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Glickman is your statmoji(tm) sports slackbot powered by the Stattleship API.

Its namesake is Marty Glickman, a pioneering American radio announcer and sportscaster.

This bot is make possible by Slack-Ruby-Bot, a generic Slack bot framework written in Ruby on top of slack-ruby-client.

It also relies on the stattleship-ruby gem to fetch sports stats and info as well as our list of teamojis in many of its commands.

Try It Out!

Join our public Fanboat Slack channels and try out "cosell", its Glickman bot integration.

You can try out any of the commands below, just use "cosell:" instead of "glickman:" to talk to the bot.



After bundling and setting up your .env file the the API keys, you should be able to run foreman start to get the bot up and running.

Note: uses the stattleship-ruby gem.

Heroku Deploy


Stattleship API Key

You'll need a .env with API keys


You can get a Stattleship API key at


Glickman knows a good deal about sports.

What's hot in basketball

Complete List

:lower_left_paintbrush: :basketball: - Colors for each sportmoji team
:lower_left_paintbrush: :cow: :football: - Colors a specific sportmoji team
:face_with_head_bandage: :basketball: - Random injury report for a sportmoji
:face_with_head_bandage: :bear: :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck: - Random injury report for a teamoji
:tophat: - Hockey hat tricks
:rotating_light: - Recently scored :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck: goals
:fire: :basketball: - Recent hotness for a sport :baseball: :basketball: :football: :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck:
:basketball: <first name> <last name> - Most recent player game log for :baseball: :basketball: :football: :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck:
:basketball: :game_die: <first name> <last name> - Random player game log for :baseball: :basketball: :football: :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck:
:round_pushpin: :four_leaf_clover: :basketball: - Map of sport team last 10 games
:package: :wolf: :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck: - Hockey penalties for a teamoji
:shirt: :skull_and_crossbones: :football: - Player info
:no_mouth: :bridge_at_night: :basketball: - Team results as emoji
:calendar: :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck: - Schedules for a sport :baseball: :basketball: :football: :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck:
:calendar: :four_leaf_clover: :basketball: - Schedules for a teamoji
:mega: :baseball: - :baseball: score updates
:mega: :basketball: - :basketball: score updates
:mega: :football: - :football: score updates
:mega: :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck: - Hockey score updates
:tada: :crown: :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck: - Recent hockey goals scored for teamoji
:top: :basketball: FT - Top three leaders for 3P, FG, A, P, FT
:top: :football: TD - Top three leaders for TD
:top: :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck: G - Top three leaders for G, A, S, P, PPG
:slot_machine: - :basketball: triple-triple leaders
:hamburger: - :basketball: double-double leaders
:doughnut: - :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck: shutout leaders
:runner: - :football: rushing leaders
:house: - :baseball: home run leaders
:cherries: - :baseball: doubles leaders
:dango: - :baseball: triples leaders
:bowling: - :baseball: pitcher strikout leaders
:curry:, :crown:, or :rose: - Random Stephen Curry, Lebron James or Derrick Rose game log
teamoji :basketball: - List team teamojis per sport
:100: :calendar: :basketball: - Best :basketball: player performances for yesterday
:100:: :basketball: - Best :basketball: player performances on the season
:rain_cloud: - Best :basketball: shooting performances
:thunder_cloud_and_rain: - Best :basketball: three point shooting performances
:comet: :four_leaf_clover: :basketball: or :comet: :bear: :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck: - Current win/loss streak for a team
:comet: :basketball: or :comet: :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck: - Current win/loss streak for a sport
:comet: :joy: :basketball: - Current winning streaks for a sport
:comet: :cry: :basketball: - Current losing streaks for a sport
:movie_camera: :rocket: :basketball: - Random GIF for a team and sport using teamojis

:lower_left_paintbrush: 🏀 - Colors for each sportmoji team

:lower_left_paintbrush: 🐮 🏈 - Colors a specific sportmoji team

🤕 🏀 - Random injury report for a sportmoji

🤕 🐻 :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck: - Random injury report for a teamoji

🎩 - Hockey hat tricks

🚨 - Recently scored :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck: goals

🔥 🏀 - Recent hotness for a sport ⚾ 🏀 🏈 :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck:

🏀 - Most recent player game log for ⚾ 🏀 🏈 :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck:

🏀 🎲 - Random player game log for ⚾ 🏀 🏈 :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck:

📍 🍀 🏀 - Map of sport team last 10 games

📦 🐺 :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck: - Hockey penalties for a teamoji

👕 ☠️ 🏈 - Player info

😶 🌉 🏀 - Team results as emoji

📆 :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck: - Schedules for a sport ⚾ 🏀 🏈 :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck:

