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PostgreSQL to AMQP bridge

Send messages to RabbitMQ from PostgreSQL


But Why? why

This tool enables a decoupled architecture, think sending emails when a user signs up. Instead of having explicit code in your signup function that does the work (and slows down your response), you just have to worry about inserting the row into the database. After this, a database trigger (see below) will generate an event which gets sent to RabbitMQ. From there, you can have multiple consumers reacting to that event (send signup email, send sms notification). Those consumers tend to be very short, self contained scripts. If you pair pg-amqp-bridge and the Web STOMP plugin for RabbitMQ , you can enable real time updates with almost zero code.

The larger goal is to enable the development of backends around PostgREST/subZero philosophy. Check out the PostgREST Starter Kit to see how pg-amqp-bridge fits in a larger project.

Alternative upstreams, SSL and WAL events support (commercial)

For upstreams other then RabbitMQ (and additional features) check out pg-event-proxy

Currently the supported upstreams

  • amqp 0.9 (RabbitMQ)
  • mqtt (Apache ActiveMQ, Cassandana, HiveMQ, Mosquitto, RabbitMQ, AWS IoT, Amazon MQ, ...)
  • redis pubsub (Redis)
  • SNS (Amazon Simple Notification Service)
  • SQS (Amazon Simple Queue Service)
  • Lambda (AWS Lambda)


Configuration is done through environment variables:

  • POSTGRESQL_URI: e.g. postgresql://username:[email protected]:port/database
  • AMQP_URI: e.g. amqp://rabbitmq//
  • BRIDGE_CHANNELS: e.g. pgchannel1:task_queue,pgchannel2:direct_exchange,pgchannel3:topic_exchange

Note: It's recommended to always use the same name for postgresql channel and exchange/queue in BRIDGE_CHANNELS, for example app_events:app_events,table_changes:tables_changes

Running in console


VERSION=0.0.1 \
PLATFORM=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu \
curl -SLO${VERSION}/pg-amqp-bridge-${VERSION}-${PLATFORM}.tar.gz && \
tar zxf pg-amqp-bridge-${VERSION}-${PLATFORM}.tar.gz && \
mv pg-amqp-bridge /usr/local/bin


POSTGRESQL_URI="postgres://postgres@localhost" \
AMQP_URI="amqp://localhost//" \
BRIDGE_CHANNELS="pgchannel1:task_queue,pgchannel2:direct_exchange,pgchannel3:topic_exchange" \

Running as docker container

docker run --rm -it --net=host \
-e POSTGRESQL_URI="postgres://postgres@localhost" \
-e AMQP_URI="amqp://localhost//" \
-e BRIDGE_CHANNELS="pgchannel1:task_queue,pgchannel2:direct_exchange,pgchannel3:topic_exchange" \

You can enable logging of the forwarded messages with the RUST_LOG=info environment variable.

Sending messages

Note: the bridge doesn't declare exchanges or queues, if they aren't previoulsy declared it will exit with an error.

Sending messages to a queue

NOTIFY pgchannel1, 'Task message';

Since pgchannel1 is bound to task_queue in BRIDGE_CHANNELS 'Task message' will be sent to task_queue.

Sending messages to a direct exchange

You can specify a routing key with the format routing_key|message:

NOTIFY pgchannel2, 'direct_key|Direct message';

Since there is a pgchannel2:direct_exchange declared in BRIDGE_CHANNELS 'Direct message' will be sent to direct_exchange with a routing key of direct_key.

Sending messages to a topic exchange

You can specify the routing key with the usual syntax used for topic exchanges.

NOTIFY pgchannel3, '*.orange|Topic message';
NOTIFY pgchannel3, '|Topic message';
NOTIFY pgchannel3, 'lazy.#|Topic message';
NOTIFY pgchannel3, 'key|X-First-Header: value1, value2; X-Second-Header: value3|message'

Helper Functions

To make sending messages a bit easier you can setup the following functions in your database

create schema rabbitmq;

create or replace function rabbitmq.send_message(channel text, routing_key text, message text) returns void as $$
	select	pg_notify(channel, routing_key || '|' || message);
$$ stable language sql;

create or replace function rabbitmq.on_row_change() returns trigger as $$
    routing_key text;
    row record;
    routing_key := 'row_change'
                   '.table-'::text || TG_TABLE_NAME::text || 
                   '.event-'::text || TG_OP::text;
    if (TG_OP = 'DELETE') then
        row := old;
    elsif (TG_OP = 'UPDATE') then
        row := new;
    elsif (TG_OP = 'INSERT') then
        row := new;
    end if;
    -- change 'events' to the desired channel/exchange name
    perform rabbitmq.send_message('events', routing_key, row_to_json(row)::text);
    return null;
$$ stable language plpgsql;

After this, you can send events from your stored procedures like this

rabbitmq.send_message('exchange-name', 'routing-key', 'Hi!');

You can stream row changes by attaching a trigger to tables

create trigger send_change_event
after insert or update or delete on tablename
for each row execute procedure rabbitmq.on_row_change();

Running from source

Install Rust

curl -sSf | sh


POSTGRESQL_URI="postgres://postgres@localhost" \
AMQP_URI="amqp://localhost//" \
BRIDGE_CHANNELS="pgchannel1:task_queue,pgchannel2:direct_exchange,pgchannel3:topic_exchange" \
cargo run


Note: RabbitMQ and PostgreSQL need to be running on your localhost

cargo test


Anyone and everyone is welcome to contribute.


  • Slack — Watch announcements, share ideas and feedback
  • GitHub Issues — Check open issues, send feature requests




Inspired by @FGRibreau's work


Copyright © 2017-present subZero Cloud, LLC.
This source code is licensed under MIT license
The documentation to the project is licensed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.