Makenzie and Steven's Wedding Website
- Steven Stockhamer (stevestock) -- Developer -- @TheStevestock
- Makenzie Stockhamer -- Designer -- @babehamer
- Zach Williams (zawilliams)
- Twitter Bootstrap - modern front-end UI framework
- jQuery - javascript framework
- Countdown.js - accurate, intuitive jQuery countdown plugin
- Leaflet - mobile-friendly interactive maps
- Outdated Browser
- lodash - modern JavaScript utility library
- retina.js
- Gulp - the streaming build system
- yarn - JavaScript package manager
- webpack - asset bundler
On Mac:
$ git clone
$ cd makandsteve
$ brew install n yarn graphicsmagick
$ sudo n latest
$ yarn install
$ yarn build-production
If you rebased, you may need to delete the gh-pages branch if rebased
$ git push origin :gh-pages
Push latest
$ git subtree push --prefix public origin gh-pages