <br/> No, not one! No, not one!</p><p>Was e’er a gift like the Saviour given?<br/>No, not one! No, not one! <br/> Will he refuse us a home in heaven? <br/>No, not one! No, not one!</p>"
"title": "112 Life In A Look.",
"number": 112,
"content": "<h1><b>112 Life In A Look.</b></h1> <p>There’s life in a look at the sacred cross,<br/> Jesus has said, “Look unto me;”<br/> Earth with its riches is only dross,<br/>Bright treasures beyond in the cross I see.</p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS:</b><br/> In a look…. there’s life for thee, <br/> In a look…… at Calvary, <br/> Blessed thought,…… salvation free,<br/>By a look…… at Calvary.</i></p> <p>When first to the Saviour I raised my eyes,<br/> Sweet was the smile that fell on me;<br/> Oft as the clouds of temptation rise, <br/> A look at the cross still my strength shall be.</p> <p>I’ll look to the cross ev’ry day and hour,<br/>Trusting the promise God has given;<br/> None ever fall neath the tempter’s power,<br/> Who trust and obey in the strength of Heaven.</p>"
"title": "113 Calling.",
"number": 113,
"content": "<h1><b>113 Calling.</b></h1> <p>Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling,<br/>Calling for you and for me;<br/> At the heart’s portal He’s waiting and watching,<br/> Watching for you and for me.</p> <p><i><b>CHORUS:</b><br/> Come home,…… come home,… <br/>(Come home, come home,) <br/>Ye who are weary come home <br/>Earnestly tenderly, Jesus is calling,<br/> Calling, O sinner, come home.</i></p> <p>Why should we tarry when Jesus is pleading,<br/> Pleading for you and for me;<br/> Why should we linger and heed not His mercies,<br/>Mercies for you and for me.</p> <p>Time is now fleeting, the moments are passing,<br/>Passing from you and from me;<br/> Shadows are gath’ring and death’s night is coming,<br/>Coming for you and for me.</p> <p>Think of the wonderful love He has promised, Promised for you and for me; Tho’ we have sinned He has mercy and pardon,Pardon for you and for me.</p>"
"title": "114 The Gate Ajar For Me.",
"number": 114,
"content": "<h1>114 The Gate Ajar For Me.</h1><p> There is a gate that stands ajar,<br/> And through its portals gleaming,<br/> A radiance from the cross afar, <br/>The Saviour’s love revealing. </p><p><i><b>CHORUS:</b><br/> O depth of mercy! Can it be,<br/> That gate was left ajar for me?<br/> For me….. for me…………,<br/> (For me,) (For me) <br/> Was left ajar for me </i></p><p> That gate ajar stands free for all,<br/> Who seek through it salvation,<br/> The rich and poor, the great and small, <br/>Of every tribe and nation.</p><p>Press onward, then, though foes may frown;<br/> While mercy’s gate is open,<br/> Accept the cross, and win the crown, <br/> Love’s everlasting token.</p><p>Beyond the river’s brink we’ll lay,<br/>The cross that here is given,<br/> And bear the crown of life away, <br/>And love Him more in heaven.</p>"
"title": "115 The Great Physician Now Is Near.",
"number": 115,
"content": "<h1><b>115 The Great Physician Now Is Near.</b></h1><p> The Great Physician now is near,<br/>The sympathizing Jesus; <br/> He speaks, the drooping heart to cheer, <br/>O hear the voice of Jesus.</p><p><i> <b>CHORUS:</b><br/> Sweetest note in seraph song,<br/> Sweetest name on mortal tongue, <br/> Sweetest carol ever sung ,<br/> Jesus, blessed Jesus.</i></p><p> All glory to the dying Lamb!<br/>I now believe in Jesus;<br/> I love the blessed Saviour’s name,<br/>I love the name of Jesus.</p><p> His name dispels my guilt and fear;<br/>No other name but Jesus;<br/>O how my soul delights to hear,<br/> The precious name of Jesus.</p><p>And when He comes to bring the crown,<br/>The crown of life and glory;<br/>Then by His side we will sit down,<br/>And tell redemption’s story.</p>"
"title": "116 Nothing For Jesus.",
"number": 116,
"content": "<h1><b>116 Nothing For Jesus.</b></h1> <p> Crowded is your heart with cares,<br/>Have you no room for Jesus? <br/> Captured by earth’s gilded snares,<br/>Have you no room for Jesus? <br/> Lo! He’s standing at your door, <br/>Knocking, knocking, o’er and o’er; <br/> Hear him pleading ever-more; <br/>Have you no room for Jesus? </p> <p> Wasting all your precious hours,<br/> Have you no work for Jesus?<br/>Spending those God-given powers,<br/> Have you no work for Jesus? <br/>Striving not to conquer sin, <br/>Seeking not a soul to win, <br/>Bringing not a wanderer in;<br/>Have you no work for Jesus? </p> <p> Seeking earth’s possessions fair,<br/>Have you no time for Jesus?<br/> None for gracious deeds to spare,<br/>Have you no time for Jesus? <br/> Worldly pleasures, wealth, and ease,<br/>Seeking, grasping toys like these, <br/>Striving only self to please;<br/>Have you no time for Jesus? </p> <p> Bearing only worthless leaves, <br/> Have you no fruit for Jesus? <br/> In your hands no precious sheaves,<br/> Have you no fruit for Jesus?<br/>Not a grain to store away,<br/>Naught your labor to repay, <br/> Not a joy for that great day, <br/>When you shall meet with Jesus. </p>"
"title": "117 I Am Coming, Lord.",
"number": 117,
"content": "<h1><b>117 I Am Coming, Lord.</b></h1> <p> I hear thy welcome voice,<br/> That calls me, Lord, to thee;<br/> For cleansing in thy precious blood,<br/>That flowed on Calvary. </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> I am coming, Lord, Coming now to thee!<br/> Wash me, cleanse me, in the blood,<br/> That flowed on Calvary. </i></p> <p> Though coming weak and vile,<br/> Thou dost my strength assure;<br/> Thou dost my vileness fully cleanse, <br/> Till spot-less all, and pure. </p> <p> ‘Tis Jesus calls me on,<br/> To perfect faith and love; <br/> To perfect hope, and peace, and trust,<br/> For earth and heav’n above. </p> <p> All hail, atoning blood!<br/> All hail, redeeming grace! <br/> All hail! The gift of Christ, our Lord, <br/>Our Strength and Righteousness. </p>"
"title": "118 Jesus Paid It All.",
"number": 118,
"content": "<h1><b>118 Jesus Paid It All.</b></h1><p> I hear the Saviour say,<br/> “Thy strength indeed is small; <br/> Child of weakness, watch and pray, <br/> Find in me thine all in all.”</p><p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Jesus paid it all, All to him I owe;<br/> Sin had left a crimson stain;<br/> He washed it white as snow.</i></p><p> Lord, now indeed I find,<br/> Thy power, and thine alone; <br/> Can change the leper’s spots, <br/> And melt the heart of stone.</p><p> Since nothing good have I,<br/>Whereby thy grace to claim;<br/> I’ll wash my garments white,<br/> In the blood of Calvary’s Lamb.</p><p>And when before the throne,<br/> I stand in him complete;<br/>I’ll lay trophies down, <br/>All down at Jesus’ feet.</p>"
"title": "119 The Cleansing Wave.",
"number": 119,
"content": "<h1><b>119 The Cleansing Wave.</b></h1><p> O now I see the cleansing wave,<br/>The fountain deep and wide;<br/> Jesus, my Lord, mighty to save,<br/>Points to his wounded side,</p><p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/>The cleansing stream I see, I see, <br/>I plunge, and now it cleanseth me!<br/> O praise the Lord! It cleanseth me,<br/>It cleanseth me, yes, cleanseth me.</i></p><p> I see the new creation rise,<br/>I hear the speaking blood;<br/> It speaks, polluted nature dies,<br/> Sinks ‘neath the cleansing flood</p><p> I rise to walk in heaven’s own light,<br/> Above the world and sin;<br/> With heart made pure and garments white,<br/> And Christ enthroned within.</p><p> Amazing grace! ‘tis heav’n below,<br/>To feel the blood applied; <br/> And Jesus, only Jesus, know,<br/> My Jesus crucified.</p>"
"title": "120 I Do Believe",
"number": 120,
"content": "<h1><b>120 I Do Believe</b></h1><p> Father, I stretch my hands to Thee;<br/>No other help I know; <br/> If Thou withdraw Thyself from me,<br/>Ah, whither shall I go?</p><p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/>I do believe, I now believe,<br/>That Jesus died for me, <br/> And that He shed His precious blood,<br/> From sin to set me free.</i></p><p> On thy dear Son I now believe,<br/> O let me feel Thy power; <br/> And all my varied wants relieve, <br/>In this accepted hour.</p><p> Author of faith! To Thee I lift, <br/> My weary, longing eyes; <br/> O let me now receive that gift, <br/>My soul without it dies</p>"
"title": "121 I Will Sing Of Jesus’ Love.",
"number": 121,
"content": "<h1><b>121 I Will Sing Of Jesus’ Love.</b></h1><p> I will sing(I will sing)of Jesus’ love,<br/> Sing of him(sing of him)who first loved me;<br/> For he left(for he left)bright worlds above,<br/> And died on Calvary.</p><p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> I will sing(I will sing) of Jesus’ love,<br/> Endless praise(endless praise)<br/> My heart shall give, <br/> He has died(he has died) <br/> that I might live;<br/> I will sing his love to me.</i></p><p> Ere a tear(ere a tear)had dimed mine eyes,<br/>Jesus’ tears(Jesus tears) for me did flow; <br/>Ere my first(ere my first) faint prayer could rise,<br/> He had prayed in tones of woe.</p><p> O the depths(o the depths) of love divine!<br/> Earth or heav’n(earth or heav’n) can never know; <br/>How that sins(how that sins) as dark as mine,<br/> Can be made as white as know.</p><p> Nothing good(nothing good) for him I’ve done;<br/> How could he(how could he) such love bestow?<br/>Lord I own(Lord I own) my heart is won,<br/>Help me now mylove to show.</p>"
"title": "122 Nearer, Still Nearer.",
"number": 122,
"content": "<h1><b>122 Nearer, Still Nearer.</b></h1><p> Nearer, still nearer, close to Thy heart,<br/> Draw me, my Saviour, so precious thou art <br/> Fold me, O fold me close to Thy breast,<br/>Shelter me safe in that “Heaven of Rest,”<br/> Shelter me safe in that “Heaven of Rest.”</p><p> Nearer, still nearer, nothing I bring,<br/>Naught as an offering to Jesus my King;<br/> Only my sinful now contrite heart,<br/> Grant me the cleansing Thy blood doth impart;<br/> Grant me the cleansing Thy blood doth impart.</p><p> Nearer, still nearer, Lord, to be Thine,<br/> Sin, with its follies, I gladly resign; <br/> All of its pleasures, pomp and its pride;<br/>Give me but Jesus, my Lord crucified;<br/> Give me but Jesus, my Lord crucified</p><p> Nearer, still nearer, while life shall last,<br/> Till safe in glory my anchor is cast; <br/> Thro’ endless ages, ever to be, <br/> Nearer, my Saviour, still nearer to Thee;<br/> Nearer, my Saviour, still nearer to Thee.</p>"
"title": "123 The Holiest Name.",
"number": 123,
"content": "<h1><b>123 The Holiest Name.</b></h1><p> Dearest name in earth or heaven, <br/>Sweetest name my heart hath known; <br/> By the Father it was given,<br/> To his well beloved Son.</p><p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> ‘Tis the holiest name,………. ‘Tis the holiest name<br/> (Blessed name!) (blessed name!)<br/> From the Father’s lips to the earth it came.<br/> Brought by angels of light,……… <br/> In the stillness of night,<br/>Was the dear, dear name of Jesus.</i></P><p> To my heart it brings a blessing,<br/>And my lips take up the strain;<br/> And his wond’rous name confessing, <br/> Tell its sweetness over again.</p><p> Oh, my soul would swell the chorus, <br/> Singing his redeeming love; <br/> And ascribe eternal praises, <br/> To the name all names above.</p>"
