Refere-se a nova sintaxe do HTML, além de novos recursos para serem utilizados diretamento pelo web browser, conforme apresentados: Slides | HTML5 Rocks e Entendendo quais APIs (realmente) fazem parte do HTML5 | Tableless
Dive Into HTML5 - livro online sobre HTML5, este link da versão em português
- Accessibility Features of HTML5 - With Mark Sadecki, W3C / Web Accessibility Initiative
Can I use...? - Compatibility tables for support of HTML5, CSS3, SVG and more in desktop and mobile browsers.
The HTML5 Test - verifica o quando o web browser suporta os recursos do HTML5
Is WebRTC ready yet? - Browser support scorecard
The Developer's Guide To Writing Cross-Browser JavaScript Polyfills | Addy Osmani
Modernizr is a JavaScript library that detects HTML5 and CSS3 features in the user’s browser | HTML5 Cross Browser Polyfills
Internet Explorer Web Platform Status and Roadmap | status.modern.IE
FireShell - fiercely quick front-end boilerplate and workflows
Google Web Designer - Create engaging, interactive HTML5-based designs and motion graphics that can run on any device.
Canva - gives you everything you need to design blog graphics, presentations, Facebook covers, flyers, posters, invitations and so much more.
HTML5 Up! - Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 Site Templates
[GitHub] raphamorim / awesome-canvas - A curated list of awesome HTML5 Canvas with examples, related articles and posts.
[Speaker Deck] Playground with canvas - Raphael Amorim - Canvas é uma tela de bitmap que pode ser usada para a renderização de elementos gráficos ou outras imagens visuais rapidamente. No HTML5 ele permite que se desenhem elementos gráficos usando JavaScript. Vamos abordar funcionalidades e recursos e porque você deveria estar pensando em utilizar o canvas no seu próximo projeto.
HTML5 Canvas Save Drawing as an Image | HTML5 Canvas Tutorials
Quick one: using download attribute on links to save Canvas as PNG | Christian Heilmann
[GitHub] hongru / canvas2image - a tool for saving or converting canvas as img
[GitHub] niklasvh / html2canvas - Screenshots with JavaScript
[GitHub] viliusle / Hermite-resize - Image resize/resample using Hermite filter with JavaScript.
[GitHub] fengyuanchen / cropperjs - JavaScript image cropper
[GitHub] viliusle / miniPaint - online image editor
N-body planar choreographies: illustrating mathematics in HTML5 canvas | Rectangle World - HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript: Tutorials and Experiments
[GitHub] felipenmoura / js-chroma-key - A chroma key effect made in JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3 in 100 lines of js
MicIO – HTML5 to MicroController Communication through a headphone jack
How to prefetch video/audio files for uninterrupted playback in HTML5 video/audio | Thundering Herd
Introduction to Web Audio API | CSS-Tricks - 2017/03/06
Custom Audio Effects in JavaScript with the Web Audio API | Noisehack
How to Build a Supersaw Synthesizer with the Web Audio API | Noisehack
Dynamic Audio Generation In the Browser : a JavaScript Synthesizer
Writing Web Audio API code that works in every browser | Mozilla Hacks
Frequency Modulation (FM) with Web Audio API | @GreWeb | jsfiddle
Creating Sound with the Web Audio API and Oscillators | Flippin' Awesome
- JavaScript Dubstep Generator - Uma lib que gera efeitos no canvas com ondas sonoras de uma música
[GitHub] sampotts / plyr - A simple HTML5, YouTube and Vimeo player
[Speaker Deck] Augmented Reality in JavaScript - by Zeno Rocha
[GitHub] developit / stockroom - Offload your store management to a worker
Service Workers
[GitHub] delapuente / service-workers-101 - An infographic to summarize the most important parts of the Service Workers' API
A beginner’s guide to Service Workers | Samsung Internet Developers – Medium - 2017/07/25
ServiceWorker: A revolução da plataforma Web | BrasilJS - 2016/04/04
Making a Simple Site Work Offline with ServiceWorker | ponyfoo
Asset caching with service worker | Medium by @philipp.schaechtele
Service Workers replacing AppCache: a sledgehammer to crack a nut | Medium by @firt
Web Workers
Mais Válvulas para seu Javascript | Tableless - 2015/10/15
Parallel Processing in JS | Advanced Web Machinery - 2016/08/09
[GitHub] mchaov / WebWorkers - Demos with and without web workers
Simple WebSockets example to stream real-time events | Kim Rudolph
Tutorial: Pushing browser updates using WebSockets in Glassfish | jaxenter.com
Near-Realtime Analytics with MongoDB, Node.js & SmoothieCharts | codecentric
HTML5 Geolocation API - Specification and Usages | ST Solutions
Está perdido? Geolocalização! | Tableless - Entendendo como utilizar a API de Geolocalização (geolocation) do HTML5 com Javascript.
