Susanna Allés Torrent - [email protected]
Alexander Gil Fuentes - [email protected]
The main goal of this course is to introduce students to textual scholarship in general and digital scholarly editing in particular. The main outcome of this new course will be to publish a small-scale digital scholarly edition online of one of the most remarkable Spanish literary works, the Lazarillo de Tormes (XVIth century). The course is conceived as a combination between collaborative research and technical skills. At all steps of the process, we will work together toward the completion of our digital edition. Unlike other courses in digital editing taught worldwide, this course will introduce you to a "full stack," giving you the ability to make your own digital editions in the future without the need for funding, a publisher, or a "technical" team. The course will be divided into lectures and recitation sessions, in order to offer theoretical concepts and to transfer them into practice.
This course will have five main units:
UNIT 1. Introduction to textual scholarship: What does it mean to edit a work?
UNIT 2. Planning a minimal digital scholarly edition: Lazarillo de Tormes (1554)
UNIT 3. Structures of control in text processing: eXtensible Markup Language, Guidelines of the Text Encoding Initiative
UNIT 4. The ethics of memory in representation layers: HTML, CSS
UNIT 5. Input and output and textual migrations: XSLT, Liquid
UNIT 6. Infrastructure for publishing: Jekyll, Liquid Templating language
The learning goals of this course are as follows:
- To participate in an authentic research and editing project, engaging in all the steps of the process.
- To become aware of the challenges and opportunities of the digital medium for scholarly research and editing.
- To apply different methods and technologies and to understand the value of web standards.
- To understand data modelling from a theoretical as well as a practical point of view.
- To learn the principles of the XML language and to apply the TEI Guidelines.
- To grasp the basic principles of HTML and CSS.
- To understand the role of the XSLT language and Liquid.
- To work collaboratively and to enhance the student’s experience while practicing the Spanish language and engaging in authentic communication.
There will be a total of six assignments oriented around the following:
- Exercise on Textual Criticism (Feb 1) - 5%
- Proposal of a data model for the Lazarillo (Feb 15) - 5%
- Encoding of a selected part of the Lazarillo (March 7) - 10%
- HTML and CSS set of exercises (March 28) - 10%
- XSLT set of exercises (April 11) - 10%
- Jekyll and Liquid manipulation (April 20) - 10%
There will be one midterm evaluation on March 7 (20%) and a final examination (20%) (Date as determined by the registrar’s office). The course is conceived as a collaborative project, where each student will be in charge of a main chapter, for this reason collaborative work will represent the rest of the grade (10%).
Lecture 1 (Jan 20) (Unit 1) General introduction and plan of the course.
Lecture 2 (Jan 25) What does it mean to edit a text?
- David Greetham. “A history of textual scholarship.” The Cambridge Companion to Textual Scholarship. 2013, pp. 16-41
- Miguel Ángel Pérez Priego, La edición de textos. 2012, pp. 15-46, 47-76; 77-100
Lecture 3 (Jan 27) Basic principles of textual criticism and the different trends from the nineteenth century to the present.
- Kathy Sutherland, “Anglo-American editorial theory.” The Cambridge Companion to Textual Scholarship. 2013, pp. 42-78
- Miguel Ángel Pérez Priego, La edición de textos. pp. 101-114
Lecture 4 (Feb 1)
- The Life of Lazarillo de Tormes and of His Fortunes and Adversities*, first encounter with the work.
- Lazarillo de Tormes, 2011, pp. 91-205
- Mainer, “Caminos de la ficción.” Historia de la literatura española. 2013, pp. 281-336
Lecture 5 (Feb 3) A data model for the Lazarillo
- McCarty. “Modeling: A Study in Words and Meanings.” A Companion to Digital Humanities. 2004, pp. 254-271
- Sahle, “Digital Modelling (modelling the digital Edition).” Medieval & Modern Manuscripts Studies in the Digital Age, 2015
- Pierazzo, Digital Scholarly Editing. Theories, Models and Methods. 2015, 37-64; 65-84
Lecture 6 (Feb 8) Introduction to Github (1)
- GitHub, GitHub Guides, 2015
- MacManus, GitHub For Beginners: Don't Get Scared, Get Started, ReadWrite, Sept. 30, 2013.
