diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
index 3bca53d..ed4a48b 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/ci.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ on:
- shell: bash
+ shell: bash --noprofile --norc -CeEuxo pipefail {0}
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.sha }}
diff --git a/.github/workflows/release.yml b/.github/workflows/release.yml
index 331087b..f074b82 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/release.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/release.yml
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ on:
- shell: bash
+ shell: bash --noprofile --norc -CeEuxo pipefail {0}
diff --git a/.markdownlint-cli2.yaml b/.markdownlint-cli2.yaml
index 35e5227..2782f6d 100644
--- a/.markdownlint-cli2.yaml
+++ b/.markdownlint-cli2.yaml
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
-# https://github.com/DavidAnson/markdownlint#rules--aliases
+# https://github.com/DavidAnson/markdownlint/blob/HEAD/doc/Rules.md
- line-length: false
- no-duplicate-heading: false
- no-inline-html: false
- no-emphasis-as-heading: false
+ line-length: false # MD013
+ no-duplicate-heading: false # MD024
+ no-blanks-blockquote: false # MD028
+ no-inline-html: false # MD033
+ no-emphasis-as-heading: false # MD036
# https://github.com/DavidAnson/markdownlint-cli2#markdownlint-cli2jsonc
noBanner: true
diff --git a/.shellcheckrc b/.shellcheckrc
index 9de7d94..339847e 100644
--- a/.shellcheckrc
+++ b/.shellcheckrc
@@ -2,13 +2,34 @@
# https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/blob/HEAD/shellcheck.1.md#rc-files
# See also:
-# https://www.shellcheck.net/wiki/Optional
+# https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/Optional
# https://google.github.io/styleguide/shellguide.html
-# https://www.shellcheck.net/wiki/SC2292
+# https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2249
+# enable=add-default-case
+# https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2244
+# https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2312
+# enable=check-extra-masked-returns
+# https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2310
+# https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2311
+# enable=check-set-e-suppressed
+# enable=check-unassigned-uppercase
+# https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2230
+# https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2248
+# https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2292
# https://google.github.io/styleguide/shellguide.html#s6.3-tests
-# https://www.shellcheck.net/wiki/SC2250
+# https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2250
# https://google.github.io/styleguide/shellguide.html#s5.6-variable-expansion
diff --git a/main.sh b/main.sh
index ecea3f9..a86d270 100755
--- a/main.sh
+++ b/main.sh
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
-set -eEuo pipefail
+set -CeEuo pipefail
retry() {
@@ -14,24 +14,24 @@ retry() {
bail() {
- echo "::error::$*"
+ printf '::error::%s\n' "$*"
exit 1
warn() {
- echo "::warning::$*"
+ printf '::warning::%s\n' "$*"
download_and_checksum() {
local url="${1:?}"
local checksum="${2:?}"
retry curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -fsSL --retry 10 "${url}" -o tmp
- if type -P sha256sum &>/dev/null; then
+ if type -P sha256sum >/dev/null; then
sha256sum -c - >/dev/null <<<"${checksum} *tmp"
- elif type -P shasum &>/dev/null; then
+ elif type -P shasum >/dev/null; then
# GitHub-hosted macOS runner does not install GNU Coreutils by default.
# https://github.com/actions/runner-images/issues/90
shasum -a 256 -c - >/dev/null <<<"${checksum} *tmp"
- warn "checksum requires 'sha256sum' or 'shasum' command; consider installing one of them; skipped checksum for $(basename "${url}")"
+ warn "checksum requires 'sha256sum' or 'shasum' command; consider installing one of them; skipped checksum for $(basename -- "${url}")"
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ fi
# extract the portion of the tag matching the prefix pattern
if [[ -n "${prefix}" ]]; then
- prefix=$(grep <<<"${tag}" -Eo "^${prefix}")
+ prefix=$(grep -Eo "^${prefix}" <<<"${tag}")
@@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ if [[ -n "${branch}" ]]; then
if [[ -n "${changelog}" ]]; then
# https://github.com/taiki-e/install-action/blob/HEAD/manifests/parse-changelog.json
@@ -140,9 +141,9 @@ if [[ -n "${changelog}" ]]; then
*) bail "unrecognized OS type '$(uname -s)'" ;;
- mkdir -p "${action_dir}/bin"
+ mkdir -p -- "${action_dir}/bin"
- cd "${action_dir}/bin"
+ cd -- "${action_dir}/bin"
download_and_checksum "https://github.com/taiki-e/parse-changelog/releases/download/v${parse_changelog_version}/parse-changelog-${parse_changelog_target}.tar.gz" "${parse_changelog_checksum}"
tar xzf tmp
@@ -150,12 +151,12 @@ if [[ -n "${changelog}" ]]; then
# If allow_missing_changelog is true then default to empty value if version not found
if [[ "${allow_missing_changelog}" == "true" ]]; then
- notes=$("${action_dir}/bin/parse-changelog${exe}" "${parse_changelog_options[@]}" || echo "")
+ notes=$("${action_dir}/bin/parse-changelog${exe}" "${parse_changelog_options[@]}" || true)
notes=$("${action_dir}/bin/parse-changelog${exe}" "${parse_changelog_options[@]}")
- rm -rf "${action_dir}"
+ rm -rf -- "${action_dir}"
# https://cli.github.com/manual/gh_release_view
@@ -165,16 +166,16 @@ if GITHUB_TOKEN="${token}" gh release view "${tag}" &>/dev/null; then
# https://cli.github.com/manual/gh_release_create
-GITHUB_TOKEN="${token}" retry gh release create "${release_options[@]}" --title "${title}" --notes "${notes:-}"
+GITHUB_TOKEN="${token}" retry gh release create "${release_options[@]}" --title "${title}" --notes "${notes}"
# Set (computed) prefix and version outputs for future step use.
if [[ -n "${GITHUB_OUTPUT:-}" ]]; then
- echo "computed-prefix=${computed_prefix}" >>"${GITHUB_OUTPUT}"
- echo "version=${version}" >>"${GITHUB_OUTPUT}"
+ printf 'computed-prefix=%s\n' "${computed_prefix}" >>"${GITHUB_OUTPUT}"
+ printf 'version=%s\n' "${version}" >>"${GITHUB_OUTPUT}"
# Self-hosted runner may not set GITHUB_OUTPUT.
warn "GITHUB_OUTPUT is not set; skip setting 'computed-prefix' and 'version' outputs"
- echo "computed-prefix: ${computed_prefix}"
- echo "version: ${version}"
+ printf 'computed-prefix: %s\n' "${computed_prefix}"
+ printf 'version: %s\n' "${version}"
diff --git a/tools/publish.sh b/tools/publish.sh
index 6787bdd..dc2b399 100755
--- a/tools/publish.sh
+++ b/tools/publish.sh
@@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
-set -eEuo pipefail
+set -CeEuo pipefail
-cd "$(dirname "$0")"/..
