Qingqing Chen Last compiled date: 18 September, 2021
<style> body {text-align: justify} </style>To measure diversity, we use Shannon’s diversity index (H) as it is commonly used for species diversity and accounts for both richness and evenness of the species present. The higher the Shannon’s index (H) value is, the more diverse the origins of visitors are for inflow diversity. Conversely, for outflow diversity a higher H means that locals visit a more diverse set of neighbourhoods throughout the city.
# aggregated grids
grids <- read_sf(here("data/derived_data/spatial_hex_grid.shp"), quiet = T) %>%
st_transform(crs = 3414)
# Singapore planning areas
sg_subzone <- read_sf(here("data/raw_data/sg-subzone/MP14_SUBZONE_NO_SEA_PL.shp")) %>%
st_transform(crs = 3414) %>%
st_make_valid() %>%
group_by(PLN_AREA_N) %>%
# grid sectors
grid_sectors <- readRDS(here("data/derived_data/grid_sectors.rds"))
# tweets
df_tweets <- readRDS(here("data/derived_data/deidentified_sg_tweets_updated.rds"))
# qualified grid cells
considered_grids <- df_tweets %>%
group_by(grid_id) %>%
dplyr::summarise(n_tweets = n(), n_users = n_distinct(u_id)) %>%
filter(n_tweets >= 100 & n_users >= 5)
# usrs in each grid cell
users_in_grids <- df_tweets %>% distinct(u_id, grid_id)
# identified home location of users
identified_hms <- read_csv(here("data/derived_data/identified_hms.csv"))
# distinct users in grids: local or visitor
distinct_users <- readRDS(here("data/derived_data/distinct_users.rds"))
# function used for diversity analysis
cal_diversity <- function(grid_index, data, grid_sectors, grids, type = "inflow"){
# get sectors of input grid
sectors <- grid_sectors %>% filter(grid_id == grid_index)
# get sector areas intersect with SG boundary
sectors_corssSG <- st_intersection(sectors, sg_subzone) %>%
dplyr::select(-PLN_AREA_N) %>%
unique() %>%
group_by(sector_id, grid_id) %>%
dplyr::summarise() %>%
# assign users to sectors
if(type == "inflow"){
# assign visitors' home locations to sectors
users_in_sectors <- st_join(data, sectors_corssSG, largest = TRUE) %>%
distinct(u_id, home, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
dplyr::select(sector_id, grid_id, u_id, home) %>%
st_set_geometry(NULL) %>%
left_join(., sectors_corssSG) %>% # change the geometry to sectors' geometry
st_sf() # convert to sf object
}else if(type == "outflow"){
# assign locals visited locations to sectors
users_in_sectors <- st_join(data, sectors_corssSG, largest = T) %>%
distinct(u_id, out_to_grid, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
dplyr::select(sector_id, grid_id, u_id, out_to_grid) %>%
st_set_geometry(NULL) %>%
left_join(., sectors_corssSG) %>% # change the geometry to sectors' geometry
# calculate Shannon's index
output <- users_in_sectors %>%
group_by(sector_id) %>%
dplyr::summarise(n_user = n_distinct(u_id)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(area_km_square = as.numeric(st_area(.)/1000000)) %>%
mutate(user_density = n_user/area_km_square) %>%
st_set_geometry(NULL) %>%
distinct(sector_id, user_density) %>%
spread(sector_id, user_density) %>%
diversity(index = "shannon")
The inflow diversity is saved under data/derived_data/
# Get visitors in each grid
visitors_in_grid <- distinct_users %>%
filter(type == "visitor") %>%
left_join(., grids, by = c("home" = "grid_id")) %>%
st_as_sf(crs = 3414) %>%
nest(data = c(u_id, home, type, geometry))
# visited grid
visitors_in_grid[1, ]