"title": "124 Not I, But Christ.",
"number": 124,
"content": "<h1><b>124 Not I, But Christ.</b></h1> <p> Not I, but Christ, be honored, loved, exalted;<br/> Not I, but Christ, be seen, be known, be heard;<br/> Not I, but Christ, in every look and action,<br/> Not I, but Christ, in every thought and word. </p> <p> Not I, but Christ, to gently soothe in sorrow;<br/> Not I, but Christ, to wipe the falling tear;<br/> Not I, but Christ, to lift the weary burden,<br/> Not I, but Christ, to hush away all fear. </p> <p> Christ, only Christ! No idle words e’re falling;<br/> Christ, only Christ, no needless busting sound;<br/> Christ, only Christ, no self important bearing, <br/> Christ, only Christ, no trace of “I” is found. </p> <p> Not I, but Christ, my every need supplying;<br/> Not I, but Christ, my strength and health to be;<br/> Christ, only Christ, for body, soul, and spirit,<br/> Christ, only Christ, here and eternally. </p>"
"title": "125 Sunlight In The Heart",
"number": 125,
"content": "<h1><b>125 Sunlight In The Heart</b></h1><p> There is sunlight on the hilltop,<br/> There is sunlight on the sea,<br/> And the golden beams are sleeping, <br/> On the soft and verdant lea;<br/> But a richer light is filling,<br/> All the chambers of my heart.<br/> For thou dwellest there my Saviour, <br/>And ‘tis sunlight where thou art.</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>O the sunlight! Beautiful sunlight!<br/> O the sunlight in the heart!<br/> Jesus’ smile can banish sadness;<br/> It is sunlight in the heart.</i></p><P> In the dust I leave my sadness,<br/> As the garb of other days,<br/> For thou robest me with gladness, <br/>And thou fillest me with praise; <br/> And to that bright home of glory,<br/> Which thy love hath won for me,<br/> In my heart and mind ascending, <br/>My glad spirit follows thee.</p><P> Loving Saviour, thou hast bought me,<br/>And my life, my all, is thine,<br/> Let the lamp thy love hath lighted, <br/> To thy praise and glory shine;<br/> And to that bright home of glory, <br/>Which thy love hath won for me;<br/> In my heart and might ascending,<br/>My glad spirit follows thee.</p>"
"title": "126 Since I Have Been Redeemed.",
"number": 126,
"content": "<h1><b>126 Since I Have Been Redeemed.</b></h1><p> I have a song I love to sing,<br/> Since I have been redeemed;<br/> Of my Redeemer, Saviour,<br/>King, Since I have been redeemed. <br/></p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/> Since I …………….have been redeemed,<br/> Since I …have been redeemed,<br/> I will glory in His name,<br/>Since I…….have been redeemed, <br/> I will glory in my Saviour’s name.</i></p><p>I have a Christ that satisfies, <br/> Since I have been redeemed;<br/> To do His will my highest prize,<br/> Since I have been redeemed.</P><p>I have a witness bright and clear,<br/>Since I have been redeemed; <br/> Dispelling every doubt and fear,<br/> Since I have been redeemed.</p><p> I have a home prepared for me,<br/> Since I have been redeemed;<br/> Where I shall dwell eternally, <br/> Since I have been redeemed.</p>"
"title": "127 He Loves, Me Too.",
"number": 127,
"content": "<h1><b>127 He Loves, Me Too.</b></h1><p> God sees the little sparrow fall,<br/>It meets his tender view, <br/> If God so loves the little birds,<br/>I know he loves me, too.</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/> He loves me, too, he loves me, too,<br/> I know he loves me too; <br/> Because he loves the little things, <br/> I know he loves me too.</i></p><p>He paints the lily of the field,<br/>Perfumes each lily bell; <br/> If he so loves the little flow’rs, <br/>I know he loves me too.</p><p>God made the little birds and flow’rs,<br/> And all things large and small;<br/> He’ll not forget his little ones;<br/>I know he loves me too.</p>"
"title": "128 Blessed Hour Of Prayer.",
"number": 128,
"content": "<h1><b>128 Blessed Hour Of Prayer.</b></h1><p> ‘Tis the blessed hour of prayer,<br/>when our hearts lowly bend,<br/> And we gather to Jesus, <br/>our Saviour and Friend! <br/> If we come to Him in faith, <br/>His protection to share,<br/> What a balm for the weary!<br/>O how sweet to be there!</P><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/> Blessed hour of prayer,<br/>Blessed hour of prayer,<br/> What a balm for the weary! <br/>O how sweet to be there!</i></p><p> ‘Tis the blessed hour of prayer, <br/>when the Saviour draws near,<br/> With a tender compassion <br/>His children to hear! <br/>When He tells us we may cast, <br/> at His feet ev’ry care,<br/> What a balm for the weary!<br/> O how sweet to be there!</p><p> ‘Tis the blessed hour of prayer,<br/> when the tempest and tried,<br/> To the Saviour who loves them <br/>their sorrows confide!<br/> With a sympathizing heart,<br/> He removes ev’ry care! <br/> What a balm for the weary! <br/>O how sweet to be there!</p><p> At the blessed hour of prayer,<br/>trusting Him we believe,<br/> That the blessings we are needing<br/> we’ll surely receive,<br/> In the fullness of this trust <br/>we shall lose ev’ry care;<br/> What a balm for the weary! <br/> O how sweet to be there!</p>"
"title": "129 Jesus, Come And Bless Us.",
"number": 129,
"content": "<h1><b>129 Jesus, Come And Bless Us.</b></h1> <p> Jesus, Thou hast promised,<br/>That were two or three,<br/> In Thy name have gathered,<br/>Thou wilt present be;<br/> And Thy word believing,<br/> Now in prayer we kneel;<br/> Jesus, come and bless us; <br/>Lord, Thyself reveal. </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Jesus, come and bless us,<br/> While we linger here;<br/> Jesus, come and bless us, <br/>Be Thou ever near. </i></p> <p> Jesus, Thou hast met us,<br/>Oft in seasons past,<br/> But we need Thy presence, <br/> With us till the last;<br/>Come, O blessed Saviour, <br/> And Thy grace display; <br/> Hear us and accept us; <br/> Bless us while we pray. </p> <p> Jesus, tune our voices,<br/>To Thy songs of praise,<br/> Be in each petition,<br/>That to Thee we raise;<br/> May our faith grow stronger,<br/> And our hope more bright <br/> May our love be purer,<br/>And our path more light. </p>"
"title": "130 I Am Thine, O Lord.",
"number": 130,
"content": "<h1><b>130 I Am Thine, O Lord.</b></h1><p> I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice,<br/>And it told Thy love to me;<br/> But I long to rise in the arms of faith,<br/>And be closer drawn to Thee.</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>Draw me nearer, nearer, blessed Lord,<br/> To the cross where Thou hast died;<br/>Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer, blessed Lord,<br/> To Thy precious, bleeding side.</i></p><p>Consecrate me now to Thy service, Lord,<br/>By the power of grace divine; <br/> May my soul look up with a steadfast hope, <br/>And my will be lost in Thine.</p><p>O the pure delight of a single hour,<br/>That before Thy throne I spend,<br/> When I kneel in prayer, and with Thee, my God,<br/> I commune as friend with friend.</p><p> There are depths of love that I cannot know,<br/>Till I cross the narrow sea;<br/> There are heights of joy that I may not reach,<br/>Till I rest in peace with Thee.</p>"
"title": "131 More Like Jesus.",
"number": 131,
"content": "<h1><b>131 More Like Jesus.</b></h1><p> More like Jesus would I be;<br/> Let my Saviour dwell with me,<br/> Fill my soul with peace and love,<br/> Make me gentle as a dove;<br/> More like Jesus while I go,<br/>Pilgrim in this world below; <br/> Poor in Spirit would I be,<br/> Let My Saviour dwell in me.</p><p> If he hears the raven’s cry;<br/>If his ever watchful eye,<br/> Marks the sparrows when they fall, <br/> Surely he will hear my call; <br/> He will teach me how to live,<br/> All my simple thoughts forgive;<br/> Pure in heart I still would be,<br/> Let my Saviour dwell in me.</p><p> More like Jesus when I pray,<br/> More like Jesus day by day;<br/> May I rest me by his side,<br/> When the tranquil waters glide;<br/> Born of Him, through grace renewed,<br/> By his love my will subdued,<br/> Rich in faith I still would be,<br/> Let my Saviour dwell in me,</p>"
"title": "132 Near The Cross.",
"number": 132,
"content": "<h1><b>132 Near The Cross.</b></h1><p> Jesus, keep near the cross,<br/> There a precious fountain;<br/> Free to all, a healing stream,<br/>Flows from Calvary’s mountain</p><p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> In the Cross, in the cross,<br/> Be my glory ever; <br/> Till my rapture’d soul shall find,<br/> Rest beyond the river.</i></p><p>Near the cross, a trembling soul,<br/>Love and mercy found me; <br/>There the bright and Morning Star,<br/>Sheds its beams around me.</p><p> Near the cross! O Lamb of God,<br/> Bring its scenes before me;<br/> Help me walk from day to day, <br/> With its shadows o’er me</p><p> Near the cross I’ll watch and wait,<br/>Hoping, trusting ever;<br/>Till I reach the golden strand,<br/>Just beyond the river.</p>"
"title": "133 Walking With God.",
"number": 133,
"content": "<h1><b>133 Walking With God.</b></h1><p> O let me walk with thee, my God,<br/> As Enoch walked in days of old;<br/> Place thou my trembling hand in thine,<br/> And sweet communion with me hold;<br/> E’en tho’ the path I may not see, <br/> Yet, Jesus, let me walk with thee.</p><p> I can not, dare not walk alone;<br/>The tempest rages in the sky;<br/> A thousand snares beset my feet,<br/> A thousand foes are lurking nigh;<br/> Still thou the raging of the sea;<br/> O Master, let me walk with thee.</p><p> If I may rest my hand in thine,<br/>I’ll count the joys of earth but loss,<br/> And firmly, bravely journey on; <br/> I’ll bear the banner of the cross, <br/> Till Zion’s glorious gates I see;<br/> Yet, Saviour, let me walk with thee.</p>"
"title": "134 Wonderful Love Of Jesus.",
"number": 134,
"content": "<h1><b>134 Wonderful Love Of Jesus.</b></h1><p> In joyful high and holy lays, <br/> My soul her grateful voice would raise; <br/> But who can sing the worthy praise, <br/> Of the wonderful love of Jesus.</p><p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Wonderful love! Wonderful love!<br/>Wonderful love of Jesus!<br/>Wonderful love! Wonderful love! <br/>Wonderful love of Jesus!</i></p><p> A joy by day, a peace by night,<br/> In storms a calm, in darkness light. <br/>In pain and balm, in weakness might,<br/>Is the wonderful love of Jesus.</p><p>My hope for pardon when I call,<br/> My trust for lifting when I fall;<br/>In life, in death, my all in all,<br/> Is the wonderful love of Jesus.</p>"
