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Release process for v4

Mahmoud Ben Hassine edited this page Jan 18, 2023 · 4 revisions

Overview of the release process:

  • Part 1: Pre release tasks
  • Part 2: Release to Artifactory
  • Part 3: Promote to Maven Central
    • Part 3.1: Stage on Sonatype
    • Part 3.2: Release to Maven Central
  • Part 4: Post release tasks
  • Part 5: Rolling back a release

Part 1: Pre release tasks

1.1 Get latest changes from the upstream repository of the branch being released.

1.2 Check if build.gradle refers to any snapshot/milestone dependencies.

1.3 Disable the Gradle build plan in Bamboo:


Part 2: Release to Artifactory

2.1 Run a build of the Gradle plan in Bamboo.

2.2 Go to Artifactory build info and check artifacts:

check-build-info check-artifacts

2.3 Go to Artifactory Release & Promotion tab:


2.3.1 Fill in the form with release version and VCS configuration then hit Build and Release to Artifactory. NB: Uncheck the Use Release Branch in the previous screenshot.

2.3.2 Check uploaded jars in and do a smoke test with the staged version (check the integrity of the artifacts to see if jars are not corrupted or empty, etc).

2.4 Promote the release to Artifactory:


NOTE: For "Target promotion repository" field, select:

  • libs-milestone-local for milestones
  • libs-release-local for releases

2.5 Go to github and check if the release branch/tag are created:


2.6 Check uploaded jars in or

Note: The process ends here for milestone releases

Part 3: Promote to Maven Central

Part 3.1 Stage the release on Sonatype

3.1.1 Go to Github Actions:

3.1.2 Run the "Maven Central Staging" workflow:


Fill in the form with the build name and build number from artifactory:


3.1.3 Check the staging repository ID from the workflow logs:


This staging repository Id is needed for the next step.

Part 3.2 Release to Maven Central

3.2.1 Go to and login with springsource account.

3.2.2 In the Staging Repositories tab, select the staging repository with the ID from previous step and check its content/activity:


If everything looks good, the staging repository can be closed and released from the UI. Otherwise, it should be dropped.

NB: If an extra check should be done from this staging repository, then the repository should be closed to be able to import jars from it and test them. Otherwise the content will not be visible.

Part 4: Post release tasks

4.1 Update the current and current-SNAPSHOT symbolic links on the docs server.

4.2 Reactivate the Gradle build plan in Bamboo.

4.3 Generate release notes and create a release on Github.

4.4 Update project page on Sagan with latest release/snapshot versions.

4.5 Write release announcement blog post.

4.6 Tweet about the release using the @SpringBatch handle.

4.7 Post a message in the #spring-release slack channel.

4.8 Update build.gradle with next snapshot versions of Spring Projects.

Part 5: Rolling Back a release

If anything goes wrong before promoting to Maven Central:

  1. Delete version from Artifactory.
  2. Delete release branch/tag from git locally and remotely.
  3. Revert the version in and push the change to the upstream repository.
  4. Restart the release process.
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