diff --git a/polyfill/lib/ecmascript.mjs b/polyfill/lib/ecmascript.mjs
index 41f2c34078..e4ee885c0e 100644
--- a/polyfill/lib/ecmascript.mjs
+++ b/polyfill/lib/ecmascript.mjs
@@ -1683,9 +1683,17 @@ export const ES = ObjectAssign({}, ES2022, {
if (ES.Type(calendarLike) === 'Object') {
if (ES.IsTemporalCalendar(calendarLike)) return calendarLike;
if (HasSlot(calendarLike, CALENDAR)) return GetSlot(calendarLike, CALENDAR);
+ if (ES.IsTemporalTimeZone(calendarLike)) {
+ throw new RangeError('Expected a calendar object but received a Temporal.TimeZone');
+ }
if (!('calendar' in calendarLike)) return calendarLike;
calendarLike = calendarLike.calendar;
- if (ES.Type(calendarLike) === 'Object' && !('calendar' in calendarLike)) return calendarLike;
+ if (ES.Type(calendarLike) === 'Object') {
+ if (ES.IsTemporalTimeZone(calendarLike)) {
+ throw new RangeError('Expected a calendar object as the calendar property but received a Temporal.TimeZone');
+ }
+ if (!('calendar' in calendarLike)) return calendarLike;
+ }
const identifier = ES.ToString(calendarLike);
const TemporalCalendar = GetIntrinsic('%Temporal.Calendar%');
@@ -1746,10 +1754,16 @@ export const ES = ObjectAssign({}, ES2022, {
if (ES.Type(temporalTimeZoneLike) === 'Object') {
if (ES.IsTemporalTimeZone(temporalTimeZoneLike)) return temporalTimeZoneLike;
if (ES.IsTemporalZonedDateTime(temporalTimeZoneLike)) return GetSlot(temporalTimeZoneLike, TIME_ZONE);
+ if (ES.IsTemporalCalendar(temporalTimeZoneLike)) {
+ throw new RangeError('Expected a time zone object but received a Temporal.Calendar');
+ }
if (!('timeZone' in temporalTimeZoneLike)) return temporalTimeZoneLike;
temporalTimeZoneLike = temporalTimeZoneLike.timeZone;
- if (ES.Type(temporalTimeZoneLike) === 'Object' && !('timeZone' in temporalTimeZoneLike)) {
- return temporalTimeZoneLike;
+ if (ES.Type(temporalTimeZoneLike) === 'Object') {
+ if (ES.IsTemporalCalendar(temporalTimeZoneLike)) {
+ throw new RangeError('Expected a time zone object as the timeZone property but received a Temporal.Calendar');
+ }
+ if (!('timeZone' in temporalTimeZoneLike)) return temporalTimeZoneLike;
const identifier = ES.ToString(temporalTimeZoneLike);
diff --git a/spec/calendar.html b/spec/calendar.html
index fa85150189..2fd6758262 100644
--- a/spec/calendar.html
+++ b/spec/calendar.html
@@ -367,9 +367,12 @@
ToTemporalCalendar ( _temporalCalendarLike_ )
1. Return _temporalCalendarLike_.
1. If _temporalCalendarLike_ has an [[InitializedTemporalDate]], [[InitializedTemporalDateTime]], [[InitializedTemporalMonthDay]], [[InitializedTemporalTime]], [[InitializedTemporalYearMonth]], or [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]] internal slot, then
1. Return _temporalCalendarLike_.[[Calendar]].
+ 1. If _temporalCalendarLike_ has an [[InitializedTemporalTimeZone]] internal slot, throw a *RangeError* exception.
1. If ? HasProperty(_temporalCalendarLike_, *"calendar"*) is *false*, return _temporalCalendarLike_.
1. Set _temporalCalendarLike_ to ? Get(_temporalCalendarLike_, *"calendar"*).
- 1. If Type(_temporalCalendarLike_) is Object and ? HasProperty(_temporalCalendarLike_, *"calendar"*) is *false*, return _temporalCalendarLike_.
+ 1. If Type(_temporalCalendarLike_) is Object, then
+ 1. If _temporalCalendarLike_ has an [[InitializedTemporalTimeZone]] internal slot, throw a *RangeError* exception.
+ 1. If ? HasProperty(_temporalCalendarLike_, *"calendar"*) is *false*, return _temporalCalendarLike_.
1. Let _identifier_ be ? ToString(_temporalCalendarLike_).
1. Set _identifier_ to ? ParseTemporalCalendarString(_identifier_).
1. If IsBuiltinCalendar(_identifier_) is *false*, throw a *RangeError* exception.
diff --git a/spec/timezone.html b/spec/timezone.html
index deefb3c648..a5382689aa 100644
--- a/spec/timezone.html
+++ b/spec/timezone.html
@@ -539,9 +539,12 @@ ToTemporalTimeZone ( _temporalTimeZoneLike_ )
1. Return _temporalTimeZoneLike_.
1. If _temporalTimeZoneLike_ has an [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]] internal slot, then
1. Return _temporalTimeZoneLike_.[[TimeZone]].
+ 1. If _temporalTimeZoneLike_ has an [[InitializedTemporalCalendar]] internal slot, throw a *RangeError* exception.
1. If ? HasProperty(_temporalTimeZoneLike_, *"timeZone"*) is *false*, return _temporalTimeZoneLike_.
1. Set _temporalTimeZoneLike_ to ? Get(_temporalTimeZoneLike_, *"timeZone"*).
- 1. If Type(_temporalTimeZoneLike_) is Object and ? HasProperty(_temporalTimeZoneLike_, *"timeZone"*) is *false*, return _temporalTimeZoneLike_.
+ 1. If Type(_temporalTimeZoneLike_) is Object, then
+ 1. If _temporalTimeZoneLike_ has an [[InitializedTemporalCalendar]] internal slot, throw a *RangeError* exception.
+ 1. If ? HasProperty(_temporalTimeZoneLike_, *"timeZone"*) is *false*, return _temporalTimeZoneLike_.
1. Let _identifier_ be ? ToString(_temporalTimeZoneLike_).
1. Let _parseResult_ be ? ParseTemporalTimeZoneString(_identifier_).
1. If _parseResult_.[[Name]] is not *undefined*, then