-# shellcheck disable=SC2154
-trap 's=$?; echo >&2 "$0: error on line "${LINENO}": ${BASH_COMMAND}"; exit ${s}' ERR
+trap -- 's=$?; printf >&2 "%s\n" "${0##*/}:${LINENO}: \`${BASH_COMMAND}\` exit with ${s}"; exit ${s}' ERR
+cd -- "$(dirname -- "$0")"/..
# Publish a new release.
@@ -26,7 +24,7 @@ retry() {
bail() {
- echo >&2 "error: $*"
+ printf >&2 'error: %s\n' "$*"
exit 1
@@ -41,6 +39,11 @@ fi
if [[ $# -gt 1 ]]; then
bail "invalid argument '$2'"
+if { sed --help 2>&1 || true; } | grep -Eq -e '-i extension'; then
+ in_place=(-i '')
+ in_place=(-i)
# Make sure there is no uncommitted change.
git diff --exit-code
@@ -52,12 +55,15 @@ if gh release view "${tag}" &>/dev/null; then
# Make sure that the release was created from an allowed branch.
-if ! git branch | grep -q '\* main$'; then
+if ! git branch | grep -Eq '\* main$'; then
bail "current branch is not 'main'"
+if ! git remote -v | grep -F origin | grep -Eq 'github\.com[:/]taiki-e/'; then
+ bail "cannot publish a new release from fork repository"
release_date=$(date -u '+%Y-%m-%d')
-tags=$(git --no-pager tag | (grep -E "^${tag_prefix}[0-9]+" || true))
+tags=$(git --no-pager tag | { grep -E "^${tag_prefix}[0-9]+" || true; })
if [[ -n "${tags}" ]]; then
# Make sure the same release does not exist in changelog.
if grep -Eq "^## \\[${version//./\\.}\\]" "${changelog}"; then
@@ -67,11 +73,12 @@ if [[ -n "${tags}" ]]; then
bail "link to ${version} already exist in ${changelog}"
# Update changelog.
- remote_url=$(grep -E '^\[Unreleased\]: https://' "${changelog}" | sed 's/^\[Unreleased\]: //; s/\.\.\.HEAD$//')
+ remote_url=$(grep -E '^\[Unreleased\]: https://' "${changelog}" | sed -E 's/^\[Unreleased\]: //; s/\.\.\.HEAD$//')
- sed -i "s/^## \\[Unreleased\\]/## [Unreleased]\\n\\n## [${version}] - ${release_date}/" "${changelog}"
- sed -i "s#^\[Unreleased\]: https://.*#[Unreleased]: ${remote_url}/compare/${tag}...HEAD\\n[${version}]: ${remote_url}/compare/${prev_tag}...${tag}#" "${changelog}"
+ sed -E "${in_place[@]}" \
+ -e "s/^## \\[Unreleased\\]/## [Unreleased]\\n\\n## [${version}] - ${release_date}/" \
+ -e "s#^\[Unreleased\]: https://.*#[Unreleased]: ${remote_url}/compare/${tag}...HEAD\\n[${version}]: ${remote_url}/compare/${prev_tag}...${tag}#" "${changelog}"
if ! grep -Eq "^## \\[${version//./\\.}\\] - ${release_date}$" "${changelog}"; then
bail "failed to update ${changelog}"
@@ -94,9 +101,9 @@ changes=$(parse-changelog "${changelog}" "${version}")
if [[ -z "${changes}" ]]; then
bail "changelog for ${version} has no body"
-echo "============== CHANGELOG =============="
-echo "${changes}"
-echo "======================================="
+printf '============== CHANGELOG ==============\n'
+printf '%s\n' "${changes}"
+printf '=======================================\n'
if [[ -n "${tags}" ]]; then
# Create a release commit.
diff --git a/tools/tidy.sh b/tools/tidy.sh
index 7abfb45..c7ba387 100755
--- a/tools/tidy.sh
+++ b/tools/tidy.sh
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
# shellcheck disable=SC2046
-set -eEuo pipefail
+set -CeEuo pipefail
-cd "$(dirname "$0")"/..
-# shellcheck disable=SC2154
-trap 's=$?; echo >&2 "$0: error on line "${LINENO}": ${BASH_COMMAND}"; exit ${s}' ERR
+trap -- 's=$?; printf >&2 "%s\n" "${0##*/}:${LINENO}: \`${BASH_COMMAND}\` exit with ${s}"; exit ${s}' ERR
+trap -- 'printf >&2 "%s\n" "${0##*/}: trapped SIGINT"; exit 1' SIGINT
+cd -- "$(dirname -- "$0")"/..
# ./tools/tidy.sh
# Note: This script requires the following tools:
+# - git
+# - jq 1.6+
+# - npm (node 18+)
+# - python 3.6+
# - shfmt
# - shellcheck
-# - npm
-# - jq
-# - python
-# - rustup (if Rust code exists)
+# - cargo, rustfmt (if Rust code exists)
# - clang-format (if C/C++ code exists)
# This script is shared with other repositories, so there may also be
@@ -40,21 +40,58 @@ check_config() {
error "could not found $1 in the repository root"
-info() {
- echo >&2 "info: $*"
+check_install() {
+ for tool in "$@"; do
+ if ! type -P "${tool}" >/dev/null; then
+ if [[ "${tool}" == "python3" ]]; then
+ if type -P python >/dev/null; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ fi
+ error "'${tool}' is required to run this check"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ done
+retry() {
+ for i in {1..10}; do
+ if "$@"; then
+ return 0
+ else
+ sleep "${i}"
+ fi
+ done
+ "$@"
error() {
if [[ -n "${GITHUB_ACTIONS:-}" ]]; then
- echo "::error::$*"
+ printf '::error::%s\n' "$*"
- echo >&2 "error: $*"
+ printf >&2 'error: %s\n' "$*"
-venv() {
- local bin="$1"
- shift
- "${venv_bin}/${bin}${exe}" "$@"
+warn() {
+ if [[ -n "${GITHUB_ACTIONS:-}" ]]; then
+ printf '::warning::%s\n' "$*"
+ else
+ printf >&2 'warning: %s\n' "$*"
+ fi
+info() {
+ printf >&2 'info: %s\n' "$*"
+sed_rhs_escape() {
+ sed 's/\\/\\\\/g; s/\&/\\\&/g; s/\//\\\//g' <<<"$1"
+venv_install_yq() {
+ if [[ ! -e "${venv_bin}/yq${exe}" ]]; then
+ if [[ ! -d .venv ]]; then
+ "python${py_suffix}" -m venv .venv >&2
+ fi
+ info "installing yq to .venv using pip${py_suffix}"
+ "${venv_bin}/pip${py_suffix}${exe}" install yq >&2
+ fi
if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then
@@ -65,127 +102,235 @@ EOF
exit 1
+if type -P python3 >/dev/null; then
+ py_suffix='3'
+yq() {
+ venv_install_yq
+ "${venv_bin}/yq${exe}" "$@"
+tomlq() {
+ venv_install_yq
+ "${venv_bin}/tomlq${exe}" "$@"
+case "$(uname -s)" in
+ Linux)
+ if [[ "$(uname -o)" == "Android" ]]; then
+ ostype=android
+ else
+ ostype=linux
+ fi
+ ;;
+ Darwin) ostype=macos ;;
+ FreeBSD) ostype=freebsd ;;
+ NetBSD) ostype=netbsd ;;
+ OpenBSD) ostype=openbsd ;;
+ DragonFly) ostype=dragonfly ;;
+ SunOS)
+ if [[ "$(/usr/bin/uname -o)" == "illumos" ]]; then
+ ostype=illumos
+ else
+ ostype=solaris
+ # Solaris /usr/bin/* are not POSIX-compliant (e.g., grep has no -q, -E, -F),
+ # and POSIX-compliant commands are in /usr/xpg{4,6,7}/bin.
