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These are my solutions to the interesting challenges at the cryptopals crypto challenges. All solutions are coded in C++11 and Boost.


To build these solutions you will need:

  • GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). I used v8.2.0 in MSYS2 on Windows 7. On macOS Sierra I used the default Clang v8.0.0 (build clang-800.0.42.1) which is compatible with GCC. On macOS Tiger (on a PowerPC G3 iBook) I used GCC v7.4.0 (invoked as g++-mp-7) from MacPorts.

  • GNU Make. I used v4.2.1 in MinGW-w64 in Windows 7 (invoked as mingw32-make). On macOS Sierra and Tiger I installed v4.2.1 (invoked as gmake to distinguish from the system default v3.8.1) using Homebrew and MacPorts, respectively. On Ubuntu I had to upgrade to Cosmic (18.10) to get v4.2.1.

  • Git. On Windows 7 and 10 I used the Git for Windows download. On macOS Sierra and Tiger I installed the latest version using Homebrew and MacPorts, respectively.

  • Boost C++ Libraries. I used the "master" branch from modular Boost.

    • You will need to build the libraries as described for your platform in the Getting Started guide. Only specific libraries are needed (as indicated by the BOOST_LIBS line in each solution's GNUmakefile), so you can speed up the build by appending the --with-<library_name> option below.
    • On Windows: b2 --layout=system toolset=gcc variant=release address-model=64.
    • On macOS and Linux: ./b2 --layout=system variant=release.
  • Google Test.

    • You will need to build Google Test using Bazel, as mentioned in the Build Requirements.

    • On Windows / MinGW-w64 I had to specify a compiler option: bazel build --compiler=mingw-gcc --cxxopt=-std=c++14 gtest gtest_main.

    • On Ubuntu I encountered this option-parsing bug in gcc-ar via Bazel, which I managed to work around by replacing /usr/bin/gcc-ar with a symlink to /usr/bin/ar.

    • On my iBook G3 (running macOS Tiger 10.4.11) Bazel is not available due to its dependency JDK8 not having been ported to the 32-bit PowerPC platform. As a workaround I restored the Makefile from before it was deleted and used that for building:

      git checkout 6b8c138154~1 -- googletest/make
      pushd googletest/make
      gmake CXXFLAGS="-g -Wall -Wextra -pthread -std=c++14"
      [[ -d bazel-bin ]] || mkdir bazel-bin
      pushd bazel-bin
      ln -fs ../googletest/make/*.a .
  • Hunspell.

    • On Windows 7 / MinGW-w64 I had to first install the mingw-w64-x86_64-autotools package in the MSYS2 shell, and then I could build it with the following commands in a MinGW 64-bit Shell:

      autoreconf -vfi
      ./configure --disable-dependency-tracking
    • On macOS Sierra / Homebrew I had to first obtain the GNU Autotools packages: automake, libtool, and gettext. I also had to export the LDFLAGS and CPPFLAGS environment variables to what brew specified when installing gettext. After that I could run the standard steps.

    • On macOS Tiger / MacPorts I only had to install the automake and libtool packages, and they pulled in the other ones as dependencies.

    • You will also need an English dictionary for Hunspell -- specifically the .dic and .aff files. Get one from SCOWL.

  • Crypto++.

    • You will need to build Crypto++ as a static library using the included GNUmakefile. To do this on Windows you will need a UNIX-like shell and set of utilities (see below).
    • On Windows / MinGW-w64 I had to specify a Makefile override: mingw32-make AR=gcc-ar RANLIB=gcc-ranlib.
  • OpenSSL. Build it in a UNIX-like shell, with overrides to use GCC:

    CC=gcc CXX=g++ ./config
    make AR=gcc-ar RANLIB=gcc-ranlib
    • On Windows / MinGW-w64 I had to install the MSYS2 make.exe, because the generated Makefile contains Unix-style full paths that mingw32-make.exe cannot understand.

    • On macOS, the dynamic library search mechanism cannot be directed to find transitive dependencies (e.g. libcrypto.dylib, needed by libssl.dylib) in a location determined by the application. The location is chosen at the time of building OpenSSL, which is /usr/local/lib by default. We need to override that as follows:

      CC=gcc CXX=g++ ./config --prefix=`pwd`
      [[ -d lib ]] || mkdir lib
      pushd lib
      ln -fs ../libssl.* ../libcrypto.* .

      Also on macOS Tiger, I had to pass no-async to the first step in order to avoid some "undefined symbol" issues with _getcontext, _setcontext, and _makecontext.

UNIX-like utilities on Windows are provided by any of the following:

You may need to install additional packages beyond the ones bundled with the default installation. Check the respective documentation for guidance on how to locate and install packages.