[GitHub] Nickersoft / push.js - A compact, cross-browser solution for using the JavaScript Notifications API
12 Awesome CSS3 Features That You Can Finally Start Using | Tutorialzine
[GitHub] pmneila / jsexp - Some simulation experiments in JavaScript
[YouTube] Real-time communication with WebRTC: Google I/O 2013
WebRTC data channels: WebRTC data channels for high performance data exchange | HTML5 Rocks
Fusing WebGL, CSS 3D and HTML - Zero to Sixty in One Second | Acko.net
Barry Martin's Hopalong Orbits Visualizer - WebGL Experiment - An interactive flight through attractor orbits generated using Barry Martin's Hopalong formula.
Three.js and Babylon.js: a Comparison of WebGL Frameworks | SitePoint
Live editing WebGL shaders with Firefox Developer Tools | Mozilla Hacks
FightCode - Killing Robots for Fun
Code Combat - Learn to Code JavaScript by Playing a Game
Full Screen Mario : a purely HTML5 remake of the original Super Mario Bros game
- [GitHub] Diogenesthecynic / FullScreenMario - An HTML5 remake of the original Super Mario Brothers - expanded for wide screens.
[GitHub] infusion / HTML5-Tetris - A HTML5 Tetris Implementation
[GitHub] ellisonleao / clumsy-bird - A MelonJS port of the famous Flappy Bird Game
[GitHub] gloomyson / StarCraft - HTML5 version for StarCraft game
The JavaScript Warrior - Welcome to the JSWarrior Game. Unlike traditional games, you can't control your character through a keyboard or joystick. The only way you can control your character is through JavaScript.
- Announcing Artillery's Project Atlas, a Hardcore RTS for the Browser | The Artillery Blog - HTML5 Game Development and Engineering. The Artillery Platform, which Atlas is built upon, uses JavaScript and WebGL to deliver a high-quality, low-latency multiplayer gaming experience to anyone with a modern web browser. The platform is centered around 3D experiences with real-time multiplayer capability and strong community support. The JavaScript-based game engine features a component-entity design, a modern deferred rendering pipeline, and development tools designed to allow creative expression and super-fast iteration.
HTML5 Game Development | Eric Terpstra - A presentation on getting started creating games on the web.
Using the Web Speech API to Create Voice Driven HTML5 Games | HTML5 Hub
[GitHub] idflood / ThreeNodes.js - This is an attempt to make something like "vvvv" in javascript, html and webgl.
VVVV.js - the visual programming language VVVV brought to your web browser
The Pond – building a multi-platform HTML5 game | Mozilla Hacks
[GitHub] erikolson186 / zangodb - MongoDB-like interface for HTML5 IndexedDB
[YoutTube] Google Cloud Storage - Getting started with the JavaScript Sample Application - This demonstration covers getting started with Google Cloud Storage using JavaScript
- [GitHub] GoogleCloudPlatform / storage-getting-started-javascript - This is a simple web-based example of calling the Google Cloud Storage API in JavaScript
Please Stop Using Local Storage | The Practical Dev - 2018/01/30
- [Gist] leudanielm / GlobalEvents.js - Fire events between different browser windows using localStorage
What makes WebAssembly fast? | Mozilla Hacks - 2017/02/28
Why WebAssembly is Faster Than asm.js | Mozilla Hacks - 2017/03/15
WebAssembly 101: a developer's first steps | Openbloc - 2017/06/04
Exploring the FileSystem APIs | HTML5 Rocks / Ler arquivos em JavaScript usando as APIs do arquivo | HTML5 Rocks
File System and JavaScript. Processing Files in Browser | XB Software
Use the HTML5 File API to Work with Files Locally in the Browser | Scotch
Resize an Image Using Canvas, Drag and Drop and the File API | David Walsh Blog
Creating a File Encryption App with JavaScript | Tutorialzine
The Clipboard API crashcourse | Frontend News #2 - 2018/08/01
RgbQuant.js - an image quantization library
[GitHug] raphamorim / origami.js - HTML5 Canvas for Humans
- Drawingboard.js - a simple canvas based drawing app that you can integrate easily on your website.