+ # https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E88353_01/html/E37853/xpg-7.html
+ if [[ "${PATH}" != *"/usr/xpg4/bin"* ]]; then
+ export PATH="/usr/xpg4/bin:${PATH}"
+ fi
+ # GNU/BSD grep/sed is required to run some checks, but most checks are okay with other POSIX grep/sed.
+ # Solaris /usr/xpg4/bin/grep has -q, -E, -F, but no -o (non-POSIX).
+ # Solaris /usr/xpg4/bin/sed has no -E (POSIX.1-2024) yet.
+ if type -P ggrep >/dev/null; then
+ grep() { ggrep "$@"; }
+ fi
+ if type -P gsed >/dev/null; then
+ sed() { gsed "$@"; }
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ MINGW* | MSYS* | CYGWIN* | Windows_NT)
+ ostype=windows
+ exe=.exe
+ venv_bin=.venv/Scripts
+ if type -P jq >/dev/null; then
+ # https://github.com/jqlang/jq/issues/1854
+ _tmp=$(jq -r .a <<<'{}')
+ if [[ "${_tmp}" != "null" ]]; then
+ _tmp=$(jq -b -r .a 2>/dev/null <<<'{}' || true)
+ if [[ "${_tmp}" == "null" ]]; then
+ jq() { command jq -b "$@"; }
+ else
+ jq() { command jq "$@" | tr -d '\r'; }
+ fi
+ yq() {
+ venv_install_yq
+ "${venv_bin}/yq${exe}" "$@" | tr -d '\r'
+ }
+ tomlq() {
+ venv_install_yq
+ "${venv_bin}/tomlq${exe}" "$@" | tr -d '\r'
+ }
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *) error "unrecognized os type '$(uname -s)' for \`\$(uname -s)\`" ;;
+check_install git
+# - `find` lists symlinks. `! ( -name
-prune )` (.i.e., ignore ) are manually listed from .gitignore.
+# - `git submodule status` lists submodules. Use sed to remove the first character indicates status ( |+|-).
+# - `git ls-files --deleted` lists removed files.
+while IFS=$'\n' read -r line; do exclude_from_ls_files+=("${line}"); done < <({
+ find . \! \( -name .git -prune \) \! \( -name target -prune \) \! \( -name .venv -prune \) \! \( -name tmp -prune \) -type l | cut -c3-
+ git submodule status | sed 's/^.//' | cut -d' ' -f2
+ git ls-files --deleted
+} | LC_ALL=C sort -u)
+while IFS=$'\n' read -r line; do exclude_from_ls_files_no_symlink+=("${line}"); done < <({
+ git submodule status | sed 's/^.//' | cut -d' ' -f2
+ git ls-files --deleted
+} | LC_ALL=C sort -u)
+ls_files() {
+ if [[ "${1:-}" == "--include-symlink" ]]; then
+ shift
+ comm -23 <(git ls-files "$@" | LC_ALL=C sort) <(printf '%s\n' ${exclude_from_ls_files_no_symlink[@]+"${exclude_from_ls_files_no_symlink[@]}"})
+ else
+ comm -23 <(git ls-files "$@" | LC_ALL=C sort) <(printf '%s\n' ${exclude_from_ls_files[@]+"${exclude_from_ls_files[@]}"})
+ fi
# Rust (if exists)
-if [[ -n "$(git ls-files '*.rs')" ]]; then
+if [[ -n "$(ls_files '*.rs')" ]]; then
info "checking Rust code style"
check_config .rustfmt.toml
- if type -P rustup &>/dev/null; then
+ if check_install cargo jq python3; then
# `cargo fmt` cannot recognize files not included in the current workspace and modules
# defined inside macros, so run rustfmt directly.
# We need to use nightly rustfmt because we use the unstable formatting options of rustfmt.
- rustc_version=$(rustc -vV | grep '^release:' | cut -d' ' -f2)
- if [[ "${rustc_version}" == *"nightly"* ]] || [[ "${rustc_version}" == *"dev"* ]]; then
- rustup component add rustfmt &>/dev/null
- echo "+ rustfmt \$(git ls-files '*.rs')"
- rustfmt $(git ls-files '*.rs')
+ rustc_version=$(rustc -vV | grep -E '^release:' | cut -d' ' -f2)
+ if [[ "${rustc_version}" =~ nightly|dev ]] || ! type -P rustup >/dev/null; then
+ if type -P rustup >/dev/null; then
+ retry rustup component add rustfmt &>/dev/null
+ fi
+ info "running \`rustfmt \$(git ls-files '*.rs')\`"
+ rustfmt $(ls_files '*.rs')
- rustup component add rustfmt --toolchain nightly &>/dev/null
- echo "+ rustfmt +nightly \$(git ls-files '*.rs')"
- rustfmt +nightly $(git ls-files '*.rs')
- fi
- check_diff $(git ls-files '*.rs')
- else
- error "'rustup' is not installed; skipped Rust code style check"
- fi
- cast_without_turbofish=$(grep -n -E '\.cast\(\)' $(git ls-files '*.rs') || true)
- if [[ -n "${cast_without_turbofish}" ]]; then
- error "please replace \`.cast()\` with \`.cast::()\`:"
- echo "${cast_without_turbofish}"
- fi
- # Sync readme and crate-level doc.
