The abstract operation WordCharacters performs the following steps:
- 1. If _e_ is -1 or _e_ is _InputLength_, return *false*.
- 1. Let _c_ be the character _Input_[_e_].
- 1. If _c_ is one of the sixty-three characters below, return *true*.
+ 1. Create a set _A_ of characters containing the sixty-three characters:
@@ -27991,14 +27989,30 @@
Runtime Semantics: IsWordChar Abstract Operation
- 1. Return *false*.
+ 1. Create an empty set _U_.
+ 1. For every character _c_ not in set _A_ where Canonicalize(_c_) is in _A_, add _c_ to _U_.
+ 1. Assert: Unless _Unicode_ and _IgnoreCase_ are both true, _U_ is empty.
+ 1. Add the characters in set _U_ to set _A_.
+ 1. Return _A_.
Runtime Semantics: IsWordChar Abstract Operation
The abstract operation IsWordChar takes an integer parameter _e_ and performs the following steps:
+ 1. If _e_ is -1 or _e_ is _InputLength_, return *false*.
+ 1. Let _c_ be the character _Input_[_e_].
+ 1. Let _WordChars_ be _WordCharacters_().
+ 1. If _c_ is in _WordChars_, return *true*.
+ 1. Return *false*.
@@ -28391,246 +28405,7 @@
The production CharacterClassEscape :: `D` evaluates by returning the set of all characters not included in the set returned by CharacterClassEscape :: `d`.
The production CharacterClassEscape :: `s` evaluates by returning the set of characters containing the characters that are on the right-hand side of the |WhiteSpace| or |LineTerminator| productions.
The production CharacterClassEscape :: `S` evaluates by returning the set of all characters not included in the set returned by CharacterClassEscape :: `s` .
The production CharacterClassEscape :: `w` evaluates as follows:
- 1. Create a set _A_ of characters containing the sixty-three characters:
- `a`
- `b`
- `c`
- `d`
- `e`
- `f`
- `g`
- `h`
- `i`
- `j`
- `k`
- `l`
- `m`
- `n`
- `o`
- `p`
- `q`
- `r`
- `s`
- `t`
- `u`
- `v`
- `w`
- `x`
- `y`
- `z`
- `A`
- `B`
- `C`
- `D`
- `E`
- `F`
- `G`
- `H`
- `I`
- `J`
- `K`
- `L`
- `M`
- `N`
- `O`
- `P`
- `Q`
- `R`
- `S`
- `T`
- `U`
- `V`
- `W`
- `X`
- `Y`
- `Z`
- `0`
- `1`
- `2`
- `3`
- `4`
- `5`
- `6`
- `7`
- `8`
- `9`
- `_`
- 1. If _Unicode_ is *true*, then
- 1. Create an empty set _U_.
- 1. For every character _c_ not in set _A_ where Canonicalize(_c_) is in _A_, add _c_ to _U_.
- 1. Add the characters in set _U_ to set _A_.
- 1. Return _A_.
The production CharacterClassEscape :: `w` evaluates by returning the set of all characters returned by _WordCharacters_().
The production CharacterClassEscape :: `W` evaluates by returning the set of all characters not included in the set returned by CharacterClassEscape :: `w` .