"title": "135 I Love Thee Better, Lord.",
"number": 135,
"content": "<h1><b>135 I Love Thee Better, Lord.</b></h1><p> I know I love thee better,<br/> Lord, Than any earthly joy;<br/> For thou hast given me the peace, <br/> Which nothing can destroy.</p><p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> The half has never yet been told, (never told)<br/> Of love so full and free;<br/>The half has never yet been told, ……… (never told) <br/> The blood it cleanseth me. (cleanseth me)</i></p><p> I know that thou art nearer still,<br/>Than any earthly throng;<br/> And sweeter is the thought of thee, <br/> Than any lovely song.</p><p> Thou hast put gladness in my heart,<br/> Then may I well be glad;<br/> Without the secret of thy love,<br/> I could not but be sad.</p><p>O Saviour, precious Saviour mine!<br/>What will thy presence be,<br/> If such a life of joy can crown, <br/> Our walk on earth with thee?</p>"
"title": "136 I Remember Calvary.",
"number": 136,
"content": "<h1><b>136 I Remember Calvary.</b></h1><p> Where He may lead me I will go,<br/> For I have learned to trust Him so,<br/> And I remember ‘twas for me,<br/> That He was slain on Calvary.</p><p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Jesus shall lead me night and day,<br/> Jesus shall lead me all the way<br/> He is the truest friend to me,<br/> For I remember Calvary.</i></p><p> O I delight in His command,<br/> Love to be led by His dear hand, <br/> His divine will is sweet to me, <br/> Hallowed by blood-stained Calvary.</p><p> Onward I go, nor doubt, nor fear,<br/> Happy with Christ, my Saviour dear,<br/> Trusting that I some day shall see,<br/>Jesus my Friend, of Calvary.</p>"
"title": "137 Give Me Jesus.",
"number": 137,
"content": "<h1><b>137 Give Me Jesus.</b></h1><p> Take the world, but give me Jesus,<br/> All its joys are but a name!<br/> But His love abideth ever,<br/>Through eternal years the same.</p><p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Oh, the heights and depth of mercy!<br/> Oh, the length and breath of love!<br/> Oh, the fullness of redemption,<br/> Pledge of endless life above!</i></p><p> Take the world, but give me Jesus,<br/> Sweetest comfort of my soul;<br/> With my Saviour watching o’er me,<br/> I can sing though billows roll.</p><p> Take the world, but give me Jesus,<br/> Let me view His constant smile;<br/> Then throughout my pilgrim journey,<br/>Light will cheer me all the while.</p><p> Take the world, but give me Jesus,<br/> In His cross my trust shall be;<br/> Till, with clearer, brighter vision,<br/>Face to face my Lord I see.</p>"
"title": "138 Entire Consecration.",
"number": 138,
"content": "<h1><b>138 Entire Consecration.</b></h1><p> Take my life, and let it be,<br/>Consecrated, Lord, to Thee;<br/>Take my hands and let them move,<br/> At the impulse of thy love.</p><p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Was me in the Saviour’s precious blood<br/> (the precious blood) <br/> Cleanse me in its purifying flood <br/> (the healing flood) Lord, I give to Thee, my life and all, to be,<br/> Thine, henceforth eternally.</i></p><p> Take my feet, and let them be,<br/> Swift and beautiful for Thee; <br/> Take my voice and let me sing,<br/>Always, only, for my King.</p><p> Take my lips and let them be,<br/> Filled with messages for Thee;<br/>Take my silver and my gold,<br/> Not a smile would I withhold.</p><p> Take my moments and my days,<br/>Let them flow in endless praise;<br/>Take my intellect, and my use,<br/> Every power as Thou shalt choose.</p><p> Take my will, and make it Thine,<br/>It shall be no longer mine;<br/> Take my heart, it is Thine own, <br/>It shall be Thy royal throne.</p><p> Take my love, my Lord, I pour,<br/> At Thy feet its treasure-store;<br/> Take myself, and I will be,<br/> Ever, only, all for Thee.</p>"
"title": "139 I’ve Found A Friend.",
"number": 139,
"content": "<h1><b>139 I’ve Found A Friend.</b></h1><p> I’ve found a Friend; oh, such a Friend!<br/> He loved me ere I knew Him;<br/>He drew me with the cords of love,<br/>And thus He bound me to Him.<br/> And ‘round my heart still closely twine, <br/>Those ties which naught can sever,<br/>For I am His, and His is mine, <br/>Forever and forever.</p><p> I’ve found a Friend; oh, such a Friend! <br/>He bled, He died to save me;<br/> And not alone the gift of life,<br/>But His own self He gave me. <br/> Naught that I have my own I call,<br/>I hold it for the Giver;<br/> My heart, my strength, my life, my all,<br/>Are His, and His forever.</p><p> I’ve found a Friend; oh, such a Friend!<br/>All power to Him is given; <br/> To guard me on my upward course, <br/>And bring me safe to heaven.<br/> The eternal glories gleam afar,<br/>To nerve my faint endeavor;<br/> So now to watch, to work, to war, <br/>And then to rest forever.</p><p> I’ve found a Friend; oh, such a Friend!<br/> So kind, and true, and tender;<br/> So wise a Counselor and Guide,<br/>So mighty a Defender.<br/> From Him, who loveth me so well,<br/>What power my soul can sever?<br/> Shall life or death, or earth or hell!<br/> No; I am His forever.</p>"
"title": "140 The Voice Of Jesus.",
"number": 140,
"content": "<h1><b>140 The Voice Of Jesus.</b></h1> <p> I heard the voice of Jesus say,<br/> “Come unto me and rest;<br/> Lay down; thou weary one lay down,<br/> Thy head upon my breast.” <br/> I came to Jesus as I was,<br/>Weary, and worn, and sad;<br/> I found in him a resting place,<br/>And he has made me glad. </p> <p> I heard the voice of Jesus say,<br/>“Behold, I freely give;<br/> The living water; thirsty one,<br/> Stop down and drink and live.”<br/> I came to Jesus, and I drank,<br/>Of that life-giving stream;<br/> My thirst was quenched, my soul revived,<br/> And now live in him. </p> <p> I heard the voice of Jesus say,<br/>“I am this dark world’s light; <br/> Look unto me; thy morn shall rise,<br/> And all thy days be bright.”<br/> I looked to Jesus, and I found, <br/> In him my star, my sun;<br/> And in that light of life I’ll walk, <br/>Till all my journey’s done. </p>"
"title": "141 Wholly Thine.",
"number": 141,
"content": "<h1><b>141 Wholly Thine.</b></h1> <p> I would be, dear Saviour, wholly Thine;<br/>Teach me how, teach me how; <br/> I would do thy will, O Lord, not mine, <br/> Help me, help me now. </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Wholly thine, ……. Wholly thine,<br/> (O Lord) (O Lord)<br/> Wholly thine this is my vow,<br/>Wholly thine, ……. Wholly thine,<br/> (O Lord) (O Lord) <br/> Wholly thine O Lord just now.</i></p><p> What is worldly pleasure, wealth or fame,<br/>Without thee, without thee?<br/> I will leave them all for thy dear name,<br/>This my wealth shall be.</p><p> As I cast earth’s transient joys behind,<br/>Come thou near, come thou near;<br/> In thy presence all in all I find, <br/>‘Tis my comfort here. </p>"
"title": "142 How Sweet.",
"number": 142,
"content": "<h1><b>142 How Sweet.</b></h1> <p> How sweet upon this sacred day,<br/> The best of all the seven;<br/> To cast our earthly thoughts away,<br/> And think of God and heaven! </p> <p> How sweet the words of peace to hear,<br/> From him to whom ‘tis given;<br/> To wake the penitential tear,<br/>And lead the way to heaven! </p> <p> And if to make our sins depart,<br/>In vain the will has striven;<br/> He who regards the inmost heart,<br/>Will send his grace from heaven. </p>"
"title": "143 Lord Dismiss Us.",
"number": 143,
"content": "<h1><b>143 Lord Dismiss Us.</b></h1><p> Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing,<br/>Fill our hearts with joy and peace;<br/> Let us each Thy love possessing,<br/>Triumph in redeeming grace,<br/> O refresh us, O refresh us, <br/>Traveling through this wilderness!</p><p> Thanks we give, and adoration,<br/>For Thy gospel’s joyful sound;<br/> May the fruits of Thy salvation,<br/>In our hearts and lives abound, <br/> Ever faithful, ever faithful,<br/>To Thy truth may we be found.</p><p> While our days on earth are lengthened,<br/>May we give them, Lord, to Thee;<br/> Cheered by hope, and daily strengthened,<br/> May we run, nor weary be,<br/> Till Thy glory, till Thy glory,<br/>Without clouds in heaven we see.</p>"
"title": "144 Higher Ground.",
"number": 144,
"content": "<h1><b>144 Higher Ground.</b></h1><p> I’m pressing on the upward way, <br/> New heights I’m gaining ev’ry day;<br/> Still praying as I onward bound,<br/>“Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.”</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/> Lord, lift me up and let me stand,<br/> By faith, on heaven’s table land,<br/> A higher place than I have found;<br/>Lord plant my feet on higher ground.</i></p><p> My heart has no desire to stay, <br/>Where doubts arise and fears dismay;<br/> Though some may dwell where these abound, <br/> My prayer, my aim is higher ground.</p><p> I want to live above the world, Tho’<br/>Satan’s darts at me are hurled;<br/> For faith has caught the joyful sound,<br/>The song of saints on higher ground.</p><p> I want scale the utmost height,<br/>And catch a gleam of glory bright;<br/> But still I’ll pray till heav’n I’ve found,<br/>“Lord, lead me on to higher ground.</p>"
"title": "145 Ask Not To Be Excused.",
"number": 145,
"content": "<h1><b>145 Ask Not To Be Excused.</b></h1><p> Ask not to be excused,<br/>There’s earnest work to do; <br/> Stand ready to be used,<br/> Where God may station you. <br/> His invitation kind,<br/>To thee has oft been giv’n;<br/> Accept, and thou shalt find, <br/> ‘Tis sweet to work for Heavev’n.</p><p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/>Come, O come! (today) Ask not to be excused;<br/>Come, O come! (today) <br/> Stand ready to be used. <br/>Ask not to be excused,<br/> The answer may be giv’n; <br/> Thou hast my love abused,<br/>Thou art excused from heav’n</i></p><p> Ask not to be excused,<br/>The Master calls today; <br/> Too long hast thou refused,<br/>Now hasten to obey.<br/> The harvest fields are white,<br/>The laborers are few;<br/> Let thy delight, <br/>The Master’s work to do.</p><p> Ask not to be excused, <br/>There’s danger in delay;<br/> That wondrous love abused,<br/>Forever turns away.<br/> While Mercy gently pleads, <br/> And points the way to heav’n,<br/> While Jesus intercedes, <br/>O come and be forgiv’n!</p>"
"title": "146 Thy Life Within Me",
"number": 146,
"content": "<h1><b>146 Thy Life Within Me</b></h1><p> Live out Thy life within me,<br/>O Jesus, King of kings!<br/> Be Thou Thyself the answer,<br/>To all my questionings; <br/> Live out thy life within me,<br/>In all things have Thy way!<br/> I, the transparent medium,<br/>Thy glory to display.</p><p> The temple has been yielded,<br/>And purified of sins;<br/> Let Thy Shekinah glory,<br/>Now shine forth from within,<br/> And all the earth keep silence,<br/>The body henceforth be,<br/> Thy silent, gentle servant,<br/>Moved only as by Thee.</p><p> Its members every moment,<br/>Held subject to thy call;<br/> Ready to have Thee use them,<br/>Or not be used at all,<br/> Held without restless longing,<br/>Or strain, or stress, or fret,<br/> Or chafings at Thy dealings,<br/>Or thoughts of vain regret.</p><p> But restful, calm and pliant,<br/> From bend and bias free;<br/>Awaiting Thy decision, <br/>When thou hast need of me <br/>Live out Thy life within me, <br/>O Jesus, King of kings! <br/>Be Thou the glorious answer,<br/>To all my questionings.</p>"