📆 🍀 🏀 - Schedules for a teamoji

📣 ⚾ - ⚾ score updates

📣 🏀 - 🏀 score updates

📣 🏈 - 🏈 score updates

📣 :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck: - Hockey score updates

🎉 👑 :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck: - Recent hockey goals scored for teamoji

🔝 🏀 FT - Top three leaders for 3P, FG, A, P, FT

🔝 🏈 TD - Top three leaders for TD

🔝 :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck: G - Top three leaders for G, A, S, P, PPG

🎰 - 🏀 triple-triple leaders

🍔 - 🏀 double-double leaders

🍩 - :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck: shutout leaders

🏃 - 🏈 rushing leaders

🏠 - ⚾ home run leaders

🍒 - ⚾ doubles leaders

🍡 - ⚾ triples leaders

🎳 - ⚾ pitcher strikout leaders

🍛, 👑, or 🌹 - Random Stephen Curry, Lebron James or Derrick Rose game log

teamoji 🏀 - List team teamojis per sport

💯 📆 🏀 - Best 🏀 player performances for yesterday

💯: 🏀 - Best 🏀 player performances on the season

:rain_cloud: - Best 🏀 shooting performances

:thunder_cloud_and_rain: - Best 🏀 three point shooting performances

☄️ 🍀 🏀 or ☄️ 🐻 :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck: - Current win/loss streak for a team

☄️ 🏀 or ☄️ :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck: - Current win/loss streak for a sport

☄️ 😂 🏀 - Current winning streaks for a sport

☄️ 😢 🏀 - Current losing streaks for a sport

🎥 🚀 🏀 - Random GIF for a team and sport using teamojis

Some Highlights

More info on a few commands.


List team colors.

Team Colors

:lower_left_paintbrush: 🏀

:lower_left_paintbrush: 🏈

:lower_left_paintbrush: :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck:

Or for a team,

:lower_left_paintbrush: 🐮 🏀

:lower_left_paintbrush: 🐮 🏈

:lower_left_paintbrush: 🐻 :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck:

Player Game Log


Basketball Game Log

🏀 first_name last_name

🏈 first_name last_name

Hockey Game Log

:ice_hockey_stick_and_puck: first_name last_name

For example:

🏀 Lebron James

🏈 tom brady

:ice_hockey_stick_and_puck: tyler seguin


Basketball Game Log

🏀 🎲 first_name last_name

🏈 🎲 first_name last_name

Hockey Game Log

:ice_hockey_stick_and_puck: 🎲 first_name last_name

For example:

🏀 🎲 Lebron James

🏈 🎲 tom brady

:ice_hockey_stick_and_puck: 🎲 tyler seguin


Feats in action

🎩 Hat tricks in hockey

🔥 🏀

🔥 🏈

🔥 :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck:

🚨 Recent goals scored (5 random sampling)

Stat Leaders

Goalie shutout leaders


Rusing yard leaders


Top Stats

Top field goals made basketball performances


Top three pointers basketball performances



😶 🍀 🏀

😶 🐻 :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck:



📆 🏀

📆 🏈

📆 :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck:

Schedule For Team

📆 🍀 basketball:

📆 🐮 🏈

📆 🐻 :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck:


In-progress and recently ended game scores per sport

📣 🏀

📣 🏈

📣 :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck:

Scoring Plays

Recent random sampling of scoring plays for the NFL 🏈 and NHL ❄️. NBA 🏀 does not have scoring play data.

🎉 teamoji sport

For example:

🎉 🍁 :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck:

NHL Scoring Plays

🎉 🐱 🏈

NFL Scoring Plays


Random injury report per sport

Injury report

🤕 🏀

🤕 🏈

🤕 :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck:


Recent random sampling of penalties for NHL ❄️. NBA 🏀 and the NFL 🏈 and do not have penalty data.

📦 🗽 :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck:

NHL Penalties


Use teamoji(tm) to get a list of player deets.



👕 🍀 🏀

Chicago Bears

👕 🐻 🏈

Memphis Grizzlies

👕 🐻 🏀

Boston Bruins

👕 🐻 :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck:

Basketball Doubles


🎰 Triple Doubles

🍔 Double double




Easter eggs!


Each return a random player game log

👑 Lebron James

🍛 Stephen Curry

🌹 Derrick Rose


Use teamojis with the player, schedule commands.

These commands return the teamojis for their league.

teamoji 🏀

teamoji 🏈

teamoji :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck:


Use teamojis with the 📍 and sport and team

For example:

📍 🔮 🏀



Random giphy for Boston Celtics ...

🎥 🍀 🏀

... and Bruins.

🎥 🐻 :ice_hockey_stick_and_puck: