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323 lines (268 loc) · 11.5 KB

File metadata and controls

323 lines (268 loc) · 11.5 KB

Integration tests for the Go Lambda

Up to this point, we have worked in the ratings application, which consumes a Go lambda. In this step, we will improve the experience on working on the Go lambda as a separate project. We will add integration tests for the lambda, and we will use Testcontainers to run the lambda on LocalStack.

Adding integration tests for the lambda

We have a "working" lambda, but we don't have any tests for it. Let's add an integration test for it. It will deploy the lambda into LocalStack and invoke it.

Let's create a main_test.go file in the lambda-go folder:

package main_test

import (
	osexec "os/exec"


// buildLambda return the path to the ZIP file used to deploy the lambda function.
func buildLambda() string {
	makeCmd := osexec.Command("make", "zip-lambda")
	makeCmd.Dir = "."

	err := makeCmd.Run()
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to zip lambda: %w", err))

	return filepath.Join("")

func TestDeployLambda(t *testing.T) {
	ctx := context.Background()

	flagsFn := func() string {
		labels := testcontainers.GenericLabels()
		flags := ""
		for k, v := range labels {
			flags = fmt.Sprintf("%s -l %s=%s", flags, k, v)
		return flags

	// get the path to the file, which lives in the lambda-go folder of the project
	zipFile := buildLambda()

	var functionURL string

	c, err := localstack.Run(ctx,
			ContainerRequest: testcontainers.ContainerRequest{
				Env: map[string]string{
					"SERVICES":            "lambda",
					"LAMBDA_DOCKER_FLAGS": flagsFn(),
				Files: []testcontainers.ContainerFile{
						HostFilePath:      zipFile,
						ContainerFilePath: "/tmp/",
				LifecycleHooks: []testcontainers.ContainerLifecycleHooks{
						PostStarts: []testcontainers.ContainerHook{
							func(ctx context.Context, c testcontainers.Container) error {
								lambdaName := "localstack-lambda-url-example"

								// the three commands below are doing the following:
								// 1. create a lambda function
								// 2. create the URL function configuration for the lambda function
								// 3. wait for the lambda function to be active
								lambdaCommands := [][]string{
										"awslocal", "lambda",
										"create-function", "--function-name", lambdaName,
										"--runtime", "provided.al2",
										"--handler", "bootstrap",
										"--role", "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/lambda-ex",
										"--zip-file", "fileb:///tmp/",
									{"awslocal", "lambda", "create-function-url-config", "--function-name", lambdaName, "--auth-type", "NONE"},
									{"awslocal", "lambda", "wait", "function-active-v2", "--function-name", lambdaName},
								for _, cmd := range lambdaCommands {
									_, _, err := c.Exec(ctx, cmd)
									if err != nil {
										t.Fatalf("failed to execute command %s: %s", cmd, err)

								// 4. get the URL for the lambda function
								cmd := []string{
									"awslocal", "lambda", "list-function-url-configs", "--function-name", lambdaName,
								_, reader, err := c.Exec(ctx, cmd, exec.Multiplexed())
								if err != nil {
									t.Fatalf("failed to execute command %s: %s", cmd, err)

								buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
								_, err = buf.ReadFrom(reader)
								if err != nil {
									t.Fatalf("failed to read from reader: %s", err)

								content := buf.Bytes()

								type FunctionURLConfig struct {
									FunctionURLConfigs []struct {
										FunctionURL      string `json:"FunctionUrl"`
										FunctionArn      string `json:"FunctionArn"`
										CreationTime     string `json:"CreationTime"`
										LastModifiedTime string `json:"LastModifiedTime"`
										AuthType         string `json:"AuthType"`
									} `json:"FunctionUrlConfigs"`

								v := &FunctionURLConfig{}
								err = json.Unmarshal(content, v)
								if err != nil {
									t.Fatalf("failed to unmarshal content: %s", err)

								functionURL = v.FunctionURLConfigs[0].FunctionURL

								return nil
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("failed to start localstack container: %s", err)

	// replace the port with the one exposed by the container
	mappedPort, err := c.MappedPort(ctx, "4566/tcp")
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("failed to get mapped port: %s", err)

	url := strings.ReplaceAll(functionURL, "4566", mappedPort.Port())

	// now we can test the lambda function

	histogram := map[string]string{
		"0": "10",
		"1": "20",
		"2": "30",
		"3": "40",
		"4": "50",
		"5": "60",

	payload := `{"ratings": {`
	for rating, count := range histogram {
		// we are passing the count as an integer, so we don't need to quote it
		payload += `"` + rating + `": ` + count + `,`

	if len(histogram) > 0 {
		// remove the last comma onl for non-empty histograms
		payload = payload[:len(payload)-1]
	payload += "}}"

	httpClient := http.Client{
		Timeout: 15 * time.Second,

	resp, err := httpClient.Post(url, "application/json", bytes.NewBufferString(payload))
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("failed to send request: %s", err)

	stats, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("failed to read response body: %s", err)

	expected := `{"avg":3.3333333333333335,"totalCount":210}`
	if string(stats) != expected {
		t.Fatalf("expected %s, got %s", expected, string(stats))

The test above is doing the following:

  1. It starts LocalStack with the lambda service enabled.
  2. It creates a lambda function and a URL configuration for the lambda function.
  3. It gets the URL for the lambda function.
  4. It invokes the lambda function with a payload containing a histogram of ratings.

The test is using the testcontainers-go library to start LocalStack and to execute commands inside the container. It is also using the awslocal command to interact with the LocalStack container.

