- Databases
- Tables
- Columns
- Generic records: different strategies: reflect, * [x] database, * [x] optimized
- Bulk inserts
- Table creation with columns
- Queries, filters: [x] postgrest mode, [ ] django mode, [ ] other
- Checks, constraints
- Views
- Alter tables, view and columns
- Some more operator: IN, etc
- Full Text Search (FTS)
- Resource embedding
- Sessions, JWT, Auth
- Roles
- Policies
- Grants
- Configuration (shared with other apps)
- Logger
- pgx v5
- Schema management
- O2O: recognize unique and primary
- Upsert
- M2M Relationships
- aliases for embeds
- spreads for embeds (...table)
- uniform log for db and api
- nested embeds
- nested filters
- "singular" response
- Composite / Array Columns
- !inner joins
- Range
- Functions (rpc)
- function params with GET
- application/x-www-form-urlencoded as input
- application/octet-stream as output
- HEAD support
- range headers
- Admin
- Projects
- Related orders
- Related limit and offset
- hints for rels
- embeds with views (this is not easy)
- variadic function
- prefer single-object (now just unnamed functions)
- Generate OpenAPI
- Plugins
- SQL injection mitigation and related tests
- Computed table relationships
- More types: Multirange, Domain, Numeric
- location header
- return=headers-only
- count=exact
- count=estimated
- count=planned
- Support isdistinct,all,any
- Aggregate functions: avg(), count(), max(), min(), and sum()
- PUT for upsert
- Computed fields
- Triggers
- Events / websockets
- Reload config
- Change log level at runtime
- Activity / stats
- Indexes
- OPTIONS support
- Db Encryption
- Open telemetry
- Table inheritance
- pg_vector
- Migrations (Tern?)
- Versioning
- Localizations
- vault integration ?