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Public Sites Using React on Rails:
March 27, 2018: 2126
April 11, 2018: 2138
Please support the project by emailing Justin Gordon of any projects, yours or others, that use React on Rails. You can confirm a project uses React on Rails as the source will contain js-react-on-rails
- Hawaii Chee, the signature product of ShakaCode, which is a vacation rental site focusing on Hawaii.
- RedFlagDeals, Canadian shopping site.
- YourMechanic, home calls for mechanics.
- Suntransfers, airport car rides site.
- Decanter, wine site.
- LocalWise, local job site.
- Ellevest, investments for women.
- OppenheimerFunds, investment site.
- KissKissBankBank, large French crowdfunding platform.
- HVMN: Web ecommerce site for "biohacking" products.
- GuavaPass: Coaching client of ShakaCode and React on Rails fan!
- Pivotal Tracker: The first (and most-loved) agile project management tool built on Rails. React on Rails has greatly simplified integration and workflow for our React components in Rails!
- Estately: Home search.
- Blink Inc: Website and more built by ShakaCode.
- Madrone Analytics: The original client of ShakaCode that led to the development of React on Rails, as described in Fast Rich Client Rails Development With Webpack and the ES6 Transpiler.
- Deliveroo: The leading food delivery site in Europe has gone live with React on Rails, with multi-lingual JavaScript support!
- Airgoat: Marketplace for sneakers.
- Apprentus: A marketplace to find the best private teachers. Using react-on-rails from the homepage to infinity!
- Confident Financial Solutions: Auto Repair Financing to help people get back on the road and back to life.
- Flyhomes: Real estate brokerage service that awards frequent flyer miles.
- Undeveloped: Buy and sell domain names.
- Online School
- CareerBuilder for Employers: CareerBuilder's marketing/ecommerce website. We've integrated React on Rails and have deployed the application via Cloud 66, and are busy integrating this into other projects!
- first: Data-driven Relational Marketing for Real Estate.
- Provides free tools to make your students better writers.
- Coderwall: The latest development and design tips, tools, and projects from our developer community. Source at
- department-of-veterans-affairs/caseflow: Caseflow is a web application that enables the tracking and processing of appealed claims at the Board of Veterans' Appeals.
-, source code
- Relay Rails Blog: Tutorial to learn Relay with Rails.
- Hot Module Replacement with react_on_rails : Step-by-step tutorial for a quick basic set up of hot asset reloading with HMR in a Rails 5 app. Code on Github.....