Load and run the pre-trained model in FlowNet 2.0: Evolution of Optical Flow Estimation with Deep Networks by Ilg et al.
Given two images, the network is trained to predict the optical flow between these images.
- Top: both input images from Flying Chairs, ground-truth, original FlowNet2 results (Caffe)
- Bottom: Converted FlowNet2-C, FlowNet2-S, FlowNet2 results (this implementation)
Model | AEE (sintel clean) |
FlowNet-S | 3.82 |
FlowNet-C | 3.08 |
FlowNet2 | 2.10 |
The authors report the AEE of 2.03 (Caffe Model) on Sintel-clean and our implementation gives an AEE of 2.10, which is better than other TensorFlow implementations.
- Download the pre-trained model (converted from caffe):
wget http://models.tensorpack.com/OpticalFlow/flownet2.npz
wget http://models.tensorpack.com/OpticalFlow/flownet2-s.npz
wget http://models.tensorpack.com/OpticalFlow/flownet2-c.npz
Note: You are required to accept the author's license to use these weights.
- Run inference
python flownet2.py \
--images frame0.png frame1.png frame2.png
--load flownet2.npz --model flownet2
This command will show predictions for all the consecutive pairs one by one. Press any key to visualize the next prediction.
- Evaluate AEE (Average Endpoing Error) on Sintel dataset:
wget http://files.is.tue.mpg.de/sintel/MPI-Sintel-complete.zip
unzip MPI-Sintel-complete.zip
python flownet2.py --load flownet2.npz --model flownet2 --sintel_path /path/to/Sintel/training