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Proseware failover playbook

One of Proseware's business objectives was to reach a 99.9% service level objective for availability. To meet that objective, the team deployed the web app to two regions in an active-passive configuration. The active (primary) region handles 100% of user traffic under normal operations and data replicates to the passive (secondary) region asynchronously. This configuration enables Proseware to quickly transition from the primary region to the secondary to mitigate the risk of an outage from impacting their availability.

Proseware created a failover plan that outlines what to do in a disaster recovery scenario. Proseware decided to execute the failover manually instead with automation. Health checks and automated transition are not part of the plan in this phase.

Understanding the architecture

Before we execute the failover plan, we should understand the web app architecture. Proseware's web app is running in Azure and provides streaming video training content. The architecture includes Azure App Service, Azure Storage, Azure Files (mounted as File Storage on App Service), Application Insights, Key Vault, Azure Cache for Redis, and Azure Database for PostgreSQL. Several of these components use virtual network integration, virtual network injection, and secured with private endpoints. Users authenticate with Azure AD and diagnostics for Azure services are stored in Azure Log Analytics Workspace. Proseware placed the web app behind Azure Front Door with Azure Web Application Firewall policies enabled. Front Door load balances traffic between regions.

Diagram showing the architecture of the reference implementation

The web app stores several types of data and uses several different data stores:

  1. Videos: Proseware training videos are stored in Azure Storage
  2. User data: Relational user data is stored in PostgreSQL
  3. Cache: User data is stored in Azure Cache for Redis
  4. System settings: Configuration in Key Vault, and other environment settings
  5. Monitoring: Diagnostic data stored in Log Analytics and Application Insights

The failover plan only preserves videos and user data. In a failover scenario, it's most important that users can continue where they left off with minimal impact to their experience. Backing up and restoring videos and user data is essential to meet this goal.

However, system settings, cache, and monitoring data are not. Proseware is going to use infrastructure as code to configure system settings. The failover rebuilds any information that was stored in Redis as traffic is migrated to the new region. They are willing to lose monitoring data. Diagnostic data in Log Analytics and Application Insights are not replicated.

Executing the transition

At this point, the decision to failover has been made. Interruption of services and the risk of potential data-loss has been communicated to users. Use the following steps to transition users from primary to secondary region.

The two flows of traffic we will address are:

  • User traffic: dashed blue line
  • Data replication: solid green line

Diagram showing the simplified architecture for failover

Cut-off traffic to the westus3 region

We want to inform users about the outage and stop traffic flowing to westus3 while we perform maintenance on the system.

  1. Create a new Azure App Service
    1. Deploy an informational maintenance page to the new App Service
  2. Update Azure Front Door origin group
    1. Add the new maintenance web app as an origin
      Additional details:
    2. Disable the westus3 origin.

With these changes complete, the simplified Proseware multi-region solution is adjusted as shown. Azure Front Door no longer sends data to the westus3 region.

Diagram showing the change resulting from part 1

Stop data replication to eastus

We want to disconnect the solid green arrow in this step of the failover. In this simplified representation, the line represents two types of data (Azure Files and Database replication).

  1. Initiate storage account failover

    az storage account show --name <accountName> --expand geoReplicationStats
    az storage account failover --name <accountName>

    This operation will take several minutes to complete.
    After the failover, your storage account type is automatically converted to locally redundant storage (LRS) in the new primary region.

    Additional details:

  2. Stop replication for Azure Database for PostgreSQL

    After you stop replication to a primary server and a read replica, it can't be undone. The read replica becomes a standalone server that supports both reads and writes. The standalone server can't be made into a replica again.

    az postgres server replica stop --name <mydemoserver-replica> --resource-group <myresourcegroup>

    Additional details:

With these changes complete, the simplified Proseware multi-region solution is adjusted as shown. The solid green arrow for data replication is removed. Both westus3 and eastus are stand-alone copies of the production web app and we have prepared eastus to become the primary region.

Diagram showing the change resulting from part 2

Update web app configuration

To connect to the Azure Database for Postgres Flexible Server in east we need to use a new connection string.

  1. Update Key Vault connection string for PostgreSQL database
  2. Restart the web app in eastus

With these changes complete the eastus web app is now ready for testing.

Restore Data Replication to westus3

We want to modify the solid green arrow in this step of the failover. In this simplified representation, the line represents two types of data (Azure Files and Database replication).

  1. Change the replication type to geo-redundant to replicate data to the secondary region:

    az storage account update --name <storage_account_name> --resource-group <resource_group_name> --sku Standard_GRS

    Initiating replication will take varying time to complete based on the data being replicated. You can monitor the status of the of the replication type change by running the following:

    az storage account show --name <storage_account_name> --resource-group <resource_group_name> --query "provisioningState"

    Additional details:

  2. Create a new Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible server and database

  3. Create a read replica for Azure Database for PostgreSQL

    az postgres server replica create --name <mydemoserver-replica> --source-server <mydemoserver> --resource-group <myresourcegroup> --location <westus3>

    Additional details:

With these changes complete, the simplified Proseware multi-region solution is adjusted as shown. The solid green arrow for data replication is re-added. However website traffic is still flowing to the maintenance page.

Diagram showing the change resulting from part 3

Validate the eastus traffic

  1. Configure App Service Access Restriction to allow traffic that does not come from Front Door.

    Additional details:

Modifying the network settings for the web app enables the team to perform any manual testing that is necessary to validate that the website is functional before we send traffic to the site.

  1. Validate the website.

  2. Reconfigure App Service Web App to disallow traffic that does not come from Front Door.

Send traffic to eastus

We want to stop traffic flowing to the maintenance page and send it to the now ready and waiting eastus region.

  1. Update Azure Front Door origin group
    1. Enable the eastus origin.
    2. Disable the origin for the maintenance page.

With these changes complete, the simplified Proseware multi-region solution is adjusted as shown. Replication is restored and Azure Front Door is now sending traffic to the secondary region.

Diagram showing the change resulting from part 4

Clean up

  1. Azure App Service maintenance page can now be removed
  2. Azure PostgreSQL Database Flexible Server westus3 is now a point-in-time backup of the production system that can be used as another recovery option or removed from the subscription.


Using the steps described above Proseware plans to migrate their traffic from eastus back to westus3 when possible as latency in the web app is a primary concern for their users.