Lecture 7 (Feb 10) (Unit 2) Introduction to Github (2)
Lecture 8 (Feb 15) (Unit 3) Introduction to the Extensible Markup Languages (1)
- “A Gentle Introduction to XML.” P5: Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange, 2015
- Pierazzo 2015, 103-125 (“Work and Workflow of Digital Scholarly Editions.”)
Lecture 9 (Feb 17) The Guidelines of the Text Encoding Initiative (1)
- Burnard, What is the Text Encoding Initiative? How to add intelligent markup to digital resources. 2014 (Part I)
- Allés Torrent, Introduction to TEI (Instructor’s notes)
Lecture 10 (Feb 22) The Guidelines of the Text Encoding Initiative (2)
- Burnard, What is the Text Encoding Initiative?, 2014 (Part II)
- TEI by Example. (0-3)
Lecture 11 (Feb 24) The Guidelines of the Text Encoding Initiative (3)
- TEI by Example. (4-7)
Lecture 12 (Feb 29) The role of schemas and ODD documents
- TEI by Example. (“8. Customising TEI, ODD, Roma”)
- Flanders, and Syd Bauman, “RELAX NG for ODD-Writing”. May 2013.
Lecture 13 (March 2) The encoding praxis: Practical session (no reading assignments).
Midterm (March 7)
Lecture 14 (March 9) (Unit 4) Introduction to HTML
- Michaud. Foundations of Web design: introduction to HTML and CSS. [2014] (“01. HTML Foundations”, “02. Text Elements”, “03. Links and Objects”; “04. Tables”)
Spring Break (14-18 March)
Lecture 15 (March 21) Designing the web: HTML & CSS (1)
- Michaud. Foundations of Web design: introduction to HTML and CSS. [2014] (“05. CSS Introduction”, “Part 02”)
Lecture 16 (March 23) Designing the web: CSS (2)
- Michaud. Foundations of Web design: introduction to HTML and CSS. [2014] (“05. CSS Introduction”, “Part 03”)
Lecture 17 (March 28) (Unit 5) Transforming the code: (XSLT)
- Bauman, and J. Flanders, “A Gentle Introduction to XSLT.” Brown University, 2012
- Allés Torrent, “Edición digital y algunas tecnologías aliadas: codificación TEI y transformaciones XSLT,” Insula. Revista de Letras y Ciencias Humanas 822 (2015): 18-21
Lecture 18 (March 30) Advanced XSLT (1): from XML to HTML
- Bauman, and J. Flanders, [“Navigating the Tree.”] Brown University, 2012
Lecture 19 (April 4) Advanced XSLT (2): from XML to HTML
Lecture 20 (April 6) Advanced XSLT (3): from XML to other outputs
- Flanders, Syd Bauman, and WWP, “Built-in templates rules and how to override them”, “The XSLT Processing Model”, “Variables and Conditionals”, Brown University, 2012
Lecture 21 (April 11) (Unit 6) Creating the web prototype: the infrastructure
- Allés Torrent, "Infrastructures for Digital Editions" (Instructor’s notes)
- TEI Wiki, “Ways to Publish TEI on the Web,”
- Cummings, “Editing options.” digital.humanities@Oxford, 2009
Lecture 22 (April 13) Introduction to Jekyll
- Jekyll Tips, Get Started Guide, 2015
- Jekyll, Documentation, 2015
Lecture 23 (April 18) Technologies in use: Markdown and Liquid (1)
- Tennen, and G. Wythoff, “Sustainable Authorship in Plain Text using Pandoc and Markdown.” The Programming Historian, March 19, 2014.
Lecture 24 (April 20) Technologies in use: Markdown and Liquid (2)
- Shopify, Liquid. GitHub, 2015
Lecture 25 (April 25) Quality assurance and evaluation of the web prototype (1)
- Sahle, “Criteria for Reviewing Scholarly Digital Editions", version 1.1.” A review journal for digital editions and resources, IDE, 2014
- MLA, Guidelines for Editors of Scholarly Editions, June 2011.
Lecture 26 (April 27) Quality assurance and evaluation of the web prototype (2)
- Pierazzo 2015, “8.7. Trusting Digital Editions? Peer Review and Evaluation of Digital Scholarship”, pp. 187-192.
