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Version: 5.7.1 Type: application AppVersion: 3.77.1

Helm chart for Sonatype Nexus 3 OSS.



Name Email Url
stevehipwell [email protected]

Source Code

Installing the Chart

OCI Repository

To install the chart using the recommended OCI method you can use the following command.

helm upgrade --install nexus3 oci:// --version 5.7.1


As the OCI chart release is signed by Cosign you can verify the chart before installing it by running the following command.

cosign verify --certificate-oidc-issuer --certificate-identity-regexp 'https://github\.com/action-stars/helm-workflows/\.github/workflows/release\.yaml@.+' --certificate-github-workflow-repository stevehipwell/helm-charts --certificate-github-workflow-name Release

Non-OCI Repository

Alternatively you can use the legacy non-OCI method via the following commands.

helm repo add stevehipwell
helm upgrade --install nexus3 stevehipwell/nexus3 --version 5.7.1


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} Affinity settings for pod scheduling. If an explicit label selector is not provided for pod affinity or pod anti-affinity one will be created from the pod selector labels.
bashImage.digest string nil Optional image digest for the bash containers.
bashImage.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image pull policy for bash containers.
bashImage.repository string "" Image repository for bash containers.
bashImage.tag string "latest" Image tag for bash containers, this will be omitted if set to -.
caCerts.enabled bool false If true, add the CA certificates in the provided secret to the JVM cacerts key store.
caCerts.secret string nil Name of the secret containing the CA certificates.
commonLabels object {} Labels to add to all chart resources.
config.anonymous.enabled bool false If true, enable anonymous access.
config.anonymous.roles list ["nx-anonymous","nx-metrics"] Roles for anonymous access.
config.blobStores list [] Blob store configuration; based on the REST API (API reference docs require an existing Nexus installation and can be found at Administration under SystemAPI).
config.cleanup list [] Cleanup configuration.
config.enabled bool false If true & rootPassword.secret is set, enable the configuration Job.
config.job.affinity object {} Affinity settings for scheduling the config job.
config.job.image.digest string nil Optional image digest for the config container.
config.job.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image pull policy for config container.
config.job.image.repository string "" Image repository for the config container.
config.job.image.tag string "1.31.2" Image tag for config container, this will be omitted if set to -.
config.job.nodeSelector object {} Node labels to match for scheduling the config job.
config.job.tolerations list [] Node taints which will be tolerated for scheduling the config job.
config.job.ttlSecondsAfterFinished int 600 The number of seconds to keep the config job after it's finished.
config.ldap object {"authPassword":{"key":null,"secret":null},"authRealm":null,"authScheme":"simple","authUsername":null,"connectionRetryDelaySeconds":300,"connectionTimeoutSeconds":30,"enabled":false,"groupBaseDn":null,"groupIdAttribute":null,"groupMemberAttribute":null,"groupMemberFormat":null,"groupObjectClass":null,"groupSubtree":false,"groupType":"dynamic","host":null,"ldapGroupsAsRoles":false,"maxIncidentsCount":3,"name":null,"port":636,"protocol":"ldaps","searchBase":null,"useTrustStore":true,"userBaseDn":null,"userEmailAddressAttribute":"email","userIdAttribute":"sAMAccountName","userLdapFilter":null,"userMemberOfAttribute":"memberOf","userObjectClass":"user","userPasswordAttribute":null,"userRealNameAttribute":"cn","userSubtree":false} LDAP configuration; based on the REST API (API reference docs require an existing Nexus installation and can be found at Administration under SystemAPI).
config.realms.enabled bool false If true, enable realms.
config.realms.values list [] List of realms to configure; can be empty or contain any of NexusAuthenticatingRealm, LdapRealm, DockerToken, NpmToken, NuGetApiKey or rutauth-realm.
config.repoCredentials.enabled bool false DEPRECATED - If true, enable repository credentials. Use inline repo password instead.
config.repoCredentials.secret string nil Name of the secret containing the repository credentials.
config.repos list [] Repository configuration; based on the REST API (API reference docs require an existing Nexus installation and can be found at Administration under SystemAPI) but with format & type defined in the object.
config.roles list [] Roles configuration; based on the REST API (API reference docs require an existing Nexus installation and can be found at Administration under SystemAPI).
config.tasks list [] Task configuration.
config.users list [] Users configuration; based on the REST API (API reference docs require an existing Nexus installation and can be found at Administration under SystemAPI).
env list [] Environment variables for the default container.
extraInitContainers list [] Extra init container to run before the default container.
extraVolumeMounts list [] Extra volume mounts for the default container.
extraVolumes list [] Extra volumes for the pod.
fullnameOverride string nil Override the full name of the chart.
image.digest string nil Optional image digest for the default container.
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image pull policy for the default container.
image.repository string "" Image repository for the default container.
image.tag string nil Image tag for the default container, this will default to .Chart.AppVersion if not set and will be omitted if set to -.
