Théo Arrouye - Senior Project 2017 ~ Unity VR Project
- Definition: Feeling physically present in a non-physical world
- For my study, I attempted to measure this by having participants fill out surveys, as well as observing their physical reactions to virtual occurences
- Replicate natural physics interactions
- ex: Tossing balls around
- Develop more natural movement mechanic
ex: Teleporting (commonly used in VR apps) is presence-breaking
solution: Movement is triggered by holding the Vive Wand's Grip button and moving your arms in a walking motion. You move in the direction that you are looking. Because this somewhat replicates natural walking/running motions, it feels more natural than teleportation.
- Explore effects of breaks in presence
- ex: The car scene, where the cars are clearly fake and you can be 'run over' without feeling anything
- Link:
- (shows a version slightly older than what is in the repository)