"title": "147 Draw Me Closer To Thee.",
"number": 147,
"content": "<h1><b>147 Draw Me Closer To Thee.</b></h1><p> Closer to thee, my Father, draw me,<br/>I long for thine embrace;<br/> Closer within thine arms enfold me,<br/> I seek a resting place.</p><p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Clos…………………….er with the cords of love <br/>loser, closer, with the cords of love)<br/> Draw ………………….. me to thyself above,<br/> (Draw me, draw me, to thyself above)<br/> Clos…………… er draw me, To thyself above.<br/> (Closer with the cords of love, “Draw me to thyself above,”)</i></p><p> Closer to thee, my Saviour, draw me,<br/>Nor let me leave thee more.<br/> Fain would I feel thine arms around me,<br/> And count my wand’rings o’er.</p><p> Closer by thy sweet Spirit draw me,<br/>Till I am all like thee;<br/> Quicken, refine, and wash and cleanse me, <br/>Till I am pure and free.</p>"
"title": "148 Anywhere With Jesus.",
"number": 148,
"content": "<h1><b>148 Anywhere With Jesus.</b></h1> <p> Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go, <br/> Anywhere he leads me in this world below;<br/> Anywhere without him, dearest joys would fade,<br/> Anywhere with Jesus I am not afraid. </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Anywhere! Anywhere! Fear I cannot know;<br/> Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go. </i></p> <p> Anywhere with Jesus I am not alone, <br/> Other friends may fail me, he is still my own;<br/> Tho’ his hand may lead me over dreary ways,<br/> Anywhere with Jesus is a house of praise. </p> <p> Anywhere with Jesus I can go to sleep,<br/>When the gloomy shadows round about me creep<br/> Knowing I shall waken nevermore to roam, <br/> Anywhere with Jesus will be home sweet Home. </p>"
"title": "149 Walk In The Light.",
"number": 149,
"content": "<h1><b>149 Walk In The Light.</b></h1><p> Walk in the light the Lord has given, <br/>To guide thy steps aright;<br/> His Holy Spirit, sent from heaven, <br/>Can cheer the darkest night.</p><p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Walk in the light, ……………… Walk in the light. <br/> (Walk in the light, in the beautiful light of God, x2) <br/> Walk in the light,<br/> (Walk in the light, in the beautiful light of God) <br/> Walk in the light, the light of God.</i></p><p> Walk in the light of gospel truth, <br/>That shines from God’s own Word;<br/> A light to guide in early youth, <br/>The faithful of the Lord.</p><p> Walk in the light; though shadows dark,<br/> Should fall across thy way;<br/> Darkness will flee before the light,<br/> Of God’s eternal day.</p><p> Walk in the light, and thou shalt know,<br/> The love of God to thee;<br/> The fellowship, so sweet below,<br/> In heav’ns will sweeter be.</p>"
"title": "150 Where Are The Reapers?",
"number": 150,
"content": "<h1><b>150 Where Are The Reapers?</b></h1> <p> O where are the reapers that garner in,<br/> The sheaves of the good from the fields of sin?<br/> With sickles of truth must the work be done,<br/>And no one may rest till the “harvest home” </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Where are the reapers? O who will come,<br/> And share in the glory of the “harvest home.”<br/>O, who will help us to garner in, <br/>The sheaves of good from the fields of sin? </i></p> <p> Go out in the highways and search them all,<br/>The wheat may be there, though the weeds are tall;<br/> Then search in the highway, and pass none by;<br/> But gather from all for the home on high, </p> <p> The fields are all rip’ning, and far and wide;<br/>The world now is waiting the harvest tide;<br/>But reapers are few, and the work is great,<br/> And much will be lost should the harvest wait. </p> <p> So come with your sickles, yes sons of men,<br/> And gather together the golden grain;<br/>Toil on till the Lord of the harvest come,<br/>Then share ye his joy in the “harvest home.” </p>"
"title": "151 Will There Be Any Stars?",
"number": 151,
"content": "<h1><b>151 Will There Be Any Stars?</b></h1><p> I am thinking today of that beautiful land,<br/> I shall reach when the sun goeth down;<br/> When thro’ wonderful grace by my Saviour I stand,<br/> Will there be any stars in my crown?</p><p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Will there be any stars, any stars in my crown,<br/> When at evening the sun goeth down?<br/> When I wake with the blest, In the mansions of rest,<br/> Will there be any stars in my Crown?</i></p><p> In the strength of the Lord let me labor and pray,<br/> Let me watch as a winner of souls;<br/> That bright stars may be mine in the glorious day,<br/>When his praise like the sea-billows rolls.</p><p> O what joy will it be when His face I behold,<br/>Living gems at His feet to lay down;<br/>It would sweeten my bliss in the city of gold, <br/> Should there be any stars in my crown.</p>"
"title": "152 Speak To My Soul.",
"number": 152,
"content": "<h1><b>152 Speak To My Soul.</b></h1> <p> Speak to my soul dear Jesus,<br/> Speak now in tend’rest tone;<br/> Whisper in loving kindness,<br/> “Thou art not left alone.”<br/> Open my heart to hear Thee, <br/> Quickly to hear Thy voice, <br/> Fill thou my soul with praises,<br/> Let me in Thee rejoice. </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Speak Thou in softest whispers,<br/> Whispers of love to me;<br/> “Thou shalt be always conq’ror,<br/> Thou shalt be always free.”<br/> Speak Thou to me each day, Lord,<br/> Always in tend’rest tone,<br/> Let me now hear Thy whisper,<br/> “Thou art not left alone.” </i></p> <p> Speak to Thy children ever,<br/> Lead in the holy way; <br/> Fill them with joy and gladness, <br/> Teach them to watch and pray, <br/> May they in consecration,<br/>Yield their whole lives to Thee,<br/> Hasten Thy coming kingdom,<br/> Till our dear Lord we see. </p> <p> Speak now as in the old time,<br/> Thou didst reveal Thy will; <br/> Let me know all my duty,<br/> Let me Thy law fulfill,<br/> Lead me to glorify Thee,<br/> Help me to know Thy praise,<br/> Gladly to do Thy bidding,<br/>Honor Thee all my days. </p>"
"title": "153 Just For Today.",
"number": 153,
"content": "<h1><b>153 Just For Today.</b></h1><p> Lord, for tomorrow and its needs, I do not pray;<br/> Keep me from ev’ry stain of sin, Just for today<br/> Let me no wrong or idle word, Unthinking say;<br/> Set Thou a seal upon my lips, Just for today.</p><p> I would both diligently work, And duly pray;<br/> I would be kind in word and deed, Just for today;<br/> O make me strong to do Thy will, Swift to obey,<br/> Willing to sacrifice my self, Just for today.</p><p> And if today this life of mine, Should ebb away;<br/> O may Thy promises divine, Still be my stay.<br/> So for tomorrow and its needs, I do not pray;<br/>O keep me, guide me, hold me Lord, Just for Today.</p>"
"title": "154 Watchman, Tell Me.",
"number": 154,
"content": "<h1><b>154 Watchman, Tell Me.</b></h1> <p> Watchman, tell me, does the morning,<br/>Of fair Zion’s glory dawn? <br/> Have the signs that mark His coming,<br/>Yet upon thy pathway shone? <br/> Pilgrim, yes! Arise, look round thee;<br/> Light is breaking in the skies;<br/> Gird thy bridal robes around thee,<br/> Morning dawns, Arise! Arise! </p> <p> Watchman, see, the light is beaming,<br/> Brighter still upon thy way; <br/> Signs through all the earth are gleaming,<br/> Omens of the coming day; <br/> When the Jubal trumpet, sounding, <br/> Shall awake from land and sea; <br/> All the saints of God, now sleeping,<br/>Clad in immortality. </p> <p> Watchman, hail the light ascending,<br/> Of the grand Sabbatic year; <br/> All with voices loud proclaiming,<br/> That the kingdom now is near;<br/> Pilgrim, yes, I see just yonder,<br/>Canaan’s glorious hights arise;<br/> Salem, too, appears in grandeur,<br/> Tow’ring ‘neath its sunlit skies. </p> <p> Watchman, in the golden city,<br/>Seated on his jasper throne;<br/> Zion’s King, arrayed in beauty,<br/>Reigns in peace from zone to zone; <br/> There on sunlit hills and mountains,<br/> Golden beams serenely glow; <br/> Purling streams and crystal fountains,<br/> On whose banks sweet flowers blow. </p> <p> Watchman, see, the land is nearing,<br/> With its vernal fruits and flow’rs;<br/> On, just yonder, O how cheering! <br/> Bloom forever Eden’s bow’rs,<br/> Hark! The choral strains are ringing,<br/>Wafted on the balmy air;<br/> See the millions, hear them singing,<br/> Soon the pilgrims will be there. </p>"
"title": "155 I’ll Go Where You Want Me To Go.",
"number": 155,
"content": "<h1><b>155 I’ll Go Where You Want Me To Go.</b></h1><p> t may not be on the mountain’s height,<br/>Nor over the stormy sea;<br/> It may not be at the battle’s front,<br/>My Lord will have need of me;<br/> But if by a still, small voice he calls,<br/> To the paths that I do not know;<br/> I’ll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in thine,<br/> I’ll go where you want me to go.</p><p><i> <b>CHORUS:</b><br/> I’ll go where you want me to go, dear Lord,<br/> Over mountains, or plain, or sea;<br/> I’ll say what you want me to say, dear Lord,<br/> I’ll be what you want me to be.</i></p><p> Perhaps today there are loving words,<br/>Which Jesus would have me speak;<br/> There may be now in the paths of sin,<br/> Some wand’rer whom I should seek;<br/> O Saviour, if thou wilt be my guide<br/>Tho’ rugged and dark the way;<br/> My voice shall echo thy message sweet, <br/>I’ll say what you want me to say.</p><p> There’s surely somewhere a lowly place,<br/> In earth’s harvest fields so wide;<br/> Where I may labor thro’ life’s short day,<br/> For Jesus, the crucified;<br/> So trusting my all to thy tender care,<br/> And knowing thou lovest me;<br/> I’ll do thy will with a heart sincere,<br/> I’ll be what you want me to be.</p>"
"title": "156 Angry Words! Oh, Let Them Never.",
"number": 156,
"content": "<h1><b>156 Angry Words! Oh, Let Them Never.</b></h1> <p> Angry words! Oh, let them never, <br/> From the tongue unbridled slip;<br/> May the heart’s best impulse ever,<br/>Check them e’er they soil the slip. </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> “Love one another,” Thus saith the Saviour,<br/> (Love each other) (Love each other)<br/> Children, obey the Father’s blest command;<br/> (‘Tis the Father’s blest command)<br/> “Love one another,” Thus saith the Saviour<br/> (Love each other) (Love each other) <br/> Children, obey his blest command<br/> (“Tis his blest command) </i></p> <p> Love is much too pure and holy,<br/>Friendship is too sacred far;<br/> For a moment’s reckless folly,<br/>Thus to desolate and mar. </p> <p> Angry words are lightly spoken,<br/> Bitt’rest thoughts are rashly stired;<br/> Brightest links of life are broken,<br/> By a single angry word. </p>"
