Yet another open-source GitHub client app but unlike any other app, FastHub was built from scratch.
We have configurated snapshots of FastHub, which can be downloaded from AppVeyor CI.
- App
- Two login types (Basic Auth), (Access Token) or via (Browser)
- Themes mode
- Offline-mode
- Markdown and code highlighting support
- Notifications overview and "Mark all as read"
- Search users/orgs, repos, issues/prs & code.
- Pinned Repos
- Trending
- Repositories
- Browse & Read Wiki
- Search Repos
- Browse and search Repos
- See your public, private and forked Repos
- Filter Branches and Commits
- Watch, star and fork Repos
- Download releases, files and branches
- Issues and Pull Requests
- Search Issues/PRs
- Filter Issues/PRs
- Long click to peak Issues/PRs & add comments otg.
- Open/close Issues/PRs
- Comment on Issues/PRs
- Manage Issue/PR comments
- React to comments with reactions
- Edit Issues/PRs
- Lock/unlock conversation in Issues/PRs
- Assign people and add Labels and Milestones to Issues/PRs
- Manage Milestones
- Merge PRs
- PRs reviews(reply, react with emojies, delete & edit comment)
- PRs statuses
- Commits and Gists
- Search Code/Gists
- View Gists and their files
- Comment on Commits/Gists
- Manage Commit/Gist comments
- Create/Delete Gists
- React to Commit comments with reactions
- Orgs
- Overview
- Feeds
- Teams & Teams repos
- Repos
- Users
- Follow/unfollow users
- View user feeds
- Contribution graph.
- Search Users, Repos, Issues,Pull Requests and Code
- Much more...
- FastHub is actively developed. More features will come!
> FastHub contain Ads, which are disabled by default. You could enable them if you'd like to support the development.
Ads currently not available.
- Minimum SDK 21, but AppCompat is used all the way ;-)
- Kotlin all new modules starting from 2.5.3 will be written in #Kotlin.
- MVP-architecture: ThirtyInch because its ThirtyInch.
- RxJava2 & RxAndroid for Retrofit & background threads
- Retrofit for constructing the REST API
- Requery for offline-mode
- Stream API for dealing with
- ButterKnife for view binding
- Android State for saving instance states
- Lombok for getters and setters
- Material-BottomNavigation for
tabs - Android-Universal-Image-Loader for loading images
- commonmark for Markdown conversion to html
- Toasty for displaying error/success messages
- ShapedImageView for round avatars
- MaterialTapTargetPrompt for displaying tips throughout the app
- Material-About-Library for the about screen
- Fabric analytics & crash reporting.
- Android Support Libraries, the almighty ;-)
You love FastHub? You want new features or bug fixes?
Please contribute to the project either by creating a PR or submitting an issue on GitHub.
Read the contribution guide for more detailed information.
Thanks for those who contributed to FastHub by adding their language
- Chinese (Simplified) [@Devifish](
- Chinese (Traditional) [@maple3142](
- German [@failex234](
- Indonesian [@dikiaap](
- Italian [@Raffaele74](
- Japanese [@Rintan](
- Lithuanian [@mistermantas](
- Russian [@dedepete](
- Turkish [@kutsan](
- Portuguese [@caiorrs](
Why can't I see my Organizations either Private or Public ones?
Open up and look for FastHub, open it then scroll to Organization access and click on Grant Button, alternatively login via Access Token which will ease this setup.
I tried to login via Access Token & OTP but it does not work?
You can't login via Access Token & OTP all together due to the lifetime of the OTP code, you'll be required to login in every few seconds.
Why my Private Repo Wiki does not show up?
It's due to FastHub scraping GitHub Wiki page & transform it to something Android does.
Copyright (C) 2017 Kosh.
Licensed under the GPL-3.0 license.
(See the LICENSE file for the whole license text.)
Mobile Light | Mobile Dark |
Tablet Light | Tablet Dark |
FastHub logo is designed by Kevin Aguilar.
Google+ | Twitter
Designer at 221 Pixels.
Laus Deo Semper