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67 lines (46 loc) · 2.52 KB

File metadata and controls

67 lines (46 loc) · 2.52 KB

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Code Style Guide

Boolean type functions are to return the smallest possible unsigned integer type

For example the render system function r_window_should_close() which is used to tell if the window is requested to close. It should return uint8_t instead of int int8_t or unsigned int.

Do to this, standard bool returns should be 0 = false and 1 = true or alternatively 0 = fail 1 = success.

Errors should be passed to the context struct for whichever system it is part of.

Instead of returning whatever the error type is, set the context's error flag to whatever the designated error code should be.

Systems should use a context

In attempts to prevent global declarations, each system should have a _ctx type to hold any variables commonly be globally declared. For example, render has r_ctx and audio a_ctx.

Code should be C99 Compliant

Not GNU99 or using a lot of compiler extensions. Simplicity is key.

C Code should remove as many pedantic warnings as possible

Not strictly held, but seriously considered.

All code should be formatted with clang-format

To keep code consistently formatted with the rest it's asked to run clang-format on whatever code being submitted / added:

  "AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine" : "false",
  "IndentCaseLabels" : "true",
  "IndentWidth" : 2,
  "PointerAlignment" : "Left",
  "TabWidth" : 2,
  "AlignConsecutiveMacros" : "true",
  "AlignConsecutiveAssignments" : "true",
  "AlignConsecutiveDeclarations" : "true",
  "AlignEscapedNewlines" : "true",
  "AlignTrailingComments" : "true",
  "AlignOperands" : "true",
  "AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine" : "true",
  "AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine" : "true",
  "ColumnLimit" : 80,
  "KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks" : "false",
  "SortIncludes" : "false",
  "SpaceAfterCStyleCast" : "false"

All shell scripts should try to be posix compliant

Where possible, exceptions can be made.

All shell scripts should pass shell-check

Simple enough, unix shell / bash scripts should be ran thru shell-check in order to catch any edge cases.