- Snap.svg - is designed for modern browsers and therefore supports the newest SVG features like masking, clipping, patterns, full gradients, groups, and more.
- [GitHub] mark-rolich / RulersGuides.js - Creates Photoshop-like guides and rulers interface on a web page | Demo
- [GitHub] openseadragon / openseadragon - An open-source, web-based viewer for zoomable images, implemented in pure JavaScript
[GitHub] maroslaw / rainyday.js - Simulating raindrops falling on a window (use canvas)
- [GitHub] kovacsv / JSModeler - A JavaScript framework to create and visualize 3D models.
- [GitHub] vagnervjs / frame-player - A video player without video files, just JSON. Based on 'images frames' thought to mobile devices!
[GitHub] auduno / clmtrackr - Javascript library for precise tracking of facial features via Constrained Local Models
[GitHub] eduardolundgren / tracking.js - A modern approach for Computer Vision on the web
[GitHub] TalAter / annyang - A javascript library for adding voice commands to your site, using speech recognition
[GitHub] Selz / plyr - A simple HTML5 media player
Popcorn.js - The HTML5 Media Framework
Audio5js - The HTML Audio Compatibility Layer
[GitHub] EvandroLG / audioJS - AudioJS is a agnostic lib cross-browser to work easily with the AudioContext API of HTML5.
[GitHub] egonelbre / jsfx - Javascript Sound Effect Generator
[GitHub] meenie / 8bit.js - 8Bit.js Audio Library - Write music using 8bit oscillation sounds
[GitHub] watilde / beeplay - Write A Song In JavaScript
[GitHub] meenie / band.js - Music composer interface for the Web Audio API.
Ion.Sound - jQuery-plugin for playing sounds on events
[GitHub] eshiota / retro-audio-js - Web Audio API based retro player that give us that nostalgic feelings
- Retro.js Demo - Uma lib que usa a Web Audio API para tocar teclado usando uma representação em JSON de partituras de teclado, no site tem exemplo de 3 músicas
Pedalboard.js - Open-source JavaScript framework for developing audio effects with Web Audio API
[GitHub] kylestetz / lissajous - A tool for programmatic audio performance in the browser using Javascript
- [GitHub] openfin / fin-hypergrid - a polymer based super high performant grid control
seen.js - Render 3D scenes into SVG or HTML5 Canvas
heatmap.js | Create HTML5 Heatmaps with Canvas and JavaScript | Sample
Chart.js - Simple HTML5 Charts using the canvas tag
Aristochart - Customizável e flexível biblioteca de gráficos em Canvas
HumbleFinance is an HTML5 data visualization tool written as a demonstration of interactive graphing in HTML5.
CreateJS Studio - A suite of Javascript libraries & tools for building rich, interactive experiences with HTML5.
Fabric.js is a powerful and simple Javascript canvas library. Fabric provides interactive object model on top of canvas element Fabric also has SVG-to-canvas (and canvas-to-SVG) parser.
KineticJS - is an HTML5 Canvas JavaScript framework that enables high performance animations, transitions, node nesting, layering, filtering, caching, event handling for desktop and mobile applications, and much more.
Nanoko - is a JavaScript modular framework enabling flexible and sustainable HTML5 applications development and their deployment on both mobile and desktop applications. Getting Started | utiliza o maven como base para o projeto |
Resumable.js - A JavaScript library providing multiple simultaneous, stable and resumable uploads via the HTML5 File API
[GitHub] mailru / FileAPI - a set of javascript tools for working with files. Multiupload, drag'n'drop and chunked file upload. Images: crop, resize and auto orientation
[GitHub] chrisben / imgcache.js - JS library based on the File API to cache images for offline recovery (target: cordova/phonegap & chrome)
[GitHub] RelaxedJS / ReLaXed - Create PDF documents using web technologies
jsPDF - A HTML5 client-side solution for generating PDFs.
[GitHub] MrRio / jsPDF - Generate PDF files in JavaScript. HTML5 FTW : gh-page
Generating PDFs from Web Pages on the Fly with jsPDF | SitePoint - 2016/02/16
PDF.js - A general-purpose, web standards-based platform for parsing and rendering PDFs.
[GitHub] bpampuch / pdfmake - Client/server side PDF printing in pure JavaScript
[GitHub] FileReader.js - Read Files with JavaScript!