"title": "157 Harvest Time.",
"number": 157,
"content": "<h1><b>157 Harvest Time.</b></h1> <p> He that goeth forth with weeping,<br/>Bearing precious seed in love; <br/> Never tiring, never sleeping,<br/>Findeth mercy from above. </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Lo, the scene of verdure bright’ning!<br/>See the rising grain appear;<br/> Look! The waving fields are whit’ning,<br/> For the harvest time is near. </i></p> <p>Soft descend the dews of heaven,<br/>Bright the rays celestial shine;<br/> Precious fruits will thus be given,<br/> Through and influence all divine. </p> <p> Sow thy seed, be never weary,<br/> Let no fears thy soul annoy;<br/> Be the prospect ne’er so dreary, <br/>Thou shalt reap the fruits of day. </p>"
"title": "158 Hasten On, Glad Day.",
"number": 158,
"content": "<h1><b>158 Hasten On, Glad Day.</b></h1> <p> The world’s glorious harvest is fast drawing on,<br/> The Master is calling his reapers to come;<br/> The grain bright and golden, in fields far and near,<br/> Is ripe for the garner when he shall appear. </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Hasten on glad day, Bear the sheaves. Away;<br/> (Hasten on, angel reapers, come, glad day,<br/> Bear the sheaves to the garner, far away;)<br/> Hasten on, glad day, Bear us .. home. <br/> (Hasten on, angel reapers, come, glad day, <br/> Bring the “harvest home.” </i></p> <p> That morn everlasting, that day free from tears,<br/> Is swiftly approaching as on roll the years;<br/> The wheat, rudely scattered by sin’s cruel blast, <br/>Then hasten to gather e’er autumn be past. </p> <p> O sweet is the labor that floweth from love,<br/> A stream never failing, whose Fount is above;<br/> “Tis love that invites us, ‘tis love points the field,<br/> ‘Tis love wields the sickle, and wondrous the yield. </p>"
"title": "159 How Much I Need Thee.",
"number": 159,
"content": "<h1><b>159 How Much I Need Thee.</b></h1> <p> Blessed Lord, how much I need thee!<br/> Weak and sinful, poor and blind;<br/> Take my trembling hand and lead me,<br/> Strength and sight in thee I find. </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Ev’ry hour, ev’ry hour, Blessed Lord,<br/> How much I need thee! <br/>Ev’ry hour, ev’ry hour, <br/> Saviour, keep me ev’ry hour. </i></p> <p> Clothe me with thy robe of meekness,<br/> Stained with sin this robe of mine;<br/> Teach first to feel my weakness,<br/> Then to plead for strength divine. </p> <p> Safe am I if thou dost guide me,<br/>Trusting self how soon I fall;<br/> Walk life’s rugged way beside me,<br/> Thou, my light, my life, my all. </p> <p> Then what e’er the future bringeth,<br/> Smiles of joy or tears of grief;<br/> Still to thee my spirit clingeth,<br/> Thou art still my soul’s relief. </p>"
"title": "160 Kept For Jesus.",
"number": 160,
"content": "<h1><b>160 Kept For Jesus.</b></h1><p> Oh, to be “Kept for Jesus!” <br/>Kept, by the power of God;<br/> Kept, from the world unspotted,<br/>Treading where Jesus trod.</p><p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Oh, to be “Kept for Jesus!” <br/>Lord at Thy feet I fall;<br/> I would be “nothing, nothing, nothing;”<br/> Thou shalt be “all in all,”</i></p><p> Oh, to be “Kept for Jesus!”<br/> Serving as He shall choose;<br/> “Kept” for the Master’s pleasure;<br/> “Kept” for the Master’s use.</p><p> Oh, to be “Kept for Jesus!”<br/> Kept from the world apart; <br/> Lowly in mind and spirit,<br/> Gentle and pure in heart.</p><p> Oh, to be “Kept for Jesus!”<br/>Oh, to be all His own;<br/> Kept, to be His forever,<br/> Kept to be His alone!</p>"
"title": "161 My Lord And I.",
"number": 161,
"content": "<h1><b>161 My Lord And I.</b></h1><p> I have a Friend so precious,<br/>So very dear to me; <br/> He loves me with such tender love, <br/>He loves so faithfully;<br/> I could not live apart from Him,<br/> I love to feel Him nigh;<br/> And so we dwell together,<br/>My God and I.</p><p> I tell Him all my sorrows,<br/> I tell Him all my joys; <br/> I tell Him all that pleases me,<br/> I tell Him what annoys;<br/> He tells me what I ought to do,<br/> He tells me how to try;<br/> And so we talk together,<br/> My Lord and I.</p><p> He knows that I am longing,Some weary soul to win; And so He bids me go and speak,The loving word for Him; He bids me tell His wondrous love, And why He came to die; And so we work together, my Lord and I.</p>"
"title": "162 All The Way.",
"number": 162,
"content": "<h1><b>162 All The Way.</b></h1><p> All the way my Saviour leads me;<br/>What have I to ask beside?<br/> Can I doubt His tender mercy,<br/>Who through life has been my guide?<br/> Heav’nly peace, divinest comfort,<br/>Here by faith in Him to dwell!<br/> For I know whate’er befall me,<br/> Jesus doeth all things well;<br/> For I know whate’er befall me,<br/> Jesus doeth all things well.</p><p> All the way my Saviour leads me;<br/> Cheers each winding path I tread;<br/> Gives me grace for every trial,<br/> Feeds me with the living bread;<br/> Though my weary steps may falter,<br/> And my soul a-thirst may be,<br/> Gushing from the Rock before me,<br/> Lo! A spring of joy I see;<br/> Gushing from the Rock before me,<br/> Lo! A spring of joy I see.</p><p> All the way my Saviour leads me;<br/>Oh, the fullness of His love!<br/> Perfect rest to me is promised,<br/>In my Father’s house above;<br/> When I wake to life immortal,<br/>Wing my flight to realms of day,<br/> This my song through endless ages,<br/> Jesus led me all the way;<br/> This my song through endless ages,<br/>Jesus led me all the way.</p>"
"title": "163 Here Am I, Send Me.",
"number": 163,
"content": "<h1><b>163 Here Am I, Send Me.</b></h1><p> Hark! The voice of Jesus calling,<br/> “Who will go and work today?<br/> Fields are white, the harvest waiting,<br/>Who will bear the sheaves away?”<br/> Loud and long the Master calleth,<br/> Rich reward he offers free;<br/> Who will answer, gladly saying,<br/> “Here am I, O Lord send me!”</p><p> If you can not cross the ocean,<br/>And the heathen lands explore,<br/> You can find the heathen nearer,<br/> You can help them at your door;<br/> If you can not speak like angels,<br/>If you can not preach like Paul,<br/> You can tell the love of Jesus,<br/>You can say He died for all.</p><p> If you can not be a watchman,<br/>Standing high on Zion’s wall,<br/> Pointing out the path to heaven,<br/>Of’ring life and peace to all,<br/> With your prayers and with your bounties,<br/>You can do what Heav’n demands,<br/> You can be like faithful Aaron,<br/> Holding up the prophet’s hands.</p><p> While the souls of men are dying,<br/>And the Master calls for you,<br/> Let none hear you idly saying,<br/> “There is nothing I can do!”<br/> Gladly take the task he gives you,<br/> Let his work your pleasure be;<br/> Answer quickly when He calleth<br/>, “Here am I, O Lord send me.”</p>"
"title": "164 At The Feet Of Jesus.",
"number": 164,
"content": "<h1><b>164 At The Feet Of Jesus.</b></h1><p> Sitting at the feet of Jesus,<br/>O what words I hear him say!<br/> Happy place! So near, so precious! <br/> May it find me there each day;<br/> Sitting at the feet of Jesus,<br/>I would look upon the past,<br/> For his love has been so precious,<br/>It has won my heart at last</p><p> Sitting at the feet of Jesus,<br/>Where can mortal be more blest?<br/> There I lay sins and sorrows,<br/>And, when weary, find sweet rest;<br/> Sitting at the feet of Jesus,<br/>There I love to weep and pray,<br/> While I from his fullness gather,<br/>Grace and comfort every day.</p><p> Bless me, O my Saviour, bless me,<br/> As I’m waiting at thy feet,<br/> O look down in love upon me,<br/> Let me see thy face so sweet;<br/> Give me, Lord, the mind of Jesus,<br/> Make me holy as he is,<br/> May I prove I’ve been with Jesus,<br/> Who is all my righteousness.</p>"
"title": "165 I Love Thee.",
"number": 165,
"content": "<h1><b>165 I Love Thee.</b></h1><p> I love thee, I love thee, I love thee my Lord;<br/> I love thee my Saviour, I love thee my God. <br/> I love thee, I love thee, and that thou dost know;<br/>But how much I love thee, my actions will show.</p><p> I’m happy, I’m happy, O, wondrous account!<br/>My joys are immortal, I stand on the mount!<br/> I gaze on my treasure and long to be there,<br/> With Jesus and angels, and kindred so dear.</p><p> O Jesus, my Saviour, with thee I am blest,<br/>My life and salvation my joy and my rest,<br/> Thy love be my story, thy name be my song;<br/>Thy grace shall inspire both my heart and my Tongue.</p><p> O, who’s like my Saviour? He’s Salem’s bright King;<br/>He smiles, and he loves me and helps me sing.<br/>I’ll praise him with notes loud and clear,<br/> While rivers of pleasure my spirit do cheer.</p>"
"title": "166 Rock Of Ages.",
"number": 166,
"content": "<h1><b>166 Rock Of Ages.</b></h1><p> Rock of ages cleft for me!<br/>Let me hide myself in thee;<br/> Let the water and the blood,<br/>From thy riven side that flowed,<br/> Be of sin the double cure, <br/> Save me from its guilt and power.</p><p> Not the labor of my hands,<br/>Can fulfill thy law’s demands;<br/> Could my zeal no respite know, Could my tears forever flow,<br/> All for sin could not atone;<br/>Thou must save and thou alone.</p><p> Nothing in my hand I bring,<br/>Simply to thy cross I cling;<br/> Naked, come to thee for dress,<br/> Helpless, look to thee for grace;<br/> Foul, I to the Fountain fly,<br/> Wash me, Saviour, or I die.</p><p> While I draw this fleeting breath,<br/>When mine eyes shall close in death;<br/> When I soar to worlds unknown,<br/>See thee on thy Judgment throne,<br/> Rock of ages cleft for me,<br/> Let me hide myself in thee.</p>"
"title": "167 Firm Foundation.",
"number": 167,
"content": "<h1><b>167 Firm Foundation.</b></h1><p> How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord,<br/> Is laid for your faith in his excellent word;<br/> What more can he say than to you he hath said, <br/> Who unto the Saviour for refuge have fled,<br/> Who unto the Savior for refuge have fled?</p><p> “When thro’ the deep waters I call thee to go,<br/>The rivers of sorrow shall not overflow;<br/> For I will be with thee, thy troubles to bless,<br/>And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress,<br/> And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress.</p><p> “When thro’ fiery trials thy pathway shall lie,<br/>My grace all-sufficient shall be thy supply;<br/> The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design,<br/>Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine,<br/> Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine.</p><p> “The soul that on Jesus doth lean for repose,<br/>I will not, I will not, desert to his foes;<br/> That soul, tho’ all hell should endeavor to shake,<br/>I’ll never, no never, nor never forsake,<br/> I’ll never, no never, no never forsake.</p>"
