This project is no longer maintained, but still requird by the various RAMP projects. A single release has been published to our private npm repository under @meltmedia/di.
This readme describes how to set up your working space in order to run the tests and hack on it. See How can I use it on how to use this DI framework in your project.
# Clone this repo (or your fork).
git clone
# Install all the the dev dependencies, such as Karma, Gulp, etc.
npm install
# If you wanna use "karma" or "gulp" commands, install also:
npm install -g karma-cli
npm install -g gulp
Running the tests
This will start Karma and Chrome (with --harmony
enabled). Karma will watch the source code and run the tests anytime you save a change.
karma start
All the source code is written in the upcoming version of JavaScript - ES6. In order to use it in the current browsers you need to transpile the code into ES5 using Traceur.
# Transpile ES6 into ./compiled/*
gulp build
# Watch all the sources and transpile on any change
gulp watch
gulp build_examples
gulp serve
I talked about this DI framework at the ng-conf, here are some more links...
Also, here is the original design doc, which is quickly becoming out-dated ;-)