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[Node.js] CLASses ASYNChronous Your powerful asynchronous imperative code OOP framework. Latest version: 0.11.12

Known Vulnerabilities

npm i -S clasync

Lazy bone

Below is a bunch of intuitive stuff and main explanations on lifecycle of this framework.


const {$} = require('clasync');

class Dep extends $ {  // this class extends framework directly

  // framework handlers

  async init() {  // initialization
    const msec = this.$.msecForInit;  // get our static value
    await this.$.delay(msec);  // call framework method: wait before continue
    this.$.log(`Dep is ready in ${msec} msec`);

  async final() {  // finalization
    await this.$.doCommonFinal(this.$.msecForCommonFinal);  // call static method
    const msec = this.msecForFinal;  // get our configured value
    await this.doFinal(msec);  // call non-static method
    this.$.log('Dep finished');

  // custom methods

  static async doCommonFinal(msec) {  // static method
    await this.delay(msec);  // can omit `$` here as we're already in static scope
    this.$.log(`Dep common final in ${msec} msec`); // or can use '$' for portability

  async doFinal(msec) {  // non-static method
    await this.$.delay(msec);  // `$` to use method from static scope
    this.$.log(`Dep final in ${msec} msec`);

Dep.msecForInit = 1000;  // static values
Dep.msecForCommonFinal = 1000;

module.exports = Dep;


const {App} = require('clasync');
const Dep = require('./dep');

class Main extends App {

  // framework handlers

  static async configure() {  // get default configuration for main module
    return {  // will be merged to main class instance
      dep: {msecForFinal: 1500}  // configuration for `Dep` instance
  }  // presence of this static method makes this module launchable

  async init(deps) {  // initialization with dependencies
    await deps({
      $dep:  // declare dependency: `Dep` with configuration

    this.$.log('App and all its dependencies are ready');

  async final(reason) {
    this.$.log(`App finished. Reason: ${reason}`);

  async main() {
    this.$.log('Main started');
    await this.$.delay(5000);
    this.$.log('Main finished');
    return 0;  // exit code (reason)

Main.gracefulShutdownMsec = 6000;

module.exports = Main;

node .

Dep is ready in 1000 msec
App and all its dependencies are ready
Main started
Main finished
Dep common final in 1000 msec
Dep final in 1500 msec
Dep finished
App finished. Reason: 0

Launch again and after you see Main started press Ctrl+C:

Dep is ready in 1000 msec
App and all its dependencies are ready
Main started
^CDep common final in 1000 msec
Dep final in 1500 msec
Dep finished
App finished. Reason: SIGINT
Main finished

Note the Reason: SIGINT and still clean app shutdown. Change Main.gracefulShutdownMsec = 1500; and launch again. Note app CRITICAL termination before finalizers complete:

Dep is ready in 1000 msec
App and all its dependencies are ready
Main started
Main finished
Dep common final in 1000 msec

--- CRITICAL --- 2018-09-07T08:51:06.097Z
Timed out waiting for finalizers

Completion of Dep final is beyond the graceful shutdown time period. Launch again and after Main started press Ctrl+C twice. Application will terminate immediately.

Async Events


const {Emitter} = require('../clasync');

class Main extends Emitter {  // this class extends framework indirectly

  // framework handlers

  static async configure() {
    return {
      // no configuration

  async init() {
    this.on('start', async ({msec}) => {
      this.$.log('Main started');
      await this.$.delay(msec);
    }, 0);  // stage 0. no results from this stage

    this.on('start', async ({}) => {
      // results from same stage will be merged into one object
      return {stage1_handler1: 2};  // here is a stage 1 result
    }, 1);  // stage 1

    this.on('start', () => ({stage1_handler2: 2}), 1);  // also stage 1: sync handler
    this.on('start', async ({}) => undefined, 1);  // no result from this stage 1 async handler

    // event handler below won't be processed as non-empty result object
    //   is returned from previous stage
    this.on('start', () => ({stage2_handler1: 3}), 2);

    this.$.log('App and all its dependencies are ready');

  async final(reason) {
    this.$.log(`App finished. Reason: ${reason}`);

  async main() {
    const eventResults = await this.emit('start', {msec: 5000});
    this.$.log('Event result:', eventResults);
    this.$.log('Main finished');
    return 0;

module.exports = Main;

node events

App and all its dependencies are ready
Main started
Event result: { stage1_handler1: 2, stage1_handler2: 2 }
Main finished
App finished. Reason: 0


Documentation in progress... Hubs, promises, funtionals and much more...