"title": "168 The Lord Is My Shepherd.",
"number": 168,
"content": "<h1><b>168 The Lord Is My Shepherd.</b></h1><p> The Lord is my shepherd, no want Shall I know;<br/>I feed in green pastures, safe-folded I rest;<br/> He leadeth my soul where the still waters flow,<br/> Restores me when wand’ring, redeems when oppressed.</p><p> Tho’ the valley and shadow of death tho’ I stray,<br/>Since thou art my guardian, no evil I fear;<br/> Thy rod shall defend me, Thy staff be my stay,<br/> No harm can befall with my Comforter near.</p><p> In the midst of affliction my table is spread,<br/>With blessings unmeasured my cup runneth o’er;<br/> With perfume and oil thou annointest my head;<br/>O, what shall I ask of thy providence more.</p><p> Let goodness and mercy, my bountiful God,<br/>Still follow my steps till I meet thee above;<br/> I seek by the path which my fore fathers trod,<br/>Thru’ the land of their sojourn, thy kingdom of love.</p>"
"title": "169 Heir Of The Kingdom.",
"number": 169,
"content": "<h1><b>169 Heir Of The Kingdom.</b></h1><p> Heir of the Kingdom, O why dost thou slumber?<br/>Why art thou sleeping so near thy blest home? <br/> Wake thee, arouse thee, and gird on thine armor,<br/>Speed, for the moments are hurrying on.</p><p> Earth’s mighty nations, in strife and commotions,<br/>Tremble with terror, and sink in dismay;<br/> Listen, ‘tis naught but the chariot’s loud rumbling; <br/>Heir of the kingdom, no longer delay.</p><p> Stay not O stay not for earth’s vain allurements,<br/>See how its glory is passing away;<br/> Break the strong fetters the foe hath bound o’er thee;<br/>Heir of the kingdom, turn, turn thee away</p><p> Keep the eye single, the head upward lifted;<br/>Watch for the glory of earth’s coming King; <br/> Lo! O’er the mountain-tops light is now breaking,<br/> Heir of the kingdom, rejoice ye and sing.</p> \""
"title": "170 My Maker And My King.",
"number": 170,
"content": "<h1><b>170 My Maker And My King.</b></h1><p> My Maker and my King,<br/>To thee my all I owe;<br/> Thy sov’reign bounty is the spring,<br/>Whence all my blessing flow; <br/> Thy sov’reign bounty is the spring,<br/>Whence all my blessing flow.</p><p> The creature of thy hand,<br/>On thee alone I live;<br/> My God, thy benefits demand,<br/>More praise than I can give;<br/> My God, thy benefits demand,<br/>More praise than I can give.</p><p> Lord, what can I impart,<br/>When all is thine before? <br/> Thy love demands a thankful heart,<br/>The gift alas! How poor,<br/> Thy love demands a thankful heart, <br/>The gift alas! How poor.</p><p> O! Let thy grace inspire,<br/>My soul with strength divine;<br/> Let ev’ry word and each desire, <br/> And all my days be thine;<br/> Let ev’ry word and each desire,<br/>And all my days be thine.</p>"
"title": "171 What Of The Night?",
"number": 171,
"content": "<h1><b>171 What Of The Night?</b></h1> <p> Watchman on the walls of Zion,<br/>What, O tell us of the night?<br/> Is the daystar now arising?<br/> Will the morn soon greet sight?<br/> O’er your vision,<br/>Shine there now some rays of light?<br/> O’er your vision,<br/>Shine there now some rays of light? </p> <p> Tell, O tell us, are the landmarks,<br/>On our voyage all passed by?<br/> Are we nearing now the haven?<br/>Can we e’en the land descry? <br/> Do we truly,<br/>See the heav’nly kingdom nigh? <br/> Do we truly, <br/> See the heav’nly kingdom nigh? </p> <p> Light is beaming, day is coming!<br/>Let us sound aloud the cry;<br/> We behold the daystar rising,<br/>Pure and bright in yonder sky!<br/> Saints be joyful;<br/>Your redemption draweth nigh;<br/> Saints be joyful<br/>Your redemption draweth nigh. </p> <p> We have found the chart and compass,<br/>And are sure the land is near; <br/> Onward, onward we are hasting,<br/>Soon the heaven will appear;<br/> Let your voices,<br/>Sound aloud your holy cheer; <br/> Let your voices, <br/> Sound aloud your holy cheer. </p>"
"title": "172 How Long?",
"number": 172,
"content": "<h1><b>172 How Long?</b></h1> <p> How long, O Lord our Saviour, <br/>Wilt thou remain away?<br/> Our hearts are growing weary,<br/>Of thy so long delay.<br/> O when shall come the moment,<br/>When, brighter far than morn,<br/> The sunshine of thy glory, <br/>Shall on thy people dawn. </p> <p> How long, O gracious Master,<br/>Wilt thou thy household leave? <br/> So long hast thou now tarried,<br/>Few thy return believe,<br/> Immersed in sloth and folly,<br/>Thy servants, Lord, we see;<br/> And few of us stand ready,<br/> With joy to welcome thee. </p> <p> O, wake thy slumb’ring people;<br/>Send forth the solemn cry;<br/> Let all the saints repeat it,<br/>“The Saviour draweth nigh!”<br/> May all our lambs be burning,<br/>Our loins well girded be,<br/> Each longing heart preparing,<br/>With joy thy face to see </p>"
"title": "173 How Cheering!",
"number": 173,
"content": "<h1><b>173 How Cheering!</b></h1> <p> How cheering is the Christian’s hope, <br/>While toiling here below!<br/> It buoys us up while passing through,<br/>This wilderness of woe;<br/> It buoys us up while passing through,<br/>This wilderness of woe. </p> <p> It points to us a land of rest,<br/>Where saints with Christ will reign;<br/> Where we shall meet the loved of earth,<br/> And never part again,<br/> Where we shall meet the loved of earth, <br/> And never part again. </p> <p> A land where sin can never come,<br/>Temptations ne’er annoy;<br/> Where happiness will ever dwell,<br/>And that without alloy;<br/> Where happiness will ever dwell,<br/>And that without alloy. </p> <p> In that bright world no tears will flow,<br/>Death ne’er can enter there;<br/> For all who gain that heavenly land,<br/>will be as angels are;<br/> For all who gain the heavenly land,<br/> Will be as angels are. </p> <p> Fly, ling’ring moments, fly, O fly,<br/> Dear Saviour, quickly come!<br/> We long to see thee as thou art,<br/>And reach that blissful home;<br/> We long to see thee as thou art,<br/> And reach that blissful home. </p>"
"title": "174 O For A Faith",
"number": 174,
"content": "<h1><b>174 O For A Faith</b></h1> <p> O for a faith that will not shrink,<br/>Tho’ pressed by many a foe;<br/> That will not tremble on the brink,<br/>Of poverty or woe. </p> <p> That will not murmur or complain,<br/> Beneath the chast’ning rod;<br/> But in the hour of grief or pain,<br/>Can lean upon its God. </p> <p> A faith that shines more bright and clear,<br/>When rage without; <br/> Then when in danger knows no fear,<br/>In darkness feels no doubt. </p> <p> That bears unmoved the world’s dread frown, <br/> Nor heeds its scornful smile;<br/> That sins wild ocean cannot drown,<br/> Nor its soft arts beguile. </p> <p> Lord, give me such a faith as this,<br/> And then what’er may come;<br/> I’ll taste e’en here the hallowed bliss,<br/>Of eternal home. </p>"
"title": "175 Saviour, Like A Shepherd.",
"number": 175,
"content": "<h1><b>175 Saviour, Like A Shepherd.</b></h1> <p> Saviour, like a shepherd lead us;<br/>Much we need thy tender care;<br/> In thy pleasant pastures feed us,<br/>For our use thy folds prepare;<br/> Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus,<br/>Thou hast bought us, thine we are;<br/> Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus,<br/>Thou hast bought us, thine we are. </p> <p> We are thine, do thou befriend us,<br/>Be the Guardian of our way; <br/> Keep thy flock, from sin defend us,<br/>Seek us when we go astray,<br/> Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, Hear, <br/>O hear us, when we pray;<br/> Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, Hear,<br/>O hear us , when we pray. </p> <p> Thou hast promised to receive us,<br/> Poor and sinful though we be;<br/> Thou hast mercy to relieve us,<br/>Grace to cleanse, and power to free,<br/> Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus,<br/>We will early turn to thee;<br/> Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus, <br/>We will early turn to thee. </p>"
"title": "176 Blessed Hope.",
"number": 176,
"content": "<h1><b>176 Blessed Hope.</b></h1> <p> There is a blessed hope,<br/>More precious and more bright;<br/> Than all the joy-less mockery,<br/>The world esteems delight. </p> <p> There is a lovely star,<br/>That lights the darkest gloom,<br/> And sheds a peaceful radiance o’re,<br/>The prospects of the tomb. </p> <p> There is a cheering voice,<br/>That lifts the soul above;<br/> Dispels the painful, anxious doubt,<br/> And whispers, “God is love.” </p> <p> That voice from Calvary’s height,<br/>Proclaims the soul forgiv’n;<br/> That star is revelation’s light,<br/>That hope, the of heav’n. </p>"
"title": "177 No Night There.",
"number": 177,
"content": "<h1><b>177 No Night There.</b></h1> <p> In the land of fade-less day,<br/> Lies “the city four-square.”<br/> It shall never pass away,<br/>And there is “no night there.” </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> God shall “wipe away all tears;”<br/> (God shall “wipe away all tears)<br/> There’s no death, no pain, no fears;<br/>(There’s no death, no pain, no fears;) <br/> And they count not time by years,<br/> (And they count not time by years, by years)<br/>For there is “no night there.” <br/>( For there is “no night there.”) </i></p> <p> All the gates of pearl are made,<br/> In “the city four-square,”<br/> All the streets with gold are laid,<br/>And there is “no night there.” </p> <p> And the gates shall never close,<br/>To “the city fore-square,”<br/> There life’s crystal river flows,<br/>And there is “no night there.” </p> <p> There they need no sunshine bright,<br/>In “that city fore-square.”<br/> For the Lamb is all the light, <br/>And there is “no night there.” </p>"
"title": "178 Christ Returneth.",
"number": 178,
"content": "<h1><b>178 Christ Returneth.</b></h1> <p> It may be at morn, when the day is awaking<br/> When sunlight thro’ darkness and shadow is breaking<br/> That Jesus will come in the fullness of glory,<br/>To receive from the world His own. </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> O Lord Jesus, how long, how long,<br/>Ere we shout the glad song?<br/> Christ returneth, Hallelujah!<br/> Hallelujah! Amen, Hallelujah! Amen. </i></p> <p> It may be at midday, it may be at twilight,<br/>It may be, perchance, that the blackness of midnight,<br/> Will burst into light in the blaze of His glory,<br/>When Jesus receives His own. </p> <p> His hosts cry Hosanna, from heaven descending,<br/>With glorified saints and the angels attending.<br/> With grace on His brow, like a halo of glory,<br/>Will Jesus receive His own. </p> <p> O joy! O delight! Should we go without dying,<br/>No sickness, no sadness, no dread, and no crying,<br/> Caught up through the clouds with our Lord into glory, <br/>When Jesus receives His own. </p>"
