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Please refer to the README in the sunblaze_envs folder for descriptions of the environments.

Policy and value function architectures

We consider two architectures for the policy and value function:

  • mlp: Policy and value function are MLPs with two hidden layers and no parameter sharing.
  • lstm: Policy and value function are separate fully connected layers on top of a LSTM whose inputs are learned features computed using a MLP.

Please refer to the paper for details.


To train with OpenAI Baselines PPO2:

python3 -m examples.ppo2_baselines.train \
--env SunblazeCartPole-v0 \
--output ppo2_cartpole \
--policy mlp \
--total-episodes 10000


To train with OpenAI Baselines A2C:

python3 -m examples.a2c_baselines.train \
--env SunblazeCartPole-v0 \
--output a2c_cartpole \
--policy lstm \
--total-episodes 10000


To train with EPOpt (based on the OpenAI Baselines PPO/A2C code):

Under the mlp policy:

python3 -m examples.epopt.train \
--env SunblazeCartPole-v0 \
--output epopt_cartpole \
--algorithm ppo2 \
--total-episodes 10000

Under the lstm policy:

python3 -m examples.epopt_lstm.train \
--env SunblazeCartPole-v0 \
--output epopt_lstm_cartpole \
--algorithm ppo2 \
--total-episodes 10000


To train with RL2 (also based on the OpenAI Baselines PPO/A2C code):

python3 -m examples.adaptive.train \
--env SunblazeCartPole-v0 \
--output rl2_cartpole \
--algorithm ppo2 \
--trials 5000 \
--episodes-per-trial 2

Experiment Runner

To run one set of the experiments in the paper, using experiments.yml:

python3 -m examples.run_experiments examples/experiments.yml /tmp/experiments-output

Running in a headless environment

In order to run these environments in a headless environment (e.g., without an X server running), use xvfb:

xvfb-run -a -s "-screen 0 1400x900x24 +extension RANDR" -- python3 -m examples.ppo2_baselines.train ...