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Dylan Hall edited this page Mar 12, 2020 · 5 revisions

As of PR #566, Synthea includes the ability for to use "overrides" that change settings in the modules on a per-run basis. These overrides may tweak the prevalence of conditions, affect how patients flow through a module, or impact the simulation in ways we haven't even thought of yet.

For now we envision two primary use cases for overriding modules:

  1. "Internationalization", for example, updating a module so that it generates a population with different condition prevalence rates than as designed, such as for a different country or subpopulation.
  2. Enabling other utilities to tweak aspects of the modules without having to understand the module format directly.

IMPORTANT: One major limitation of module overrides as of today is that they, along with the modules themselves, are not versioned. This means that there's no way to associate a set of overrides with a specific version of the modules, so as the modules change over time, it's necessary to manually review any overrides to ensure they are still working as intended.


Using an Overrides File

run_synthea --module_override=(path_to_properties_file)

Generating Overrides

The way the override generation process is essentially a depth-first search of the modules as trees, where the leaf nodes are JSON primitive fields (strings, numbers, booleans, nulls). Fields that contain a numeric value and whose name matches one from a list of names are written out to the properties file. By default the only field included is "distribution", which is the probability of taking a specific transition within a distributed or complex transition, but other fields can be chosen as well.

Command to run:

gradlew overrides [-PincludeFields=...] [-PexcludeFields=...] [-PincludeModules=...] [-PexcludeModules=...]

With parameters:

  • includeFields
    • numeric fields in the modules that match one of the given names will be written to the properties file (defaults to "distribution" if not provided )
  • excludeFields
    • if provided, all numeric fields except those that match the given names will be written to the properties file
    • note: if both includeFields and excludeFields are given, includeFields will be ignored
  • includeModules
    • if provided, only modules that match the given file names will be processed
    • wildcards are allowed, eg: "metabolic*"
  • excludeModules
    • if provided, all modules except those that match the given file names will be processed
    • wildcards are allowed, eg: "metabolic*"


The overrides file is a standard Java properties file, with basic structure:

(module file path)::(jsonpath to value) = (new value)

For instance, a snippet of a file might look like this:

congestive_heart_failure.json\:\:$['states']['Age_70-79-Chance\ of\ CHF']['distributed_transition'][0]['distribution'] = 0.024
congestive_heart_failure.json\:\:$['states']['Age_80-Chance\ of\ CHF']['distributed_transition'][0]['distribution'] = 0.045
atopy.json\:\:$['states']['Initial']['complex_transition'][0]['distributions'][0]['distribution'] = 0.917
atopy.json\:\:$['states']['Initial']['complex_transition'][1]['distributions'][0]['distribution'] = 0.033

Full Example

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