imagePullSecrets list [] Image pull secrets.
ingress.annotations object {} Ingress annotations.
ingress.enabled bool false If true, create an Ingress resource.
ingress.hosts list See values.yaml Ingress hosts, do not include hosts defined in service.additionalPorts.
ingress.ingressClassName string nil Ingress class name.
ingress.tls list See values.yaml Ingress TLS, hosts defined in both ingress.hosts & service.additionalPorts[*].hosts should be covered.
install4jAddVmParams string "-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=2048m" Env configuration for the Nexus3 container.
jdkImage.digest string nil Optional image digest for the JDK container.
jdkImage.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image pull policy for the JDK container.
jdkImage.repository string "" Image repository for the JDK container.
jdkImage.tag string "17-jdk" Image tag for the JDK container, this will be omitted if set to -.
license.enabled bool false If true, use the license in the provided secret. This must be set to enable Pro features.
license.key string "nexus.license" Key in the secret containing the license.
license.secret string nil Name of the secret containing the license.
livenessProbe object See values.yaml Liveness probe configuration for the default container.
logback.maxHistory int 30 Maximum history for log files.
metrics.enabled bool false If true, enable metrics.
metrics.serviceMonitor.additionalLabels object {} Additional labels for the ServiceMonitor.
metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled bool false If true, create a ServiceMonitor resource to support the Prometheus Operator.
metrics.serviceMonitor.endpointConfig object {} Additional endpoint configuration for the ServiceMonitor.
minReadySeconds int nil Min ready seconds for the StatefulSet.
nameOverride string nil Override the name of the chart.
nodeSelector object {} Node labels to match for pod scheduling.
ordinals object {} Ordinals configuration for the StatefulSet.
persistence.accessMode string "ReadWriteOnce" Access mode for the PersistentVolumeClaim.
persistence.annotations object {} Annotations for the PersistentVolumeClaim.
persistence.enabled bool false If true, persistence should be enabled for the StatefulSet.
persistence.retainDeleted bool true If true, keep PersistentVolumeClaims when the StatefulSet is deleted.
persistence.retainScaled bool true If true, keep PersistentVolumeClaim when the StatefulSet is scaled down.
persistence.size string "8Gi" Size of the PersistentVolumeClaim.
persistence.storageClass string nil Storage class for the PersistentVolumeClaim, if not set the default will be used.
plugins list [] List of plugins to install.
podAnnotations object {} Annotations to add to the pod.
podDisruptionBudget.enabled bool false If true, create a PodDisruptionBudget resource.
podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable string nil Minimum number of unavailable pods, either a number or a percentage.
podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable string nil Minimum number of available pods, either a number or a percentage.
podDisruptionBudget.unhealthyPodEvictionPolicy string nil Unhealthy pod eviction policy for the PDB.
podLabels object {} Labels to add to the pod.
podManagementPolicy string nil Pod management policy for the StatefulSet.
podSecurityContext object {"fsGroup":200,"runAsNonRoot":false,"seccompProfile":{"type":"RuntimeDefault"}} Security context for the pod.
priorityClassName string nil Priority class name for the pod.
properties list [] Nexus3 properties.
readinessProbe object See values.yaml Readiness probe configuration for the default container.
replicas int 1 Number of replicas to create; modifying this requires the license to be configured.
resources object {} Resources for the default container.
rootPassword.key string "password" Key in the secret containing the root password.
rootPassword.secret string nil Name of the secret containing the root password.
securityContext object {"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false,"capabilities":{"drop":["ALL"]},"privileged":false,"readOnlyRootFilesystem":true,"runAsGroup":200,"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":200} Security context for the default container.
service.additionalPorts list See values.yaml Additional ports to expose.
service.annotations object {} Service annotations.
service.port int 8081 Default port.
service.type string "ClusterIP" Service type.
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account.
serviceAccount.automountToken bool false If true, mount the ServiceAccount token.
serviceAccount.create bool true If true, create a new ServiceAccount.
serviceAccount.labels object {} Labels to add to the service account. string nil If this is set and serviceAccount.create is true this will be used for the created ServiceAccount name, if set and serviceAccount.create is false then this will define an existing ServiceAccount to use.
startupProbe object See values.yaml Startup probe configuration for the default container.
storeProperties list [] Nexus3 store properties.
tailLogs.resources object {} Resources for the log tailing containers.
terminationGracePeriodSeconds int 120 Termination grace period for the pod in seconds.
tolerations list [] Node taints which will be tolerated for pod scheduling.
topologySpreadConstraints list [] Topology spread constraints for pod scheduling. If an explicit label selector is not provided one will be created from the pod selector labels.
updateStrategy object {} Update strategy for the StatefulSet.

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs.