Composable HTML components in Golang
Daz is a "functional" alternative to using templates, and allows for nested components/lists Also enables template-free server-side rendered components with support for nested lists. It is inspired by HyperScript.
A component can be created and used with simple functions:
// Example prop for a component
type User struct {
Name string
// ...
func MyComponent(user User) HTML {
return H(
Attr{"class": "bg-grey-50"},
func Root() HTML {
user := User{Name: "Daz"}
return H("html", MyComponent(user))
// And used in a handler:
func Handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
Lists can be easily created without needing to embed a range / end
in a template:
items := []HTML{
H("li", "item one"),
H("li", "item two"),
element := H("ul", Attr{"class": "bg-grey-50"}, items)
div := H("div", element)
import (
Create a HTML element:
H("div", ...attrs)
HTML attributes:
"class": "app",
"onClick": "javascriptFunc()",
This will bypass HTML sanitization and allow for direct injecting
injection := "<script>alert('xss')</script>"
root := H("div", UnsafeContent(injection))
// <script>alert('xss')</script>