- first='1'
- for readme in $(git ls-files '*README.md'); do
- if ! grep -q '^' "${readme}"; then
- continue
- fi
- lib="$(dirname "${readme}")/src/lib.rs"
- if [[ -n "${first}" ]]; then
- first=''
- info "checking readme and crate-level doc are synchronized"
- fi
- if ! grep -q '^' "${readme}"; then
- bail "missing '' comment in ${readme}"
- fi
- if ! grep -q '^' "${lib}"; then
- bail "missing '' comment in ${lib}"
- fi
- if ! grep -q '^' "${lib}"; then
- bail "missing '' comment in ${lib}"
- fi
- new=$(tr <"${readme}" '\n' '\a' | grep -o '.*' | sed 's/\&/\\\&/g; s/\\/\\\\/g')
- new=$(tr <"${lib}" '\n' '\a' | awk -v new="${new}" 'gsub(".*",new)' | tr '\a' '\n')
- echo "${new}" >"${lib}"
- check_diff "${lib}"
- done
- # Make sure that public Rust crates don't contain executables and binaries.
- executables=''
- binaries=''
- metadata=$(cargo metadata --format-version=1 --no-deps)
- has_public_crate=''
- for id in $(jq <<<"${metadata}" '.workspace_members[]'); do
- pkg=$(jq <<<"${metadata}" ".packages[] | select(.id == ${id})")
- publish=$(jq <<<"${pkg}" -r '.publish')
- manifest_path=$(jq <<<"${pkg}" -r '.manifest_path')
- if ! grep -q '^\[lints\]' "${manifest_path}" && ! grep -q '^\[lints\.rust\]' "${manifest_path}"; then
- error "no [lints] table in ${manifest_path} please add '[lints]' with 'workspace = true'"
+ if type -P rustup >/dev/null; then
+ retry rustup component add rustfmt --toolchain nightly &>/dev/null
+ fi
+ info "running \`rustfmt +nightly \$(git ls-files '*.rs')\`"
+ rustfmt +nightly $(ls_files '*.rs')
- # Publishing is unrestricted if null, and forbidden if an empty array.
- if [[ "${publish}" == "[]" ]]; then
- continue
+ check_diff $(ls_files '*.rs')
+ cast_without_turbofish=$(grep -Fn '.cast()' $(ls_files '*.rs') || true)
+ if [[ -n "${cast_without_turbofish}" ]]; then
+ error "please replace \`.cast()\` with \`.cast::()\`:"
+ printf '%s\n' "${cast_without_turbofish}"
- has_public_crate='1'
- done
- if [[ -n "${has_public_crate}" ]]; then
- info "checking public crates don't contain executables and binaries"
+ # Sync readme and crate-level doc.
+ first=1
+ for readme in $(ls_files '*README.md'); do
+ if ! grep -Eq '^' "${readme}"; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ lib="$(dirname -- "${readme}")/src/lib.rs"
+ if [[ -n "${first}" ]]; then
+ first=''
+ info "checking readme and crate-level doc are synchronized"
+ fi
+ if ! grep -Eq '^' "${readme}"; then
+ bail "missing '' comment in ${readme}"
+ fi
+ if ! grep -Eq '^' "${lib}"; then
+ bail "missing '' comment in ${lib}"
+ fi
+ if ! grep -Eq '^' "${lib}"; then
+ bail "missing '' comment in ${lib}"
+ fi
+ new=$(tr '\n' '\a' <"${readme}" | grep -Eo '.*')
+ new=$(tr '\n' '\a' <"${lib}" | sed "s/.*/$(sed_rhs_escape "${new}")/" | tr '\a' '\n')
+ printf '%s\n' "${new}" >|"${lib}"
+ check_diff "${lib}"
+ done
+ # Make sure that public Rust crates don't contain executables and binaries.
+ executables=''
+ binaries=''
+ metadata=$(cargo metadata --format-version=1 --no-deps)
+ root_manifest=''
if [[ -f Cargo.toml ]]; then
root_manifest=$(cargo locate-project --message-format=plain --manifest-path Cargo.toml)
- root_pkg=$(jq <<<"${metadata}" ".packages[] | select(.manifest_path == \"${root_manifest}\")")
- if [[ -n "${root_pkg}" ]]; then
- publish=$(jq <<<"${root_pkg}" -r '.publish')
- # Publishing is unrestricted if null, and forbidden if an empty array.
- if [[ "${publish}" != "[]" ]]; then
- if ! grep -Eq '^exclude = \[.*"/\.\*".*\]' Cargo.toml; then
- error "top-level Cargo.toml of non-virtual workspace should have 'exclude' field with \"/.*\""
- fi
- if [[ -e tools ]] && ! grep -Eq '^exclude = \[.*"/tools".*\]' Cargo.toml; then
- error "top-level Cargo.toml of non-virtual workspace should have 'exclude' field with \"/tools\" if it exists"
- fi
- if [[ -e target-specs ]] && ! grep -Eq '^exclude = \[.*"/target-specs".*\]' Cargo.toml; then
- error "top-level Cargo.toml of non-virtual workspace should have 'exclude' field with \"/target-specs\" if it exists"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- for p in $(git ls-files); do
- # Skip directories.
- if [[ -d "${p}" ]]; then
- continue
+ exclude=''
+ has_public_crate=''
+ has_root_crate=''
+ for pkg in $(jq -c '. as $metadata | .workspace_members[] as $id | $metadata.packages[] | select(.id == $id)' <<<"${metadata}"); do
+ eval "$(jq -r '@sh "publish=\(.publish) manifest_path=\(.manifest_path)"' <<<"${pkg}")"
+ if [[ "$(tomlq -c '.lints' "${manifest_path}")" == "null" ]]; then
+ error "no [lints] table in ${manifest_path} please add '[lints]' with 'workspace = true'"
- # Top-level hidden files/directories and tools/* are excluded from crates.io (ensured by the above check).
- # TODO: fully respect exclude field in Cargo.toml.
- case "${p}" in
- .* | tools/* | target-specs/*) continue ;;
- esac
- if [[ -x "${p}" ]]; then
- executables+="${p}"$'\n'
+ # Publishing is unrestricted if null, and forbidden if an empty array.
