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Release process for v5

Mahmoud Ben Hassine edited this page Mar 1, 2023 · 21 revisions

Overview of the release process:

  • Part 1: Prepare the release
  • Part 2: Perform the release
    • Part 2.1: Release milestones to Artifactory
      • Part 2.1.1: Deploy the milestone to Artifactory
      • Part 2.1.2: Test the deployed milestone release
    • Part 2.2: Release GAs to Maven Central
      • Part 2.2.1: Stage the release on Artifactory
      • Part 2.2.2: Test the staged release
      • Part 2.2.3: Promote the release to Maven Central
  • Part 3: Tag the release
  • Part 4: Update the documentation
  • Part 5: Post-release tasks

Part 1: Prepare the release

  1. Update the main pom.xml with milestone/release versions of Spring snapshot dependencies and upgrade other dependencies if needed. Here is an example: d594be1d. Make sure dependencies versions align with those used by the Spring Boot version that will consume the current release.
  2. Run a full build with ./mvnw clean verify site
  3. Commit and push the changes in pom.xml with a message like: Prepare release 5.0.2

Part 2: Perform the release

❗ Heads-up: The release process is slightly different between milestones and GAs, so execute only the part of the process that corresponds to the type of the release you are about to publish (ie part 2.1 or part 2.2, but not both) ❗

Part 2.1: Release milestones to Artifactory

Part 2.1.1: Deploy the milestone release to Artifactory

  1. Go to Github Actions:
  2. Run the "Artifactory Milestone Release" workflow by providing the milestone version to release. This will deploy the milestone release to

Part 2.1.2: Test the deployed milestone release

Check uploaded jars in and do a smoke test with the deployed milestone version: check the integrity of the artifacts to see if jars are not corrupted or empty, etc.

Test within an IDE

  • Download the release test project and unzip it
  • Open it in your IDE and update the release version to test + comment the spring-staging repository
  • Run the MyBatchJobConfiguration class and then the MyBatchJobTests suite

Test on the CLI

$>unzip && cd spring-batch-release-test
$>vim pom.xml # update the release version to test and comment the spring-staging repository
$>mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=MyBatchJobConfiguration # make sure the job is executed correctly
$>mvn test # make sure the tests pass (no functional tests here, we are only checking the integrity of `spring-batch-test.jar`)

❗ Heads-up: The "Artifactory Milestone Release" workflow is designed to be idempotent (it has no git side effects). If something is wrong with the milestone release, the same workflow can be re-run with the same version and a new milestone will override the corrupted one on the milestone repository. ❗

Part 2.2: Release GAs to Maven Central

Part 2.2.1: Stage the release on Artifactory

  1. Go to Github Actions:
  2. Run the "Artifactory Staging" workflow by providing the version to release.

Part 2.2.2: Test the staged release

Check uploaded jars in and do a smoke test with the staged release: check the integrity of the artifacts to see if jars are not corrupted or empty, etc.

Test within an IDE
  • Download the release test project and unzip it
  • Open it in your IDE and update the release version to test + comment the spring-milestones repository
  • Run the MyBatchJobConfiguration class and then the MyBatchJobTests suite

Test on the CLI

$>unzip && cd spring-batch-release-test
$>vim pom.xml # update the release version to test and comment the spring-milestones repository
$>mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=MyBatchJobConfiguration # make sure the job is executed correctly
$>mvn test # make sure the tests pass (no functional tests here, we are only checking the integrity of `spring-batch-test.jar`)

❗ Heads-up: The "Artifactory Staging" workflow is designed to be idempotent (it has no git side effects). If something is wrong with staged artifacts, the workflow "Artifactory Staging" can be re-run with the same version and a new release will override the corrupted one on the staging repository. ❗

Part 2.2.3: Promote the release to Maven Central

  1. Go to Github Actions:
  2. Run the "Maven Central Release" workflow by providing the version to release. This will download the artifacts from the Artifactory staging repository, sign them with GPG and upload them to Maven Central.

Part 4: Tag the release

None of the previous Github Actions changes the version in the code and pushes the changes to the upstream repository. The version change is done manually on purpose. At this point, the release should have been staged, tested and promoted to Artifactory or Maven Central. It is now safe to change the version in the code and push it to the upstream repository. From the root directory of the project, run the following commands (change the version number accordingly):

$./mvnw versions:set -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DnewVersion=5.0.2
$git commit -a -m "Release version 5.0.2"
$git tag -a v5.0.2 -m "Release version 5.0.2"
$./mvnw versions:set -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DnewVersion=5.0.3-SNAPSHOT
$git commit -a -m "Next development version"
$git push upstream main
$git push upstream v5.0.2

NB: The "v" prefix in the tag name is important, see

Part 4: Update the documentation

  1. Go to Github Actions:
  2. Run the "Documentation Upload" workflow by providing the version to release. This will generate a distribution of the documentation (java docs, reference docs, XSDs) and upload it to the documentation server where needed.

Part 5: Post-release tasks

  1. Generate the release notes with the Generate Release notes action. You need to specify the milestone version (for example 5.0.1) and the version of the Github Changelog Generator (for example 0.0.8). Copy the generated content from the action's log, amend it as needed and use the result to create a release on Github.
  2. Update the project's page on Contentful with the latest release/snapshot versions.
  3. Write a release announcement blog post.
  4. Tweet about the release using the @SpringBatch handle.
  5. Post a message in the #spring-release slack channel.
  6. For GAs, clean up the staging repository
  7. Close the GitHub milestone of the release
  8. Update Spring dependencies to next snapshot versions in pom.xml. Here is an example: 4dda48df
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