#Learning to Generate Images of Outdoor Scenes from Attributes and Semantic Layouts
Propose a conditional generative adversarial network that generate outdoor scenes conditioning on semantic layout and scene attributes.
- Generator: 5 convolutional layers + 4 deconvolutional layers
- Descriminator: 6 convolutional layers + 1 fully connected layer
- Both G and D see semantic condition and attributes condition
- The descriptive power of a generator can be increased by conditioning it with respect to side information, i.e. semantic map and attributes.
- Different noise can yielding different generation, but from the images in this paper, the variant is tiny.
This paper shows that providing additional side information in the form of conditioning variables is helpful for learning to generate better natural-looking images.
Levent Karacan, Zeynep Akata, Aykut Erdem, Erkut Erdem. Learning to Generate Images of Outdoor Scenes from Attributes and Semantic Layouts [J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.00215, 2016.