+ if [[ -z "${publish}" ]]; then
+ continue
- # Use diff instead of file because file treats an empty file as a binary
- # https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/275516/is-there-a-convenient-way-to-classify-files-as-binary-or-text#answer-402870
- if (diff .gitattributes "${p}" || true) | grep -q '^Binary file'; then
- binaries+="${p}"$'\n'
+ has_public_crate=1
+ if [[ "${manifest_path}" == "${root_manifest}" ]]; then
+ has_root_crate=1
+ exclude=$(tomlq -r '.package.exclude[]' "${manifest_path}")
+ if ! grep -Eq '^/\.\*$' <<<"${exclude}"; then
+ error "top-level Cargo.toml of non-virtual workspace should have 'exclude' field with \"/.*\""
+ fi
+ if [[ -e tools ]] && ! grep -Eq '^/tools$' <<<"${exclude}"; then
+ error "top-level Cargo.toml of non-virtual workspace should have 'exclude' field with \"/tools\" if it exists"
+ fi
+ if [[ -e target-specs ]] && ! grep -Eq '^/target-specs$' <<<"${exclude}"; then
+ error "top-level Cargo.toml of non-virtual workspace should have 'exclude' field with \"/target-specs\" if it exists"
+ fi
- if [[ -n "${executables}" ]]; then
- error "file-permissions-check failed: executables are only allowed to be present in directories that are excluded from crates.io"
- echo "======================================="
- echo -n "${executables}"
- echo "======================================="
- fi
- if [[ -n "${binaries}" ]]; then
- error "file-permissions-check failed: binaries are only allowed to be present in directories that are excluded from crates.io"
- echo "======================================="
- echo -n "${binaries}"
- echo "======================================="
+ if [[ -n "${has_public_crate}" ]]; then
+ info "checking public crates don't contain executables and binaries"
+ for p in $(ls_files --include-symlink); do
+ # Skip directories.
+ if [[ -d "${p}" ]]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ # Top-level hidden files/directories and tools/* are excluded from crates.io (ensured by the above check).
+ # TODO: fully respect exclude field in Cargo.toml.
+ case "${p}" in
+ .* | tools/* | target-specs/*) continue ;;
+ */*) ;;
+ *)
+ # If there is no crate at root, executables at the repository root directory if always okay.
+ if [[ -z "${has_root_crate}" ]]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if [[ -x "${p}" ]]; then
+ executables+="${p}"$'\n'
+ fi
+ # Use `diff` instead of `file` because `file` treats an empty file as a binary.
+ # https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/275516/is-there-a-convenient-way-to-classify-files-as-binary-or-text#answer-402870
+ if { diff .gitattributes "${p}" || true; } | grep -Eq '^Binary file'; then
+ binaries+="${p}"$'\n'
+ fi
+ done
+ if [[ -n "${executables}" ]]; then
+ error "file-permissions-check failed: executables are only allowed to be present in directories that are excluded from crates.io"
+ printf '=======================================\n'
+ printf '%s' "${executables}"
+ printf '=======================================\n'
+ fi
+ if [[ -n "${binaries}" ]]; then
+ error "file-permissions-check failed: binaries are only allowed to be present in directories that are excluded from crates.io"
+ printf '=======================================\n'
+ printf '%s' "${binaries}"
+ printf '=======================================\n'
+ fi
elif [[ -e .rustfmt.toml ]]; then
@@ -193,148 +338,357 @@ elif [[ -e .rustfmt.toml ]]; then
# C/C++ (if exists)
-if [[ -n "$(git ls-files '*.c' '*.h' '*.cpp' '*.hpp')" ]]; then
+clang_format_ext=('*.c' '*.h' '*.cpp' '*.hpp')
+if [[ -n "$(ls_files "${clang_format_ext[@]}")" ]]; then
info "checking C/C++ code style"
check_config .clang-format
- if type -P clang-format &>/dev/null; then
- echo "+ clang-format -i \$(git ls-files '*.c' '*.h' '*.cpp' '*.hpp')"
- clang-format -i $(git ls-files '*.c' '*.h' '*.cpp' '*.hpp')
- check_diff $(git ls-files '*.c' '*.h' '*.cpp' '*.hpp')
- else
- error "'clang-format' is not installed; skipped C/C++ code style check"
+ if check_install clang-format; then
+ IFS=' '
+ info "running \`clang-format -i \$(git ls-files ${clang_format_ext[*]})\`"
+ IFS=$'\n\t'
+ clang-format -i $(ls_files "${clang_format_ext[@]}")
+ check_diff $(ls_files "${clang_format_ext[@]}")
elif [[ -e .clang-format ]]; then
error ".clang-format is unused"
+# https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Overall-Options.html
+cpp_alt_ext=('*.cc' '*.cp' '*.cxx' '*.C' '*.CPP' '*.c++')
+hpp_alt_ext=('*.hh' '*.hp' '*.hxx' '*.H' '*.HPP' '*.h++')
+if [[ -n "$(ls_files "${cpp_alt_ext[@]}")" ]]; then
+ error "please use '.cpp' for consistency"
+ printf '=======================================\n'
+ ls_files "${cpp_alt_ext[@]}"
+ printf '=======================================\n'
+if [[ -n "$(ls_files "${hpp_alt_ext[@]}")" ]]; then
+ error "please use '.hpp' for consistency"
+ printf '=======================================\n'
+ ls_files "${hpp_alt_ext[@]}"
+ printf '=======================================\n'
# YAML/JavaScript/JSON (if exists)
-if [[ -n "$(git ls-files '*.yml' '*.yaml' '*.js' '*.json')" ]]; then
+prettier_ext=('*.yml' '*.yaml' '*.js' '*.json')
+if [[ -n "$(ls_files "${prettier_ext[@]}")" ]]; then
info "checking YAML/JavaScript/JSON code style"
check_config .editorconfig
- if type -P npm &>/dev/null; then
- echo "+ npx -y prettier -l -w \$(git ls-files '*.yml' '*.yaml' '*.js' '*.json')"
- npx -y prettier -l -w $(git ls-files '*.yml' '*.yaml' '*.js' '*.json')
- check_diff $(git ls-files '*.yml' '*.yaml' '*.js' '*.json')
- else
- error "'npm' is not installed; skipped YAML/JavaScript/JSON code style check"
- fi
- # Check GitHub workflows.
- if [[ -d .github/workflows ]]; then
- info "checking GitHub workflows"
- if type -P jq &>/dev/null; then
- if type -P python3 &>/dev/null || type -P python &>/dev/null; then
- py_suffix=''
- if type -P python3 &>/dev/null; then
- py_suffix='3'
- fi
- exe=''
- venv_bin='.venv/bin'
- case "$(uname -s)" in
- MINGW* | MSYS* | CYGWIN* | Windows_NT)
- exe='.exe'
- venv_bin='.venv/Scripts'
- ;;
- esac
- if [[ ! -d .venv ]]; then
- "python${py_suffix}" -m venv .venv
- fi
- if [[ ! -e "${venv_bin}/yq${exe}" ]]; then
- venv "pip${py_suffix}" install yq
- fi
- for workflow in .github/workflows/*.yml; do
- # The top-level permissions must be weak as they are referenced by all jobs.
- permissions=$(venv yq -c '.permissions' "${workflow}")
- case "${permissions}" in
- '{"contents":"read"}' | '{"contents":"none"}') ;;
- null) error "${workflow}: top level permissions not found; it must be 'contents: read' or weaker permissions" ;;
- *) error "${workflow}: only 'contents: read' and weaker permissions are allowed at top level; if you want to use stronger permissions, please set job-level permissions" ;;
- esac
- # Make sure the 'needs' section is not out of date.