Let's replace the contents of the Makefile for the lambda-go project. We are adding a new target for running the integration tests:

	go mod tidy

build-lambda: mod-tidy
	# If you are using Testcontainers Cloud, please add 'GOARCH=amd64' in order to get the localstack's lambdas using the right architecture
	GOOS=linux go build -tags lambda.norpc -o bootstrap main.go

	go test -v -count=1 ./...

zip-lambda: build-lambda
	zip -j bootstrap

Now run the integration tests with your IDE or from a terminal, in the lambda directory, but first update the Go dependencies with the make mod-tidy command:

$ cd lambda-go
$ make mod-tidy test
go test -v -count=1 ./...
=== RUN   TestDeployLambda
2023/10/30 12:54:35 - Connected to docker: 
  Server Version: 23.0.6 (via Testcontainers Desktop 1.5.0)
  API Version: 1.42
  Operating System: Alpine Linux v3.18
  Total Memory: 5256 MB
  Resolved Docker Host: tcp://
  Resolved Docker Socket Path: /var/run/docker.sock
  Test SessionID: 322d823de6e48bc23ed27eb788ce9e7af040a98061329aa861bcf9b0d075bbc8
  Test ProcessID: 6bf2f3be-b3f1-40fb-91a6-9038a23b5d9c
2023/10/30 12:54:35 Setting LOCALSTACK_HOST to (to match host-routable address for container)
2023/10/30 12:54:35 🐳 Creating container for image
2023/10/30 12:54:35 ✅ Container created: 8b6d4a9cc768
2023/10/30 12:54:35 🐳 Starting container: 8b6d4a9cc768
2023/10/30 12:54:35 ✅ Container started: 8b6d4a9cc768
2023/10/30 12:54:35 🚧 Waiting for container id 8b6d4a9cc768 image: Waiting for: &{Port:8080/tcp timeout:<nil> PollInterval:100ms}
2023/10/30 12:54:36 🐳 Creating container for image localstack/localstack:2.3.0
2023/10/30 12:54:36 ✅ Container created: f0055b217203
2023/10/30 12:54:36 🐳 Starting container: f0055b217203
2023/10/30 12:54:36 ✅ Container started: f0055b217203
2023/10/30 12:54:36 🚧 Waiting for container id f0055b217203 image: localstack/localstack:2.3.0. Waiting for: &{timeout:0x140003d3238 Port:4566/tcp Path:/_localstack/health StatusCodeMatcher:0x1030748e0 ResponseMatcher:0x1031453a0 UseTLS:false AllowInsecure:false TLSConfig:<nil> Method:GET Body:<nil> PollInterval:100ms UserInfo:}
--- PASS: TestDeployLambda (17.87s)
ok 18.207s

You'll probably see the go.mod and go.sum file to change, adding the testcontainers-go library and its Go dependencies.

Making the tests to fail

Let's introduce a bug in the lambda function and see how the tests will fail. In the main.go file, let's change how the average of the ratings is calculated:

	var avg float64
	if totalCount > 0 {
-		avg = float64(sum) / float64(totalCount)
+		avg = float64(sum) * float64(totalCount)

Now run the tests, with your IDE or from a terminal:

$ make test
go test -v -count=1 ./...
=== RUN   TestDeployLambda
2023/10/30 12:59:40 - Connected to docker: 
  Server Version: 23.0.6 (via Testcontainers Desktop 1.5.0)
  API Version: 1.42
  Operating System: Alpine Linux v3.18
  Total Memory: 5256 MB
  Resolved Docker Host: tcp://
  Resolved Docker Socket Path: /var/run/docker.sock
  Test SessionID: 16f6d59f4ea8d50a6114bb57f3d495bc869d5afa9cb78711b7e6ef22d692a88b
  Test ProcessID: ecde6c0f-2957-4f11-ae5a-85d61d5ff882
2023/10/30 12:59:40 Setting LOCALSTACK_HOST to (to match host-routable address for container)
2023/10/30 12:59:40 🐳 Creating container for image
2023/10/30 12:59:40 ✅ Container created: ebd4bbd7d64d
2023/10/30 12:59:40 🐳 Starting container: ebd4bbd7d64d
2023/10/30 12:59:41 ✅ Container started: ebd4bbd7d64d
2023/10/30 12:59:41 🚧 Waiting for container id ebd4bbd7d64d image: Waiting for: &{Port:8080/tcp timeout:<nil> PollInterval:100ms}
2023/10/30 12:59:41 🐳 Creating container for image localstack/localstack:2.3.0
2023/10/30 12:59:41 ✅ Container created: 40cb2869f67e
2023/10/30 12:59:41 🐳 Starting container: 40cb2869f67e
2023/10/30 12:59:42 ✅ Container started: 40cb2869f67e
2023/10/30 12:59:42 🚧 Waiting for container id 40cb2869f67e image: localstack/localstack:2.3.0. Waiting for: &{timeout:0x14000485148 Port:4566/tcp Path:/_localstack/health StatusCodeMatcher:0x10523c8e0 ResponseMatcher:0x10530d3a0 UseTLS:false AllowInsecure:false TLSConfig:<nil> Method:GET Body:<nil> PollInterval:100ms UserInfo:}
    main_test.go:177: expected {"avg":3.3333333333333335,"totalCount":210}, got {"avg":147000,"totalCount":210}
--- FAIL: TestDeployLambda (17.60s)
FAIL 17.880s
make: *** [test] Error 1

As expected, the test failed because the lambda function is returning an incorrect average:

    main_test.go:177: expected {"avg":3.3333333333333335,"totalCount":210}, got {"avg":147000,"totalCount":210}

Rollback the change in the main.go file, and run the tests again, they will pass again.

Next: exploring the running app