Implicitly pull then run our published container
docker run --interactive --tty --publish 1234:8000
Go to localhost:1234.
Assuming you have Docker installed, with it's daemon running . . .
git clone
cd PEpiTA
# Build an image, assigning the following name and tag ("<name>:<tag>").
docker build --tag pepita:001 .
Create a container and run with the default "CMD" using the default "ENTRYPOINT", exposing your host machine('s browser) to the contained web server's port." (see the Dockerfile, which uses this scif recipe).
docker run --interactive --tty --publish 8000:8000 pepita:001
That should sit "blocking" your terminal. You should now be able to connect to the web application from localhost:8000. Use Cmd-C or Ctl-C at the terminal to kill the server.
To clean up any containers . . .
docker ps --all # list all containers, including NAMEs (right most column)
docker rm <NAME>
To clean up any images, e.g. . . .
docker image list # see what you have
docker image rm pepita:001
Fully clean house (remove all containers and images), if you want to.
docker rm --force $(docker ps --all --quiet) # containers
docker image prune --all --force # images