## # A tibble: 1 × 2
## grid_id data
## <dbl> <list>
## 1 3 <sf [3 × 4]>
# visitors with home locations
visitors_in_grid[1, ]$data[[1]]
## Simple feature collection with 3 features and 3 fields
## Geometry type: POLYGON
## Dimension: XY
## Bounding box: xmin: 18042.54 ymin: 36100.32 xmax: 40917.54 ymax: 42162.5
## Projected CRS: SVY21 / Singapore TM
## # A tibble: 3 × 4
## u_id home type geometry
## <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <POLYGON [m]>
## 1 82965004 1594 visitor ((40542.54 36749.84, 40167.54 36966.34, 40167.54 37399…
## 2 90218329 626 visitor ((18417.54 36100.32, 18042.54 36316.82, 18042.54 36749…
## 3 49010226 1461 visitor ((35667.54 41296.47, 35292.54 41512.98, 35292.54 41945…
# calculate diversity
inflow_diversity <- readRDS(here("data/derived_data/inflow_diversity.rds"))
inflow_diversity <- visitors_in_grid %>%
filter(grid_id %in% considered_grids$grid_id) %>%
mutate(div_shannon = map2_dbl(grid_id, data, with_progress(function(x, y) cal_diversity(x, y, grid_sectors, grids, type = "inflow")))) %>%
inflow_diversity <- inflow_diversity %>%
mutate(norm_div_shannon = (div_shannon - min(div_shannon))/(max(div_shannon) - min(div_shannon))) %>%
left_join(., grids, by = c("grid_id" = "grid_id")) %>%
st_sf(crs = 3414)
saveRDS(inflow_diversity, file = here("data/derived_data/inflow_diversity.rds"))
## Simple feature collection with 6 features and 3 fields
## Geometry type: POLYGON
## Dimension: XY
## Bounding box: xmin: 2292.538 ymin: 24408.98 xmax: 7917.538 ymax: 35017.79
## Projected CRS: SVY21 / Singapore TM
## # A tibble: 6 × 4
## grid_id div_shannon norm_div_shannon geometry
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <POLYGON [m]>
## 1 3 0.691 0.166 ((2667.538 24408.98, 2292.538 24625.48, …
## 2 8 1.00 0.289 ((3042.538 25058.49, 2667.538 25275, 266…
## 3 14 1.01 0.291 ((3417.538 25708.01, 3042.538 25924.52, …
## 4 19 0.693 0.167 ((3792.538 25058.49, 3417.538 25275, 341…
## 5 123 1.36 0.430 ((7167.538 33502.24, 6792.538 33718.75, …
## 6 135 1.51 0.488 ((7542.538 34151.76, 7167.538 34368.27, …
The grids except home that each local visited are saved under
# Get other grids except home that locals visited
# locals in home grids
locals_in_grid <- distinct_users %>%
filter(type == "local") %>%
nest(data = c(u_id, home, type))
# grids outside home grid that each local visited
get_locals_out_grids <- function(grid_id, data, users_in_grids, grids){
# locals in home grid
locals <- data$u_id %>% unique()
# home grid id
locals_home <- grid_id
output <- users_in_grids %>%
filter(u_id %in% locals) %>% ## get grids that locals sent tweets
filter(!grid_id %in% locals_home) %>% ## remove grid that is the same as the home
left_join(., grids) %>% ## get out to grid geometry
rename(out_to_grid = grid_id) %>%
locals_out_grids <- readRDS(here("data/derived_data/locals_out_grids.rds"))
locals_out_grids <- locals_in_grid %>%
filter(grid_id %in% considered_grids$grid_id) %>%
mutate(data = map2(grid_id, data, with_progress(function(x, y) get_locals_out_grids(x, y, users_in_grids, grids))))
saveRDS(locals_out_grids, file = here("data/derived_data/locals_out_grids.rds"))
# home grid
locals_out_grids[1, ]
## # A tibble: 1 × 2
## grid_id data
## <dbl> <list>
## 1 234 <sf [923 × 3]>
# locals in home grid with their visited grids outside home
locals_out_grids[1, ]$data[[1]]
