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Why is XDXF better than other dictionary formats?

Alexander Astafiev edited this page Jun 6, 2023 · 3 revisions

DISCLAIMER. Please, remember that these features are supported in format specification, but whether they are implemented depends on dictionary program.

XDXF format allows you to:

  1. to see translation previews even before opening word articles:

Note the gray words on the right side of drop-down list

  1. group lexical entries into categories. This way you can easily get the list of all words that are nouns or verbs that are irregular (e.g. 'inquisition' belong to a category 'Medieval history' or 'boxers' belong to 'Pluralia tantum')

Clickable directories on Wiktionary (see at the bottom). The same is possible with XDXF

  1. to make references to any designated part of the article. This might become handy if you have pretty long articles, and you want to link only to one specific meaning of the letter A

  2. to be never bothered with lousy dictionary layout/colors: since the format contains only sematic-structural information and representational one, you can set in a dictionary program whichever representation (color, layout, indentation etc.) you like

  3. to have a full-fledged thesaurus or ontology that supports all kinds of semantic relations (like synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms, etc.)

  4. to have rich meta information about dictionary and file: who published the dict, who converted it, the version history, URL of the dictionary owner etc.

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