- if grep -q '# tidy:needs' "${workflow}" && ! grep -Eq '# *needs: \[' "${workflow}"; then
- # shellcheck disable=SC2207
- jobs_actual=($(venv yq '.jobs' "${workflow}" | jq -r 'keys_unsorted[]'))
- unset 'jobs_actual[${#jobs_actual[@]}-1]'
- # shellcheck disable=SC2207
- jobs_expected=($(venv yq -r '.jobs."ci-success".needs[]' "${workflow}"))
- if [[ "${jobs_actual[*]}" != "${jobs_expected[*]+"${jobs_expected[*]}"}" ]]; then
- printf -v jobs '%s, ' "${jobs_actual[@]}"
- sed -i "s/needs: \[.*\] # tidy:needs/needs: [${jobs%, }] # tidy:needs/" "${workflow}"
- check_diff "${workflow}"
- error "${workflow}: please update 'needs' section in 'ci-success' job"
- fi
- fi
- done
- else
- error "'python3' is not installed; skipped GitHub workflow check"
- fi
- else
- error "'jq' is not installed; skipped GitHub workflow check"
- fi
+ if [[ "${ostype}" == "solaris" ]] && [[ -n "${CI:-}" ]] && ! type -P npm >/dev/null; then
+ warn "this check is skipped on Solaris due to no node 18+ in upstream package manager"
+ elif check_install npm; then
+ IFS=' '
+ info "running \`npx -y prettier -l -w \$(git ls-files ${prettier_ext[*]})\`"
+ IFS=$'\n\t'
+ npx -y prettier -l -w $(ls_files "${prettier_ext[@]}")
+ check_diff $(ls_files "${prettier_ext[@]}")
-if [[ -n "$(git ls-files '*.yaml' | (grep -v .markdownlint-cli2.yaml || true))" ]]; then
+if [[ -n "$(ls_files '*.yaml' | { grep -Fv '.markdownlint-cli2.yaml' || true; })" ]]; then
error "please use '.yml' instead of '.yaml' for consistency"
- git ls-files '*.yaml' | (grep -v .markdownlint-cli2.yaml || true)
+ printf '=======================================\n'
+ ls_files '*.yaml' | { grep -Fv '.markdownlint-cli2.yaml' || true; }
+ printf '=======================================\n'
# TOML (if exists)
-if [[ -n "$(git ls-files '*.toml' | (grep -v .taplo.toml || true))" ]]; then
+if [[ -n "$(ls_files '*.toml' | { grep -Fv '.taplo.toml' || true; })" ]]; then
info "checking TOML style"
check_config .taplo.toml
- if type -P npm &>/dev/null; then
- echo "+ npx -y @taplo/cli fmt \$(git ls-files '*.toml')"
- RUST_LOG=warn npx -y @taplo/cli fmt $(git ls-files '*.toml')
- check_diff $(git ls-files '*.toml')
- else
- error "'npm' is not installed; skipped TOML style check"
+ if [[ "${ostype}" == "solaris" ]] && [[ -n "${CI:-}" ]] && ! type -P npm >/dev/null; then
+ warn "this check is skipped on Solaris due to no node 18+ in upstream package manager"
+ elif check_install npm; then
+ info "running \`npx -y @taplo/cli fmt \$(git ls-files '*.toml')\`"
+ RUST_LOG=warn npx -y @taplo/cli fmt $(ls_files '*.toml')
+ check_diff $(ls_files '*.toml')
elif [[ -e .taplo.toml ]]; then
error ".taplo.toml is unused"
# Markdown (if exists)
-if [[ -n "$(git ls-files '*.md')" ]]; then
+if [[ -n "$(ls_files '*.md')" ]]; then
info "checking Markdown style"
check_config .markdownlint-cli2.yaml
- if type -P npm &>/dev/null; then
- echo "+ npx -y markdownlint-cli2 \$(git ls-files '*.md')"
- npx -y markdownlint-cli2 $(git ls-files '*.md')
- else
- error "'npm' is not installed; skipped Markdown style check"
+ if [[ "${ostype}" == "solaris" ]] && [[ -n "${CI:-}" ]] && ! type -P npm >/dev/null; then
+ warn "this check is skipped on Solaris due to no node 18+ in upstream package manager"
+ elif check_install npm; then
+ info "running \`npx -y markdownlint-cli2 \$(git ls-files '*.md')\`"
+ if ! npx -y markdownlint-cli2 $(ls_files '*.md'); then
+ error "check failed; please resolve the above markdownlint error(s)"
+ fi
elif [[ -e .markdownlint-cli2.yaml ]]; then
error ".markdownlint-cli2.yaml is unused"
-if [[ -n "$(git ls-files '*.markdown')" ]]; then
+if [[ -n "$(ls_files '*.markdown')" ]]; then
error "please use '.md' instead of '.markdown' for consistency"
- git ls-files '*.markdown'
+ printf '=======================================\n'
+ ls_files '*.markdown'
+ printf '=======================================\n'
# Shell scripts
info "checking Shell scripts"
-if type -P shfmt &>/dev/null; then
+for p in $(ls_files '*.sh' '*Dockerfile*'); do
+ case "${p##*/}" in
+ *.sh)
+ shell_files+=("${p}")
+ if [[ "$(head -1 "${p}")" =~ ^#!/.*bash ]]; then
+ bash_files+=("${p}")
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *Dockerfile*)
+ docker_files+=("${p}")
+ bash_files+=("${p}") # TODO
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if grep -Eq '(^|[^0-9A-Za-z\."'\''-])(grep) -[A-Za-z]*E[^\)]' "${p}"; then
+ grep_ere_files+=("${p}")
+ fi
+ if grep -Eq '(^|[^0-9A-Za-z\."'\''-])(sed) -[A-Za-z]*E[^\)]' "${p}"; then
+ sed_ere_files+=("${p}")
+ fi
+# TODO: .cirrus.yml
+if [[ -d .github/workflows ]]; then
+ for p in .github/workflows/*.yml; do
+ workflows+=("${p}")
+ bash_files+=("${p}") # TODO
+ done
+if [[ -n "$(ls_files '*action.yml')" ]]; then
+ for p in $(ls_files '*action.yml'); do
+ if [[ "${p##*/}" == "action.yml" ]]; then
+ actions+=("${p}")
+ if ! grep -Fq 'shell: sh' "${p}"; then
+ bash_files+=("${p}")
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+# correctness
+res=$({ grep -En '(\[\[ .* ]]|(^|[^\$])\(\(.*\)\))( +#| *$)' "${bash_files[@]}" || true; } | { grep -Ev '^[^ ]+: *(#|//)' || true; } | LC_ALL=C sort)
+if [[ -n "${res}" ]]; then
+ error "bare [[ ]] and (( )) may not work as intended: see https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/issues/2360 for more"
+ printf '=======================================\n'
+ printf '%s\n' "${res}"
+ printf '=======================================\n'
+# TODO: chmod|chown
+res=$({ grep -En '(^|[^0-9A-Za-z\."'\''-])(basename|cat|cd|cp|dirname|ln|ls|mkdir|mv|pushd|rm|rmdir|tee|touch)( +-[0-9A-Za-z]+)* +[^<>\|-]' "${bash_files[@]}" || true; } | { grep -Ev '^[^ ]+: *(#|//)' || true; } | LC_ALL=C sort)
+if [[ -n "${res}" ]]; then