## Simple feature collection with 923 features and 2 fields
## Geometry type: POLYGON
## Dimension: XY
## Bounding box: xmin: 7917.538 ymin: 24408.98 xmax: 46167.54 ymax: 48657.69
## Projected CRS: SVY21 / Singapore TM
## # A tibble: 923 × 3
## u_id out_to_grid geometry
## <dbl> <dbl> <POLYGON [m]>
## 1 81473111 613 ((18042.54 39347.91, 17667.54 39564.42, 17667.54 39997.…
## 2 81473111 1187 ((29292.54 28955.61, 28917.54 29172.11, 28917.54 29605.…
## 3 81473111 1210 ((29667.54 30904.17, 29292.54 31120.67, 29292.54 31553.…
## 4 81473111 1216 ((29667.54 38698.39, 29292.54 38914.9, 29292.54 39347.9…
## 5 81473111 579 ((17292.54 39347.91, 16917.54 39564.42, 16917.54 39997.…
## 6 81473111 1233 ((30042.54 31553.68, 29667.54 31770.19, 29667.54 32203.…
## 7 81473111 1271 ((30792.54 30254.65, 30417.54 30471.15, 30417.54 30904.…
## 8 81473111 715 ((20292.54 31553.68, 19917.54 31770.19, 19917.54 32203.…
## 9 81473111 1125 ((28167.54 30904.17, 27792.54 31120.67, 27792.54 31553.…
## 10 81473111 1709 ((45417.54 37399.36, 45042.54 37615.86, 45042.54 38048.…
## # … with 913 more rows
The outflow diversity is saved under data/derived_data/
# calculate outflow diversity
outflow_diversity <- readRDS(here("data/derived_data/outflow_diversity.rds"))
outflow_diversity <- locals_out_grids %>%
filter(grid_id %in% considered_grids$grid_id) %>%
mutate(div_shannon = map2_dbl(grid_id, data, with_progress(function(x, y) cal_diversity(x, y, grid_sectors, grids, type = "outflow")))) %>%
outflow_diversity <- outflow_diversity %>%
mutate(norm_div_shannon = (div_shannon - min(div_shannon))/(max(div_shannon) - min(div_shannon)),
norm_div_shannon = round(norm_div_shannon, 2)) %>%
left_join(., grids, by = c("grid_id" = "grid_id")) %>%
st_sf(crs = 3414)
saveRDS(outflow_diversity, file = here("data/derived_data/outflow_diversity.rds"))
## Simple feature collection with 6 features and 3 fields
## Geometry type: POLYGON
## Dimension: XY
## Bounding box: xmin: 9792.538 ymin: 34801.28 xmax: 12417.54 ymax: 38914.9
## Projected CRS: SVY21 / Singapore TM
## # A tibble: 6 × 4
## grid_id div_shannon norm_div_shannon geometry
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <POLYGON [m]>
## 1 234 2.15 0.367 ((10167.54 34801.28, 9792.538 35017.79, …
## 2 286 2.24 0.469 ((11292.54 35450.8, 10917.54 35667.31, 1…
## 3 287 1.99 0.179 ((11292.54 36749.84, 10917.54 36966.34, …
## 4 304 2.06 0.260 ((11667.54 36100.32, 11292.54 36316.82, …
## 5 321 2.27 0.508 ((12042.54 35450.8, 11667.54 35667.31, 1…
## 6 323 2.45 0.712 ((12042.54 38048.88, 11667.54 38265.38, …
spatial_viz(inflow_diversity, fill_var = "norm_div_shannon",
legend_title = "Norm.diversity",
main_title = "(a) Diversity of Flows: normalized inflow diversity",
main.title_size = 1.4,
legend.hist_height = 0.25, legend.hist_width = 0.5,
legend_width = 0.4, legend.hist_size = 0.5,
legend.title_size = 1.2, legend.text_size = 0.65)
violin_viz(inflow_diversity, var = "norm_div_shannon",
labs.x = "", labs.y = "Norm.diversity", breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.1),
y.shift = 0.17, x.shift = 1.52, text.size = 4)
spatial_viz(outflow_diversity, fill_var = "norm_div_shannon",
legend_title = "Norm.diversity",
main_title = "(b) Diversity of Flows: normalized outflow diversity",
main.title_size = 1.4,
legend.hist_height = 0.25, legend.hist_width = 0.5,
legend_width = 0.4, legend.hist_size = 0.5,
legend.title_size = 1.2, legend.text_size = 0.65,
palette = "Purples")
violin_viz(outflow_diversity, var = "norm_div_shannon",
labs.x = "", labs.y = "Norm.diversity", breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.1),
y.shift = 0.17, x.shift = 1.52, text.size = 4)