[GitHub] OptimalBits / fs.js - This module provides a wrapper for the HTML5 File System API inspired in nodejs fs module
[GitHub] sindresorhus / screenfull.js - Simple wrapper for cross-browser usage of the JavaScript Fullscreen API
[GitHub] maxogden / psd.js - PSD Parser in JavaScript | site
[GitHub] lukasoppermann / html5sortable - VanillaJS sortable lists and grids using native HTML5 drag and drop API.
[GitHub] willianjusten / screamer-js - is a Vanilla Javascript plugin to provide simple yet fully customisable web notifications using Web Notifications API.
SlideCaptain - Modern online presentation tool - Made with JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, MongoDB, Node.js and AngularJS.
- [GitHub] pete-otaqui / deckard - A Web Animations API driven slide deck library
[GitHub] hakimel / reveal.js - The HTML Presentation Framework
slid.es - The easiest way to create and share beautiful presentations. Online presentation tool based on reveal.js
[GitHub] piatra / kreator.js - slide tool interface for reveal.js
deck.js - presentation engine
[GitHub] thiagofelix / hackynote - A presentation editor and preview based on markdown. Made for hackers
[GitHub] jtrussell / bedecked - Turn markdown files into html presentations you can share with dropbox (or S3, or...)
bespoke.js - DYI presentation micro-framework
- [GitHub] viniciusalmeida / ninja-presentation - Do not be fooled. You do not have to be a ninja to use this toolkit for slides presentation!
- [[GitHub] jlantunez / webslides] - Making HTML presentations easy
[GitHub] erbbysam / webRTCCopy - A simple file sharing application using webRTC-data.io
[GitHub] cowbell / sharedrop - HTML5 clone of Apple's AirDrop - easy P2P file transfer powered by WebRTC
lunr.js - A bit like Solr, but much smaller and not as bright - Simple full-text search in your browser
[GitHub] brianreavis / sifter.js - A library for textually searching arrays and hashes of objects by property (or multiple properties). Designed specifically for autocomplete.
[GitHub] roboleary / LeapTrainer.js - A gesture learning and recognition framework for the Leap Motion
[GitHub] EightMedia / hammer.js - A javascript library for multi-touch gestures
[GitHub] soyjavi / QuoJS - Micro JavaScript Library for Mobile Devices
[GitHub] roboleary / LeapCursor.js - Effortless Leap Motion support for websites
[GitHub] gamelab - Kiwi.JS is a fun and friendly HTML5 game engine with a focus on WebGL and Mobile rendering
FireBase - a powerful API to store and sync data in realtime
[GitHub] firebase / geofire - Realtime location queries with Firebase
GeoFire 2.0 - is an open-source JavaScript library that allows you to store and query a set of items based on their geographic location
Firebase Database não é bagunça! - BrazilJS - 2017/10/03
PouchDB - The Database that Syncs! PouchDB is an open-source JavaScript database inspired by Apache CouchDB that is designed to run well within the browser.
[GitHub] pouchdb / pouchdb - PouchDB is a pocket-sized database
10 things I learned from reading (and writing) the PouchDB source | PouchDB
TaffyDB - The JavaScript Database
SpahQL - Query, manipulate and manage JSON data effortlessly.
[GitHub] TremayneChrist / Based - Client-side JavaScript database
[GitHub] chambs / minidb - a simple wraper for local/session storage DOM API management
[GitHub] tuxracer / simple-storage - Simple localStorage / sessionStorage supporting objects and arrays
[GitHub] arokor / barn - Fast, atomic persistent storage layer on top of localstorage
[GitHub] tantaman / LargeLocalStorage - Problem: You need to store a large amount of key-value based data in IE, Chrome, Safari, AND Firefox
[GitHub] DVLP / localStorageDB - Increase localStorage size 10 times or more! Very easy to use and potentially much faster than native localStorage!
JayData - The cross-platform HTML5 data-management library for JavaScript
[GitHub] lcavadas / Storage.js - Javascript library that wraps storage logic ( localStorage, WebSQL, IndexedDB) for all browsers
lawnchair - simple json storage
[GitHub] zefhemel / persistencejs - is an asynchronous Javascript database mapper library. You can use it in the browser, as well on the server (and you can share data models between them).
[GitHub] justindeguzman / locstor - JavaScript helper library for HTML5 localStorage
[GitHub] tsironis / lockr - A minimal API wrapper for localStorage
[GitHub] mozilla / localForage - Offline storage, improved.
[GitHub] ask11 / storage - Storage is a functional wrapper around localForage. That means it's an asynchronous browser storage with multiple back-ends (IndexedDB, WebSQL, localStorage), which is built for a better offline experience.