"title": "179 Behold The Bridegroom.",
"number": 179,
"content": "<h1><b>179 Behold The Bridegroom.</b></h1> <p> Are you ready for the Bridegroom,<br/>When he comes, when he comes? <br/> Are you ready for the Bridegroom,<br/>When he comes, when he comes?<br/> Behold, he cometh! Behold, he cometh!<br/>Be robed and ready; for the Bridegroom comes. </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Behold the Bridegroom;<br/> for he comes, for he comes!<br/> Behold the Bridegroom;<br/> for he comes, for he comes.<br/> Behold he cometh! Behold he cometh!<br/> Be robed and ready<br/>for the Bridegroom comes. </i></p> <p> Have your lamps trimm’d and burning,<br/>When he comes, when he comes;<br/> Have your lamps trimm’d and burning,<br/>When he comes, when he comes;<br/> He quickly cometh! He quickly cometh!<br/> O soul, be ready when the Bridegroom comes. </p> <p> We will all go out to meet him, <br/>When he comes, when he comes;<br/> We will all go out to meet him,<br/>When he comes, when he comes;<br/> He surely cometh! He surely cometh!<br/>We’ll go out to meet him when the Bridegroom comes. </p> <p> We will chant alleluias,<br/> When he comes, when he comes;<br/> We will chant alleluias,<br/>When he comes, when he comes;<br/> Lo! Now he cometh! Lo! Now he cometh!<br/> Sing alleluia for the Bridegroom </p>"
"title": "180 We Know Not The Hour.",
"number": 180,
"content": "<h1><b>180 We Know Not The Hour.</b></h1> <p> We know not the hour of the Master’s appearing,<br/>Yet signs all foretell that the moment is nearing;<br/> When he shall return, ‘tis a promise most cheering,<br/> But we know not the hour. </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> He will come. (He will come)<br/> Let us watch and be ready;<br/>He will come… (He will come) <br/> Hallelujah! Hallelujah!<br/> He will come in the clouds, of his Father’s bright glory; <br/> But we know not the hour. </i></p> <p> There’s light for the wise who are seeking salvation,<br/>There’s truth in the Book of Divine revelation<br/> Each prophecy points to the great consummation,<br/>But we know not the hour. </p><p> We’ll watch and we’ll pray,<br/>with our lamps trimmed and burning,<br/> We’ll work and we’ll wait <br/> till the Master’s returning,<br/> We’ll sing and rejoice,<br/> ev,ry omen discerning, <br/>But we know not the hour. </p>"
"title": "181 Waiting And Watching.",
"number": 181,
"content": "<h1><b>181 Waiting And Watching.</b></h1> <p> We know not the time when He cometh,<br/> At even, or midnight, or morn;<br/> It may be at deepening twilight,<br/>It may be at earliest dawn,<br/> He bids to watch and be ready, <br/> Nor suffer our lights to grow dim,<br/> That when He shall come, He may find us,<br/> All waiting and watching for Him. </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Waiting and watching, <br/> (Waiting and watching, yes, waiting for thee)<br/> Waiting and watching, <br/> (Waiting and watching, yes, waiting for thee) <br/> Waiting and watching, <br/>(Waiting and watching, yes, waiting for Thee)<br/> Still waiting and watching for Thee. </i></p> <p> I think of His wonderful pity,<br/>The price our salvation hath cost; <br/> He left the bright mansions of glory,<br/>To suffer and die for the lost,<br/> And sometimes I think it will please Him,<br/> When those whom He died to redeem,<br/> Rejoice in the hope of His coming,<br/>By waiting and watching for Him. </p> <p> O Jesus, my loving Redeemer,<br/>Thou knowest I cherish as dear;<br/> The hope that mine eyes shall behold Thee, <br/>That I shall thine own welcome hear!<br/> If to some as Judge thou appearest,<br/>Who forth from Thy presence would flee,<br/> A Friend most beloved I’ll greet Thee, <br/>I’m waiting and watching for Thee. </p>"
"title": "182 Gleams Of The Golden Morning.",
"number": 182,
"content": "<h1><b>182 Gleams Of The Golden Morning.</b></h1> <p> The golden morning is fast approaching;<br/> Jesus soon will come,<br/> To take his faithful and happy children,<br/>To their promised home. </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> O we see the gleams of the golden morning,<br/> Piercing through this night of gloom!<br/>O we see the gleams of the golden morning,<br/> That will burst the tomb. </i></p> <p> The gospel summons will soon be carried,<br/>To the nations round;<br/>The Bridegroom then will cease to tarry, <br/> And the trumpet sound. </p> <p> Attended by all the shining angels,<br/> Down the flaming sky,<br/> The Judge will come, and will take his people,<br/>Where they will not die. </p> <p> The loved of earth who have long been parted,<br/>Meet in that glad day;<br/> The tears of those who are broken hearted, <br/>Shall be wiped away. </p>"
"title": "183 Hold Fast Till I Come.",
"number": 183,
"content": "<h1><b>183 Hold Fast Till I Come.</b></h1> <p> Sweet promise is giv’vn to all who believe,</b> “Behold I come quickly, mine own to receive;</b> Hold fast till I come; the danger is great;</b>Sleep not as do others; be watchful, and wait.” </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b> “Hold fast till I come,” sweet promise of heav’n,</b>“The kingdom restored, to you shall be giv’n,”</b> “Come, enter my joy, sit down on my throne;</b>Bright crowns are in waiting; Hold fast till I come </i></p> <p> We’ll “watch unto pray’r” with lamps burning bright;</b> He comes to all others a thief in the night.</b> We know he is near, but know not the day,</b> As spring shows that summer is not far away. </p> <p> Yes! This is our hope, ‘tis built on His word,</b>The glorious appearing of Jesus, our Lord;</b> Of promises all, it stands as the sum; </b>“Behold I come quickly, hold fast till come.” </p>"
"title": "184 Joy To The World.",
"number": 184,
"content": "<h1><b>184 Joy To The World.</b></h1> <p> Joy to the world, the Lord will come!<br/> Let earth receive her King;<br/> Let every heart prepare him room,<br/>And heav’n and nature sing,<br/> And heav’n and nature sing,<br/>And heav’n, and heav’n and nature sing. </p> <p> Joy to the earth, the Lord will reign!<br/>Let men their sings employ;<br/> While fields and floods, rocks hills, and plains,<br/> Repeat the sounding joy,<br/> Repeat the sounding joy,<br/>Repeat, repeat the sounding joy. </p> <p> Soon will he rule the earth with grace,<br/> And make the nations prove;<br/> The glories of his righteousness,<br/>And wonders of his love,<br/> And wonders of his love, <br/>And won- and wonders of his love. </p>"
"title": "185 To Be There.",
"number": 185,
"content": "<h1><b>185 To Be There.</b></h1><p> We speak of the realms of the blest,<br/> That country so bright and so fair,<br/> And oft are its glories confessed,<br/> But what must it be to be there! <br/> We speak of it streets of pure gold,<br/> Its walls decked with jewels so rare,<br/> Its wonders and pleasures untold,<br/> But what must it be to be there. </p> <p> We speak of its freedom from sin,<br/>From sorrow, temptation and care,<br/> From trials without and within,<br/>But what must it be to be there!<br/> We speak of its service of love,<br/>And robes which the glorified wear,<br/> The church of the firstborn above,<br/> But what must it be to be there! </p> <p> Do Thou, midst temptation and woe,<br/>For heaven my spirit prepare,<br/> And shortly I also shall know,<br/>And feel what it is to be there;<br/> Then o’er the bright fields we shall roam,<br/>In glory celestial and fair, <br/> With saints and with angels at home,<br/>And Jesus himself will be there. </p>"
"title": "186 Lord We Have Met.",
"number": 186,
"content": "<h1><b>186 Lord We Have Met.</b></h1> <p> Lord we have met again;<br/>In this thine house of prayer.<br/>Come Holy Spirit, later rain;<br/> And fill us with thy power. </p> <p>Our hearts to Thee we give;<br/>That we may be like Thee.<br/>Our souls, our minds dear Lord revive;<br/> Our spirits yearn for Thee. </p> <p>And when Thy word is read;<br/>Thy call to us is made.<br/>May we in gratitude respond;<br/>To Thy sweet voice above. </p> <p>Prepare for us a place;<br/>In Thy dear heav’n above.<br/>Where all is peace, and joy, and love; <br/>That we may rest in peace. </p>"
"title": "187 Our Parting Hymn.",
"number": 187,
"content": "<h1><b>187 Our Parting Hymn.</b></h1> <p> Saviour, again to thy dear name we raise,<br/> With one accord our parting hymn of praise;<br/> We stand to bless thee ere our worship cease,<br/>Thee, lowly kneeling, wait thy word of peace. </p> <p> Grant us thy peace upon our homeward way;<br/>With thee began, with thee shall end the day;<br/> Guard thou the lips from sin, the heart from shame,<br/>That in this house have called upon thy name. </p> <p> Grant us thy peace thro’-out our early life,<br/>Our balm in sorrow, and our stay in strife,<br/> Then when thy voice shall bid our conflict cease,<br/>Call us, O Lord, to thine eternal peace. </p>"
"title": "188 Chief Of Sinners.",
"number": 188,
"content": "<h1><b>188 Chief Of Sinners.</b></h1> <p> Chief of sinners though I be,<br/>Jesus shed His blood for me;<br/> Died that I might live on high,<br/>Died that I might never die;<br/> As the branch is to the vine,<br/>I am His and He is mine. </p> <p> O the height of Jesus’ love!<br/>Higher than the heaven above;<br/> Deeper than the deepest sea,<br/>Lasting as eternity;<br/> Love that found me wondrous thought!<br/> Found me when I sought him not. </p> <p> Chief of sinners though I be,<br/>Christ is all in all to me;<br/> All my wants to Him are known,<br/> All my sorrows are His own; <br/> Safe with Him from earthly strife,<br/>He sustains the hidden life. </p>"
"title": "189 No Abiding City",
"number": 189,
"content": "<h1><b>189 No Abiding City</b></h1> <p> We’ve no abiding city here;<br/>Sad truth, were this to be our home;<br/> But let this thought our spirits cheer,<br/> We seek a city yet to come,<br/> We seek a city yet to come. </p> <p> We’ve no abiding city here;<br/>We seek a city out of sight;<br/> Zion its name the Lord is there, <br/>It shines with everlasting light,<br/> It shines with everlasting light. </p> <p> O sweet abode of peace and love,<br/>Where pilgrims, freed from toil, are blest!<br/> Had I the pinions of a dove,<br/>I’d fly to thee, and be at rest,<br/> I’d fly to thee, and be at rest. </p> <p> But hush, my soul! Nor dare repine;<br/>The time my God appoints is best;<br/> While here, to do His will be mine,<br/> And His to fix my time of rest,<br/> And His to fix my time of rest. </p>"
"title": "190 Precious Name.",
"number": 190,
