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123 lines (79 loc) · 3.99 KB

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123 lines (79 loc) · 3.99 KB

Bhepop2 contributing guidelines


Thank you for considering contributing to Bhepop2 !

Reading these guidelines eases the interactions between the project owners and the contributors - you !

We would love to see you contribute to make Bhepop2 a better project ! There are many ways to contribute, from writing tutorials or examples, improving the documentation, submitting bug reports and feature requests or writing code which can be incorporated into Bhepop2 itself.

Getting started

If you find a security vulnerability:

  • do NOT open an issue. Contact us directly instead

If you've found a bug:

  • read the error message and documentation
  • search through the project issues
  • if the problem is with a dependency of this project, open an issue in the dependency's repo
  • if the problem is with Bhepop2 and you can fix it simply, please open a pull request
  • if the problem persists, please open an issue in the issue tracker, including a minimal working example so others can independently and completely reproduce the problem

If you have a feature proposal or want to contribute:

  • post your proposal on the issue tracker so we can review it together
  • fork the repo, make your change, test it, and submit a PR (do NOT merge the PR yourself)
  • respond to code review
  • adhere to the project code standards (see below)

Coding style and commit messages

Coding style

The coding style imposed on Bhepop2 includes:

  • respect PEP8 style guide as much as possible
  • black code style with max line length of 100 (see below)
  • write code in english
  • use Python typing when possible
  • reST docstring style (for Sphinx documentation). Example:
def function(param1: str, param2: int):
    This is a reST style.
    :param param1: this is a first param
    :param param2: this is a second param
    :returns: this is a description of what is returned
    :raises keyError: raises an exception
    return param1, param2

Black formatting

Black formatting is done by installing and running Black at the project root. The only option to provide is the maximum line length.

black -l 100 .

# black will list every file modified during the process

Black style formatting is automatically checked when making a PR on GitHub.

Commit message convention

Commits on branch main must use the conventional commit convention in order to generate a changelog from the commits


Run tests locally

Run tests from the root of the project using pytest. Use the -v option for verbose output.

pytest [-v]

Code coverage can be obtained with the pytest-cov plugin, using the following command

pytest --cov=bhepop2 --cov-report html

Auto-run on PRs

Tests are automatically run when making a PR on gitHub


Local generation

Documentation is generated using Sphinx. Pages are generated from the .rst files in the docs/ folder and from the code docstrings.

To render documentation locally, run the following command

sphinx-build -M html ./docs/ ./docs/_build/

You can then read the generated html files using any browser. For instance

firefox docs/_build/html/index.html

Online hosting

The Sphinx documentation is hosted freely by ReadtheDocs for open source projects. You can find the documentation of Bhepop2 here.

A new version of the documentation is automatically deployed when running the release GitHub action.