+ error "use \`--\` before path(s): see https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/issues/2707 / https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/issues/2612 / https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/issues/2305 / https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/issues/2157 / https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/issues/2121 / https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/issues/314 for more"
+ printf '=======================================\n'
+ printf '%s\n' "${res}"
+ printf '=======================================\n'
+res=$({ grep -En '(^|[^0-9A-Za-z\."'\''-])(LINES|RANDOM|PWD)=' "${bash_files[@]}" || true; } | { grep -Ev '^[^ ]+: *(#|//)' || true; } | LC_ALL=C sort)
+if [[ -n "${res}" ]]; then
+ error "do not modify these built-in bash variables: see https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/issues/2160 / https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/issues/2559 for more"
+ printf '=======================================\n'
+ printf '%s\n' "${res}"
+ printf '=======================================\n'
+# perf
+res=$({ grep -En '(^|[^\\])\$\((cat) ' "${bash_files[@]}" || true; } | { grep -Ev '^[^ ]+: *(#|//)' || true; } | LC_ALL=C sort)
+if [[ -n "${res}" ]]; then
+ error "use faster \`\$(' "${bash_files[@]}" || true; } | { grep -Ev '^[^ ]+: *(#|//)' || true; } | LC_ALL=C sort)
+if [[ -n "${res}" ]]; then
+ error "\`type -P\` doesn't output to stderr; use \`>\` instead of \`&>\`"
+ printf '=======================================\n'
+ printf '%s\n' "${res}"
+ printf '=======================================\n'
+# TODO: multi-line case
+res=$({ grep -En '(^|[^0-9A-Za-z\."'\''-])(echo|printf )[^;)]* \|[^\|]' "${bash_files[@]}" || true; } | { grep -Ev '^[^ ]+: *(#|//)' || true; } | LC_ALL=C sort)
+if [[ -n "${res}" ]]; then
+ error "use faster \`<<<...\` instead of \`echo ... |\`/\`printf ... |\`: see https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/issues/2593 for more"
+ printf '=======================================\n'
+ printf '%s\n' "${res}"
+ printf '=======================================\n'
+# style
+if [[ ${#grep_ere_files[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
+ # We intentionally do not check for occurrences in any other order (e.g., -iE, -i -E) here.
+ # This enforces the style and makes it easier to search.
+ res=$({ grep -En '(^|[^0-9A-Za-z\."'\''-])(grep) +([^-]|-[^EFP-]|--[^hv])' "${grep_ere_files[@]}" || true; } | { grep -Ev '^[^ ]+: *(#|//)' || true; } | LC_ALL=C sort)
+ if [[ -n "${res}" ]]; then
+ error "please always use ERE (grep -E) instead of BRE for code consistency within a file"
+ printf '=======================================\n'
+ printf '%s\n' "${res}"
+ printf '=======================================\n'
+ fi
+if [[ ${#sed_ere_files[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
+ res=$({ grep -En '(^|[^0-9A-Za-z\."'\''-])(sed) +([^-]|-[^E-]|--[^hv])' "${sed_ere_files[@]}" || true; } | { grep -Ev '^[^ ]+: *(#|//)' || true; } | LC_ALL=C sort)
+ if [[ -n "${res}" ]]; then
+ error "please always use ERE (sed -E) instead of BRE for code consistency within a file"
+ printf '=======================================\n'
+ printf '%s\n' "${res}"
+ printf '=======================================\n'
+ fi
+if check_install shfmt; then
check_config .editorconfig
- echo "+ shfmt -l -w \$(git ls-files '*.sh')"
- shfmt -l -w $(git ls-files '*.sh')
- check_diff $(git ls-files '*.sh')
- error "'shfmt' is not installed; skipped Shell scripts style check"
+ info "running \`shfmt -l -w \$(git ls-files '*.sh')\`"
+ if ! shfmt -l -w "${shell_files[@]}"; then
+ error "check failed; please resolve the shfmt error(s)"
+ fi
+ check_diff "${shell_files[@]}"
-if type -P shellcheck &>/dev/null; then
+if [[ "${ostype}" == "solaris" ]] && [[ -n "${CI:-}" ]] && ! type -P shellcheck >/dev/null; then
+ warn "this check is skipped on Solaris due to no haskell/shellcheck in upstream package manager"
+elif check_install shellcheck; then
check_config .shellcheckrc
- echo "+ shellcheck \$(git ls-files '*.sh')"
- if ! shellcheck $(git ls-files '*.sh'); then
- should_fail=1
+ info "running \`shellcheck \$(git ls-files '*.sh')\`"
+ if ! shellcheck "${shell_files[@]}"; then
+ error "check failed; please resolve the above shellcheck error(s)"
- if [[ -n "$(git ls-files '*Dockerfile')" ]]; then
+ if [[ ${#docker_files[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
# SC2154 doesn't seem to work on dockerfile.
- echo "+ shellcheck -e SC2148,SC2154,SC2250 \$(git ls-files '*Dockerfile')"
- if ! shellcheck -e SC2148,SC2154,SC2250 $(git ls-files '*Dockerfile'); then
- should_fail=1
+ # SC2250 may not correct on dockerfile because $v and ${v} is sometime different: https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/42863
+ info "running \`shellcheck --shell bash --exclude SC2154,SC2250 \$(git ls-files '*Dockerfile*')\`"
+ if ! shellcheck --shell bash --exclude SC2154,SC2250 "${docker_files[@]}"; then
+ error "check failed; please resolve the above shellcheck error(s)"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Check scripts in other files.
+ if [[ ${#workflows[@]} -gt 0 ]] || [[ ${#actions[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
+ info "running \`shellcheck --exclude SC2086,SC2096,SC2129\` for scripts in .github/workflows/*.yml and **/action.yml"
+ if [[ "${ostype}" == "windows" ]]; then
+ # No such file or directory: '/proc/N/fd/N'
+ warn "this check is skipped on Windows due to upstream bug (failed to found fd created by <())"
+ elif [[ "${ostype}" == "dragonfly" ]]; then
+ warn "this check is skipped on DragonFly BSD due to upstream bug (hang)"
+ elif check_install jq python3; then
+ shellcheck_for_gha() {
+ local text=$1
+ local shell=$2
+ local display_path=$3
+ if [[ "${text}" == "null" ]]; then
+ return
+ fi
+ case "${shell}" in
+ bash* | sh*) ;;
+ *) return ;;
+ esac
+ # Use python because sed doesn't support .*?.
