Cactus electricity-trade is a sample application for exchanging electricity (which is measured by a device that is logging to a Sawtooth blockchain) for ETH currency on a private Ethereum blockchain. When the measuring device detects power usage, a Sawtooth transaction triggers a Cactus LedgerEvent to pay the device user's currency on the Ethereum blockchain, where the amount paid is proportional to the amount of power usage recorded on the Sawtooth blockchain. In this example, we use the Sawtooth intkey transaction processor as an application for power measurement logging.
- OS: Linux (recommend: Ubuntu18.04 or CentOS7)
- Docker (recommend: v17.06.2-ce or greater)
- Docker-compose (recommend: v1.14.0 or greater)
- node.js v12 (recommend: v12.20.2 or greater)
- Available ports:
: the port ofcactus-cmd-socketio-server
: the port ofcactus-plugin-ledger-connector-go-ethereum-socketio
: the port ofcactus-plugin-ledger-connector-sawtooth-socketio
- You can modify port exported to the host in
- Available directory (This directory must be empty):
: the directory for storing the config files ofcactus-cmd-socketio-server
, will be mounted by the containers.
Configure Cactus:
# execute in root cactus dir pushd ../.. npm run configure popd
Start the ledgers:
- This script will start all ledger docker containers, networks, and will setup configuration needed to operate the sample app.
- (NOTICE: Before executing the above, your account needs to be added to the docker group (
usermod -a -G docker YourAccount
from root user)) - On success, this should start the following containers:
Launch electricity-trade and validators from local
(use separate console for that, docker-compose will block your prompt):docker-compose build && docker-compose up # or npm run start
This will build and launch all needed containers, the final output should look like this:
cmd-socketio-base-dummy | OK - Exit cmd-socketio-base-dummy exited with code 0 cactus-example-electricity-trade-ethereum-validator | cactus-example-electricity-trade-ethereum-validator | > @hyperledger/[email protected] start /root/cactus cactus-example-electricity-trade-ethereum-validator | > cd ./dist && node common/core/bin/www.js cactus-example-electricity-trade-ethereum-validator | cactus-example-electricity-trade-ethereum-validator | listening on *:5050 cactus-example-electricity-trade-sawtooth-validator | cactus-example-electricity-trade-sawtooth-validator | > @hyperledger/[email protected] start /root/cactus cactus-example-electricity-trade-sawtooth-validator | > cd ./dist && node common/core/bin/www.js cactus-example-electricity-trade-sawtooth-validator | cactus-example-electricity-trade-sawtooth-validator | listening on *:5140 cactus-example-electricity-trade-blp | [2022-02-14T15:47:47.312] [INFO] www - Using BLP with id = h40Q9eMD cactus-example-electricity-trade-blp | start Dynamic loading. cactus-example-electricity-trade-blp | path: /api/v1/bl/cactus-example-electricity-trade/, routerJs: /root/cactus/dist/cactus-example-electricity-trade.js cactus-example-electricity-trade-blp | path: /api/v1/bl/balance/, routerJs: /root/cactus/dist/balance.js cactus-example-electricity-trade-blp | [2022-02-14T15:47:47.399] [INFO] www - listening on *: 5034
- Source account on Ethereum:
- The privkey of source account on Ethereum:
- Destination account on Ethereum:
- The key name of intkey on Sawtooth:
(Optional) Check the balance on ethereum accounts and current electricity usage
The result looks like the following (note there's no electricity usage yet so the output is empty):
# Source Eth balance: {"status":200,"amount":100000} # Destination Eth balance: {"status":200,"amount":0} # Electricity usage
Register an account information
... or send request manually:
curl localhost:5034/api/v1/bl/electricity-trade/meter/register/ -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"businessLogicID":"h40Q9eMD","meterParams":["MI000001", "06fc56347d91c6ad2dae0c3ba38eb12ab0d72e97", "cb5d48d371916a4ea1627189d8af4f642a5d72746a06b559780c3f5932658207", "9d624f7995e8bd70251f8265f2f9f2b49f169c55"]}'
Start the electricity-trade application
- The example response of tradeID:
- (Then, the application starts to monitor the Sawtooth blockchain)
... or send request manually:
curl localhost:5034/api/v1/bl/electricity-trade/ -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"businessLogicID":"h40Q9eMD"}'
- The example response of tradeID:
Execute the intkey transaction on Sawtooth blockchain
The result looks like the following:
# Create intkey batch representing electricity usage { "link": "http://rest-api:8008/batch_statuses?id=4e85337e170917c138e4f7de44c85c9dea9c5e17916fded672b90adb85a07ca009002580f8629660e26e1117e9ac15f4c1164d9dc05fc77ac8e212672dc5e97a" } # Increase usage { "link": "http://rest-api:8008/batch_statuses?id=88b4dfa2128c7ad4b646b4fe6be878948f7c17651baf9c6384080a9eaae5036e219c432b46f74331a2d56b80bf2dcc94496ff261d1a941f23210d637badacf14" }
(Optional) Check the balance on Ethereum accounts using the following script
The result looks like the following:
# Source Eth balance: {"status":200,"amount":99976} # Destination Eth balance: {"status":200,"amount":24} # Electricity usage MI000001: 74
- Press
console to stop the application. - Run cleanup script
sudo ./