[GitHub] techfort / LokiJS - javascript embedded / in-memory database
LokiJS - A lightweight javascript document oriented database
An introduction to LokiJS: the idiomatic way | Joe Minichino - Medium
[GitHub] jensarps / IDBWrapper - A cross-browser wrapper for IndexedDB
[GitHub] aaronpowell / db.js - is a wrapper for IndexedDB to make it easier to work against
[GitHub] paldepind / synceddb - Makes it easy to write offline-first applications with realtime syncing and server side persistence
[GitHub] js-data / js-data - Robust framework-agnostic in-memory data store
ForerunnerDB - High Performance Web Database - is the only JavaScript database with a simple, rich JSON-based query language. Based on MongoDB's query language and built with web applications in mind, ForerunnerDB will have you up and running in minutes.
- [GitHub] Irrelon / ForerunnerDB - A JavaScript database with mongo-like query language, data-binding support, runs in the browser as a client-side DB or on the server via Node.js!
[GitHub] addyosmani / basket.js - A script and resource loader for caching & loading scripts with localStorage
[GitHub] keithwhor / FSO.js - JavaScript FileSystemObject library for temporary and permanent client-side file storage
[GitHub] sole / tween.js - Javascript tweening engine
Turn.js - The page flip effect in HTML5
[GitHub] thednp / kute.js - is a native Javascript animation engine featuring great code quality, badass performance, morphSVG, drawSVG, 2D and 3D transforms, SVG transforms, colors, as well as other CSS3 properties or presentation attributes.
PhysicsJS - A modular, extendable, and easy-to-use physics engine for javascript
Matter.js - is 2D physics engine for the web
Physics Sandbox - Fun Physics Projects
- [GitHub] micaeloliveira / physics-sandbox - This repo contains simple physics simulations
- The Book of Shaders - This is a gentle step-by-step guide through the abstract and complex universe of Fragment Shaders.
three.js - JavaScript 3D library
20 Impressive Examples for Learning WebGL with Three.js | Tutorialzine
Shader Particle Engine - A GLSL-heavy particle engine for THREE.js. Based on Stemkoski's great particle engine
Building 3D in the browser with Three.js | Webdesigner Depot
[GitHub] nxxcxx / Neural-Network - Abstract visualization of biological neural network
Babylon Engine for HTML5 - Babylon.js is a webgl / javascript 3D engine.
Voodoo - is a new Javascript framework that lets you easily mix 2D and 3D content together on the same page.
[GitHub] PixelsCommander / HTML-GL - Get as many FPS as you need and amazing effects by rendering HTML/CSS in WebGL
[GitHub] turbo / js - perform massive parallel computations in your browser with GPGPU
[GitHub] patriciogonzalezvivo / glslEditor - Simple WebGL Fragment Shader Editor
[GitHub] FuzzYspo0N / realtime-multiplayer-in-html5 - an example using node.js, socket.io and HTML5 Canvas to explain and demonstrate realtime multiplayer games in the browser.
EndGate - a game framework to build powerful HTML5 games
Senshi | Zolmeister - an open source MMO Battle-Royale inspired HTML5 game
- [GitHub] sourceful / game-engines - HTML5 Game Engines list
JSNES - A JavaScript NES emulator
Game Closure - The Game Closure DevKit. 100% JavaScript. Build your games faster than ever before! Native speed. Write HTML5 games that outperform the competition.
Joy.JS - A Joyful HTML5 2D Game Engine
Collie is a Javascript library that helps to create highly optimized animations and games using HTML 5.
Construct 2 - The Free HTML5 Game Engine
enchant.js - A simple JavaScript framework for creating games and apps
IIOEngine - An interactive app framework for HTML5 built with canvas and javascript
Phaser 1.0 - Desktop and Mobile HTML5 Game Framework is released
[GitHub] beakable / isometric - HTML5 Canvas Isometric Engine
[GitHub] suffick / Clarity - A simple, customisable and scriptable platform game engine. Demo
[GitHub] melonjs / melonJS - a fresh & lightweight javascript game engine
PlayCanvas Engine - is the world’s easiest to use WebGL Game Engine
Web Fundamentals | Google Developers - Best practices for modern web development
[GitHub] google / web-starter-kit
- Web Starter Kit | Google Developer - Boilerplate & Tooling for Multi-Device Development
Can I use offline web applications? - Compatibility table for support of offline web applications in desktop and mobile browsers.
