Here we will create a RoboComp Component which can communicate with a Ros Node using Ros Middleware. The Ros Node which we will use can be found here.
- Analyze the Ros Node.
- Generate an IDSL.
- Generate our RoboComp Component.
- Run it.
We need to know what messages or services they are using. To find out, we can take a look at the package documentation and the msg and srv directory. Here is an image.msg example which is used in our Ros Node:
string name
uint32 size
int32[] image
In the Talker.cpp code, we can see:
ros::Publisher chatter_pub = n.advertise<beginner_tutorials::image>("chatter", 1000);
// %EndTag(PUBLISHER)%
Talker (Ros Node) publishes this MSG through the topic called chatter. So We need an IDSL with a structure containing the types of image.msg and an interface with a topic called chatter.
Let's generate our IDSL:
module RoboCompListener{
sequence<int> imageVector;
struct Image {
string name;
uint size;
imageVector image;
interface chat{
void chatter(Image img);
The names of the variables must be identical to those used in the message!
We have created a structure Image and a topic called chatter.
Create your .cdsl like this:
import "/robocomp/interfaces/IDSLs/Listener.idsl";
Component listener
subscribesTo chat(ros);
language Cpp;
gui Qt(QWidget);
And use RoboCompDSL to generate your component.
To see if everything worked, try to insert this code in your subscribe method:
printf("Name: %s, size: %d\n",, img.size);
for(int i=0;i<img.image.size();i++)
printf("value of img.image[%d] = %d\n", i, img.image[i]);
Launch your component and enjoy!
We assume that Talker and roscore are running.
If you get an error like this:
[ERROR] [1471018647.418758838]: Client [/listener] wants topic /chatter to have datatype/md5sum [RoboCompListener/Image/5d96ac93c863cbaa85815010f7256b9a], but our version has [beginner_tutorials/image/163b37c985fb24d5121dd98a6a240a84]. Dropping connection.
Then you have not generated an identical message structure.