This application will help you understand how you are using the resources in your VMware infrastructure and identity performance issues.
The application was built with Django and uses the libraries plotly for the graphs and pyVmomi to connect to the vCenter Server API.
Before running the application, please go to the file line #26 and write the credentials for a vCenter read-only user.
self.c = SmartConnect(host="vcenter_IP", user="[email protected]", pwd="Password", sslContext=s)
When you first load the application you will have a general view of the resources in your infrastrcuture
You can see the clusters that are using more resources in your company
Historical metrics reports for memory, CPU and storage
Cluster View
In the real time graphs you can also identify if there are performance issues in the cluster
The donaught charts show the VMs using more resources in the cluster
Historical metrics and trends in the cluster
ESXi Host View
VM view