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Fundamental Soot objects

nguyenLisa edited this page Sep 30, 2014 · 6 revisions

Soot has a large and complicated class hierarchy. This document will introduce the reader to some of the most important classes for developing extensions to Soot.

This document is meant to be read after the tutorial Creating a class from scratch is understood. It builds on the knowledge gained from that example. We describe here the notions of Body, Unit, Local, Value, UnitBox and ValueBox.

All about Bodys

In the tutorial Creating a class from scratch, the concept of a Body was introduced briefly. This section will describe Body in more detail.

Recapping from the previous lesson, Soot uses a Body to store code for a method. There are four kinds of Body in Soot - namely, BafBody, JimpleBody,ShimpleBody and GrimpBody - one for each intermediate representation.

Also, recall that a chain is a list-like data structure providing constant-time access to chain elements, including insertion and removal.

The three principal chains in a Body are the Units chain, the Locals chain and the Traps chain. The following example will illustrate the role of each of these chains.

Consider the following Java method:

public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception
    int x = 2, y = 6;

    System.out.println(x * y + y);
        int z = y * x;
    catch (Exception e)
        throw e;

After Jimplification, we have the following abbreviated jimple code:

public static void main(java.lang.String[]) throws java.lang.Exception
    java.lang.String[] r0;
    int i0, i1, i2, $i3, $i4; $r1, $r2;
    java.lang.Exception $r3, r4;

    r0 := @parameter0;
    i0 = 2;
    i1 = 6;
    $r1 = java.lang.System.out;
    $r2 = java.lang.System.out;
    $i3 = i0 * i1;
    $i4 = $i3 + i1;

    i2 = i1 * i0;

    goto label3;

    $r3 := @caughtexception;
    r4 = $r3;
    throw r4;


    catch java.lang.Exception from label0 to label1 with label2;

Local variables

The locals in this method are seen at the top of the method:

    java.lang.String[] r0;
    int i0, i1, i2, $i3, $i4; $r1, $r2;
    java.lang.Exception $r3, r4;

The collection of Locals is stored in the localChain and accessible via body.getLocals(). Each intermediate representation may define its own implementation of Local; however, it must always be possible, for every Local r0, to call r0.getName(), r0.getType(), r0.setName() and r0.setType. Note that local variables must be typed.


To support Java exception handling, Soot Body's define the notion of traps. The idea is that in Java bytecode, exception handlers are represented by a tuple (exception, start, stop, handler); between the start and stop units (including start, but not including stop), if the exception is thrown, execution continues at handler.

In the example, there is one trap:

    catch java.lang.Exception from label0 to label1 with label2;


The most interesting part of a Body is its chain of Units. This is the actual code contained in the Body. Jimple provides the Stmt implementation of Unit, while Grimp provides the Inst implementation. This reflects the fact that each IR has its own notion of statement.

An example of a Jimple Stmt is the AssignStmt, which represents a Jimple assignment statement. One AssignStmt would be:

x = y + z;


Code always acts on data. To represent the data, Soot provides the Value interface. Some different types of Values are:

  • Locals
  • Constants
  • Expressions (Expr)
  • ParameterRefs, CaughtExceptionRefs and ThisRefs.

The Expr interface, in turn, has a panoply of implementations; among them are NewExpr and AddExpr. In general, an Expr carries out some action on one or several Values and returns another Value.

Here's a real live use of some Values:

x = y + 2;

This is an AssignStmt. Its leftOp is x and its rightOp is y+2, an AddExpr. The AddExpr, in turn, contains the Values y and 2 as its operands; the former is a Local while the latter is a Constant.

In Jimple, we enforce the requirement that all Values contain at most 1 expression. Grimp lifts this restriction, producing easier-to-read but harder-to-analyse code.


Boxes are ubiquitous in Soot. The main idea to keep in mind is that a Box is a pointer. It provides indirect access to Soot objects.

A more descriptive name for Box would have been Ref. Unfortunately, Ref has a different meaning for Soot.

There are two kinds of Boxes in Soot - the ValueBox and the UnitBox. Not surprisingly, a UnitBox contains Units while a ValueBox contains Values. In C++, these would be simply (Unit *) and (Value *) respectively.

We now describe each type of Box.

The UnitBox

Some types of Units will need to contain references to other Units. For instance, a GotoStmt needs to know what its target is. Hence, Soot provides the UnitBox, a Box that contains a Unit.

Consider the following jimp code:

    x = 5;
    goto l2;
    y = 3;
l2: z = 9;

Each Unit must provide getUnitBoxes(). For most UnitBoxes, this returns the empty list. However, in the cast of a GotoStmt, then getUnitBoxes() returns a one-element list, containing a Box pointing to l2.

Note that a SwitchStmt will, in general, return a list with many boxes.

The notion of a Box comes in especially useful for modifying code. Say we have a statement s:

  s: goto l2;

and a stmt at l2:

l2:  goto l3;

It is clear that s can point to l3 instead of l2, regardless of the actual type of s; we can do this uniformly, for all kinds of Units:

public void readjustJumps(Unit s, Unit oldU, Unit newU)
    Iterator ubIt = s.getUnitBoxes.iterator();
    while (ubIt.hasNext())
        StmtBox tb = (StmtBox);
        Stmt targ = (Stmt)tb.getUnit();

        if (targ == oldU)

Some code similar to this is used in Unit itself, to enable the creation of PatchingChain, an implementation of Chain which adjusts pointers to Units which get removed from the Chain.

The ValueBox

Analogously to Units, we often need a notion of a pointer to a Value. This is represented by the ValueBox class. For a Unit, we can always get a list of ValueBoxes, containing values used and defined in that Unit.

We can use these boxes to carry out constant folding: if an AssignStmt evaluates an AddExpr adding two constant values, we can statically add them and put the result into the UseBox.

Here is an example of folding AddExprs.

public void foldAdds(Unit u)
    Iterator ubIt = u.getUseBoxes().iterator();
    while (ubIt.hasNext())
        ValueBox vb = (ValueBox);
        Value v = vb.getValue();
        if (v instanceof AddExpr)
            AddExpr ae = (AddExpr) v;
            Value lo = ae.getOp1(), ro = ae.getOp2();
            if (lo instanceof IntConstant && ro instanceof IntConstant)
                IntConstant l = (IntConstant) lo,
                      r = (IntConstant) ro;
                int sum = l.value + r.value;

Note how this works for any Unit, regardless of type.

Unit revisited

We now discuss the different methods that any Unit must provide.

public List getUseBoxes();
public List getDefBoxes();
public List getUseAndDefBoxes();

These methods return Lists of ValueBoxes for values used, defined, or both, in this Unit. For the getUseBoxes() method, all values used are returned; this includes expressions as well as their constituent parts.

public List getUnitBoxes();

This method returns a List of UnitBoxes for units pointed to by this method.

public List getBoxesPointingToThis();

This method returns a List of UnitBoxes which contain this Unit as their target.

public boolean fallsThrough();
public boolean branches();

These methods have to do with the flow of execution after this Unit. The former method returns true if execution can continue to the following Unit, while the latter returns true if execution might continue to some Unit which isn't immediately after this one.

public void redirectJumpsToThisTo(Unit newLocation);

This method uses getBoxesPointingToThis to change all jumps to this Unit, pointing them instead at newLocation.

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