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File metadata and controls

129 lines (95 loc) · 4.61 KB


The pipeline makes it easy to create synthetic populations and simulations for other regions than Île-de-France. In any case, we recommend to first follow instructions to set up a synthetic population for Île-de-France and (if desired) the respective simulation. The following describes the steps and additional data sets necessary to create a population and simulation for Corsica.

Additional data

A) Regional census data

Corsica is not included in the census data set that is used for Île-de-France (Zone A). Instead, Zone E needs to be obtained from the same source. Download the dbase version of Zone E and put the respective file (FD_INDCVIZE_2015.dbf) into the data/rp_2015 folder.

B) Address database (BD-TOPO)

You need to download the region-specific address database.

  • Address database
  • Use a ftp client to download the Région Corse - R 94 . Most browsers will not be able to download the data.
  • Open the downloaded archive and open/unpack it to to access the folder
    • BDTOPO_3-0_TOUSTHEMES_SHP_LAMB93_R94_2020-12-15
    • BDTOPO
    • 1_DONNEES_LIVRAISON_2021-01-00120
    • BDT_3-0_SHP_LAMB93_R94-ED2020-12-15
  • Copy the files ADRESSE.* from the folder ADDRESSES in shape file format into data/bdtopo.

C) OpenStreetMap data

Only if you plan to run a simulation (and not just generate a synthetic population), you need to obtain additional data from OpenStreetMap. Geofabrik provides a cut-out for the Corsica region: corse-220101.osm.pbf. Download the region file in .osm.pbf format and put the file into the folder data/osm.

D) GTFS data

Again, only if you want to run simulations, the digital transit schedule is required. Unfortunately, there is no consolidated GTFS schedule avaiable for the region of interest. Hence, it is necessary to collect all relevant GTFS schedules one by one.

Download all the zip'd GTFS schedules and put them into the folder data/gtfs.


Afterwards, you should have the following additional files in your directory structure:

  • data/rp_2015/FD_INDCVIZE_2015.dbf

Only for simulation:

  • osm/corse-220101.osm.pbf
  • gtfs/GTFS été
  • gtfs/
  • gtfs/

Note that the file names may change slightly over time as GTFS schedule are updated continuously.

Generating the population

To generate the synthetic population, the config.yml needs to be updated. While the relevant code points to the Île-de-France data sets by default, you can adjust the paths inidividually. To let the pipeline use the Zone E census data set, add the following to config.yml in the config section:

  # ...
  census_path: rp_2015/FD_INDCVIZE_2015.dbf
  # ...

Furthermore, by default the pipeline will filter all other data sets for the Île-de-France region. To make it use the selected region, adjust the configuration as follows:

  # ...
  regions: [94]
  # ...

This will make the pipeline filter all data sets for the Corsica region.

Finally, to not confuse output names, we can define a new prefix for the output files:

  # ...
  output_prefix: corsica_
  # ...

For the specific use case of Corsica, it makes sense to reduce the matching threshold between activity chains and persons as only little data for Corsica is available in the ENTD survey. This might be improved in the future by reusing data from other regions or using a more detailed HTS:

  # ...
  matching_minimum_observations: 5
  # ...

You can now enter your Anaconda environment and call the pipeline with the synthesis.output stage activated. This will generate a synthetic population for Corsica.

Running the simulation

To prepare the pipeline for a simulation of Lyon, the paths to the OSM data sets and to the GTFS schedule must be adjusted explicitly:

  # ...
  gtfs_path: gtfs/;gtfs/;gtfs/GTFS été
  osm_path: osm/corse-220101.osm.pbf
  # ...

To test the simulation and generate the relevant MATSim files, run the pipeline with the matsim.output stage enabled.