"content": "<h1><b>190 Precious Name.</b></h1> <p> Take the name of Jesus with you,<br/>Child of sorrow and of woe;<br/> It will joy and comfort give you,<br/>Take it, then, where’er you go. </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b> <br/> Precious name, .. .. O how sweet!<br/>(Precious name) (O how sweet) <br/> Hope of earth and joy of heav’n;<br/> Precious name, O how sweet! <br/>(Precious name) (O how sweet) <br/>Hope of earth and joy of heav’n. </i></p> <p> Take the name of Jesus ever,<br/> As a shield from every snare;<br/> If temptations ‘round you gather,<br/> Breathe that holy name in prayer. </p> <p> O the precious name of Jesus!<br/>How it thrills our souls with joy,<br/> When his loving arms receive us,<br/> And his songs our tongues employ! </p> <p> At the name of Jesus bowing,<br/>Falling prostrate at his feet,<br/> King of kings in heav’n we’ll crown him,<br/>When our journey is complete. </p>"
"title": "191 Blessed Assurance.",
"number": 191,
"content": "<h1><b>191 Blessed Assurance.</b></h1> <p> Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!<br/>O, what a fore-taste of glory divine!<br/> Heir of salvation purchase of God,<br/> Born of his spirit, washed in his blood. </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> This is my story, this is my song,<br/> Praising my Saviour all the day long;<br/>This is my story, this is my song,<br/> Praising my Saviour all the day long. </i></p> <p> Perfect submission, perfect delight,<br/> Visions of rapture now burst on my sight,<br/> Angels descending bring from above,<br/> Echoes of mercy, whispers of love. </p><p> Perfect submission, all is at rest,<br/> I in my Saviour am happy and blest,<br/> Watching and waiting, looking above,<br/>Filled with his goodness, lost in his love. </p>"
"title": "192 Glory To His Name.",
"number": 192,
"content": "<h1><b>192 Glory To His Name.</b></h1><p> Down at the cross where my Saviour died,Down where for cleansing from sin I cried, There to my heart was the blood applied, Glory to his name.</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/> Glory to his name, Glory to his name;<br/> There to my heart was the blood applied,<br/>Glory to his name.</i></p><p> I am so wondrously saved from sin,<br/> Jesus so sweetly abides within, <br/> There at the cross where he took me in,<br/> Glory to his name.</p><p>O precious fountain that saves from sin!<br/> I am so glad I have entered in,<br/> There Jesus saves me and keeps me clean,<br/>Glory to his name.</p><p>Come to this Fountain so rich and sweet,<br/>Cast thy poor soul at the Saviour’s feet,<br/> Plunge in today and be made complete,<br/>Glory to his name.</p>"
"title": "193 His Way With Thee.",
"number": 193,
"content": "<h1><b>193 His Way With Thee.</b></h1> <p> Would you live for Jesus,<br/>and be always pure and good?<br/> Would you walk with Him <br/>within the narrow road? <br/> Would you have Him bear <br/> your burden, carry all your load?<br/> Let Him have His way with thee. </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> His pow’r can make you what ought to be;<br/> His blood can cleanse your heart, and make you free; <br/> His love can fill your soul, and you will see,<br/> ‘Twas best for Him to have His way with thee. </i></p> <p> Would you have Him make you free, and follow at His call?<br/> Would you know the peace that comes by giving all?<br/> Would you have Him save you, so that you need never fall?<br/> Let Him have His way with thee. </p> <p> Would you in His kingdom find a place of perfect rest?<br/> Would you prove Him true in providential rest?<br/> Would you in service labor always at your best?<br/> Let Him have His way with thee. </p>"
"title": "194 Love At Home.",
"number": 194,
"content": "<h1><b>194 Love At Home.</b></h1><p>There is beauty all around,<br/>When there’s love at home;<br/> There is joy in every sound,<br/> When There’s love at home.<br/> Peace and plenty here abide,<br/>Smiling fair on every side;<br/> Time doth softly, sweetly glide,<br/> When there’s love at home.</p><p><i><b>CHORUS</b><br/>Love at home, love at home;<br/>Time doth softly, sweetly glide,<br/>When there’s love at home.</i></p><p>In the cottage there is joy,<br/>When there’s love at home;<br/> Hate and envy ne’er annoy,<br/> When there’s love at home. <br/> Roses blossom ‘neath our feet,<br/>All the earth’s a garden sweet,<br/> Making life a bliss complete,<br/>When there’s love at home.</p><p>Kindly heaven smiles above,<br/>When there’s love at home;<br/> All the earth is filled with love,<br/> When there’s love at home.<br/> Sweeter sings the brooklet by,<br/>Brighter beams the azure sky;<br/> O, there’s One who smiles on high,<br/>When there’s love at home.</p><p>Jesus, make me wholly thine,<br/>Then there’s love at home;<br/> May thy sacrifice be mine,<br/>Then there’s love at home.<br/> Safely from all harm I’ll rest,<br/>With no sinful care distressed;<br/> Through thy tender mercy blessed,<br/>When there’s love at home.</p>"
"title": "195 O For That Flame.",
"number": 195,
"content": "<h1><b>195 O For That Flame.</b></h1> <p> O for that flame of living fire,<br/> Which shone so bright in saints of old;<br/> Which bade their souls to heaven aspire,<br/> Calm in distress, in danger bold! </p> <p> Where is that spirit, Lord, which dwelt,<br/>In Abram’s breast, and sealed him Thine?<br/> Which made Paul’s heart with sorrow melt,<br/> And glow with energy divine? </p> <p> That spirit which from age to age,<br/>Proclaimed Thy love, and taught Thy ways? <br/> Brightened Isaiah’s vivid page,<br/>And breathed in David’s hallowed lays? </p> <p> Is not Thy grace as mighty now,<br/>As when Elijah felt its power? <br/> When glory beamed from Moses’ brow,<br/>Or Job endured the trying hour? </p> <p> Remember, Lord, the ancient days;<br/>Renew Thy work, Thy grace restore;<br/> And while to Thee our hearts we raise,<br/>On us Thy holy Spirit pour. </p>"
"title": "196 Power In The Blood.",
"number": 196,
"content": "<h1><b>196 Power In The Blood.</b></h1> <p> Would you be free from the burden of sin?<br/>There’s power in the blood, power in the blood;<br/> Would you o’er evil a victory win?<br/>There’s wonderful power in the blood. </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> There is power, power, wonderworking power<br/> in the blood of the Lamb;<br/>There is power, power, wonderworking power,<br/> In the precious blood of the Lamb. </i></p> <p> Would you be free from your passion and pride?<br/>There’s power in the blood, power in the blood;<br/> Come for a cleansing to Calvary’s tide,<br/>There’s wonderful power in the blood. </P> <p> Would you be whiter, much whiter than snow? <br/>There’s power in the blood, power in the blood;<br/> Sin stains are lost in its life-giving flow,<br/>There’s wonderful power in the blood. </p> <p> Would you do service for Jesus your King? <br/>There’s power in the blood, power in the blood;<br/> Would you live daily His praises to sing?<br/>There’s wonderful power in the blood. </p>"
"title": "197 There’ll Be No Dark Valley.",
"number": 197,
"content": "<h1><b>197 There’ll Be No Dark Valley.</b></h1> <p> There’ll be no dark valley when Jesus comes,<br/>There’ll be no dark valley when Jesus comes;<br/> There’ll be no dark valley when Jesus comes,<br/>To gather His loved ones home. </p> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/>To gather His loved ones home,<br/>To gather His loved ones home;<br/> There’ll be no dark valley when Jesus comes,<br/> To gather His loved ones home. </i></p> <p>There’ll be no more sorrow when Jesus comes,<br/>There’ll be no more sorrow when Jesus come;<br/> There’ll be no more sorrow when Jesus comes,<br/>To gather His loved ones home. </p> <p> There’ll be no more weeping when Jesus comes,<br/>There’ll be no more weeping when Jesus comes;<br/> There’ll be no more weeping when Jesus comes,<br/>To gather His loved ones home. </p> <p> There’ll be songs of greeting when Jesus comes,<br/>There’ll be songs of greeting when Jesus comes;<br/> There’ll be songs of greeting when Jesus comes,<br/>To gather His loved ones home. </p>"
"title": "198 The Best Friend Is Jesus.",
"number": 198,
"content": "<h1><b>198 The Best Friend Is Jesus.</b></h1> <p> Oh, the best friend to have is Jesus,<br/>When the cares of life upon you roll,<br/> He will heal the wounded heart,<br/> He will strength and grace impart;<br/> Oh, the best friend to have is Jesus. </P> <p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> The best friend to have is Jesus,<br/> (Jesus every day)<br/>The best friend to have is Jesus <br/> (Jesus all the way) <br/> He will help you when you fall,<br/> He will hear you when you call;<br/> Oh, the best friend to have is Jesus. </i></p> <p> What a friend I have found in Jesus!<br/>Peace and comfort to my soul He brings; <br/> Leaning on His mighty arm, I will fear no ill nor harm;<br/>Oh, the best friend to have is Jesus. </p> <p> Though I pass through the night of sorrow,<br/> And the chilly waves of Jordan roll,<br/> Never need I shrink nor fear, For my Saviour is so near;<br/>Oh the best friend to have is Jesus. </p> <p> When at last to our home we gather,<br/>With the faithful who have gone before, <br/>We will sing upon the shore, Praising Him forevermore;<br/> Oh, the best friend to have is Jesus. </p>"
"title": "199 To God Be The Glory.",
"number": 199,
"content": "<h1><b>199 To God Be The Glory.</b></h1><p> To God be the glory, great things He hath done,<br/>So loved He the world that He gave us His Son;<br/> Who yielded His life an atonement for sin, <br/>And opened the Life-gate that all may go in.</p><p><i> <b>CHORUS</b><br/> Praise the Lord, praise the Lord,<br/>Let the earth hear His voice;<br/>Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, Let the people rejoice,<br/> O come to the Father, through Jesus the Son,<br/> And give Him The glory, great things He hath done.</i></p><p> O perfect redemption the purchase of blood,<br/> To every believer the promise of God;<br/> The vilest offender who truly believes,<br/>That moment from Jesus a pardon receives.</p><p>Great things He hath taught us great things He hath done,<br/> And great our rejoicing thro’ Jesus the Son; <br/>But purer, and higher, and greater will be,<br/> Our wonder, our transport, when Jesus we see.</p>"
"title": "200 Holy, Holy, Holy",
"number": 200,
"content": "<h1><b>200 Holy, Holy, Holy</b></h1> <p> Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!<br/> Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee;<br/> Holy, holy, holy! Merciful and mighty!<br/> God over all who rules eternity. </p> <p> Holy, holy, holy! Angels adore Thee,<br/>Casting down their bright crowns around the glassy sea;<br/>Thousands and ten thousands worship low before Thee,<br/> Which wert and art and evermore shalt be </p> <p> Holy, holy, holy! Though darkness hide Thee,<br/>Though the eye of man Thy great glory may not see<br/> Only Thou art holy; there is none beside Thee,<br/> Perfect in power, in love and purity. </p>"