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Releases: swagger-api/swagger-core

Swagger-core v1.5.0-M1 Released!

03 Feb 15:20
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The Swagger team is proud to announce the M1 release of three of our main libraries and tools: swagger-js, swagger-ui and swagger-core. All release provide official initial support for Swagger 2.0’s main features. The missing features will be added in the next milestone releases until the final release is available.

In order to better improve these libraries and tools, we ask that you start using them and provide us with feedback in form of issues on the github repository. The issues are a huge help in finding what’s missing or not working properly (though note some issues are already submitted). We would also appreciate any PRs that improve existing or new tickets.

These releases could not have happened without the intensive support of the Swagger community. Each of the projects had a few PRs that really helped us push these projects forward!

Be aware that the release notes contain the notable changes, but there may some changes that we missed in the list.

Notable Features:

  • First official milestone release of Swagger 2.0 support. Swagger-Core now produces Swagger 2.0 specs only.
  • (Software) API compatible with 1.3.6+. For supported configurations, only a dependency upgrade is required. You may need a slight alteration to your configuration.
  • Swagger-core is pure Java. Only the tests are in Scala, and those do not affect the dependencies of the library.
  • Model introspection is now done by Jackson, and is much more robust.
  • No more reliance on com.sun.* packages, making swagger-core safe for Google App Engine deployments.
  • New, extension model for processing different annotation types. Extensions are loaded via Java SPI, see here for an example
  • Available on Maven central, and the sources are in the 1.5.0-M1 branch. PRs should be submitted against the develop_2.0 branch.
  • Please note that the swagger-core-1.5.x-M1 code lives in the 1.5.0-M1 branch.


  • There will be a M2 and M3 release of swagger-core which will provide updated support for Play! framework and scala-based servers. Please see the github milestones page for details
  • Subresource support is not implemented
  • Model converters have a new, incompatible signature with 1.3.x. Please see here for an example for details of the new interface

swagger-core 1.3.10 is now available!

21 Sep 18:17
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We're happy to announce the release of swagger-core 1.3.10!

Changes in this release:
Fixed broken artifact for swagger-play2 for scala 2.10 and 2.11

swagger-core 1.3.9 is now available!

19 Sep 06:05
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We're happy to announce the release of swagger-core 1.3.9!

Changes in this release:
updated to swagger-ui 2.0.24
#667 fixed authorizations in 1.3.8
#633 added hidden=true support for @Api operations
#663 added scanning of interfaces with @Inherited annotation

Also, support for scala 2.9.x has been dropped, and the Play module support is 2.3.x and greater.

version 1.3.7

13 Jul 05:46
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  • Removed hashes for authorization fields which are not oAuth (no ticket)
  • Added parameter descriptions in swagger-servlet module:
  • Models not merged when a resource with same path is in multiple files:

Updated swagger-ui in samples to 2.0.18


16 Jun 15:54
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04 Apr 06:30
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  • You can now integrate a JAX-RS project without any custom annotations (#489). While not all swagger niceties are supported, you can see an example here:

  • Better support for Joda DateTime, XMLGregorianCalendar models. They are automatically converted into JSON Schema formats (#509, #439)
  • Automatic handling of java.util.Collection
  • Updated Reflections package (#465)
  • Easier integration for Jersey 2.x. See the sample:

  • API Operations defined in multiple files are automatically merged (#501)
  • More Jackson support (#441, #461, #486)
  • Fixed missing allowMultiple request param (#478)
  • Added hidden annotations to allow removing operations and properties without a custom filter (#488, #475, #167)
  • Unified versions between annotations, core, play support (#450)


17 Jan 07:41
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12 Nov 08:17
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14 Aug 14:14
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14 Aug 14:14
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