Lecture 27 (May 2) Testing and troubleshooting
- “A Gentle Introduction to XML.” P5: Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange, Version 2.9.1. Last updated on 15th October 2015
- Allés Torrent, Susanna. “Edición digital y algunas tecnologías aliadas: codificación TEI y transformaciones XSLT,” Insula. Revista de Letras y Ciencias Humanas 822 (2015): 18-21
- Burnard, Lou, Katherine O’Brien O’Keeffe, John Unsworth, Electronic Textual Editing, New York: Modern Language Association of America, 2006
- Burnard, Lou, What is the Text Encoding Initiative? How to add intelligent markup to digital resources, Marseille: Open Edition Press, 2014
- Cummings, James. [“Editing options.”] digital.humanities@Oxford, 2009.
- Flanders, Julia, Syd Bauman, and WWP. “RELAX NG for ODD-Writing”, A Gentle Introduction to XSLT, “Built-in templates rules and how to override them”, “The XSLT Processing Model”, “Variables and Conditionals”. Taking TEI Further: Transforming and Publishing TEI, Brown University, May 2012
- Fraistat, Neil, Julia Flanders (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Textual Scholarship, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013
- GitHub, GitHub Guides 2015
- GitHub, BootCamp, 2015
- Greetham, D. C. Textual Scholarship: An Introduction. New York: Garland, 1994
- Jekyll Tips, Get Started Guide, 2015
- Jekyll, Documentation, 2015
- Lazarillo de Tormes, edición, estudio y notas de Francisco Rico. Madrid: Real Academia Española – Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg-Círculo de Lectores, 2011
- MacManus,Richard. GitHub For Beginners: Don't Get Scared, Get Started, ReadWrite, Sept. 30, 2013
- Mainer, José-Carlos (ed.), “Caminos de la ficción.” Historia de la literatura española. Madrid: Crítica, 2013, pp. 281-336
- McCarty, Williard. “Modeling: A Study in Words and Meanings.” A Companion to Digital Humanities. Ed. S. Schreibman, et al. Malden: Blackwell, 2004, pp. 254-271
- Michaud, Thomas. Foundations of Web design : introduction to HTML and CSS]. [San Francisco]: New Riders, [2014]
- Modern Language Association, Guidelines for Editors of Scholarly Editions, June 2011
- Pérez Priego, Miguel Ángel. La edición de textos. Madrid: Síntesis, 2012
- Pierazzo, Elena. Digital Scholarly Editing. Theories, Models and Methods. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2015
- Sahle, Patrick. “Criteria for Reviewing Scholarly Digital Editions", version 1.1.” A review journal for digital editions and resources, IDE, 2014
- Sahle, Patrick. “Digital Modelling (modelling the digital Edition).” Medieval & Modern Manuscripts Studies in the Digital Age, 2015
- Shopify, Liquid. GitHub, 2015
- TEI Wiki, “Ways to Publish TEI on the Web,”
- Tennen, Dennis, and G. Wythoff, “Sustainable Authorship in Plain Text using Pandoc and Markdown.” The Programming Historian, March 19, 2014
- Tennen, Dennis. GiHub, Github, 2015
- Van den Branden, Ron, Melissa Terras & Edward Vanhoutte. TEI by Example.
The Department of Latin American and Iberian Cultures has an across-the-board policy on class absences. Students who have three (3) unexcused absences or more will see their final grade reduced by one letter. An excused absence is an absence due to a religious holiday or one for which you can provide some form of written justification from a physician or dean. You should not interpret this policy as entitling you to a given number of free absences from class. You should see it as a hedge against illness and other unforeseen circumstances that may make it impossible for you to attend class.
###Academic integrity The Department of Latin American and Iberian Cultures fully supports and adheres to all Columbia University policies and procedures regarding academic dishonesty (plagiarism, fabrication, cheating, etc.). The work you submit in the class is expected to be your own. If you submit work that has been copied from any published or unpublished source (including the Internet) without attribution, or that has been prepared by some other than you, or that in any way misrepresents somebody else's work as your own, will have an F as final grade and he/she will face disciplining by the university. It is expected that all students abide by the University´s Code of Academic Integrity ( and refrain from any activity constitutive of academic dishonesty as defined therein. For additional information, visit the university´s page of frequently asked questions regarding academic integrity, or consult me in the event of any uncertainty on your part about what may constitute academic dishonesty.