+ text=$(
+ "python${py_suffix}" - <(printf '%s\n%s' "#!/usr/bin/env ${shell%' {0}'}" "${text}") </dev/null; then
+ if [[ "${ostype}" == "solaris" ]] && [[ -n "${CI:-}" ]] && ! type -P npm >/dev/null; then
+ warn "this check is skipped on Solaris due to no node 18+ in upstream package manager"
+ elif [[ "${ostype}" == "illumos" ]]; then
+ warn "this check is skipped on illumos due to upstream bug (dictionaries are not loaded correctly)"
+ elif check_install npm jq python3; then
- if [[ -n "$(git ls-files '*Cargo.toml')" ]]; then
- has_rust='1'
+ if [[ -n "$(ls_files '*Cargo.toml')" ]]; then
+ has_rust=1
- for manifest_path in $(git ls-files '*Cargo.toml'); do
- if [[ "${manifest_path}" != "Cargo.toml" ]] && ! grep -Eq '\[workspace\]' "${manifest_path}"; then
+ for manifest_path in $(ls_files '*Cargo.toml'); do
+ if [[ "${manifest_path}" != "Cargo.toml" ]] && [[ "$(tomlq -c '.workspace' "${manifest_path}")" == "null" ]]; then
- metadata=$(cargo metadata --format-version=1 --no-deps --manifest-path "${manifest_path}")
- for id in $(jq <<<"${metadata}" '.workspace_members[]'); do
- dependencies+="$(jq <<<"${metadata}" ".packages[] | select(.id == ${id})" | jq -r '.dependencies[].name')"$'\n'
- done
+ m=$(cargo metadata --format-version=1 --no-deps --manifest-path "${manifest_path}" || true)
+ if [[ -z "${m}" ]]; then
+ continue # Ignore broken manifest
+ fi
+ dependencies+="$(jq -r '. as $metadata | .workspace_members[] as $id | $metadata.packages[] | select(.id == $id) | .dependencies[].name' <<<"${m}")"$'\n'
- # shellcheck disable=SC2001
- dependencies=$(sed <<<"${dependencies}" 's/[0-9_-]/\n/g' | LC_ALL=C sort -f -u)
+ dependencies=$(LC_ALL=C sort -f -u <<<"${dependencies//[0-9_-]/$'\n'}")
- config_new=$(grep <<<"${config_old}" -v '^ *//' | jq 'del(.dictionaries[] | select(index("organization-dictionary") | not))' | jq 'del(.dictionaryDefinitions[] | select(.name == "organization-dictionary" | not))')
- trap -- 'echo "${config_old}" >.cspell.json; echo >&2 "$0: trapped SIGINT"; exit 1' SIGINT
- echo "${config_new}" >.cspell.json
+ config_new=$(grep -Ev '^ *//' <<<"${config_old}" | jq 'del(.dictionaries[] | select(index("organization-dictionary") | not)) | del(.dictionaryDefinitions[] | select(.name == "organization-dictionary" | not))')
+ trap -- 'printf "%s\n" "${config_old}" >|.cspell.json; printf >&2 "%s\n" "${0##*/}: trapped SIGINT"; exit 1' SIGINT
+ printf '%s\n' "${config_new}" >|.cspell.json
+ dependencies_words=''
if [[ -n "${has_rust}" ]]; then
- dependencies_words=$(npx <<<"${dependencies}" -y cspell stdin --no-progress --no-summary --words-only --unique || true)
+ dependencies_words=$(npx -y cspell stdin --no-progress --no-summary --words-only --unique <<<"${dependencies}" || true)
- all_words=$(npx -y cspell --no-progress --no-summary --words-only --unique $(git ls-files | (grep -v "${project_dictionary//\./\\.}" || true)) || true)
- echo "${config_old}" >.cspell.json
- trap - SIGINT
- cat >.github/.cspell/rust-dependencies.txt <|.cspell.json
+ trap -- 'printf >&2 "%s\n" "${0##*/}: trapped SIGINT"; exit 1' SIGINT
+ cat >|.github/.cspell/rust-dependencies.txt <>.github/.cspell/rust-dependencies.txt
+ if [[ -n "${dependencies_words}" ]]; then
+ LC_ALL=C sort -f >>.github/.cspell/rust-dependencies.txt <<<"${dependencies_words}"$'\n'
if [[ -z "${REMOVE_UNUSED_WORDS:-}" ]]; then
check_diff .github/.cspell/rust-dependencies.txt
@@ -424,9 +783,12 @@ EOF
error "you may want to mark .github/.cspell/rust-dependencies.txt linguist-generated"
- echo "+ npx -y cspell --no-progress --no-summary \$(git ls-files)"
- if ! npx -y cspell --no-progress --no-summary $(git ls-files); then
- error "spellcheck failed: please fix uses of above words or add to ${project_dictionary} if correct"
+ info "running \`npx -y cspell --no-progress --no-summary \$(git ls-files)\`"
+ if ! npx -y cspell --no-progress --no-summary $(ls_files); then
+ error "spellcheck failed: please fix uses of below words or add to ${project_dictionary} if correct"
+ printf '=======================================\n'
+ { npx -y cspell --no-progress --no-summary --words-only $(git ls-files) || true; } | LC_ALL=C sort -f -u
+ printf '=======================================\n\n'
# Make sure the project-specific dictionary does not contain duplicated words.
@@ -434,12 +796,16 @@ EOF
if [[ "${dictionary}" == "${project_dictionary}" ]]; then
- dup=$(sed '/^$/d' "${project_dictionary}" "${dictionary}" | LC_ALL=C sort -f | uniq -d -i | (grep -v '//.*' || true))
+ case "${ostype}" in
+ # NetBSD uniq doesn't support -i flag.
+ netbsd) dup=$(sed '/^$/d; /^\/\//d' "${project_dictionary}" "${dictionary}" | LC_ALL=C sort -f | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | LC_ALL=C uniq -d) ;;
+ *) dup=$(sed '/^$/d; /^\/\//d' "${project_dictionary}" "${dictionary}" | LC_ALL=C sort -f | LC_ALL=C uniq -d -i) ;;
+ esac
if [[ -n "${dup}" ]]; then
error "duplicated words in dictionaries; please remove the following words from ${project_dictionary}"
- echo "======================================="
- echo "${dup}"
- echo "======================================="
+ printf '=======================================\n'
+ printf '%s\n' "${dup}"
+ printf '=======================================\n\n'