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executable file
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File metadata and controls

executable file
202 lines (142 loc) · 5.29 KB

Protocol Specifications


Exon is what can be called a “mess manager”. By "mess" I mean "A situation when an undefined number of objects are lying around and not scrupulously documented, in their purpose or their current state of existence". Exon is therefore an item recording system that aims to provide a unified interface (API) for people who would like to fetch informations about those abovementionned objects.


Sending messages

Exon's API is based on UTF-8-encoded character strings above TCP/IP. You can talk to the API by sending messages that are made of commands, subcommands, keys and values. The separator between commands, subcommands and key/value blocks is a space, whereas key=value blocks are separated with ::

There are for the moment a limited number of possible commands and subcommands:

  • id which takes an ID enclosed in double quotes as an argument
  • add which takes the following argument
    • name="Name of the item"
    • comments="Comments about the item"
  • comment which takes the following arguments:
    • id="ID" with ID being a natural integer strictly greater than 0 between two double quotes
    • comments="Another comment".
  • auth which takes the following arguments:
    • username="USER" containing the username
    • passwd="password" ← quite explicit, imo.
  • del which takes th

For instance, a message requesting informations about a particular ID uses the id commandwill say:

id <ID>
  • A message adding a new item to the database will say:

    add name="Fusion engine"::comments="Could explode at any time."
  • A message adding a new comment to a particular item will say:

    comment id="1"::comments="this is another comment"

Receiving messages

Now it's getting a bit more funky. Due to an obvious will of interoperability with the rest of the world, the API response is UTF-8-encoded and in JSON. Yes, it uses JSON for the server-client protocol.

ID request

The fields of the JSON document are the following: name, id, date and comments.:

    "status": "success",
    "message": "Item is available.",
    "data": {
        "name": "Engine",
        "id": 1,
        "date": "2015-12-29 00:12:04",
        "comments": "May explode.",
        "author": "anon"

As you can see in the abovementionned example, most of the values are character strings, except for id which returns an integer. The date field will return a the date as it is returned by the command date "+%G-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" on UNIX-like systems.

Item registering

When registering a new item with the add message, Exon will send this response:

    "status": "success",
    "message": "New item registered",
    "data": <ID>

Item suppression

When deleting an item, you'll receive the following response:

    "status": "success",
    "message": "Item successfully deleted",
    "data:" ID

Adding a new comment

When adding a new comment to an ID, Exon will send the following JSON document::

    "status": "success",
    "message": "New comment added.",
    "data": <ID>

Or if it fails, this:

    "status": "error",
    "message": "Could not add new comment.",
    "data": <ID>


The typical successful auth answer is:

    "status": "success"
    "message": "Successful authentication"
    "data": "username"

The worst that could happen

Wrong item ID

If you request a wrong item number, let's say 5, Exon will answer with the following JSON document::

    "status": "error",
    "message": "Item not found.",
    "data": ""

Duplicate item

If you try to register an item with the same name as a previous one, the following JSON document will be sent:

    "status": "error",
    "message": "Item already exists",
    "data": "1"

Failed authentication

If the authentication fails, you'll receive this message:

    "status": "error",
    "message": "Authentication failed",
    "data": "username"

Failed item suppression

If an item suppression had to fail, the following message would be returned:

    "status": "error",
    "message": ERROR_MSG,
    "data": "id"

ERROR_MSG being either "Unauthorized action - User not logged in" or "Non-existing item"

Protocol error

If Exon didn't understand the message, it will send the following following JSON document:

    "status": "error",
    "message": "Protocol error, please refer to the documentation",
    "data": null

And in the worst case, the server crashes and you are invited to open an issue on GitHub.