In this document we link some of the material that we consider relevant to become knowlegable in the field of Artificial Intelligence. We suggest you do the homeworks and implement the ideas from the papers, as they would make sure you understand the ideas. A few notes:
- We do not consider ourselfs AI experts, so we are open to suggestions (please use PR).
- We have not necessarily fully studied all this material, some of it is recommended by the community.
- A lot of the content may seem a bit redundant, we hope you are wise enough to realize what you can ignore.
The following tags are used to mark content at different levels:
- Type, related to the particular desired for study some conent:
- Level, the mastery of the subjects you will have after fully studied the content:
- Format, how the content is presented:
The badges may apply to a particular content, subsection or section of this document.
It is good to have this section here for reference, but we suggest you start with the core material and come back to this section if you feel lost in some ideas or tasks, specially if you have studied the prerequisites before.
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- Statistics and probability:
- Python:
- Numpy
Although it is true that AI is much more than Machine Learning and (therefore) Deep Learning, Deep Learning is a great deal of AI this days.
- Artificial Intelligence (Columbia University)
- Machine Learning:
- Machine Learning (Stanford, Andrew Ng)
- Machine Learning (Columbia University)
- Intro to Machine Learning (Udacity)
- Machine Learning (Oxford University)
- Hands-Machine-Learning-Scikit-Learn-TensorFlow
- Machine Learning Yearning(very good resource to structure machine learning projects).
- Deep Learning Specialization (the lectures can be seen for free on YouTube, in the official DeepLearning Ai site.
- Advanced Deep Learning & Reinforcement Learning
- Dropout: A Simple Way to Prevent Neural Networks from Overfitting
- Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift
- Layer Normalization
- Group Normalization
- Convolutional Neural Networks
- CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
- A guide to convolution aritmetric
- Image classification:
- Object detection:
- Image segmentation:
- Image verification:
- Video understanding:
- Sequence models
- CS224n: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning
- NLP overview: Modern Deep Learning Techniques Applied to NLP
- Fast AI NLP course: Inside you will find the lectures, notebooks and additional resources.
- Jay Alammar Blog: Interesting Illustration of different NLP architectures (Transformers, GPT, BERT, etc)
- Advanced NLP
- NLP Progress SOTA progress on different NLP tasks for different languages.
- Harvard NLP
- Huggingface SOTA pretrained models (Transformers) on different languages.
- All about Transformers understanding
- NLP Newsletter