[GitHub] pazguille / offline-first - Everything you need to know to create offline-first web apps
[GitHub] offlinefirst / research - Links, feedback, comments, resources, anything pertaining to offline first research.
AppCache, manifest, mundo offline e ServiceWorker | Eduardo Matos
Building Offline Experiences with HTML5 AppCache and IndexedDB | IEBlog
Criação de experiências offline com AppCache e IndexedDB | MSDN Br
[YouTube] O elo perdido: sincronizando webapps html5 com o servidor (node.js) - Slides
A Comprehensive Guide to Taking your HTML5 Game Offline | HTML5 Gamer
Simple Offline Data Synchronization for Mobile Web and PhoneGap Applications
Top 10 Performance Techniques for PhoneGap and Hybrid Apps - Slides Available
- Is This Thing On? (Part 1) - Detect and manage online/offline connectivity in Web/mobile applications
- [GitHub] appium / appium - Automation tests for iOS and Android Apps
Screensiz.es is a nifty little database of screen specifications for the most popular devices on the market.
It’s not a web app. It’s an app you install from the web | Forecast Blog
Fries: Prototype Android apps using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Nativo ou Web? Técnicas e Dicas em JavaScript móvel | InfoQ Br
- [GitHub] paulirish / iOS-WebView-App - Simple iOS app that loads a web page created to ease debugging a uiWebView
Ionic - The Most Advanced HTML5 Mobile App Framework. Ionic utilizes AngularJS in order to create a framework most suited to develop rich and robust applications.
Mastering the Ionic Framework: Learn to Build & Deploy Native Speed HTML5 Based Apps | Thinkster
Sample Mobile Application with Ionic and AngularJS | Christophe Coenraets
Ionic – Mobile UI Framework for PhoneGap/Cordova Developers | Devgirl's Weblog
[GitHub] ccoenraets / ionic-slides - Slides for my Ionic talk at the Fluent Conference, April 21st 2015.
Guia Rápido de Desenvolvimento para Firefox OS - Criando apps com HTML5 para o Firefox OS (eBook)
[GitHub] buildingfirefoxos / bfxos-brackets - Building Firefox OS with Adobe Brackets extension
[GitHub] tehsis / webinstaller - Helper for installing Mozilla webapps
[GitHub] robnyman / Firefox-OS-Boilerplate-App - Creating Firefox OS apps
Apache Cordova - is a platform for building native mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Cordova + Web Best Practices | Gaunt Face - Matthew Gaunt - Getting PhoneGap / Cordova up and running with Yeoman
Apache Cordova, removendo os 300ms de delay entre o toque e o click | Igor Costa
Building Robust Cordova Apps with AppBuilder and Grunt | Telerik Developer Network
PhoneGap is a free and open source framework that allows you to create mobile apps using standardized web APIs for the platforms you care about.
Phonegap 3.0 mais rápido e muito mais adaptável | Igor Costa
PhoneGap Build - Package mobile apps in the cloud. - Simply upload your HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript assets to the Adobe® PhoneGap™ Build cloud service and we do the work of compiling for you.
[GitHub] Medic - Continuous integration setup for Apache Cordova
Continuous Integration of iOS Projects using Jenkins, CocoaPods, and Kiwi
AppGyver Steroids - Build PhoneGap based apps with native performance. Rapidly.
[GitHub] calvinl / ng-phonegap - Grunt workflow for building AngularJS applications on PhoneGap
Andrew Trice
Christophe Coenraets
Apache Cordova Tutorial - In this tutorial, you will learn strategies and best practices to build native-like mobile applications with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. You will build an Apache Cordova (aka PhoneGap) Employee Directory application from scratch using the Single Page Architecture, HTML templates, touch events, and performance optimization techniques.
Hardware-Accelerated Page Transitions for Mobile Web Apps / PhoneGap Apps
[GitHub] ccoenraets / pull-to-refresh - Example of Using Pull-To-Refresh in PhoneGap / Cordova apps
How to upload pictures from a PhoneGap Application to Node.js (and other servers)
[GitHub] coolaj86 / HelloNode - An installable example node app
AppJS - for Linux, Windows and Mac using HTML, CSS and Javascript
Desktop Apps with HTML5 and the Mozilla Web Runtime | Mozilla Apps
TideSDK - Create multi-platform desktop apps with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript - TideSDK formerly known as Titanium Desktop is the best way to create beautiful, unique desktop apps using your web development skills.
Introduction to HTML5 Desktop Apps With Node-Webkit | Nettuts+