Once the packages are installed, the "from source" dependency libraries can be downloaded and built using the prepare_deps script, especially in CI jobs. You will need GNU Bash (at least v3.1), Wget (or Curl) and unzip for it. (When installing Wget in MacPorts I ran into this issue but the suggested fix worked fine -- so run sudo port -v configure libffi, then patch the files, then run sudo port build libffi && sudo make install.)

Although my development environment is in Windows (primarily Notepad++ enhanced with some humble NppExec scripts), I tried to make no assumptions about the environment and instead stuck by whatever is guaranteed by the language standard and library documentation. The solutions should build in a UNIX environment just fine. Check out the Wiki for guides to using additional development tools.


The solutions are organized in two directory levels: the first level for the Set and the second level for the Challenge (as in the Cryptopals website). Each inner directory has a GNUmakefile that expects these variables:

  • BOOST_DIR -- the top-level directory of your Boost installation
  • GTEST_DIR -- the top-level directory of your Google Test installation
  • HUNSPELL_DIR -- the top-level directory of your Hunspell repository clone
  • CRYPTOPP_DIR -- the top-level directory of your Crypto++ repository clone
  • OPENSSL_DIR -- the top-level directory of your OpenSSL repository clone

To build any solution, ensure that the above are set in the environment, then cd to that directory and run make (or gmake, mingw32-make, etc.). This will produce the executable, along with other intermediary build products. The executable name will begin with test_, so should be easy to locate.

Alternatively, you can use the top-level GNUmakefile by running make (or its equivalent for your platform) in the repository root directory. This will produce the combined test program called test.


  • None of the above variables may have spaces in them. So, on Windows you can't use C:\Program Files\..., but C:\Users\UsernameWithoutSpace\Documents\etc is good. You can work around this restriction by creating directory symlinks.
  • The above variables do not have to be environment variables, but can instead be specified in the GNU Make command line as overrides.
  • The above variables may be either relative paths or absolute paths.
  • By default the makefiles will compile the code with maximum optimizations and no debugging information. To put the code under a debugger, you need to do a debug build instead by overriding "CPP_OPTIMIZATIONS=-g -Og" on the command line.

You can even do an out-of-source build. cd into an unrelated directory (it can be outside the repo or an uncommitted subdirectory inside the repo) and then run make -f path/to/GNUmakefile. The build system will adjust VPATH by itself, so you do not need to specify it yourself. (The clean target may leak some files in this case, but you can rm -rf the entire build directory yourself anyway.)


Some solutions will require the location of a Hunspell dictionary to be provided in the HUNSPELL_AFFIX_PATH and HUNSPELL_DICT_PATH environment variables.

Some solutions need to download data files over HTTPS from the Cryptopals website.

  • On Linux platforms they need the SSL certificates location (e.g. /etc/ssl/certs on Ubuntu, or /etc/pki/tls/certs on CentOS) to be provided in the SSL_CERT_DIR environment variable.
  • On macOS the SSL root certificates are stored in the "System Roots" keychain, so I had export them to a temporary file with: security export -k /System/Library/Keychains/SystemRootCertificates.keychain and then point the SSL_CERT_FILE environment variable at it.
  • On Windows the project directly fetches the system root certificates with Microsoft's CryptoAPI to use with OpenSSL. No runtime settings are needed.

Deciphering the Code

The main translation unit of each solution is full of test cases written with the Google Test framework. The main() inside Google Test is used, so you will not find a main() function in here.

Unlike most solutions, these solutions aim to be scalable to very large inputs with constant memory requirements. They are therefore designed to work with C++ IOStreams for input and output, instead of in-memory std::string objects. They never read in all the contents of the input streams into memory, but do read in small chunks at a time for code-conversion, frequency analysis, etc. They also work on the assumption that the input and output streams are slow devices, and therefore try to minimize the number of times they are read or written to (ideally only one pass).

The test drivers (i.e. the source files with names beginning with test_) are not considered part of the solutions, so you will find them constructing in-memory streams containing the input and output data.

Because of the above design constraints, these solutions have become somewhat of an adventure in IOStreams programming, using some of its more advanced details and techniques:

  • custom manipulators with arguments
  • checking and setting std::ios_base::io_state flags
  • custom stream buffers as input/output filters

Why not Boost.Iostreams?

I could have started out with the Boost.Iostreams framework for all this, instead of trying to make ends meet with the Standard IOStreams library. While the Boost framework is impressively designed for ease of use, my intention here was to primarily explore the C++ Standard Library thoroughly and identify its shortcomings, followed by a gradual feature-comparison with the Boost libraries.